Isn't this racist? DHS to begin launching deportation raids beginning in January

Because there are very few sane, able bodied adult Americans who will refuse an available job......even ashitty job......because they are lazy and would rather live off of government handouts.

American poor people are not lazy.
Not all of them no but my grandfather saved and got on a boat and came here from Greece and worked as a dishwasher then eventually a cook. Today his grandson is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Not me my bro.

So why don't detroiters get on a bus and move to a different town or state? At least they already know the language, well, sort of. Lol

How many sane, able bodied adult "Detroiters" refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of government handouts?

Move to another state? make that sound so simple. Can these people get free bus fare and have their belongings shipped for free? Can they get a place to live without proof of a job and a security deposit.

That final jab about these people "sort of" knowing the language.....what exactly are you trying to say?
I didn't say it was easy. Are you saying in America its impossible? Glad you didn't tell my grandfather that before he came here with nothing.

Holy shit. Your grandfather came here at a different time in our nation's history.

And you did make moving sound easy. All it takes is getting off ones lazy ass, right? As if the only thing stopping these lazy good for nothing negroes from getting great jobs down the road is their innate lack of effort.

How many people are we talking about? How many in Detroit? Let's identify the severity of the problem.
I can't argue that every poor person can get on a bus and problem solved.

But to finish a race you have to first start.

Is it possible for ghetto blacks to fix the community they are in? I know there's no quick solve for this but just look at the Syrians getting in boats to get to Greece then hopefully Germany or America. Their journey isn't easy either

Please investigate the history of urban blight.....start with the Jim Crow era and take a look at the legal methods by which the majority in this nation has segregated by class and race. Terms like redlining and redistricting will come up in your research.

The very first thing for those of us who were lucky enough to be born in a place other than a poor urban to refrain from dehumanizing our less fortunate fellow citizens. To that end, you might remember to personify "ghetto blacks" by adding the word "people" or "Americans".

You haven't taken me up on my suggestion that we determine how many lazy good for nothing's we have in this country. I think that's important, don't you?
As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

WASHINGTON, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Citing people familiar with the operation, the Post said the nationwide campaign to deport the illegal immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement could start as soon as early January.

It would be the first large-scale effort to deport families who have fled violence in Central America, the newspaper said.

More than 100,000 families with both adults and children have made the journey across the southwest border since last year, the Post reported.

The operation would target only adults and children who have already been ordered removed from the United States by an immigration judge, the newspaper said.

The Post said the operation has not been given final approval by DHS. The number of people targeted is expected to be in the hundreds and possibly greater, the newspaper said.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

What are you talking about? The reason American corporations hire Hispanic labor is because a lot of Americans can't be compelled to take the jobs themselves. If you want Americans in American jobs, dispense with the government welfare shtick and preach the value of a good work ethic.
If you could quit your job and go on welfare would you? Why not?

And what if you could make minimum wage working hard or welfare would you choose welfare? I hear people who make good money talk about work ethic. I have a good work ethic because I don't want to lose my good paying job.

Part of me does wonder why poor Americans are lazier than Mexicans.

You know who are really spoiled and lazy? Young Greek adults. Really spoiled. Not at all like their great grandparents who left. Reminds me of the lazy blacks who won't leave the hood. Do you think their grandkids will do any better?
Not all of them no but my grandfather saved and got on a boat and came here from Greece and worked as a dishwasher then eventually a cook. Today his grandson is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Not me my bro.

So why don't detroiters get on a bus and move to a different town or state? At least they already know the language, well, sort of. Lol

How many sane, able bodied adult "Detroiters" refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of government handouts?

Move to another state? make that sound so simple. Can these people get free bus fare and have their belongings shipped for free? Can they get a place to live without proof of a job and a security deposit.

That final jab about these people "sort of" knowing the language.....what exactly are you trying to say?
I didn't say it was easy. Are you saying in America its impossible? Glad you didn't tell my grandfather that before he came here with nothing.

Holy shit. Your grandfather came here at a different time in our nation's history.

And you did make moving sound easy. All it takes is getting off ones lazy ass, right? As if the only thing stopping these lazy good for nothing negroes from getting great jobs down the road is their innate lack of effort.

How many people are we talking about? How many in Detroit? Let's identify the severity of the problem.
I can't argue that every poor person can get on a bus and problem solved.

But to finish a race you have to first start.

