Isn't launching a bogus impeachment against President Biden election interference?

let's see trump killed 1,100,000 American citizens because of his incompetence ... Bide turn that mess around ... trump did nothing to help states rebuild their water systems and highways trump did nothing ,,,Today, Congress passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness. For far too long, Washington policymakers have celebrated “infrastructure week” without ever agreeing to build infrastructure. The President promised to work across the aisle to deliver results and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. After the President put forward his plan to do exactly that and then negotiated a deal with Members of Congress from both parties, this historic legislation is moving to his desk for signature.

our stock market is booming...Biden has got more people working than Trump ever did ... Bided has sent back more illegals to their country the Trump ever did ... all trump did was give his billionaire buddies a huge tax break an you as a citizen go to pay for that big tax break... so again tell us again how trump is still a better president than our hero Xiden ??? we would love to know what the orange turd did that was so heroic other then being responsible for 1,100,000 American deaths...
Everything you just said, fantasy bullshit.
Everything you just said, fantasy bullshit.
really !!!! in 2019, Trump was informed that there was a deadly virus called COVID-19 ... at that time he was told that he needed to shut down all plains, and ships coming into the US from all countries. ... what did Trump Do??? ... on tape to Bob Woodward doing a book on trump in his interview on tape he told Bob the reason he didn't shut down the people coming into the country it would make him look bad ... because the lost of money coming into the country and cause the market to drop its all on tape ...Trump said he felt, like all diseases it would reach its maximum numbers of deaths and people would become immune to the Covid 19 virus ... go read Bob Woodward book on trump ... it also said that there were drug mfg working on it in 2020 we started seeing people die of this virus in Washington state ...

then Florida it started and we had nothing to stop it ... trump was mad as hell he now was forced to shut down all countries from coming to the U.S. shell i go on are you going to call these actions Fantasy too ... there is so much that he did that was just unbelievable that ins stead of ording 300,000,000 because he lost the election he only ordered 500,000 doses ... if that's not incompetence I don't know what is ...we were luck to get Joe Biden elected as president ...

Businesses were shut down people lost jobs by the millions ... this order of 500,000 doses was a problem... you see Drug companies make what each country orders... they have to get all the doses for all the other buyers first before then they would make the 300,000,000 doses for the U.S. that Biden ordered ... all because of Trump's incompetence...many people died about a million of them ..

Not only did Biden get the doses ordered for all, the people who had lost their jobs he made so they could receive money from the government... to help them keep their businesses open and pay for their homes too ... many businesses it was too late for them ... by doing this he stops a huge problem that trump casused ... you seem to have forgotten what happened to us all because of this fool trump .. just recently on fox news along with Rupert Murdoch they where recorded saying they they had been saying that Biden was causing the country to lose its stock market and a huge loss of jobs ... they said that it seems Biden had double the numbers of jobs and the stock market has outperformed its self that trump was saying it was the exact opposite ... did ya miss that fantasy too ... or are you just one of those mega idiots who believes only what you master trump tells you ...
You'd think by now the GQP would have provided piles of evidence connecting all kinds of demonstrable facts to each other and specifically outlining the crime, what was done, who did it, and how they did it.

But, since their only goal here is just to divert from their Orange Lamb o' God's legal issues, they don't appear to be concerned with actually doing that. It's much easier to make unproven assumptions 'n stuff.
really !!!! in 2019, Trump was informed that there was a deadly virus called COVID-19 ... at that time he was told that he needed to shut down all plains, and ships coming into the US from all countries. ... what did Trump Do??? ... on tape to Bob Woodward doing a book on trump in his interview on tape he told Bob the reason he didn't shut down the people coming into the country it would make him look bad ... because the lost of money coming into the country and cause the market to drop its all on tape ...Trump said he felt, like all diseases it would reach its maximum numbers of deaths and people would become immune to the Covid 19 virus ... go read Bob Woodward book on trump ... it also said that there were drug mfg working on it in 2020 we started seeing people die of this virus in Washington state ...

then Florida it started and we had nothing to stop it ... trump was mad as hell he now was forced to shut down all countries from coming to the U.S. shell i go on are you going to call these actions Fantasy too ... there is so much that he did that was just unbelievable that ins stead of ording 300,000,000 because he lost the election he only ordered 500,000 doses ... if that's not incompetence I don't know what is ...we were luck to get Joe Biden elected as president ...

Businesses were shut down people lost jobs by the millions ... this order of 500,000 doses was a problem... you see Drug companies make what each country orders... they have to get all the doses for all the other buyers first before then they would make the 300,000,000 doses for the U.S. that Biden ordered ... all because of Trump's incompetence...many people died about a million of them ..

Not only did Biden get the doses ordered for all, the people who had lost their jobs he made so they could receive money from the government... to help them keep their businesses open and pay for their homes too ... many businesses it was too late for them ... by doing this he stops a huge problem that trump casused ... you seem to have forgotten what happened to us all because of this fool trump .. just recently on fox news along with Rupert Murdoch they where recorded saying they they had been saying that Biden was causing the country to lose its stock market and a huge loss of jobs ... they said that it seems Biden had double the numbers of jobs and the stock market has outperformed its self that trump was saying it was the exact opposite ... did ya miss that fantasy too ... or are you just one of those mega idiots who believes only what you master trump tells you ...
Funny, I remember it the other way around. Trump wanted to stop travel from China but pissoli and and her coven laughed at him. Knowing demscum track record with the truth, unable to tell it, I tend to believe that.
Funny, I remember it the other way around. Trump wanted to stop travel from China but pissoli and and her coven laughed at him. Knowing demscum track record with the truth, unable to tell it, I tend to believe that.
well go to Bob Woodward web site he has tapes that he recorded trump saying he didn't want to close down the country because it would make him look bad ... it's in his own words... Wherever you got your information from don't care, tape doesn't lie ...
the white house whore is Melania every body knows that ... you can't stand that Joe has recently in the polls show 52 % of the voters are for Joe and 48% are for Donald J (the rapist, criminal, and traitor ) trump is a loser now ...
Nope, the whore is the brain dead Biden. Melania isn't in the white house idiot.
Nope, the whore is the brain dead Biden. Melania isn't in the white house idiot. no trump is the brain dead one
really please explaine
when he confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, blaming her for failing to provide adequate security during the Jan. 6 riot. Psychiatrists call it “decompensating.” Ordinary people call it “losing your marbles.”

Courtesy of Michael Tomasky in The New Republic, here’s a transcript of what Trump said: “By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley ... you know they ... did you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it? All of it! Because of lots of things. Like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people. Soldiers, National Guard — whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t wanna talk about that. These are very dishonest people.” brain rattled you don't find Biden doing this kind of brain-dead shit just your hero Donnie the rapist criminal Trump ... he hasn't done anything that you imply here that questions his mental abilities ... he has shown them to be alert...
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Wasn’t everything done by the Dims to Trump designed to be election interference?

But of course!
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