Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office


What's Trump doing wrong?

He's not bowing and kow towing before the rulers of their Reich, the way Dubya did. And you KNOW how well the Reich and their vicious propaganda corps treated Bush, it really paid off to be civil to these Nazi scum.... :eusa_whistle:

Trump gives back to the Nazis exactly what he gets, and they are going insane over it.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?

It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

What's Trump doing wrong?

He's not bowing and kow towing before the rulers of their Reich, the way Dubya did. And you KNOW how well the Reich and their vicious propaganda corps treated Bush, it really paid off to be civil to these Nazi scum.... :eusa_whistle:

Trump gives back to the Nazis exactly what he gets, and they are going insane over it.
Are you talking about the Saudis? That the Iraq War spilled American blood and a trillion dollars of taxpayer money for oil?
It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

No clue DW. But most libertarians take a much more live and let live approach and are much more likely to judge based on a person's actions and much less likely based on their demeanor, manner of speech, etc. And I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas.
It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

You seem left-libertarian to me, where I am right-libertarian.

What's Trump doing wrong?

He's not bowing and kow towing before the rulers of their Reich, the way Dubya did. And you KNOW how well the Reich and their vicious propaganda corps treated Bush, it really paid off to be civil to these Nazi scum.... :eusa_whistle:

Trump gives back to the Nazis exactly what he gets, and they are going insane over it.
Are you talking about the Saudis? That the Iraq War spilled American blood and a trillion dollars of taxpayer money for oil?

No, I'm talking the corrupt press that carries water for the democrats and their globalist oligarch masters.

Dubya always tried to play nice with these scum, and repeatedly got kicked in the nuts by them.

Trump kicks back, to his credit.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
So going off on twitter showing his alter ego of being a misogynist pig is what the country needs right now?
Watching TV over 5 hours a day to see what people are saying about him is what the country needs?
Lard ass has spent 10% of his time on twitter talking about cable news hosts... longer than talking about the opioid crisis, Syria or Iran.
How is that what the country needs?

What's Trump doing wrong?

He's not bowing and kow towing before the rulers of their Reich, the way Dubya did. And you KNOW how well the Reich and their vicious propaganda corps treated Bush, it really paid off to be civil to these Nazi scum.... :eusa_whistle:

Trump gives back to the Nazis exactly what he gets, and they are going insane over it.
Are you talking about the Saudis? That the Iraq War spilled American blood and a trillion dollars of taxpayer money for oil?

No, I'm talking the corrupt press that carries water for the democrats and their globalist oligarch masters.

Dubya always tried to play nice with these scum, and repeatedly got kicked in the nuts by them.

Trump kicks back, to his credit.
Corrupt press? Lol. Like Infowars, Gateway Pundit and Breitbart?
Conservatives don't think the office of the presidency should be held in high esteem.
There isn't ANYTHING Trump will do that they won't defend. Sad and sick.
Donnie Littlefingers is making a mockery of the presidency.

What's Trump doing wrong?

He's not bowing and kow towing before the rulers of their Reich, the way Dubya did. And you KNOW how well the Reich and their vicious propaganda corps treated Bush, it really paid off to be civil to these Nazi scum.... :eusa_whistle:

Trump gives back to the Nazis exactly what he gets, and they are going insane over it.
Are you talking about the Saudis? That the Iraq War spilled American blood and a trillion dollars of taxpayer money for oil?

No, I'm talking the corrupt press that carries water for the democrats and their globalist oligarch masters.

Dubya always tried to play nice with these scum, and repeatedly got kicked in the nuts by them.

Trump kicks back, to his credit.
Corrupt press? Lol. Like Infowars, Gateway Pundit and Breitbart?

I don't know about Infowars, but the other two are solid and reliable, unlike lying CNN with their never ending stream of fake news, or Bezos Washington Post hate rag snivling how unfair it is that their Fuhrer couldn't put in the president he wanted.
Conservatives don't think the office of the presidency should be held in high esteem.

Not since Clinton got in an made it his own personal brothel.

And just what esteem did you fucking Nazis hold the office in while Dubya was president?

You think that democrats should be worshiped as kings and gods, while you spat upon any not in your filthy fascist party.

There isn't ANYTHING Trump will do that they won't defend. Sad and sick.
Donnie Littlefingers is making a mockery of the presidency.

