Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office

Disagreed the Koch brothers are libertarians. Calling oneself a "social liberal" or a "libertarian" is one thing. Actually supporting issues on the subject are another thing.

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?

It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

/----- Pres Trumps tweets are really getting under your skin. Great news. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using

No psycho hack. His tweets are a symptom of insanity.
Disagreed. He's no more insane than most posters here. That said, by Trump standards, almost every person on USMB is qualified to be President.....and we're all better than Hillary!

that's funny.... he's certifiable.

maybe you just can't tell?
Quiet loon. Stop screwing up the country and supporting a sociopath and there won't be any complaints.

But the whining of the rabid right when the smart sane black guy was president is duly noted, hack.

You psychopath Nazis calling others "rabid" is beyond the pale. :lmao:

Quiet butter butter

You lack the power to silence others, Herr Goebbels.

whatever makes you feel good about your sad pathetic little self, wackjob
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.
You really think Russia , China or NK would want to take on the US military?
Not quite sure where that question came from given the context of the discussion, but the answer is "no", which is why they are using espionage, cyberwarfare, politics and other non-military means to attack us, to undermine our nation. It appears to be working since we have many Americans attacking the US government and siding with the Russians.

Did you see Dale Smith say the CIA was an enemy of the US but Russia was our friend?

You really are a gullible fool....the same mindset that killed Kennedy has only further entrenched themselves in every segment of this corporate "gubermint" entity. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how what is left of this country is being taken down from the inside and the jesuit ran CIA has played the biggest role in it. Do I have more respect for Putin and the way he governs than I do every CEO of USA.Inc since JFK? Fucking right on with that. He kicked out the Rothschild bankers and is dismantling the oligarchs network. I haven't been to Russia and I cannot not say for sure but I doubt I would feel less free there than I do here. My loyalty with my friends, family and fellow countrymen and women because I have ZERO loyalty to the corporate entity that is based out of Washington D.C and answers to the Vatican..all roads do indeed lead to Rome. So STFU, you mega-windbag and don't even try to take me on. I know so much more than you ever will. Are you going to don your military uniform that no longer fits July 4th you don't deserve by a throng of dull-witted and uninformed sheeple? I bet you will..............get all teary eyed when the ol' corporate banner is displayed, dupe.
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.

What's Trump doing wrong?
Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

Not true. The people who elected Obama twice were just too stupid to show up in 2010&2014 and they didn't vote for Hillary for s
Wrong! They were hired to represent their constituents' best interest, not govern.

That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

But he got re elected? This proves many things. Gerrymandering, the people who elected Obama didn't show up for midterms or for Hillary.

I almost wish you guys would have killed Obamacare so all those stupid millions of people would have lost their healthcare. They could only blame themselves...and republicans

It is rare that presidential incumbents don't win reelection. Though it makes you cry and fans your already out of control rage, Trump will win reelection just as Obama did.
Bush 1&2 didn't or almost didn't. We will see. Our sides gonna show up.

Will the independents who took a chance show up again?

Remember we aren't running Hillary again. Probably oprah
And you will have one less Democrat voting with you.
You really think Russia , China or NK would want to take on the US military?
Not quite sure where that question came from given the context of the discussion, but the answer is "no", which is why they are using espionage, cyberwarfare, politics and other non-military means to attack us, to undermine our nation. It appears to be working since we have many Americans attacking the US government and siding with the Russians.

Did you see Dale Smith say the CIA was an enemy of the US but Russia was our friend?

You really are a gullible fool....the same mindset that killed Kennedy has only further entrenched themselves in every segment of this corporate "gubermint" entity. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how what is left of this country is being taken down from the inside and the jesuit ran CIA has played the biggest role in it. Do I have more respect for Putin and the way he governs than I do every CEO of USA.Inc since JFK? Fucking right on with that. He kicked out the Rothschild bankers and is dismantling the oligarchs network. I haven't been to Russia and I cannot not say for sure but I doubt I would feel less free there than I do here. My loyalty with my friends, family and fellow countrymen and women because I have ZERO loyalty to the corporate entity that is based out of Washington D.C and answers to the Vatican..all roads do indeed lead to Rome. So STFU, you mega-windbag and don't even try to take me on. I know so much more than you ever will. Are you going to don your military uniform that no longer fits July 4th you don't deserve by a throng of dull-witted and uninformed sheeple? I bet you will..............get all teary eyed when the ol' corporate banner is displayed, dupe.
Exactly what I'd expect a Putin supporter to say!
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held? That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the presidential. Impressions matter.”

I seldom, if ever, agree with the individual that allegedly wrote those words, but in this case they are spot on.

Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.

What's Trump doing wrong?

besides the fact that he's inane and incompetent?

trump hacks are funny
Yeah, that'd be great, unfortunately, that's not what's needed right now.

What's needed right now is a bull in a china shop. ;)

Pretty sure that's exactly the case right now as well. :badgrin:

even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.

What's Trump doing wrong?

besides the fact that he's inane and incompetent?

trump hacks are funny

How so , elaborate...?

Just because words hurt your little feelings don't mean he is incompetent and inane..


even if one believes that a "bull in a china shop" is needed (which is idiotic in and of itself), it should at least be a smart, sane bull....

this orange sociopath isn't either smart or sane.

too bad you hate your fellow Americans more than you love your country.

