Isn't launching a bogus impeachment against President Biden election interference?

He's bitter if there was anything to what he said we would have heard about it before 2021
Keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile you’re taking the word of Trump over a decorated combat veteran with a lifetime of service to the country.

That’s some really shitty judgement on your part.
View attachment 885761

Trump is a master of projection. Sure seems like election interference to me! What do you think?

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Trump is a master of projection. Sure seems like election interference to me! What do you think?
One of the responsibilities of a President is to ensure laws are enforced. Congress makes the laws, Presidents make sure people in his administration enforces the laws.

It should be obvious to everybody that Biden has not enforced our immigration laws.

Therefore he could be impeached. If removed from Office, Kamala Harris might feel it would be a good idea to allow the Border Patrol to do their real job for a change.
Yet Trump is still a better president than your hero xiden.
let's see trump killed 1,100,000 American citizens because of his incompetence ... Bide turn that mess around ... trump did nothing to help states rebuild their water systems and highways trump did nothing ,,,Today, Congress passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness. For far too long, Washington policymakers have celebrated “infrastructure week” without ever agreeing to build infrastructure. The President promised to work across the aisle to deliver results and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. After the President put forward his plan to do exactly that and then negotiated a deal with Members of Congress from both parties, this historic legislation is moving to his desk for signature.

our stock market is booming...Biden has got more people working than Trump ever did ... Bided has sent back more illegals to their country the Trump ever did ... all trump did was give his billionaire buddies a huge tax break an you as a citizen go to pay for that big tax break... so again tell us again how trump is still a better president than our hero Xiden ??? we would love to know what the orange turd did that was so heroic other then being responsible for 1,100,000 American deaths...
One of the responsibilities of a President is to ensure laws are enforced. Congress makes the laws, Presidents make sure people in his administration enforces the laws.

It should be obvious to everybody that Biden has not enforced our immigration laws.

Therefore he could be impeached. If removed from Office, Kamala Harris might feel it would be a good idea to allow the Border Patrol to do their real job for a change.
are you familiar with immigration laws??? these immigrants are filing for Asylum that's enforcing immigration law you idiot... it's obvious you don't know what you are talking about ... another moron Republican that confuses immigrants with illegals as for illegals are you aware that the Biden administration has sent back twice as many illegals in two years to their country then Trump did his whole time in office ...... were you aware of that??? are you aware that the republicans either filibuster every bill we dems tried to pass to get more border guards or when the republicans had control of the congress they did nothing except go after Hunter Biden while illegals flood the country... because there wasn't money allocated to hire boarder patrol ... that the republicans refused to bring to the floor for a vote because they were trying to find things Biden may have done so they can impeach him ... before you start shooting your mouth off about what Biden did or didn't do, don't you think you might look it up first instead of looking like a first-class fool ...
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Biden is interested in incest, according to his daughter's diary, while trump has a long history of dating mature adult super models

why do you support the democrats, who tell you how to live, steal your money, and give it to those corporations that support democrats

democrats tell you that you cant eat meat, burn gas, what kind of cars you can buy, and you love them for it, what kind of man are you? meaning, are you a man at all?
as for Bidens daughter and incest, there was no such thing in her diary nor was this information ever released on that ... just your conspiracy theorist at their bull shit stories ... you see as soon as they were aware of the diary being taken they filed in the courts to stop any things she had written into her diary so nothing ever got out to the press or public ... what happen was Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property. ...they went to jail the court got the diary and nothing was released ... you should check your sources first before looking like a fool here
where do you come up with this stuff ... are you saying Republicans aren't telling you how to live??? like banning books??? don't want little Barbie to know about homos??? or how white people use to kill black people at the drop of a dime ??? seems just because the democrats are for climate change and you morons are too stupid to understand what 99% of the scientist are saying, that you believe that 1% of Republican-bought and sold scientists who are telling you the truth... just because big oil doesn't want you to steal their cash cow ... I'm the kind of man who feels that you republicans have destroyed enough of this world with pollution ... burning gasses that cause people not being able to breathe or work in an environment that doesn't kill you first that's the kind of man I am ... we already know what kind of man you are ...a greedy bastard that thinks only of himself first ... kind of like trump
I think USMB has jumped the shark.

