Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks


There are 1.5 billion muslims in the world, how many are musbombs?

They want to take over the world and make it all sharialand. So... 1.5 billion?

And evangelical xtianity wants to make the world jebusland...what's the difference?

The problem is islam is winning and xtians are up in arms about it.

Much of this issue is nothing more than a religious Macy's/Gimbels competition. Personally, I'd prefer the religulous keep me, American troops and my tax dollars out of it.

Unfortunately, knowing most xtians consider America to be a "xtian nation", I doubt that will happen.
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"...Just like the OT where israeli's get all their genocidal land claims."
The Israelis are committing genocide?

Somehow, our satellites must have missed the Extermination Camps, and the Gas Chambers, and the Ovens, and the bulldozers and the Mass Graves.

The Israelis are not engaged in Genocide.

The worst they can be accused of is land-grabbing and expelling the old owners.

Not annihilation - merely expulsion, much along the lines of what the Muslims have done to them in so many countries during the period 1948-1975.


It's not like they're killing them by the millions or something.

Wake me up when they start making soap out of the Palestinians.

Then, I might believe the claim.

Until then... not so much.

I wasn't referring to the palis...

Then who are these Israeli genocidal land-claims directed against?
The Israelis are committing genocide?

Somehow, our satellites must have missed the Extermination Camps, and the Gas Chambers, and the Ovens, and the bulldozers and the Mass Graves.

The Israelis are not engaged in Genocide.

The worst they can be accused of is land-grabbing and expelling the old owners.

Not annihilation - merely expulsion, much along the lines of what the Muslims have done to them in so many countries during the period 1948-1975.


It's not like they're killing them by the millions or something.

Wake me up when they start making soap out of the Palestinians.

Then, I might believe the claim.

Until then... not so much.

I wasn't referring to the palis...

Then who are these Israeli genocidal land-claims directed against?

You are rather thick, aren't you?
Jews, israelis and zionists.

Israel will be the graveyard of half the jews in the world.

It's inevitable.
Jews, israelis and zionists.

Israel will be the graveyard of half the jews in the world.

It's inevitable.

Idiotic thinking, as usual.

Elaborate though, I want to see your reasoning for this..


Don't ask me, talk to the xtian/zionist/rapturists about what happens to israel in revelations.

All israeli jews dead, 144k left to convert and clean the toilets of the real xtians in heaven.
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Jews, israelis and zionists.

Israel will be the graveyard of half the jews in the world.

It's inevitable.

Idiotic thinking, as usual.

Elaborate though, I want to see your reasoning for this..


Don't ask me, talk to the xtian/zionist/rapturists about what happens to israel in revelations.

All israeli jews dead, 144k left to convert and clean the toilets of the real xtians in heaven.

I figured you were talking out your ass :cool:

Good Job :clap2:
Thought I would take a walk on the wild side...

That aside, there's no where to go but down for israel...history or time is not on it's side. It refuses to stop settlements, it refuses to return it's stolen land, it's surrounded by enemies and eventually US support for israel will wane.

It should make a deal now when it may be able to on some of it's terms, but it won't. Zionists will see to it. Iran will get the bomb even if secretly (if they don't already), china and russia will make sure of that as well, putting israel into a nuclear stalemate. If hostilities do start you can bank on the US making sure no nuke missiles leave or enter israel airspace, so israel's nuclear advantage, if any by that time, is nullified.
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Israel Bitter As World Hails Positive Iran Talks

Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks | Maan News Agency


"The world's positive response to the latest nuclear talks with Iran drew bitter skepticism from Israel, which warned its Western allies Thursday they risked being duped into easing sanctions prematurely. Energy Minister Silvan Shalom, a former foreign minister, went further, accusing the European Union and the United States of being more concerned with relaxing restrictions on Iranian oil exports to boost their own economies than with addressing an issue that Israel regards as a threat to its very existence.Washington, which has had no diplomatic relations with Tehran since the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution, said Iranian negotiators had shown a greater level of "seriousness and substance" in this week's talks than ever before.But Israel, which has mounted a massive lobbying campaign in the United States to keep up the economic and military pressure on its number one foe, insisted that Iran's intentions could be proved only by concrete steps to wind down its nuclear program, not by "sweet talk" from its new president."

"Iran will be judged by its actions and not by its presentations," a senior Israeli official said. "Until significant steps are carried out on the ground which prove that Iran is breaking up its military nuclear program, the international community must continue to impose sanctions upon it," he added. "The pressure of sanctions brought Iran to this point and must continue until Iran is stripped of its nuclear military program. "After the talks in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday, Iranian officials touted a "breakthrough" in the decade-old negotiations on allaying international concerns over its nuclear ambitions.They said they were hopeful of a "new phase in our relations" with the world, after they outlined a three-step plan, including spot checks on its nuclear facilities, to try to reach a comprehensive agreement "within a year."Although there was no official response from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's army radio quoted a source close to him as taking a hard line.*"The Americans are the angels while the Iranians have given nothing," the source said."For the moment, the Iranians have given nothing and there is no reason for any enthusiasm," the source said. Writing in Israel's Maariv newspaper, Iran specialist Emily Landau said she saw no policy changes of substance from President Hassan Rouhani, the moderate cleric who took office in August and on whom the West has pinned its hopes of a breakthrough."