I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.

What's Trump doing wrong?

besides the fact that he's inane and incompetent?

trump hacks are funny

How so , elaborate...?

Just because words hurt your little feelings don't mean he is incompetent and inane..



what are you talking about? :rofl:

try to put a cogent thought together, dum dum
I do love my country, and my fellow Americans. If one can't recognize that Trump is smart, and doing what's

needed for people to succeed, well, where does that put one on the intelligence scale?
If you really think that the fat senile old orange clown is smart, and doing what is best for this nation, that puts you at about the low two digits on the intelligence scale.

What's Trump doing wrong?

besides the fact that he's inane and incompetent?

trump hacks are funny

How so , elaborate...?

Just because words hurt your little feelings don't mean he is incompetent and inane..



what are you talking about? :rofl:

try to put a cogent thought together, dum dum

What are you on the rag and can't comprehend an easy question?

They founded the CATO Institute. If you can find a group anywhere that is more libertarian than they are, please advise.
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?

It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian? How can you possibly know if you dismiss their website as irrelevant or bullshit?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?

I am not doing an expose' nor was there any kind of expose' involved in unprofessionalism or exposed fake news at CNN. It was glaringly obvious to the people involved.

The Trump haters tried to sink candidate Trump for his past. Didn't work because the voters weren't voting for a past--they were voting for a vision of a shared future.

The Trump haters tried to sink candidate Trump for things he said on the campaign trail. Didn't work because most of it was pure bullshit and misrepresented what happened. And those who voted for him were smart enough to see it.

The Trump haters tried to sink candidate Trump and then President-elect Trump via the people he surrounded himself with. Didn't work because most or all of that was also manufactured bullshit or irrelevant and intellectually honest people knew it.

The Trump haters tried to sink candidate Trump by branding him as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, etc. Didn't work because all of that was bullshit and intellectually honest people knew it.

The Trump haters, determined to impeach President Trump on Day One of his presidency tried to sink him with the Russian thing. Didn't work because the "Russian thing" was fake news made up out of whole cloth.

Now the Trump haters are trying to sink President Trump with the new assigned talking points that he is mentally unfit or mentally ill. That isn't going to work either because it is absurd on the face of it. Most of the Trump haters could hope to be as mentally sharp as President Trump is when they are 70 years old.

Bring back pomp and circumstance and awe to the Presidential office? Where is the dignity, honesty, and respect for the office from the Trump haters? That's where you start.
Last edited:
The Libertarians.

Where does the CATO institute (and O'Keefe) fit on this scale?:

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?

It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)
The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues. . .​
About Cato

Their home page lists a menu of myriad topics, each a link to their position on that particular issue.

They for instance oppose Trump Care as they see it as a rescue of Obamacare and shifting the blame to the Republicans while not fixing much of anything.
That doesn't answer the question. What are their views on Libertarian issues as described in the graphic?

It DOES answer your question. And I gave your the preamble of what the are all about with a proper link and informed you that you could check out their position on numerous issues of policy. Who is to say that their definition of libertarianism isn't as good as yours?
A website's preamble is usually PR bullshit. Go to the Project Veritas website and their preamble is all about Truth, Justice and the American Way, but their actions are all biased to attacking those less than far right. They do an expose on CNN. Good. Where's the expose on Fox? Any right wing group that is dishonest, biased or untruthful?

Wow a lot of dodging and weaving here. What does Project Veritas have to do with CATO or the Koch Brothers?

You don't like my answer so its bullshit after you asked the question? You seemed like you wanted to know but you won't check out policy positions that are given at the same CATO link? And you maintain they are not libertarian?

What does Fox News have to do with CNN?
The fact remains a website preamble is more about PR than truth. It's actions that count. In the case of the group previously named "the Charles Koch Foundation", I agree many of them are Libertarian, but since the Koch brothers are behind them, I question their complete veracity just as I question other private foundations such as Hillary's or Hamas. Sure, they each do good work, but it's the stuff happening behind the scenes that bothers me. Sorry, but I try to avoid blindly accepting all that any group offers. Yes, even the Libertarians themselves. :)

I'm sorry but I don't believe you are libertarian or Libertarian. And please don't confuse libertarianism with the Libertarian Party because they are entirely different things though they do share some common ground.
That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

Not true. The people who elected Obama twice were just too stupid to show up in 2010&2014 and they didn't vote for Hillary for s
That is governing.

No it's not, they were hired to represent their constitutes best interest like Marion posted.

that's why Obama lost 900 plus seats.

We the people didn't want Obama's game.

But he got re elected? This proves many things. Gerrymandering, the people who elected Obama didn't show up for midterms or for Hillary.

I almost wish you guys would have killed Obamacare so all those stupid millions of people would have lost their healthcare. They could only blame themselves...and republicans

It is rare that presidential incumbents don't win reelection. Though it makes you cry and fans your already out of control rage, Trump will win reelection just as Obama did.
Bush 1&2 didn't or almost didn't. We will see. Our sides gonna show up.

Will the independents who took a chance show up again?

Remember we aren't running Hillary again. Probably oprah
And you will have one less Democrat voting with you.

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