Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

At least the Koch Brothers emphasis is on public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Their stated vision, as described in the CATO Institute charter is to create free, open, and civil societies founded on libertarian principles.

Soros' agenda is more socialism, more government control, along with a kind of soft Marxism shrouded in a 'one world government' concept.

President Trump's agenda is far more aligned with the Koch Brothers than it is with Soros.

The Koch's don't like Trump and refused to support him, except for the outcast black sheep brother.

I think it isn't that they don't like him, but he isn't far enough right of center for them. The Koch Brothers are ideological libertarians. President Trump is no ideologue--he looks for ways to get something done and doesn't measure that via libertarian principles. So yes, Trump is going to ruffle the Koch feathers now and then even though he does a lot they also support.

. . .(Charles) Koch, the chief executive of Koch Industries, is known along with his brothers Bill and David as a substantial source of funding for conservative candidates. Although Bill supported Trump in the previous election, Charles and Bill didn't. (I think they meant Charles and David here.)
  • In the (Washington) Post, Koch approved of many of Trump's actions as president, including his "thoughtful approach to regulatory reform," and his appointing Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

    "At the same time, I view some actions of this administration as counterproductive. These include broad travel bans, discouraging free trade and a tendency toward rhetoric that too easily divides Americans instead of uniting them.
Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

That's just another leftwinger attacking Trump. What did this guy say about Clinton getting a hummer in the Ofal Office?
The Koch's don't like Trump and refused to support him, except for the outcast black sheep brother.

I think it isn't that they don't like him, but he isn't far enough right of center for them. The Koch Brothers are ideological libertarians. President Trump is no ideologue--he looks for ways to get something done and doesn't measure that via libertarian principles. So yes, Trump is going to ruffle the Koch feathers now and then even though he does a lot they also support.

. . .(Charles) Koch, the chief executive of Koch Industries, is known along with his brothers Bill and David as a substantial source of funding for conservative candidates. Although Bill supported Trump in the previous election, Charles and Bill didn't. (I think they meant Charles and David here.)
  • In the (Washington) Post, Koch approved of many of Trump's actions as president, including his "thoughtful approach to regulatory reform," and his appointing Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

    "At the same time, I view some actions of this administration as counterproductive. These include broad travel bans, discouraging free trade and a tendency toward rhetoric that too easily divides Americans instead of uniting them.
Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?
No need for pomp and circumstance

The guy in the oval office is just a guy like any other
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
I agree. I miss the days of Selling the Lincoln bedroom and sex in the oval office with interns. Those were the days when the office was respected.....


I suspect it will be a while before that image is changed

Not when Republicans elect a sexually harassing womanizing that makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.
One acts like a douche, the other plays with it.

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes

And Mafia Boss Hillary would be far less respectable.

Oh and anyone who defended Obama for 8 years has NO room to criticize.
In this case, if we go with the 'bull in the china shop' metaphor, we are getting rid of a lot of unnecessary and ugly bric a brac that should have been discarded long ago and making room for a brighter future.

Those of us who elected Trump didn't elect him for his dignified manner, and ability to play the part of the 'perfect politician'. We've had those types for far too long and all it has netted us is crushing debt, regulation, and taxes along with impossible mandates, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and a sluggish economy that has hurt many millions of Americans.

We didn't want another member of the professional politicians permanent political class. We want somebody who wasn't afraid to do things differently, who wasn't tied to the status quo, who didn't adhere to the principle of 'we've always done it that way.'

Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.



Cool story.

You hate the truth?


In those two words you managed to divine my truth-hating.

Excellent abilities.

Do you do children's parties?

Speaking of "children's parties"

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes

And Mafia Boss Hillary would be far less respectable.

Oh and anyone who defended Obama for 8 years has NO room to criticize.
Says a rwnj
Just be careful that he only clears away what YOU want.

Thing is, in this metaphor, bulls don't have a hell of a lot of control.

Yep, sounds like Trump.

Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.



Cool story.

You hate the truth?


In those two words you managed to divine my truth-hating.

Excellent abilities.

Do you do children's parties?

Speaking of "children's parties"


Oh, hun.......we don't want your picture for our party's seal.
That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

Not true. The people who elected Obama twice were just too stupid to show up in 2010&2014 and they didn't vote for Hillary for s
That's what they were hired to do.

They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

But he got re elected? This proves many things. Gerrymandering, the people who elected Obama didn't show up for midterms or for Hillary.

I almost wish you guys would have killed Obamacare so all those stupid millions of people would have lost their healthcare. They could only blame themselves...and republicans

It is rare that presidential incumbents don't win reelection. Though it makes you cry and fans your already out of control rage, Trump will win reelection just as Obama did.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes

And Mafia Boss Hillary would be far less respectable.

