Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks

Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts.

Therefore I can't see any reason to accept ANYTHING you post as being factual or worthy of discussion.
Alfie, aren't you going to explain how a Gallup poll is "just Jewish hasbara"???

I don't see any reason to accept your unsupported word on the topic.

I'd love to.
Sweet Caroline posted this...

American's support for Israel

Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High

is greater than their support for Iran.

Americans Overwhelmingly See Iran as Enemy or Unfriendly

SC tried to mischaracterize a poll on whether Americans "sympathize" more with israel or palestine into a general statement about support for israel. I have provided documentary evidence that in fact fully A THIRD of all Americans don't believe israel is a positive influence in the world while 17% are ON THE FENCE.

Typical israeli hasbara...misstate the evidence.

Secondly, she posts an article on whether Americans view iran as a friend or if that has ANYTHING TO DO WITH love for israel.

More hasbara, present one piece of evidence and extrapolate it into something not supported by the underlying facts.
Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts
And yet, you and the other zionist juden cabal here at USMB continually cite obscure muslim extremists as though they represent all of Islam and muslims. .. :cool:
Under our beloved Pres. Obama's leadership the U.S. government is starting to become aware that Israel is more of a liability than an asset.

And is starting to distance it's self from the rogue zionist state. . :cool:
Don't hold your breath that anything pro-Islamic is going to come of that tiny interim hiccup in relations...

The US, at-large, is far more fond of Jews than they are of Muslims... and no leader is going to over-reach his constituency on that one.

A third of Americans don't like or trust israel and 17% are on the fence. The only reason the pos numbers are barely at 50% is due to the commanding influence israel and jews have in the US media.

But that's changing...

Also, how do you know that the commanding influence that Israel and Jews have on the U.S media (which is just another bullshit anti - Jewish conspiracy theory), has any connection with how Americans feel about Israel ??

Your comment are so unoriginal BTW, you sounds like every other anti - Israel moron who has no clue about anything related to Israel :lol:
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Alfie, aren't you going to explain how a Gallup poll is "just Jewish hasbara"???

I don't see any reason to accept your unsupported word on the topic.

I'd love to.
Sweet Caroline posted this...

American's support for Israel

Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High

is greater than their support for Iran.

Americans Overwhelmingly See Iran as Enemy or Unfriendly

SC tried to mischaracterize a poll on whether Americans "sympathize" more with israel or palestine into a general statement about support for israel. I have provided documentary evidence that in fact fully A THIRD of all Americans don't believe israel is a positive influence in the world while 17% are ON THE FENCE.

Typical israeli hasbara...misstate the evidence.

Secondly, she posts an article on whether Americans view iran as a friend or if that has ANYTHING TO DO WITH love for israel.

More hasbara, present one piece of evidence and extrapolate it into something not supported by the underlying facts.

I was going to ask the same question. I notice that every site that doesn't fit your stupid agenda is Jewish hasbara lol.
I think they did a pretty good job of disproving your idiotic claims above, however, you failed miserably at proving your points about how Americans feel about Israel .

You get an F-

Yes, I know that the worst you can get is an F, but you failed so bad and made such a fool of yourself, that I added the -

Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts.

Therefore I can't see any reason to accept ANYTHING you post as being factual or worthy of discussion.

"Deceased extremist fanatic"?


Here is some of the things said about the late, great rabbi on his death.

“The Jewish people have lost one of the wisest men of this generation,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Monday. “Rabbi Ovadia was a giant in Torah and Jewish law and a teacher for tens of thousands.”

President Shimon Peres said he had been at the rabbi’s bedside hours before his death. “When I pressed his hand, I felt I was touching history,” Mr. Peres said, “and when I kissed his head, it was as though I kissed the very greatness of Israel.”

In 2005 he was voted, by Israeli's, the 23rd GREATEST ISRAELI who ever lived. Who beat him? Rabin, Ben-Gurion, Begin, Sharon, Weisman, Peres, Netanyahu. He was the ONLY RABBI in the top 50!

