Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

None of the things that the dimshitscum have done in their reign of TERROR, was done with the approval of the MAJORITY of Americans, That is why they lost so many political positions. They had more than one ballot for or against gay Marriage, and it lost overwhelmingly on EVERY ballot. Yet it was forced on the people against their will. That was played out over many different ideas, and many different laws. THE FACTS do not even support the idea that clinton won the popular vote, or that ANY of the things the dimshits did was supported by the majority of the people. The majority of the people HATE what they are doing Now especially wasting the time of our elected representatives with their vile treasonous attacks against OUR PRESIDENT. The idea that anyone would support any action against the President by a group of elitist ruling class pseudointellectuals is in itself bordering on criminal activity. and should be treated just as the severed head, the willful calls for violent confrontation against sitting government officials, and the constant threats against the President NEED to be addressed with swift decisive ULTRA HARSH takedowns and immediate trials and incarceration in SOLITARY confinement till execution. It is the only way to deal with leftist terrorist. THOSE who are insane do not know they are insane, they consider their aberrant behavior normal. It is normal to respond to an attacker in kind or more violently. It is not normal to assault someone, or try to force someone to subjugate themselves to your will as liberal lying shit do. Those calling for Trumps Psychoanalysis are the ones who need it.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Pomp and circumstance are nice in peacetime. We are not at peace.

What's different now from 2015 when those words were written....By Trump?

Do you have a link for that?
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Have to disagree. The most powerful people in the world are the ones with the most money, not the POTUS.
My working assumption has been that President Trump really only cares about making more money, which is what he will do during and after his presidency. I don't think he really cares too much about actual ideology. Money is what he appears to be after.
I think the reason money is so important to Trump is that it serves to build his already massive ego. I agree, I don't think he really cares much about ideology, thus he is prone to drastic changes of positions. I just hope that "making America Great Again" aligns with inflating his own ego. If so, he may be a good president for America.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Have to disagree. The most powerful people in the world are the ones with the most money, not the POTUS.
My working assumption has been that President Trump really only cares about making more money, which is what he will do during and after his presidency. I don't think he really cares too much about actual ideology. Money is what he appears to be after.
I think the reason money is so important to Trump is that it serves to build his already massive ego. I agree, I don't think he really cares much about ideology, thus he is prone to drastic changes of positions. I just hope that "making America Great Again" aligns with inflating his own ego. If so, he may be a good president for America.

You really think it's money?

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Have to disagree. The most powerful people in the world are the ones with the most money, not the POTUS.
Except that POTUS has the power to have them neutralized with extreme prejudice. ;)
If Project Veritas was honest press, you'd have a point.

Every video they produce is heavily editorialized and edited, with one agenda- to gather evidence that supports their thesis, and disregard the rest.

The dishonest press is CNN, as Veritas proved. You just don't like that they exposed the party of Fuhrer Soros.
Just CNN? Doubtful. Yes, there's definitely bias, but "Project Veritas" is equally biased. They only attack those politically opposed to the far RW agenda. Where is their expose' on Fox? Russian Television? Breitbart? Infowars?

About | Project Veritas
Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to:

Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site. The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.

We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

A noble goal that is belied by the fact that O'Keefe only targets those he opposes, not all "corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions". Note his top stories and other "investigations": Project Veritas | Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.

While I don't like the idea of billionaires like Soros manipulating the American public, I also don't like RW billionaires like the Koch brothers doing the same thing. Does anyone know where O'Keefe gets most of his funding? That can't be cheap.

At least the Koch Brothers emphasis is on public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Their stated vision, as described in the CATO Institute charter is to create free, open, and civil societies founded on libertarian principles.

Soros' agenda is more socialism, more government control, along with a kind of soft Marxism shrouded in a 'one world government' concept.

President Trump's agenda is far more aligned with the Koch Brothers than it is with Soros.

The Koch's don't like Trump and refused to support him, except for the outcast black sheep brother.

I think it isn't that they don't like him, but he isn't far enough right of center for them. The Koch Brothers are ideological libertarians. President Trump is no ideologue--he looks for ways to get something done and doesn't measure that via libertarian principles. So yes, Trump is going to ruffle the Koch feathers now and then even though he does a lot they also support.

. . .(Charles) Koch, the chief executive of Koch Industries, is known along with his brothers Bill and David as a substantial source of funding for conservative candidates. Although Bill supported Trump in the previous election, Charles and Bill didn't. (I think they meant Charles and David here.)
  • In the (Washington) Post, Koch approved of many of Trump's actions as president, including his "thoughtful approach to regulatory reform," and his appointing Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

    "At the same time, I view some actions of this administration as counterproductive. These include broad travel bans, discouraging free trade and a tendency toward rhetoric that too easily divides Americans instead of uniting them.
Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Have to disagree. The most powerful people in the world are the ones with the most money, not the POTUS.
My working assumption has been that President Trump really only cares about making more money, which is what he will do during and after his presidency. I don't think he really cares too much about actual ideology. Money is what he appears to be after.
I think the reason money is so important to Trump is that it serves to build his already massive ego. I agree, I don't think he really cares much about ideology, thus he is prone to drastic changes of positions. I just hope that "making America Great Again" aligns with inflating his own ego. If so, he may be a good president for America.