Oh and anyone who defended Obama for 8 years has NO room to criticize.
Says a rwnj

To you hate filled, frothing at the mouth fascists, everyone not goosestepping beside you is a "rwnj" (What happened to tea bagger? I thought you fascist loved having my balls in your face? :dunno: )
Trump once again cleaned up in only 6 months Obama's mess of trying to fundamentally change America into Europe.



Cool story.

You hate the truth?


In those two words you managed to divine my truth-hating.

Excellent abilities.

Do you do children's parties?

Speaking of "children's parties"


Oh, hun.......we don't want your picture for our party's seal.

That was really weak, well into the bottle of Chardonnay, are we?
They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

Not true. The people who elected Obama twice were just too stupid to show up in 2010&2014 and they didn't vote for Hillary for s
They were hired to govern.

Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

But he got re elected? This proves many things. Gerrymandering, the people who elected Obama didn't show up for midterms or for Hillary.

I almost wish you guys would have killed Obamacare so all those stupid millions of people would have lost their healthcare. They could only blame themselves...and republicans

It is rare that presidential incumbents don't win reelection. Though it makes you cry and fans your already out of control rage, Trump will win reelection just as Obama did.
Bush 1&2 didn't or almost didn't. We will see. Our sides gonna show up.

Will the independents who took a chance show up again?

Remember we aren't running Hillary again. Probably oprah
Cool story.

You hate the truth?


In those two words you managed to divine my truth-hating.

Excellent abilities.

Do you do children's parties?

Speaking of "children's parties"


Oh, hun.......we don't want your picture for our party's seal.

That was really weak, well into the bottle of Chardonnay, are we?

Bourbon, dear. Chardonnay is for California pussies like yourself. :)
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.
Even slimy lying Ted Cruz would be more respectable. Trumps embarrassing but I love it! Republicans are proving they'll defend anything. This can not be fun for them or don. He's the king of snowflakes

And Mafia Boss Hillary would be far less respectable.

Oh and anyone who defended Obama for 8 years has NO room to criticize.
Says a rwnj

To you hate filled, frothing at the mouth fascists, everyone not goosestepping beside you is a "rwnj" (What happened to tea bagger? I thought you fascist loved having my balls in your face? :dunno: )
I just know a rwnj comment when I see one
You hate the truth?


In those two words you managed to divine my truth-hating.

Excellent abilities.

Do you do children's parties?

Speaking of "children's parties"


Oh, hun.......we don't want your picture for our party's seal.

That was really weak, well into the bottle of Chardonnay, are we?

Bourbon, dear. Chardonnay is for California pussies like yourself. :)
And I'm not drunk. I'm high
If Project Veritas was honest press, you'd have a point.

Every video they produce is heavily editorialized and edited, with one agenda- to gather evidence that supports their thesis, and disregard the rest.

The dishonest press is CNN, as Veritas proved. You just don't like that they exposed the party of Fuhrer Soros.
Just CNN? Doubtful. Yes, there's definitely bias, but "Project Veritas" is equally biased. They only attack those politically opposed to the far RW agenda. Where is their expose' on Fox? Russian Television? Breitbart? Infowars?

About | Project Veritas
Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to:

Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site. The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.

We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

A noble goal that is belied by the fact that O'Keefe only targets those he opposes, not all "corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions". Note his top stories and other "investigations": Project Veritas | Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.

While I don't like the idea of billionaires like Soros manipulating the American public, I also don't like RW billionaires like the Koch brothers doing the same thing. Does anyone know where O'Keefe gets most of his funding? That can't be cheap.

At least the Koch Brothers emphasis is on public policies based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Their stated vision, as described in the CATO Institute charter is to create free, open, and civil societies founded on libertarian principles.

Soros' agenda is more socialism, more government control, along with a kind of soft Marxism shrouded in a 'one world government' concept.

President Trump's agenda is far more aligned with the Koch Brothers than it is with Soros.
Disagreed. None of those assholes are altruists. They're all just using populism to manipulate the American public for their own ends. O'Keefe's "Project Veritas" (Project Truth) is as honest and even handed as Orwell's "Ministry of Truth". Frankly, I'm sick of the increasingly strident partisan bullshit that has passed for US politics for the past three decades. I think many Americans have the same concerns as polls have consistently proved.

Project Varitas is designed to sting the fascists. It is no different than what CNN and NBC do every day. What angers the left is that there is balance, they don't like having their same tricks used on them.
Amazing how much Trumps own words repeatedly come back to haunt him...

The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”


I don't know that they haunt him, but they sure enrage you Nazis, which makes me smile.

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