You might call him a nut, but israel and israeli's don't.

Here are more of his "influential" opinions...heheh. You know, the ones not in my tagline...

In 2000, he described the Holocaust as God's retribution against the reincarnated soul of Jewish sinners: "The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone."

"It is no wonder that soldiers are killed in war; they don't observe Shabbat, don't observe the Torah, don't pray every day, don't lay phylacteries on a daily basis – so is it any wonder that they are killed? No, it's not".

In 2007, Yosef said: "A woman's knowledge is only in sewing ... Women should find other jobs and make hamin but not deal with matters of Torah."

"Women cannot go to war... If a woman runs over a cat with a car, she begins crying.”

There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study... Black people reside there [New Orleans]. Blacks will study the Torah? [God said], Let’s bring a tsunami and drown them... Hundreds of thousands remained homeless. Tens of thousands have been killed. All of this because they have no God... Bush was behind the [expulsion of] Gush Katif, he encouraged Sharon to expel Gush Katif... We had 15,000 people expelled here [in Israel], and there [in America] 150,000 [were expelled]. It was God's retribution... God does not short-change anyone.

In 2001 Yosef was quoted as calling for the annihilation of Arabs, instructing his followers that "It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable."

Yosef drew criticism from the US State Department in August 2010 following a Saturday morning sermon in which he called for "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[73]

He may have been a nut...but israel and israeli's don't think so.

800,000 attended his funeral, over 10% of the israeli jewish population. In America that would be over 30 million people.

I don't think even Reagan got that many.
Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts
And yet, you and the other zionist juden cabal here at USMB continually cite obscure muslim extremists as though they represent all of Islam and muslims. .. :cool:

I know...hilarious.
Alfie, aren't you going to explain how a Gallup poll is "just Jewish hasbara"???

I don't see any reason to accept your unsupported word on the topic.

I'd love to.
Sweet Caroline posted this...

American's support for Israel

Americans' Sympathies for Israel Match All-Time High

is greater than their support for Iran.

Americans Overwhelmingly See Iran as Enemy or Unfriendly

SC tried to mischaracterize a poll on whether Americans "sympathize" more with israel or palestine into a general statement about support for israel. I have provided documentary evidence that in fact fully A THIRD of all Americans don't believe israel is a positive influence in the world while 17% are ON THE FENCE.

Typical israeli hasbara...misstate the evidence.

Secondly, she posts an article on whether Americans view iran as a friend or if that has ANYTHING TO DO WITH love for israel.

More hasbara, present one piece of evidence and extrapolate it into something not supported by the underlying facts.

I was going to ask the same question. I notice that every site that doesn't fit your stupid agenda is Jewish hasbara lol.
I think they did a pretty good job of disproving your idiotic claims above, however, you failed miserably at proving your points about how Americans feel about Israel .

You get an F-

Yes, I know that the worst you can get is an F, but you failed so bad and made such a fool of yourself, that I added the -


An "F-" from a zionist is like an "A" from the rest of the non hasbara world.
Who would ever have thought that Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates would unite against the United States' efforts to ally with Iran? Even as long ago as a week, no one would have imagined that obama's Iranian outreach would alienate the Saudis and end a relationship that has existed since 1932. The significant and unintended consequence would be for islamic nations who know what Iran has planned, to join with Israel. Albeit, against the US, but then politics does make for strange bedfellows.

Katz it is kinda funny that there was a "meeting of the minds" between
SAUDI ARABIA et al and ISRAEL Since the 1990s I have come to the
conclusion that WASHINGTON DC is clueless when it comes to UMMAH
mindset. I am not surprised----but that is only because I have known lots
of muslims from ----here and there. I have never seen so much hatred
pass from EYE TO EYE-----as when an arab meets an Iranian. -----or an Iranian
looks at a pakistani.