Most threads are now parodies of parodies of parodies.
As the Founders reasoned, IF someone running for President is shown to the electorate as unConstitutional and it is convincing, THEY WON"T VOTE FOR THEM !!! But if you put them on the ballot you make the only argument you can, becuase whoever votes for them does not think they shouldn't be on the ballot. This is elementary logic.
You write like a child. Care to let us look into your baby head so we can see who is kettle, who is pot.
C'mon, for Mommy ;)
I simplify things down to the basics so even a hypocrite like you can see your error. The problem is, liberals who stumble over the TRUTH, pick themselves up and continue on as though nothing ever happened

"Fucking leftist hypocrite" is what I meant to say.
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are you familiar with immigration laws??? these immigrants are filing for Asylum that's enforcing immigration law you idiot... it's obvious you don't know what you are talking about ... another moron Republican that confuses immigrants with illegals as for illegals are you aware that the Biden administration has sent back twice as many illegals in two years to their country then Trump did his whole time in office ...... were you aware of that??? are you aware that the republicans either filibuster every bill we dems tried to pass to get more border guards or when the republicans had control of the congress they did nothing except go after Hunter Biden while illegals flood the country... because there wasn't money allocated to hire boarder patrol ... that the republicans refused to bring to the floor for a vote because they were trying to find things Biden may have done so they can impeach him ... before you start shooting your mouth off about what Biden did or didn't do, don't you think you might look it up first instead of looking like a first-class fool ...

I liked the way Trump handled the immigration problem.

It’s Biden who opened the Mexican border wide open. For one thing, immigrants are supposed to enter at a point of entry, not anywhere the cartels choose.

The illegals are also paying the drug cartels big bucks to cross into our nation. It would not surprise me if Hunter set up a deal with the cartels and the Biden Crime Family is getting a kick back (Joe Biden would of course get his “Big Guy” 10%).

Human Smugglers Charging Up To $15,000 Per Person for U.S. Border Crossing

Despite the risks of injury and death that come with crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the business of human smuggling continues to attract customers. In a statement to Newsweek, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported prices range from a hundred to a few thousand dollars for Mexican nationals, from $8,000 to $10,000 for Central Americans, and from as high as $15,000 to more for people coming from Brazil or Ecuador.

If Joe Biden is doing everything right then why are the Border Patrol agents upset as they ar not allowed to do their job?

I liked the way Trump handled the immigration problem.
yeah, trump did nothing but talk about the walls he was going to build and have Mexico pay for it ... like everything trump does he lies about it then goes a play golf ...

It’s Biden who opened the Mexican border wide open. For one thing, immigrants are supposed to enter at a point of entry, not anywhere the cartels choose.

The illegals are also paying the drug cartels big bucks to cross into our nation. It would not surprise me if Hunter set up a deal with the cartels and the Biden Crime Family is getting a kick back (Joe Biden would of course get his “Big Guy” 10%).

Human Smugglers Charging Up To $15,000 Per Person for U.S. Border Crossing

Despite the risks of injury and death that come with crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the business of human smuggling continues to attract customers. In a statement to Newsweek, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported prices range from a hundred to a few thousand dollars for Mexican nationals, from $8,000 to $10,000 for Central Americans, and from as high as $15,000 to more for people coming from Brazil or Ecuador.

If Joe Biden is doing everything right then why are the Border Patrol agents upset as they ar not allowed to do their job?

and yet they came to the government to apply for am
I liked the way Trump handled the immigration problem.

It’s Biden who opened the Mexican border wide open. For one thing, immigrants are supposed to enter at a point of entry, not anywhere the cartels choose.
why is it you on the right put in information to make it look into something that wasn't ...these people had no connection with cartels ....these people came from other countries than Mexico... they want nothing to do with the cartels ...why do you lie like this... these people who came across the border came to a holding area ... they all waited to get in through the government assistance ... then you list a site on how to come in for asylum ...these people don't know laws they are ignorant about how things are done the proper way ... so they went the only way they knew how ...still they are on the government rolls we know who they are and where they were taken ...

The illegals are also paying the drug cartels big bucks to cross into our nation. It would not surprise me if Hunter set up a deal with the cartels and the Biden Crime Family is getting a kick back (Joe Biden would of course get his “Big Guy” 10%).
Human Smugglers Charging Up To $15,000 Per Person for U.S. Border Crossing
mexicans don't need to pay cartels anything
• Customs and Border Protection data shows that the number of southwest border encounters has exceeded 150,000 per month for 18 consecutive months.
• The data does not show that more than 150,000 people crossed the border illegally each month, because the data tracks events, not people. The same person might cross the border and be encountered by law enforcement more than once.
• Not all people who crossed the border were allowed into the United States. Some were expelled under a public health order intended to stop COVID-19 from spreading.

then you post a site on how much it costs... what's your point???? greed or what ??? these people paid up to 15,000 to be helped across the border... none of these people taking money had any connection with cartels where do you get this stuff???
Despite the risks of injury and death that come with crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, the business of human smuggling continues to attract customers. In a statement to Newsweek, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported prices range from a hundred to a few thousand dollars for Mexican nationals, from $8,000 to $10,000 for Central Americans, and from as high as $15,000 to more for people coming from Brazil or Ecuador.