The ‘elephant in the room’ is Israels 200 nuclear warheads .

Israels warmongering against Iran is more than ironic, in light of Israel’s own nuclear-weapons program, often called the world’s “worst-kept secret” because of the taboo surrounding any public discussion of its existence.

"The*Washington*Post’s Walter Pincus is one of the few journalists openly questioning this obvious hypocrisy. He*writes, “When the Israeli prime minister asked (at the UN), ‘Why would a country that claims to only want peaceful nuclear energy, why would such a country build hidden underground enrichment facilities?’ I thought Dimona.”Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona, a city in the Negev desert, reportedly has six underground floors dedicated to activities such as plutonium extraction, production of tritium and lithium-6, for use in nuclear weapons.Whereas Iran signed the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), giving the international community the right to demand inspections and controls, Israel has not — and is therefore not subject to external oversight.According to Avner Cohen, author of “Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb,” David Ben-Gurion began planning how to arm Israel with a nuclear shield even before the creation of the Jewish state, soon after the United States dropped its own atomic payload on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first president of Israel took action to initiate a nuclear-development project by the end of the new state’s first decade, with its successful “birth” on the eve of its 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.The U.S. government got wind of the project and objected strenuously. But when the Israelis brought it to fruition regardless and refused to give up their new arsenal, a covert agreement was struck between Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Richard Nixon – rather like the old U.S. policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” for gays in the military. The Israelis agreed to keep their newfound strength under wraps, and the Americans pledged to pretend it didn’t exist.Cohen uses the Hebrew term*amimut*(opacity) to describe the taboo that developed within Israel around any sort of public acknowledgement of its nuclear arsenal – which estimates peg at up to 200 warheads. To this day, there is total censorship within Israel of any mention that the weapons exist, and the United States actively plays along."

It?s time to put an end to Israel?s ?don?t ask, don?t tell? nuclear policy

Damn, you are stupid. Did it ever occur to you to wonder why Saudi Arabia is in the same camp as Israel on this, or is hatred of Israel the only thing that fills your single brain cell?
Israel Bitter As World Hails Positive Iran Talks

Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks | Maan News Agency


"The world's positive response to the latest nuclear talks with Iran drew bitter skepticism from Israel, which warned its Western allies Thursday they risked being duped into easing sanctions prematurely. Energy Minister Silvan Shalom, a former foreign minister, went further, accusing the European Union and the United States of being more concerned with relaxing restrictions on Iranian oil exports to boost their own economies than with addressing an issue that Israel regards as a threat to its very existence.Washington, which has had no diplomatic relations with Tehran since the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution, said Iranian negotiators had shown a greater level of "seriousness and substance" in this week's talks than ever before.But Israel, which has mounted a massive lobbying campaign in the United States to keep up the economic and military pressure on its number one foe, insisted that Iran's intentions could be proved only by concrete steps to wind down its nuclear program, not by "sweet talk" from its new president."

"Iran will be judged by its actions and not by its presentations," a senior Israeli official said. "Until significant steps are carried out on the ground which prove that Iran is breaking up its military nuclear program, the international community must continue to impose sanctions upon it," he added. "The pressure of sanctions brought Iran to this point and must continue until Iran is stripped of its nuclear military program. "After the talks in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday, Iranian officials touted a "breakthrough" in the decade-old negotiations on allaying international concerns over its nuclear ambitions.They said they were hopeful of a "new phase in our relations" with the world, after they outlined a three-step plan, including spot checks on its nuclear facilities, to try to reach a comprehensive agreement "within a year."Although there was no official response from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's army radio quoted a source close to him as taking a hard line.*"The Americans are the angels while the Iranians have given nothing," the source said."For the moment, the Iranians have given nothing and there is no reason for any enthusiasm," the source said. Writing in Israel's Maariv newspaper, Iran specialist Emily Landau said she saw no policy changes of substance from President Hassan Rouhani, the moderate cleric who took office in August and on whom the West has pinned its hopes of a breakthrough."

The ‘elephant in the room’ is Israels 200 nuclear warheads .

Israels warmongering against Iran is more than ironic, in light of Israel’s own nuclear-weapons program, often called the world’s “worst-kept secret” because of the taboo surrounding any public discussion of its existence.

