Isn't The Exoneration Of These Men Just More CRT Gone Out Of Control??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Two men convicted of gunning down United States activist and civil rights advocate Malcolm X nearly six decades ago are to be cleared of the crime, according to a top New York law enforcement official. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office will move on Thursday to throw out the convictions of Muhammad A Aziz and Khalil Islam -- “These men did not get the justice that they deserved,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R Vance Jr told The New York Times.

The Manhattan investigation of the original case found prosecutors withheld evidence from the jury that pointed to other suspects and likely would have led to the acquittal of Aziz and Islam. “This wasn’t a mere oversight,” Deborah Francois, a lawyer for the men told the Times. “This was a product of extreme and gross official misconduct.”

First of all....isn't this CRT?? They are basically claiming that due to some type of reckless disregard for these men, or some systemic bias -- they were falsely convicted?? Why is it necessary to have to go back in the past and talk about this stuff?? Let alone exonerate 2 men who already did 20 years in prison and are probably dead -- that is all in the past...Why give ammunition to the racist leftist woke-mob? You are basically proving to them that there was and still is systemic racial bias built into many of our institutions (especially police and courts) -- just like that Marxist Satanic evil CRT doctrine teaches. It all can be blamed on this guy -- he is a racist muslim terrorist who allegedly is a historian and a tour gide in Washington DC -- -but what do we really know about him?? Even his name is evil....Abdur-Rahman Muhammad...really?


Anyhoo---he recently made this documentary that was shown on Netflix called "Who Killed Malcolm X?" -- that brought a lot of stuff to light and it put pressure on the Manhattan DA....all because this evil muslim filed a bunch of FOIA requests and discovered some stuff about the FBI and police withholding evidence blah what? Yea, the FBI knew that the 2 other men who were convicted were innocent...big deal....Fact of the matter is -- as long as 3 blacks were convicted, their innocence or guilt shouldn't matter.. The other 2 guys were no angels who cares if they were innocent of this crime...they were black..and muslims....and most likely the 60's? That is criminal enough....
Already covered last April here.

On the day that Malcolm was assassinated, Farrakhan was in neighboring Newark, New Jersey delivering the keynote address at the Nation of Islam's Newark mosque -- the very mosque were Malcolm X's killer(s) came from! (Three men were arrested in Malcolm X's death, of which two, who spent years in prison, were later found to be innocent. The one who riddled Malcolm X with a shotgun and was never indicted, and who has since died, allegedly was William Bradley aka Almustafa Shabbaz, who also came from the Newark Mosque.)

In any case, if you want to hang out with violent gangsters and fly their colors, don't cry when the shit they generate splatters on you as well. All gangsters are guilty of crimes committed by their associates and need to be locked up for the crimes, so no pity party going to happen at my house.

"Two men convicted of gunning down United States activist and civil rights advocate Malcolm X nearly six decades ago are to be cleared of the crime, according to a top New York law enforcement official. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office will move on Thursday to throw out the convictions of Muhammad A Aziz and Khalil Islam -- “These men did not get the justice that they deserved,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R Vance Jr told The New York Times.

The Manhattan investigation of the original case found prosecutors withheld evidence from the jury that pointed to other suspects and likely would have led to the acquittal of Aziz and Islam. “This wasn’t a mere oversight,” Deborah Francois, a lawyer for the men told the Times. “This was a product of extreme and gross official misconduct.”

First of all....isn't this CRT?? They are basically claiming that due to some type of reckless disregard for these men, or some systemic bias -- they were falsely convicted?? Why is it necessary to have to go back in the past and talk about this stuff?? Let alone exonerate 2 men who already did 20 years in prison and are probably dead -- that is all in the past...Why give ammunition to the racist leftist woke-mob? You are basically proving to them that there was and still is systemic racial bias built into many of our institutions (especially police and courts) -- just like that Marxist Satanic evil CRT doctrine teaches. It all can be blamed on this guy -- he is a racist muslim terrorist who allegedly is a historian and a tour gide in Washington DC -- -but what do we really know about him?? Even his name is evil....Abdur-Rahman Muhammad...really?