If Joe Biden is doing everything right then why are the Border Patrol agents upset as they ar not allowed to do their job?

why is it you on the right put in information to make it into somethot wasn't
yeah, trump did nothing but talk about the walls he was going to build and have Mexico pay for it ... like everything trump does he lies about it then goes a play golf ...

and yet they came to the government to apply for am

why is it you on the right put in information to make it look into something that wasn't ...these people had no connection with cartels ....these people came from other countries than Mexico... they want nothing to do with the cartels ...why do you lie like this... these people who came across the border came to a holding area ... they all waited to get in through the government assistance ... then you list a site on how to come in for asylum ...these people don't know laws they are ignorant about how things are done the proper way ... so they went the only way they knew how ...still they are on the government rolls we know who they are and where they were taken ...

mexicans don't need to pay cartels anything
• Customs and Border Protection data shows that the number of southwest border encounters has exceeded 150,000 per month for 18 consecutive months.
• The data does not show that more than 150,000 people crossed the border illegally each month, because the data tracks events, not people. The same person might cross the border and be encountered by law enforcement more than once.
• Not all people who crossed the border were allowed into the United States. Some were expelled under a public health order intended to stop COVID-19 from spreading.

then you post a site on how much it costs... what's your point???? greed or what ??? these people paid up to 15,000 to be helped across the border... none of these people taking money had any connection with cartels where do you get this stuff???

why is it you on the right put in information to make it into somethot wasn't
The bottom line is the cartels are charging people to cross into our nation, It is not a lie.


The senior Border Patrol official also addressed the involvement of the Mexican drug cartels in the ongoing migrant surge.

“Cartels or transnational criminal organizations are taking advantage of the situation that we’re in. […] They charge every single person that comes across that border,” he said. The cartels are so sophisticated that they’re constantly switching the entry points they chose for migrant families, children and single adults to illegally come into the country.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) issued the following statement after the Committee released additional portions of transcribed interviews conducted with the U.S. Border Patrol chief patrol agents responsible for the sectors along the Southwest border. In the interviews, Border Patrol leadership confirmed the unprecedented influence the criminal cartels wield at the Southwest border, detailed the numerous ways these groups take advantage of the chaos and anti-enforcement policies under Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and described the abuses and atrocities committed by these organizations against individuals seeking to get to the Southwest border:

“In these shocking transcripts, chief patrol agents not only shed a light on the unprecedented control exercised by the criminal cartels at our Southwest border, but they also confirmed that Americans are ‘living in the theater of engagement.’ This means that the policies of Secretary Mayorkas have ceded ground along our border to these heartless criminals and have allowed their malign activities to destabilize cities and towns across the country.

“From overwhelming Border Patrol agents with mass crossings to purposefully putting the lives of migrants—including children—in danger, these cartels will stop at nothing to smuggle criminals across the border and deadly drugs into our communities, all while abusing, trafficking, and profiting off of vulnerable individuals. Secretary Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce the law and remove incentives for illegal crossings is enabling the cartels’ booming business model. This is completely unacceptable. Homeland Republicans are committed to holding Secretary Mayorkas accountable for allowing criminal cartels with no respect for human life to control our border.”

The House Committee on Homeland Security and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability conducted interviews with eight chief patrol agents and one deputy chief patrol agent from April-September 2023 to acquire more information about operations in their sectors and how the crisis has impacted the safety and security of the United States. These interviews were part of the Committees’ ongoing investigation into the causes, costs, and consequences of the unprecedented crisis at America’s borders, and the role of Secretary Mayorkas in facilitating and maintaining this crisis.


The cartels are also raking in historic profits from both drug and human smuggling, as well as human trafficking. As noted in the Committee’s report, the cartels were estimated to have made $13 billion in 2021 just off of human smuggling—and the number of individuals traveling through Mexico to the Southwest border has only increased since.


As Texas dips down far to the south here, this is the closest point on the border to Central America, so the agency encounters tens of thousands of Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Nicaraguans here each year, along with Mexicans displaced by violence elsewhere in the country. Many are parents with children. I also met some of a growing number of migrants now coming from Colombia, Haiti, and Venezuela. The vast majority hope to turn themselves in to U.S. authorities and ask for a chance to petition for asylum in the United States, claiming threats to their lives if returned.

This is also a busy route for migration because Mexican organized crime has locked down the routes across the border. Those who can pay several-thousand-dollar fees, selling everything they own and borrowing the rest, cross with cartel-sanctioned smugglers. It’s a huge moneymaker for organized crime, and for the corrupt Mexican security and migration officials who get paid to look the other way.

I was struck by the level of control that organized crime has over the lives of residents, and especially of migrants, in the Tamaulipas border cities of Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, and Matamoros. Cold War-era East German officials would be impressed. Nobody is allowed near the Rio Grande: riverfront parks sit empty. Those who try to cross without having paid a fee are beaten, or worse. Those who lack a “password” or other proof that they have paid cartels’ exorbitant fees are kidnapped. Migrants, including parents and children, get held in fetid stash houses, while their captors text terrifying videos to relatives in the United States, instructing them to transfer ransom payments in the thousands of dollars. If nobody pays, they are disappeared, enslaved—forced to perform labor for the cartels—or even killed. Mexican security forces almost never come to the rescue.

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