Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks

Under our beloved Pres. Obama's leadership the U.S. government is starting to become aware that Israel is more of a liability than an asset.

And is starting to distance it's self from the rogue zionist state. . :cool:
Like the rest of his "facts", he pulls them out of his Mohammad.
Israel will have a shit fit if Iran gives up its uranium enriched above civilian levels, stops enrichment, and gets its sanctions lifted.

Israel wants war, not peace.
Actually Israel would very happy for this situation to be resolved without war because it knows that it is only a matter of time that the Iranian people will throw these Islamist animals out of power.
And we wonder why the Iranian leadership is paranoid of the U.S. . :cool:

Yup,the noose is tightening.
So when do we bomb nuke facilities in North Korea and Pakistan who have their nukes aimed at South Korea and India?
I'm glad Iran will have nukes. They can nuke Pakistan for us. Public service time.
They won't nuke Pakistan, but Saudi Arabia is more concerned than Israel.

Good point. The oil-soaked house of Saud is threatened by a nuclear Iran. The KSA as well as other Sunni islamist nations are shaking in their man-dresses over the prospect of an assertive and militarily strong Shiite presence.
I'm glad Iran will have nukes. They can nuke Pakistan for us. Public service time.
They won't nuke Pakistan, but Saudi Arabia is more concerned than Israel.

Good point. The oil-soaked house of Saud is threatened by a nuclear Iran. The KSA as well as other Sunni islamist nations are shaking in their man-dresses over the prospect of an assertive and militarily strong Shiite presence.
Iran knows that Israel can turn the entire country into charcoal in about one hour, from the start of any serious conflict. This is all a big distraction from the main prize for the Shiite Islamists in control of Iran...Shiite control of Islam's two Holiest sites Mecca and Medina.
Who would ever have thought that Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates would unite against the United States' efforts to ally with Iran? Even as long ago as a week, no one would have imagined that obama's Iranian outreach would alienate the Saudis and end a relationship that has existed since 1932. The significant and unintended consequence would be for islamic nations who know what Iran has planned, to join with Israel. Albeit, against the US, but then politics does make for strange bedfellows.
Under our beloved Pres. Obama's leadership the U.S. government is starting to become aware that Israel is more of a liability than an asset.

And is starting to distance it's self from the rogue zionist state. . :cool:
Don't hold your breath that anything pro-Islamic is going to come of that tiny interim hiccup in relations...

The US, at-large, is far more fond of Jews than they are of Muslims... and no leader is going to over-reach his constituency on that one.

A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media.

But that's changing...
Under our beloved Pres. Obama's leadership the U.S. government is starting to become aware that Israel is more of a liability than an asset.

And is starting to distance it's self from the rogue zionist state. . :cool:
Don't hold your breath that anything pro-Islamic is going to come of that tiny interim hiccup in relations...

The US, at-large, is far more fond of Jews than they are of Muslims... and no leader is going to over-reach his constituency on that one.

A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media.

But that's changing...

is greater than their support for Iran.​
"...A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media. But that's changing..."

That's OK.

A lot MORE Americans don't like Muslims and Arabs.

Rightly or wrongly, 9-11 took care of that, for the next generation or two.

For the more pragmatic amongst the fence-sitters who understand the danger to The West inherent in a resurgent Islam, the old maxim "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is sufficient for such purposes.

You cannot regulate or legislate the way people feel.

I didn't say everybody in the country liked the Jews better than the Muslims.

I said that the country at-large - for the most part - held that view.

Sufficient for me to say "We like the Jews better than we like the Muslims" and be confident that I've made an accurate statement.

I see no substantive evidence of any trend in the opposite direction as you are suggesting here.
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Don't hold your breath that anything pro-Islamic is going to come of that tiny interim hiccup in relations...

The US, at-large, is far more fond of Jews than they are of Muslims... and no leader is going to over-reach his constituency on that one.

A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media.

But that's changing...

is greater than their support for Iran.​

I'm shocked to find support for Iran lagging in the US...

As for your first cite, that's just more jewish hasbara. The question was not whether one likes or supports israel but whether one sympathizes more with israel or palestine...2 separate questions. If the question was who do Americans support more, Iran or Saudi Arabia (or Kuwait, Turkey or Jordan) I'm sure the numbers would be just as high.

Here is what counts...


Israel rates barely 2 points above NORTH KOREA...heheh.

Or page 29 here...

Support is abysmally low around the world and barely passes 50% in the US.

Those numbers can go no where but down, particularly in the US where muslim influence is gaining.

I give it less then 20 years until the US is where the rest of the world is.

BTW - Look at the UK figure...jeez. 55% distrust israel with only 13% favorable.
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Who would ever have thought that Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates would unite against the United States' efforts to ally with Iran? Even as long ago as a week, no one would have imagined that obama's Iranian outreach would alienate the Saudis and end a relationship that has existed since 1932. The significant and unintended consequence would be for islamic nations who know what Iran has planned, to join with Israel. Albeit, against the US, but then politics does make for strange bedfellows.
Well Obama did say he was going to change things, he just didn't say if it was for the better or worse. Americans weren't paying attention to who Obama was and what he was saying.

Now we're paying the price. By the time Obama is done with his term in three years, America and the world will not be unrecognizable.
A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media.

But that's changing...

is greater than their support for Iran.​

I'm shocked to find support for Iran lagging in the US...

As for your first cite, that's just more jewish hasbara. The question was not whether one likes or supports israel but whether one sympathizes more with israel or palestine...2 separate questions. If the question was who do Americans support more, Iran or Saudi Arabia (or Kuwait, Turkey or Jordan) I'm sure the numbers would be just as high.

Here is what counts...


Israel rates barely 2 points above NORTH KOREA...heheh.

Or page 29 here...

Support is abysmally low around the world and barely passes 50% in the US.

Those numbers can go no where but down, particularly in the US where muslim influence is gaining.

I give it less then 20 years until the US is where the rest of the world is.

BTW - Look at the UK figure...jeez. 55% distrust israel with only 13% favorable.
BBC poll? What country do you live in Abdul?

I'm shocked to find support for Iran lagging in the US...

As for your first cite, that's just more jewish hasbara. The question was not whether one likes or supports israel but whether one sympathizes more with israel or palestine...2 separate questions. If the question was who do Americans support more, Iran or Saudi Arabia (or Kuwait, Turkey or Jordan) I'm sure the numbers would be just as high.

Here is what counts...


Israel rates barely 2 points above NORTH KOREA...heheh.

Or page 29 here...

Support is abysmally low around the world and barely passes 50% in the US.

Those numbers can go no where but down, particularly in the US where muslim influence is gaining.

I give it less then 20 years until the US is where the rest of the world is.

BTW - Look at the UK figure...jeez. 55% distrust israel with only 13% favorable.
BBC poll? What country do you live in Abdul?

No, it's a Globescan poll.
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Alfie, aren't you going to explain how a Gallup poll is "just Jewish hasbara"???

I don't see any reason to accept your unsupported word on the topic.

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