I have criticized Trump for many things, where you and you fellow goosestepping brown shirts NEVER criticized anything from your little tin god Obama.
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

You seem left-libertarian to me, where I am right-libertarian.

I guess I don't see libertarianism or classical liberalism as having a left or right though libertarian concepts will always put a person right of the political spectrum.

Libertarianism (little "L") is an ideology that predates America but came to its full fruition in the mid to late 18th century in the concepts presented by great minds such as John Locke who pulled it all together, Adam Smith and others of the Scottish enlightenment, plus .Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Condorcet and others of the French enlightenment et al

It advocates individual liberty under the rule of law enforced by strictly limited government that derives its power by consent of the people. It considers private property and unalienable rights to be inviolate, promotes a belief in mostly laissez-faire economic policy, and the right of the people to organize themselves into whatever sorts of societies they wish to be in order to share resources and provide whatever social services they choose to provide.

Libertarianism shares Thomas Hobbes; theory of government in that its purpose is to allow the people to protect themselves from each other and those who would use government to achieve personal power.
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

No clue DW. But most libertarians take a much more live and let live approach and are much more likely to judge based on a person's actions and much less likely based on their demeanor, manner of speech, etc. And I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas.
So, it's not my politics that don't make me libertarian, but the fact I have suspicions about the motives of the Koch brothers and their foundation, the CATO institute? Interesting.
When the 'OJ jury' elected BONOBO STRICTLY based on the color of his skin and then BONOBO took an 'apologizing' world tour any "pomp and circumstance" ended.
The fucking creep couldn't be bothered to return salutes or put his hand on his heart during the playing of the National Anthem half the time.
Talk about 'lowering the tone' of the presidency!
The creep was too busy teaching his daughter how to roll a joint.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

That's just another leftwinger attacking Trump. What did this guy say about Clinton getting a hummer in the Ofal Office?
I didn't like having a President then that I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my daughter alone with. And I'm not comfortable now having a President that I wouldn't leave my daughter alone with. Those drawing a distinction between the two men's behaviors are not seeing things clearly.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

That's just another leftwinger attacking Trump. What did this guy say about Clinton getting a hummer in the Ofal Office?
I didn't like having a President then that I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my daughter alone with. And I'm not comfortable now having a President that I wouldn't leave my daughter alone with. Those drawing a distinction between the two men's behaviors are not seeing things clearly.
Let's see. Would you be "comfortable" leaving your teenage daughter with Bill Clinton?
How about BONOBO? He'd be teaching her how to roll blunts.
The real question you ought to be asking is would you be "comfortable" leaving your teenage daughter alone with Hillary Clinton?
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The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

That's just another leftwinger attacking Trump. What did this guy say about Clinton getting a hummer in the Ofal Office?
I didn't like having a President then that I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my daughter alone with. And I'm not comfortable now having a President that I wouldn't leave my daughter alone with. Those drawing a distinction between the two men's behaviors are not seeing things clearly.
Let's see. Would you be "comfortable" leaving your teenage daughter with Bill Clinton?
How about BONOBO? He'd be teaching her how to roll blunts.
The real question you ought to be asking is would you be "comfortable" leaving your teenage daughter alone with Hillary Clinton?
Reading comprehension not a strength of yours, is it?
Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

No clue DW. But most libertarians take a much more live and let live approach and are much more likely to judge based on a person's actions and much less likely based on their demeanor, manner of speech, etc. And I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas.
So, it's not my politics that don't make me libertarian, but the fact I have suspicions about the motives of the Koch brothers and their foundation, the CATO institute? Interesting.

More interesting that you read that from my post which said nothing like that.
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
No worries. Most of the RWNJs think I'm a RINO and all of the LWLs think I'm a "Con". You thinking I'm not Libertarian, but something else, is par for the course. So what do you think I am, Fox?

No clue DW. But most libertarians take a much more live and let live approach and are much more likely to judge based on a person's actions and much less likely based on their demeanor, manner of speech, etc. And I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas.
So, it's not my politics that don't make me libertarian, but the fact I have suspicions about the motives of the Koch brothers and their foundation, the CATO institute? Interesting.

More interesting that you read that from my post which said nothing like that.
Fox, you're the one who claimed "I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian" and "I can't imagine any authentic libertarian putting the CATO Institute in the same category as the Clinton Foundation or Hamas".

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