Isn't it funny how...

Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?

How many of you are excoriating Hollywood over allegations that occurred in some cases decades ago. It seems the only time that it is a problem is when it is your guy. I believed the accusations against Clinton and I believe the accusations against Moore.
I believe the board needs another 50-100 threads about Roy.

Seriously, Roy is the proving ground for RW's to be able to showcase their ability to tolerate anything their political counterparts can come up with no matter how fucking disgusting and perverted they can get.
There is no evidence that Moore acted improperly. None at all. What we have are baseless accusation by the left of alleged events that happened decades ago. Then there is the evidence that was forged in support of those accusations. Liberal scum bags will stop at nothing to win.

this no evidence thing has really taken hold with morons ...

no evidence-wont accept evidence-will accept internet evidence.

these scatterbrain idgets are all over the planet.
And yet there is no evidence that will stand up in a court of law. That is what matters. Nothing else. Accusations are just that. Accusations. I could make the accusation that you are a tranny pedophile. But without evidence it is meaningless.

There is proof. One of the accusers told several people about it after it happened. That is as much proof as Juanita Brodderick had against Clinton. Are her allegations meaningless?
BTW, if you dont think republicans will do everything to win as well you are a moron.
God you're an idiot. The Swamp Repubs have completely thrown him under the bus based solely on accusations from an UGLY Hillary worker. Repubs can never do enough to satisfy the Clinton zombies. Some of us will fight back. Sorry we don't all just roll over and die so you can get your way in everything.
I believe the board needs another 50-100 threads about Roy.

Seriously, Roy is the proving ground for RW's to be able to showcase their ability to tolerate anything their political counterparts can come up with no matter how fucking disgusting and perverted they can get.
There is no evidence that Moore acted improperly. None at all. What we have are baseless accusation by the left of alleged events that happened decades ago. Then there is the evidence that was forged in support of those accusations. Liberal scum bags will stop at nothing to win.

this no evidence thing has really taken hold with morons ...

no evidence-wont accept evidence-will accept internet evidence.

these scatterbrain idgets are all over the planet.
And yet there is no evidence that will stand up in a court of law. That is what matters. Nothing else. Accusations are just that. Accusations. I could make the accusation that you are a tranny pedophile. But without evidence it is meaningless.

gfy -- proof, no proof its totally irrelevant to RW pissants -- dipshits accept what they want, when they want - F everything else
Yeah. Just like liberals and Russian collusion. LOL! This brouhaha over Judge more is more of the same. Allegations with absolutely no evidence to back it up. Oh wait. There is evidence, but it's a forgery. LOL! So, YOU can GFY, you liberal turd.

Says you and your right wing looney tunes. You are a far right turd. There is plenty of evidence Russia had several contacts with Trump campaign officials. Papadopolous had several contacts with Russia. Donald Trump Jr had contact with a Russian expecting to receive dirt on Clinton.
There is no evidence that Moore acted improperly. None at all. What we have are baseless accusation by the left of alleged events that happened decades ago. Then there is the evidence that was forged in support of those accusations. Liberal scum bags will stop at nothing to win.

this no evidence thing has really taken hold with morons ...

no evidence-wont accept evidence-will accept internet evidence.

these scatterbrain idgets are all over the planet.
And yet there is no evidence that will stand up in a court of law. That is what matters. Nothing else. Accusations are just that. Accusations. I could make the accusation that you are a tranny pedophile. But without evidence it is meaningless.

gfy -- proof, no proof its totally irrelevant to RW pissants -- dipshits accept what they want, when they want - F everything else
Yeah. Just like liberals and Russian collusion. LOL! This brouhaha over Judge more is more of the same. Allegations with absolutely no evidence to back it up. Oh wait. There is evidence, but it's a forgery. LOL! So, YOU can GFY, you liberal turd.

Says you and your right wing looney tunes. You are a far right turd. There is plenty of evidence Russia had several contacts with Trump campaign officials. Papadopolous had several contacts with Russia. Donald Trump Jr had contact with a Russian expecting to receive dirt on Clinton.
And Hillary had contacts paid for dirt! Burn them all!
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
Under that theory, Sandusky of Penn St is innocent, no?

Why you are wasting your time defending this guy and why dems are wasting their time crucifying him is moronic.

I dont give two shits what happens to the miserable puke ... RW's defending him to the death speaks volumes.
Why do you think we are defending him? It's because liberals will do ANYTHING to win. And we have seen no credible evidence to back up these accusations. You assume he's guilty, without evidence. We assume he's innocent for the same reason. If he is convicted, I will be the first to condemn him. But he's innocent until proven guilty.

The Senate race is not a court of law. It is about character especially when he is running on character. There is credible evidence but you refuse to accept it. You want to focus on irrelevancies like what phone she used.
this no evidence thing has really taken hold with morons ...

no evidence-wont accept evidence-will accept internet evidence.

these scatterbrain idgets are all over the planet.
And yet there is no evidence that will stand up in a court of law. That is what matters. Nothing else. Accusations are just that. Accusations. I could make the accusation that you are a tranny pedophile. But without evidence it is meaningless.

gfy -- proof, no proof its totally irrelevant to RW pissants -- dipshits accept what they want, when they want - F everything else
Yeah. Just like liberals and Russian collusion. LOL! This brouhaha over Judge more is more of the same. Allegations with absolutely no evidence to back it up. Oh wait. There is evidence, but it's a forgery. LOL! So, YOU can GFY, you liberal turd.