For our colleague SUNNI--------bad news-----it was your fellow sunnis who
introduced me to their contention that SHIITES ARE DISGUSTING ----but
then again--------it was shiites who let me know that ANYTHING "ARAB"
is disgusting and those 'pakistanis' are just TOO DAMNED "arab"
Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts
And yet, you and the other zionist juden cabal here at USMB continually cite obscure muslim extremists as though they represent all of Islam and muslims. .. :redface:

I know...hilarious.

So's the koran, where they get all their musbomb ideas.:cool:
I'd love to.

SC tried to mischaracterize a poll on whether Americans "sympathize" more with israel or palestine into a general statement about support for israel. I have provided documentary evidence that in fact fully A THIRD of all Americans don't believe israel is a positive influence in the world while 17% are ON THE FENCE.

Typical israeli hasbara...misstate the evidence.

Secondly, she posts an article on whether Americans view iran as a friend or if that has ANYTHING TO DO WITH love for israel.

More hasbara, present one piece of evidence and extrapolate it into something not supported by the underlying facts.

I was going to ask the same question. I notice that every site that doesn't fit your stupid agenda is Jewish hasbara lol.
I think they did a pretty good job of disproving your idiotic claims above, however, you failed miserably at proving your points about how Americans feel about Israel .

You get an F-

Yes, I know that the worst you can get is an F, but you failed so bad and made such a fool of yourself, that I added the -


An "F-" from a zionist is like an "A" from the rest of the non hasbara world.

R' Ovadia Yosef z"l was a MYSTIC-----you could not possibly understand anything
he said. He was just as much a mystic as was JOHN who wrote the
BOOKD OF REVELATIONS------do not try to interpret that one either

(not that I am into mysticism-----but----it does have its symbols and its
Alfie - I notice that in your sig line you quote a deceased extremist fanatic. As long as you try to use such an extremist as a representation of an entire religion or nation, you are signaling to all that you have no real interest in actual statistics, and that you don't even wish to make a pretense of accuracy in your posts
And yet, you and the other zionist juden cabal here at USMB continually cite obscure muslim extremists as though they represent all of Islam and muslims. .. :cool:
Well, to be honest, aside from the self-haters, Death Cultists, losers and social misfits who speak with the loudest voices for islamism, we also have goofy, convert wannabes such as you who reinforce the negative stereotypes of those mentioned previously.

.....True story

"...Just like the OT where israeli's get all their genocidal land claims."
The Israelis are committing genocide?

Somehow, our satellites must have missed the Extermination Camps, and the Gas Chambers, and the Ovens, and the bulldozers and the Mass Graves.

The Israelis are not engaged in Genocide.

The worst they can be accused of is land-grabbing and expelling the old owners.

Not annihilation - merely expulsion, much along the lines of what the Muslims have done to them in so many countries during the period 1948-1975.


It's not like they're killing them by the millions or something.

Wake me up when they start making soap out of the Palestinians.

Then, I might believe the claim.

Until then... not so much.
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"...Just like the OT where israeli's get all their genocidal land claims."
The Israelis are committing genocide?

Somehow, our satellites must have missed the Extermination Camps, and the Gas Chambers, and the Ovens, and the bulldozers and the Mass Graves.

The Israelis are not engaged in Genocide.

The worst they can be accused of is land-grabbing and expelling the old owners.

Not annihilation - merely expulsion, much along the lines of what the Muslims have done to them in so many countries during the period 1948-1975.


It's not like they're killing them by the millions or something.

Wake me up when they start making soap out of the Palestinians.

Then, I might believe the claim.

Until then... not so much.

I wasn't referring to the palis...
Just like the OT where israeli's get all their genocidal land claims.

The difference being that a lot of Jews don't agree with what the Israeli government is doing and often say so. Musbombs ALL want Israel destroyed.

What's a musbomb? Muslim bomber?


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