Is it possible for ghetto blacks to fix the community they are in? I know there's no quick solve for this but just look at the Syrians getting in boats to get to Greece then hopefully Germany or America. Their journey isn't easy either

Please investigate the history of urban blight.....start with the Jim Crow era and take a look at the legal methods by which the majority in this nation has segregated by class and race. Terms like redlining and redistricting will come up in your research.

The very first thing for those of us who were lucky enough to be born in a place other than a poor urban to refrain from dehumanizing our less fortunate fellow citizens. To that end, you might remember to personify "ghetto blacks" by adding the word "people" or "Americans".

You haven't taken me up on my suggestion that we determine how many lazy good for nothing's we have in this country. I think that's important, don't you?
I agree with all that. OK so now what? Are you really suggesting the urban American community doesn't need to do better? Assuming whites aren't going to do anything what should poor blacks do on their own? What advice would you give them?

What about a guy like me who grew up in Detroit? I'm not trying to dehumanize blacks. I've spent 35 years defending blacks. I understand whites created poor black communities. But Kobe Bryant is retiring this year is he going to start a company in the ghetto? And why is Oprah building schools in Africa not companies in Chicago?

I can get Kenny Rogers chicken in Detroit but not Barry Sanders burgers.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

That is not true.
What do the majority of all the Chinese and Mexican illegals come here for?.....

Many Chinese immigrants come here to start businesses or join family who already have. A great many recent Chinese immigrants have come here with very substantial financial resources of their own to start with.

Many if not most of the recent wave of immigrants from Central America have come here to escape unimaginable horrors in their home countries. They look for work once they are here, but would come regardless. A lot of this recent wave have been too young to work upon arrival anyway.
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As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

WASHINGTON, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Citing people familiar with the operation, the Post said the nationwide campaign to deport the illegal immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement could start as soon as early January.

It would be the first large-scale effort to deport families who have fled violence in Central America, the newspaper said.

More than 100,000 families with both adults and children have made the journey across the southwest border since last year, the Post reported.

The operation would target only adults and children who have already been ordered removed from the United States by an immigration judge, the newspaper said.

The Post said the operation has not been given final approval by DHS. The number of people targeted is expected to be in the hundreds and possibly greater, the newspaper said.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

They wouldnt come here if we had any kind of border security.
It's pretty hilarious to watch you guys try to figure out how to blame Obama for doing exactly what you guys have been accusing him of not doing and complaining about for years.

Barry has made the claim that he's deporting more immigrants than ever....of course that turned out to be yet another lie from barry so I'm not holding my breath.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

That is not true.
What do the majority of all the Chinese and Mexican illegals come here for?.....

Many Chinese immigrants come here to start businesses or join family who already have. A great many recent Chinese immigrants have come here with very substantial financial resources of their own to start with.

Many if not most of the recent wave of immigrants from Central America have come here to escape unimaginable horrors in their home countries. They look for work once they are here, but would come regardless. A lot of this recent wave have been too young to work upon arrival anyway.

To sum up: Stop being an ignorant fucking schmuck.
Another Xmas miracle. You know I probably would admit you are right a lot more often if you'd just explain why my rant is wrong. I'm not above admitting when someone is right.

But I am also right that it's jobs they come for. Do you think anyone cares if a rich Chinese person comes here to start a business? I think not.

As for coming here to escape, those are the exceptions not the norms. But I feel you
As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

WASHINGTON, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

Citing people familiar with the operation, the Post said the nationwide campaign to deport the illegal immigrants by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement could start as soon as early January.

It would be the first large-scale effort to deport families who have fled violence in Central America, the newspaper said.

More than 100,000 families with both adults and children have made the journey across the southwest border since last year, the Post reported.

The operation would target only adults and children who have already been ordered removed from the United States by an immigration judge, the newspaper said.

The Post said the operation has not been given final approval by DHS. The number of people targeted is expected to be in the hundreds and possibly greater, the newspaper said.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request from Reuters for comment.

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

They wouldnt come here if we had any kind of border security.

We didn't need any before 1980. Before that they freely came, picked our fruits and left. Then people started hiring them to do jobs Americans would do, but for a lot less. And Republicans defended it. Called them "jobs Americans won't do" and we said we wouldn't do them for Mexican wages.

Don't you remember your argument ten years ago? I do
As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

They wouldnt come here if we had any kind of border security.

We didn't need any before 1980. Before that they freely came, picked our fruits and left. Then people started hiring them to do jobs Americans would do, but for a lot less. And Republicans defended it. Called them "jobs Americans won't do" and we said we wouldn't do them for Mexican wages.