Says you and your right wing looney tunes. You are a far right turd. There is plenty of evidence Russia had several contacts with Trump campaign officials. Papadopolous had several contacts with Russia. Donald Trump Jr had contact with a Russian expecting to receive dirt on Clinton.
And Hillary had contacts paid for dirt! Burn them all!

No she did not. The dossier used information that Steele had received from Russian contacts not from meetings with Russians from his days as a British agent. If the Russians wanted to help Clinton they would not have hacked the DNC servers and mixed false information with real information and made it public.
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?

No, it's not that funny.

In fact, it's pretty standard when it comes to these kinds of things. Want to know why none of this came to light before? Because Moore was Deputy DA, so any charges against him would go through his office. Moore was supposed to be one of those who protects people from predators like himself. Instead, he used his office to insulate him from any consequences for his predation.

He belongs in jail.
Innocent until proven guilty.

using your logic, the women are telling the truth until proven to be liars ..

so gfy
You wouldn't know a logical argument if it slept with you. Not that one ever would stoop so low. The constitution protects the accused. Not the accuser. Those women have the burden of proof. They also have no evidence. So, by your own argument, my accusation that you are a trans-gender pedophile is true until proven false.

It also protects the accuser as well. However a Senate race is not a court of law. You people don't seem to be concerned about Bill Clinton's constitutional rights. Isn't he presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
You wouldn't know a logical argument if it slept with you. Not that one ever would stoop so low. The constitution protects the accused. Not the accuser. Those women have the burden of proof. They also have no evidence. So, by your own argument, my accusation that you are a trans-gender pedophile is true until proven false.

So another fake lawyer spreading fake shit on the message board...what else is new?

First-person accounts are evidence and proof. Moore made the accusation the women were lying, so the burden of proof is on Moore, not these women.

Stop pretending like you know what you're saying. You don't and it's embarrassing.
I don't care how many witnesses there are. The burden of proof is on the prosecution. An accusation is not proof. People lie under oath. Especially when politics is involved. Witnesses also must be credible. And we have that falsified evidence that the woman produced. That's why I believe he's innocent. If he was guilty they wouldn't have to produce fake evidence. Would they?

That supposedly false information is false. The only fake evidence that I can see is what Moore defenders are putting out.
I don't care how many witnesses there are. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.

In a court of law, yes, but this isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. Secondly, first person accounts are evidence and proof. So the women who said Moore did these things to them...them saying that is the proof and evidence. It's on Moore to clear his name and prove that he wasn't a pervy pedophile. Good luck with that, BTW. How's it gonna help your case that Moore was banned from a mall for perving on high schoolers?

An accusation is not proof.

It is if it's a first person account. You don't really grasp this, do you? Are you even a real person, or are you just a propagandist? What gives?

People lie under oath. Especially when politics is involved.

So if people lie under oath, then we should just not have a court system at all, then, and settle issues the old fashioned way, right? That seems to be what you want. Here's the thing, in that system you will still lose. Because you're a weakling, a pussy, and a fraud that fools no one. And when it comes to lying under oath, no one does it better than Sessions...who lied his ass off today under oath again.

Also, why wouldn't Moore lie under oath?

Witnesses also must be credible. And we have that falsified evidence that the woman produced. That's why I believe he's innocent. If he was guilty they wouldn't have to produce fake evidence. Would they?

None of you have discredited any of these women. The ones being discredited here are the right-wing propagandists like you who are spreading lies on the internet.
None of those women have provided any evidence to back up what they say. I would even go so far as to believe that they have been paid to offer false testimony by the Democrats. It wouldn't be the first time. There is also the fact that this whole thing remained buried until the election. Why didn't these women come out earlier?

Why didn't the allegations come out against Weinstein earlier? Maybe it is because women are more willing to talk about it. There is evidence and Moore's performance on Hannity was muddled at best.
BTW, if you dont think republicans will do everything to win as well you are a moron.
God you're an idiot. The Swamp Repubs have completely thrown him under the bus based solely on accusations from an UGLY Hillary worker. Repubs can never do enough to satisfy the Clinton zombies. Some of us will fight back. Sorry we don't all just roll over and die so you can get your way in everything.

You are the idiot. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are swamp repubs? The person in question did not work for Clinton. She worked for deaf people. The fact is that you are the zombie. There are those of us who can say we believe Clinton harassed women, Trump harassed women, and Moore harassed women.
Who's judging? Most simply want her investigated.

Most don't, in fact. So you fucking lied there. Most people want Moore to step down because most people believe the women, including Conservatives like McConnell, Lee, and Cassidy. So this is another propagandist technique...invent a societal position then argue from that false societal position. Conservatives simply cannot make truthful arguments about anything. They have to establish false standards they then abandon the moment it undermines their argument.