You really think it's money?

No, I think it's ego......
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.

You exhibit one of the greater fallacies that conservatives cling to like a pit bull on a towel. That one instance of something, one anecdotal utterance then covers all of everything everywhere forever. It is the laziest way to try to put forth a weak argument. OR, you are too ignorant to understand anything more complex. In addition, you project YOUR emotion out onto the world, assuming other people feel exactly as you do on all things.

The world is larger than you can imagine.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Have to disagree. The most powerful people in the world are the ones with the most money, not the POTUS.
My working assumption has been that President Trump really only cares about making more money, which is what he will do during and after his presidency. I don't think he really cares too much about actual ideology. Money is what he appears to be after.
I think the reason money is so important to Trump is that it serves to build his already massive ego. I agree, I don't think he really cares much about ideology, thus he is prone to drastic changes of positions. I just hope that "making America Great Again" aligns with inflating his own ego. If so, he may be a good president for America.

You really think it's money?

No, I think it's ego......

Thank you.

That's all I see.

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.

You exhibit one of the greater fallacies that conservatives cling to like a pit bull on a towel. That one instance of something, one anecdotal utterance then covers all of everything everywhere forever. It is the laziest way to try to put forth a weak argument. OR, you are too ignorant to understand anything more complex. In addition, you project YOUR emotion out onto the world, assuming other people feel exactly as you do on all things.

The world is larger than you can imagine.

Except the US is the world.

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.

You exhibit one of the greater fallacies that conservatives cling to like a pit bull on a towel. That one instance of something, one anecdotal utterance then covers all of everything everywhere forever. It is the laziest way to try to put forth a weak argument. OR, you are too ignorant to understand anything more complex. In addition, you project YOUR emotion out onto the world, assuming other people feel exactly as you do on all things.

The world is larger than you can imagine.

Except the US is the world.


You really think Russia , China or NK would want to take on the US military?

Amazing how much Trumps own words repeatedly come back to haunt him...

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”


First hit when searching quote= Anderson Cooper Uses Trump’s Own Words To Show How ‘Weak’ The President Is

Second hit when searching quote= Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

Coincidence? Hardly.

Bonus! Friday Talking Points -- 'You Crazy, Lunatic, 70-Year-Old Man-Baby' | HuffPost

^Posted before a thread on it is made here. :banana:

Here's a DJT quote for ya:

We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. -Donald Trump
Read more at: Donald Trump Quotes

By the way, the quote from the OP is NOT there.

That's because it's an excerpt from a book he allegedly wrote. (Had ghost written)
Amazing how much Trumps own words repeatedly come back to haunt him...

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”


First hit when searching quote= Anderson Cooper Uses Trump’s Own Words To Show How ‘Weak’ The President Is

Second hit when searching quote= Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

Coincidence? Hardly.

Bonus! Friday Talking Points -- 'You Crazy, Lunatic, 70-Year-Old Man-Baby' | HuffPost

^Posted before a thread on it is made here. :banana:

Here's a DJT quote for ya:

We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. -Donald Trump
Read more at: Donald Trump Quotes

By the way, the quote from the OP is NOT there.

That's because it's an excerpt from a book he allegedly wrote. (Had ghost written)

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Asking drumpf to act like an adult is like asking a pig to stop wallowing in it's own filth. He's a pig in his DNA, he cannot be anything else. His own wife won't hold hands with him and his daughter cringes whenever this boar tries to hug her. He is a grotesque caricature of a human being.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.

You exhibit one of the greater fallacies that conservatives cling to like a pit bull on a towel. That one instance of something, one anecdotal utterance then covers all of everything everywhere forever. It is the laziest way to try to put forth a weak argument. OR, you are too ignorant to understand anything more complex. In addition, you project YOUR emotion out onto the world, assuming other people feel exactly as you do on all things.

The world is larger than you can imagine.
Says the guy who previously prided himself on his cool logic and derided others for being emotional children.

Dude, when you make a claim of being logically superior then get in a snit and become all emotional when called on it, it makes you look like a hypocrite.

FWIW, when you call me, a person who support gay marriage, abortion, women's rights, workfare and several other traditionally LW social causes, a "conservative", it reveals just how far left you truly are. Fucking Isaac Newton would be ashamed such a person as you is soiling his name.
You really think Russia , China or NK would want to take on the US military?
Not quite sure where that question came from given the context of the discussion, but the answer is "no", which is why they are using espionage, cyberwarfare, politics and other non-military means to attack us, to undermine our nation. It appears to be working since we have many Americans attacking the US government and siding with the Russians.