Don't you remember your argument ten years ago? I do

I've always been against illegal immigration,as are 99% of conservatives who aren't politicians.
In fact the conservative voters are the only one's trying to stop it.
Hence the popularity of Trump.
Do try and keep up.....
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

They wouldnt come here if we had any kind of border security.

We didn't need any before 1980. Before that they freely came, picked our fruits and left. Then people started hiring them to do jobs Americans would do, but for a lot less. And Republicans defended it. Called them "jobs Americans won't do" and we said we wouldn't do them for Mexican wages.

Don't you remember your argument ten years ago? I do

I've always been against illegal immigration,as are 99% of conservatives who aren't politicians.
In fact the conservative voters are the only one's trying to stop it.
Hence the popularity of Trump.
Do try and keep up.....
Sorry but I remember you were all pro illegals in the bush era. You even nominated and defended Romney for hiring illegals. Your party is split on this. The GOP ceo's who profit from it, the consumer who you said got cheaper goods and services for jobs Americans won't do.

You may not remember your position back in 05 but I do. Sheep. Fox tells you what to think. Go ask them what you think about this and get back to me.
"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

They wouldnt come here if we had any kind of border security.

We didn't need any before 1980. Before that they freely came, picked our fruits and left. Then people started hiring them to do jobs Americans would do, but for a lot less. And Republicans defended it. Called them "jobs Americans won't do" and we said we wouldn't do them for Mexican wages.

Don't you remember your argument ten years ago? I do

I've always been against illegal immigration,as are 99% of conservatives who aren't politicians.
In fact the conservative voters are the only one's trying to stop it.
Hence the popularity of Trump.
Do try and keep up.....
Sorry but I remember you were all pro illegals in the bush era. You even nominated and defended Romney for hiring illegals. Your party is split on this. The GOP ceo's who profit from it, the consumer who you said got cheaper goods and services for jobs Americans won't do.

You may not remember your position back in 05 but I do. Sheep. Fox tells you what to think. Go ask them what you think about this and get back to me.

I know of zero conservatives that support illegal immigration outside of politicians.
As the title says, the DHS will begin launching large scale deportation raids of hundreds of families who have supposedly fled the violence in Central America since last year. I can imagine quite a few people here will be upset by this development. This sounds like something Trump would do, right?

Immigration Officials To Launch Large-Scale Deportation Raids
But Democrats will go after the real criminals. The corporations who hire them. We use to do these and bush stopped. The gop liked the innflux of cheap labor. It kept wages down.

"Democrats will go after the real criminals"


Is that the best you can do? You sound like you're in denial, sealy.
They wouldn't come here unless American businessman we're hiring them

What are you talking about? The reason American corporations hire Hispanic labor is because a lot of Americans can't be compelled to take the jobs themselves. If you want Americans in American jobs, dispense with the government welfare shtick and preach the value of a good work ethic.
We know illegals work for less than Americans.

But you make a good point. Those Mexicans risk a lot to cross the border to come here to work for less so why won't poor Americans cross state lines to find work? Hell they can even hop on a bus.

You are right. If there was no welfare maybe American poor would get off their asses like Mexicans do. Cause I doubt welfare is an option in mexico.

I think the DHS identifies the targets as Hondurans and Salvadorans -- not "Mexicans" -- fleeing strife in those countries (not Mexico).

Don't you think the distinction matters?
Coming to the end of 2015 and we STILL don't understand what the word "racism" means?
Coming from a liberal, that is a pretty amazing question......

I simply read the OP title.

You find the concept of reading "amazing" do you?

I find the whole concept of liberals dancing around this "amazing." The word "racist", Pogo is used by many people, many liberals, to describe people like Trump or Cruz who want mass deportations. But as soon as a DHS under Obama decides to do it instead, liberals choose not to address it.

Funny how it no longer is "racist" now isn't it?

I'm not sure exactly whose words you're attempting to stuff in my mouth here, but "racism" means the belief that one race is superior to another. I have always been consistent about that, so whatever your blanket generalization is trying to be --- doesn't matter, it's bullshit.

Not to mention, neither "Central American" nor "DHS" is a "race" anyway, so not only do you not have one race holding itself over another --- you don't even have "races" involved.

Do you actually think everyone who works for DHS belongs to one race, and everyone who hails from Central America belongs to another?

Think it through next time.

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