Isn't launching a bogus impeachment against President Biden election interference?

did you even read your post or what you said ... you said "House Republicans were pushing biden's criminal actions long before he made his declaration to run a second term". i said no they didn't and now you confirmed what i said was true ...
You are useless.
did you even read your post or what you said ... you said "House Republicans were pushing biden's criminal actions long before he made his declaration to run a second term". i said no they didn't and now you confirmed what i said was true ...
So you're saying a president can only be investigated only if he not going to run for a second term? And again Jo Biden was called sleepy Joe long before he was president.
stupid as they get ... a real maga idiot ...they know nothing about how ballots are designed or how voting machines work ... I do stop with your pathetic whimpering here ... you guys whine a lot when exposed to how stupid you really are ... we get it ... you've been exposed ...
You’re the idiot. States create their election laws. State legislatures are in charge you dim-wit.
stupid as they get ... a real maga idiot ...they know nothing about how ballots are designed or how voting machines work ... I do stop with your pathetic whimpering here ... you guys whine a lot when exposed to how stupid you really are ... we get it ... you've been exposed ...
Careful useful idiot you've been exposed so badly your ass is above your head
If something is not done about democrat controlled media they'll keep preaching the cult message and the sheeple will act accordingly.
What are you going to do? The constitution protects freedom of expression by the media.
Things is why do you a supposed moderate want the democrat cult media to lie?
How would you know they’re lying? You believe so many false things it would make sense you’d accuse them of lying even though they’re being good journalists.
How would you know they’re lying? You believe so many false things it would make sense you’d accuse them of lying even though they’re being good journalists.
The cult media has been lying since the Steele dossier. They have no credibility what so ever.
The cult media has been lying since the Steele dossier. They have no credibility what so ever.
Trump has been lying since far before then, but it doesn’t bother you. You aren’t smart enough to tell the difference between a credible source and one that just tells you what you want to hear.
Trump has been lying since far before then, but it doesn’t bother you. You aren’t smart enough to tell the difference between a credible source and one that just tells you what you want to hear.
Yes the media has been caught lying when they say he lied.
Yes the media has been caught lying when they say he lied.
You accuse the media of lying when they say something you dont like so that you don’t have to believe it.

Those stories turn out to be true, but you never admit it.


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