Did you see Dale Smith say the CIA was an enemy of the US but Russia was our friend?
Amazing how much Trumps own words repeatedly come back to haunt him...

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”


First hit when searching quote= Anderson Cooper Uses Trump’s Own Words To Show How ‘Weak’ The President Is

Second hit when searching quote= Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

Coincidence? Hardly.

Bonus! Friday Talking Points -- 'You Crazy, Lunatic, 70-Year-Old Man-Baby' | HuffPost

^Posted before a thread on it is made here. :banana:

Here's a DJT quote for ya:

We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. -Donald Trump
Read more at: Donald Trump Quotes

By the way, the quote from the OP is NOT there.

That's because it's an excerpt from a book he allegedly wrote. (Had ghost written)


Already provided...By you.
The dishonest press is CNN, as Veritas proved. You just don't like that they exposed the party of Fuhrer Soros.
Just CNN? Doubtful. Yes, there's definitely bias, but "Project Veritas" is equally biased. They only attack those politically opposed to the far RW agenda. Where is their expose' on Fox? Russian Television? Breitbart? Infowars?

About | Project Veritas
Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to:

Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site. The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.

We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

A noble goal that is belied by the fact that O'Keefe only targets those he opposes, not all "corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions". Note his top stories and other "investigations": Project Veritas | Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.

While I don't like the idea of billionaires like Soros manipulating the American public, I also don't like RW billionaires like the Koch brothers doing the same thing. Does anyone know where O'Keefe gets most of his funding? That can't be cheap.

At least the Koch Brothers emphasis is on public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Their stated vision, as described in the CATO Institute charter is to create free, open, and civil societies founded on libertarian principles.

Soros' agenda is more socialism, more government control, along with a kind of soft Marxism shrouded in a 'one world government' concept.

President Trump's agenda is far more aligned with the Koch Brothers than it is with Soros.

The Koch's don't like Trump and refused to support him, except for the outcast black sheep brother.

I think it isn't that they don't like him, but he isn't far enough right of center for them. The Koch Brothers are ideological libertarians. President Trump is no ideologue--he looks for ways to get something done and doesn't measure that via libertarian principles. So yes, Trump is going to ruffle the Koch feathers now and then even though he does a lot they also support.

. . .(Charles) Koch, the chief executive of Koch Industries, is known along with his brothers Bill and David as a substantial source of funding for conservative candidates. Although Bill supported Trump in the previous election, Charles and Bill didn't. (I think they meant Charles and David here.)
  • In the (Washington) Post, Koch approved of many of Trump's actions as president, including his "thoughtful approach to regulatory reform," and his appointing Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

    "At the same time, I view some actions of this administration as counterproductive. These include broad travel bans, discouraging free trade and a tendency toward rhetoric that too easily divides Americans instead of uniting them.
Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
Just CNN? Doubtful. Yes, there's definitely bias, but "Project Veritas" is equally biased. They only attack those politically opposed to the far RW agenda. Where is their expose' on Fox? Russian Television? Breitbart? Infowars?

About | Project Veritas
Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to:

Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site. The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.

We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

A noble goal that is belied by the fact that O'Keefe only targets those he opposes, not all "corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions". Note his top stories and other "investigations": Project Veritas | Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.

While I don't like the idea of billionaires like Soros manipulating the American public, I also don't like RW billionaires like the Koch brothers doing the same thing. Does anyone know where O'Keefe gets most of his funding? That can't be cheap.

At least the Koch Brothers emphasis is on public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Their stated vision, as described in the CATO Institute charter is to create free, open, and civil societies founded on libertarian principles.

Soros' agenda is more socialism, more government control, along with a kind of soft Marxism shrouded in a 'one world government' concept.

President Trump's agenda is far more aligned with the Koch Brothers than it is with Soros.

The Koch's don't like Trump and refused to support him, except for the outcast black sheep brother.

I think it isn't that they don't like him, but he isn't far enough right of center for them. The Koch Brothers are ideological libertarians. President Trump is no ideologue--he looks for ways to get something done and doesn't measure that via libertarian principles. So yes, Trump is going to ruffle the Koch feathers now and then even though he does a lot they also support.

. . .(Charles) Koch, the chief executive of Koch Industries, is known along with his brothers Bill and David as a substantial source of funding for conservative candidates. Although Bill supported Trump in the previous election, Charles and Bill didn't. (I think they meant Charles and David here.)
  • In the (Washington) Post, Koch approved of many of Trump's actions as president, including his "thoughtful approach to regulatory reform," and his appointing Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

    "At the same time, I view some actions of this administration as counterproductive. These include broad travel bans, discouraging free trade and a tendency toward rhetoric that too easily divides Americans instead of uniting them.
Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

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