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Anyhoo---he recently made this documentary that was shown on Netflix called "Who Killed Malcolm X?" -- that brought a lot of stuff to light and it put pressure on the Manhattan DA....all because this evil muslim filed a bunch of FOIA requests and discovered some stuff about the FBI and police withholding evidence blah what? Yea, the FBI knew that the 2 other men who were convicted were innocent...big deal....Fact of the matter is -- as long as 3 blacks were convicted, their innocence or guilt shouldn't matter.. The other 2 guys were no angels who cares if they were innocent of this crime...they were black..and muslims....and most likely the 60's? That is criminal enough....
That was a long time ago.. But if you start hearing.. "Back and to the left".. More videos will be made.
Already covered last April here.

On the day that Malcolm was assassinated, Farrakhan was in neighboring Newark, New Jersey delivering the keynote address at the Nation of Islam's Newark mosque -- the very mosque were Malcolm X's killer(s) came from! (Three men were arrested in Malcolm X's death, of which two, who spent years in prison, were later found to be innocent. The one who riddled Malcolm X with a shotgun and was never indicted, and who has since died, allegedly was William Bradley aka Almustafa Shabbaz, who also came from the Newark Mosque.)

In any case, if you want to hang out with violent gangsters and fly their colors, don't cry when the shit they generate splatters on you as well. All gangsters are guilty of crimes committed by their associates and need to be locked up for the crimes, so no pity party going to happen at my house.
The exoneration didn't happen last April...

it is happening today....
That's very possible...however.....why??

Seeing as tho he still signed the Voting And Civil Rights Act

Both of which were something Malcolm himself supported as a step in the right direction....

The main folks who really didn't want those things to happen were conservatives

You couldn't be more wrong.

Ike first proposed a Civil Rights Bill and LBJ strangled it in the Senate -- the "******" Bill
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And it's old news. Try reading real news instead of whatever your Hive feels like feeding you today and being a moron.
I knew about this long before the Netflix doc....

Just like I knew about COINTELPRO long before folks like you.....back when folks like you were defending any and everything done against not only Malcolm, but Medgar, Martin, Fred and fuck what you whining about...

Don't like the post, stay the fuck off of them
You couldn't be more wrong.

Ike first proposed a Civil Rights Bill and LBJ strangled it in the senate -- the "******" Bill
What am I wrong about??

Did LBJ sign the two bills into law or no??

Did the majority of the opposition to those bills come from Conservatives back then as well as today??

I understand why you fragile reactionary right-wingers get so triggered when we talk about history
LBJ was a bigger racist than Robert Byrd
Still waiting for you to tell me what I said that was wrong??

Did he or did he not sign the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act? Why do you have such a hard time answering a simple question??

Whether he was racist or not has no relevance to me...only morons like you fixate on politicians...I care about the policies...

And no matter how racist he was....the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act are still 2 pieces of legislation that triggers the racists of today....

Funny how that works...
“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - LBJ
Then he signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act...

if you oppose those 2 laws, just say so....

But posting fake quotes from LBJ doesn't really make the point you think it does....

Here is a true LBJ quote tho......

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”​

Still waiting for you to tell me what I said that was wrong??

Did he or did he not sign the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act? Why do you have such a hard time answering a simple question??

Whether he was racist or not has no relevance to me...only morons like you fixate on politicians...I care about the policies...

And no matter how racist he was....the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act are still 2 pieces of legislation that triggers the racists of today....

Funny how that works...

LBJ was backed into a corner, and had no other recourse then to sign it.

Did Lyndon B. Johnson Vote Against Civil Rights Legislation for...
That's very possible...however.....why??

Seeing as tho he still signed the Voting And Civil Rights Act

Both of which were something Malcolm himself supported as a step in the right direction....

The main folks who really didn't want those things to happen were conservatives
He said white liberals are the worst enemy. So white liberals killed him.
Then he signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act...

if you oppose those 2 laws, just say so....

But posting fake quotes from LBJ doesn't really make the point you think it does....

Here is a true LBJ quote tho......

“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”​

Snopes hem-haws around it but doesn't claim that it's "false."

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