Ismailis Vs. Shemailis


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And a fun time was had by all.

Anyway, we need more people standing up against these twisted demons attempting to degrade and pervert the children.

Hamtramck, Mich., was founded by Polish immigrants. It was a very Polish city. They used to have a library, until someone colored in the book. They closed their hall of records because the needle broke. They didn’t levy taxes, because no one in town was Jewish. They once tried to elect a standing committee, but folks didn’t want to be on their feet all day. There’s no city seal because they couldn’t build a big enough pond.

But these days, Hamtramck has gone from 90 percent Polish to 90 percent Muslim (in 2013 it became the first Muslim-majority city in the U.S.).

Why Muslims would flock to a city with “ham” in the name is a mystery.

What’s not a mystery is that the akbars of Hamtramck and nearby Dearborn (42 percent Arab) are not pleased with the fact that schools in greater metro Detroit are going tranny. Last week furious Muslims stormed a school board meeting, demanding the removal of LGBT books and lesson plans. According to the Detroit Free Press, protesters carried signs saying “Stop brainwash our children,” “Quit grooming students, you sexually perverted animals,” “Homosexuality Big Sin,” and “If democracy matters, we’re the majority.”

When a tranny counterprotester named Sam Smalley told the Muslims they were hurting his feelings, one hetero haji replied, “Go cry!”

“Try to make our kids ‘genderqueer’? Ummah kick your ass.”

The Free Press tried to blame “conservative Christians” for “influencing some in the city’s Muslim population.” Sure, because if there’s one thing Muslims are, it’s easily swayed by other faiths. Remember that time an Israeli asked Hamas, “Oy, enough with the terrorism already, okay?” and Hamas was like, “Whatever you say, boss—the Jewed abides.”

For leftist school boards, the Muslim protests pose a dilemma; normally, tranny propagandists aren’t up against people who have a habit of getting homicidal when they get mad. All of a sudden, that kindergarten textbook Muhammad Has Two Daddies doesn’t seem like such a swell idea.

Although, to be fair, these days Islamists don’t refer to their favorite pastime as “beheading,” but “stature reassignment surgery.”

Why Muslims would flock to a city with “ham” in the name is a mystery.
Muslims aren't adverse to the word ham in the city's name.
In fact, they have no problem eating a hamburger because it doesn't contain swine.
Although, if the town was named Porkville.
Then I doubt they'd move there. ... :)
Follow up to Excalibur's post....
it’s safe to say that most Muslim Americans see the U.S. Constitution — and particularly the First Amendment — as a kind of contract which prohibits them from undertaking literal war against American government so long as that government honors the stipulations of religious liberty accorded to all American citizens and lawful residents. The whole dar al-harb (abode of war)/dar al-Islam (abode of Islam) dichotomy really does not capture the general Muslim worldview, since there are also such concepts as dal al-‘ahd (abode of treaty/contract) which allow for interfaith civility.


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