There is also that very long list of people who knew or worked for the Clinton's who wound up dead under mysterious circumstances. Fact. Vince Foster was SHOT TWICE in the BACK OF THE HEAD and it was ruled a suicide. Others have been scheduled to testify against the Clinton's and wound up dead. Don't you find that the least bit suspicious?

Whataboutism rearing its head here. It's a technique used by propagandists on the right to attempt to deflect the conversation away from the real subject. The intention is to illicit an emotional response which you then use as a red herring to escape a debate you know you can't win.

So why are you being such a big, gigantic, wet, smelly pussy? Don't you have any balls? Did Putin cut 'em off and promised you'd get them back if you posted enough propaganda. Well, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you're never getting your balls back. They're gone.
McConnell is not a Conservative. Only an idiot would believe that.
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
You haven’t really listened have you? Take your partisan hat off for a second and try and deal in facts. Y’all even have Hannity now saying that he thinks Moore is lying.
Innocent until proven guilty, PUNK!
It’s not a trial dipshit... Moore isnt being indicted. But there is an election and he is up for a seat in our senate... if you can’t listen to 5 accusers backed up by over 30 witnesses and weigh that against the judges account then draw a conclusion, then you are more of a mindless drone then Ioriginally thought
That's nice. What about the faked evidence they produced? Don't you have a problem with that? If he's guilty, why would someone fake evidence?
Sure I’d have a problem with fake evidence and with people who lie. I️ don’t see that in this case. Why is Hannity calling Moore a liar and saying he believes the accusers?
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
You haven’t really listened have you? Take your partisan hat off for a second and try and deal in facts. Y’all even have Hannity now saying that he thinks Moore is lying.
Innocent until proven guilty, PUNK!
It’s not a trial dipshit... Moore isnt being indicted. But there is an election and he is up for a seat in our senate... if you can’t listen to 5 accusers backed up by over 30 witnesses and weigh that against the judges account then draw a conclusion, then you are more of a mindless drone then Ioriginally thought
Even if all that is true, it should not affect the election. He can be removed after he's elected. Assuming he's found guilty. Besides, why are you liberals so concerned about criminal behavior? Almost every single liberal in Congress is a felon. LOL! You don't seem to have a problem with that. Do you?
Of course i do. If somebody is a felon then they should be held accountable. I just don’t listen to obviously ignorant statements like “almost every single liberal in congress is a felon” that’s just stupidity
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
You haven’t really listened have you? Take your partisan hat off for a second and try and deal in facts. Y’all even have Hannity now saying that he thinks Moore is lying.
Innocent until proven guilty, PUNK!
It’s not a trial dipshit... Moore isnt being indicted. But there is an election and he is up for a seat in our senate... if you can’t listen to 5 accusers backed up by over 30 witnesses and weigh that against the judges account then draw a conclusion, then you are more of a mindless drone then Ioriginally thought
Even if all that is true, it should not affect the election. He can be removed after he's elected. Assuming he's found guilty. Besides, why are you liberals so concerned about criminal behavior? Almost every single liberal in Congress is a felon. LOL! You don't seem to have a problem with that. Do you?
I just don’t listen to obviously ignorant statements like “almost every single liberal in congress is a felon” that’s just stupidity
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
You haven’t really listened have you? Take your partisan hat off for a second and try and deal in facts. Y’all even have Hannity now saying that he thinks Moore is lying.
Innocent until proven guilty, PUNK!
It’s not a trial dipshit... Moore isnt being indicted. But there is an election and he is up for a seat in our senate... if you can’t listen to 5 accusers backed up by over 30 witnesses and weigh that against the judges account then draw a conclusion, then you are more of a mindless drone then Ioriginally thought
Even if all that is true, it should not affect the election. He can be removed after he's elected. Assuming he's found guilty. Besides, why are you liberals so concerned about criminal behavior? Almost every single liberal in Congress is a felon. LOL! You don't seem to have a problem with that. Do you?
Of course i do. If somebody is a felon then they should be held accountable. I just don’t listen to obviously ignorant statements like “almost every single liberal in congress is a felon” that’s just stupidity
Do you believe that Judge Moore is guilty?
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
You haven’t really listened have you? Take your partisan hat off for a second and try and deal in facts. Y’all even have Hannity now saying that he thinks Moore is lying.
Innocent until proven guilty, PUNK!
It’s not a trial dipshit... Moore isnt being indicted. But there is an election and he is up for a seat in our senate... if you can’t listen to 5 accusers backed up by over 30 witnesses and weigh that against the judges account then draw a conclusion, then you are more of a mindless drone then Ioriginally thought
That's nice. What about the faked evidence they produced? Don't you have a problem with that? If he's guilty, why would someone fake evidence?
Sure I’d have a problem with fake evidence and with people who lie. I️ don’t see that in this case. Why is Hannity calling Moore a liar and saying he believes the accusers?
They manufactured fake evidence against him.

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