Isn't This MAGA? Supreme Court Sides With Trump Enforcing Nationwide Asylum Rules

Great news! Let's stop the browning of America!

I told you before, that's not cool. Being a patriot and a conservative is what matters, not the color of someone's skin. You do not help our side by saying that stuff. You give the Left fuel.

I asked you before: Would you rather live in a nation full of white Nancy Pelosis or black Ben Carsons? I'll live with the Carsons, thank you.
What is your issue with brown people?

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The founders of America never intended them to be Citizens. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790.

So you think this is a whites only country.
Got it.

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That's what our wise White founders wanted. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790.
In that case, you and the rest of your ilk along with these "wise white founders" are pieces of shit racists.
No, we're Patriots!

You are scum and will be treated as such.

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Great news! Let's stop the browning of America!

Supreme Court allows Trump asylum rules enforcement

What is your issue with brown people?

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Look up ANY statistics related to the brown human cockroaches.
Report back with your findings please.
You’re welcome for the free enlightenment.

And you wonder while you get called racist.

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It’s actually no wonder at all… Being courageous enough to stay in touch with reality, recognizing facts and statistics and spreading the truth makes one a racist according to LefTard imposed PC programming.

No. You are racist by definition.

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