"The*Washington*Post’s Walter Pincus is one of the few journalists openly questioning this obvious hypocrisy. He*writes, “When the Israeli prime minister asked (at the UN), ‘Why would a country that claims to only want peaceful nuclear energy, why would such a country build hidden underground enrichment facilities?’ I thought Dimona.”Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona, a city in the Negev desert, reportedly has six underground floors dedicated to activities such as plutonium extraction, production of tritium and lithium-6, for use in nuclear weapons.Whereas Iran signed the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), giving the international community the right to demand inspections and controls, Israel has not — and is therefore not subject to external oversight.According to Avner Cohen, author of “Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb,” David Ben-Gurion began planning how to arm Israel with a nuclear shield even before the creation of the Jewish state, soon after the United States dropped its own atomic payload on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first president of Israel took action to initiate a nuclear-development project by the end of the new state’s first decade, with its successful “birth” on the eve of its 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.The U.S. government got wind of the project and objected strenuously. But when the Israelis brought it to fruition regardless and refused to give up their new arsenal, a covert agreement was struck between Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Richard Nixon – rather like the old U.S. policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” for gays in the military. The Israelis agreed to keep their newfound strength under wraps, and the Americans pledged to pretend it didn’t exist.Cohen uses the Hebrew term*amimut*(opacity) to describe the taboo that developed within Israel around any sort of public acknowledgement of its nuclear arsenal – which estimates peg at up to 200 warheads. To this day, there is total censorship within Israel of any mention that the weapons exist, and the United States actively plays along."

It?s time to put an end to Israel?s ?don?t ask, don?t tell? nuclear policy

Damn, you are stupid. Did it ever occur to you to wonder why Saudi Arabia is in the same camp as Israel on this, or is hatred of Israel the only thing that fills your single brain cell?

Ahhh, the rapturists chime in...
Thought I would take a walk on the wild side...

That aside, there's no where to go but down for israel...history or time is not on it's side. It refuses to stop settlements, it refuses to return it's stolen land, it's surrounded by enemies and eventually US support for israel will wane.

It should make a deal now when it may be able to on some of it's terms, but it won't. Zionists will see to it. Iran will get the bomb even if secretly (if they don't already), china and russia will make sure of that as well, putting israel into a nuclear stalemate. If hostilities do start you can bank on the US making sure no nuke missiles leave or enter israel airspace, so israel's nuclear advantage, if any by that time, is nullified.

Meh, if they can't make a deal with the Palestinians, it's worse for them then for Israel, because it means they won't get their country. If no peace means Israel will have to deal with some rockets, so be it.

And BTW, Israel has ALWAYS been surrounded by enemies and they are now , and have been for a while, at the point where none of those enemies surrounding her can barely do any damage to Israel. Except for dream about it, like Sunni Man does all day long :cool:

As for U.S support for Israel, there is no end in sight. It's a typical typical oh so very typical thing for anti - Israelis to say that the U.S will cut ties with Israel, but that's a load of crap and you know it.

And weather Iran gets a nuke or not, why would anyone nuke Israel knowing that :
a) They will be nuked back, twice as hard
b) Nuking Israel will kill plenty of Palestinians as well.

So in conclusion, your prediction for Israel's future sucks.

Israel Hazaka !!

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Jews, israelis and zionists.

Israel will be the graveyard of half the jews in the world.

It's inevitable.
There ya go, Alfalfa the Neo Nazi IslamoNazi is masturbating to the destruction of Israel and mass genocide of of millions of Jews. Is that all you nincompoops ever do? Ha ha. Come up with various fantasies how the Jews can be annihilated?

You really need to stop smoking that alfalfa dipped in Saudi Arabian camel dung.

You know what happened the last time Israel was attacked by 5 Arab nations, right? They're still whining over how badly they got their asses kicked and that their asses are still "occupied". So go ahead be my guest.
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Thought I would take a walk on the wild side...

That aside, there's no where to go but down for israel...history or time is not on it's side. It refuses to stop settlements, it refuses to return it's stolen land, it's surrounded by enemies and eventually US support for israel will wane.

It should make a deal now when it may be able to on some of it's terms, but it won't. Zionists will see to it. Iran will get the bomb even if secretly (if they don't already), china and russia will make sure of that as well, putting israel into a nuclear stalemate. If hostilities do start you can bank on the US making sure no nuke missiles leave or enter israel airspace, so israel's nuclear advantage, if any by that time, is nullified.
Actually, things are working out great for Israel. The Muslims are slaughtering each other in record numbers. There's going to be civil and sectarian wars for the next few decades at least, and by the time it's over they'll all be wastelands like Afghanistan in the 80's and 90's. Not to mention most of these countries will be cut up and divided into so many pieces and ethnicities and tribes, they'll be unrecognizable.

And while Muslims are rushing full speed back to the Middle Ages, Israel is rushing forward, getting more prosperous and stronger every day

Grab your popcorn.
And when oil rund out in the ME, Israel is sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas ;)
Israel Bitter As World Hails Positive Iran Talks

Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks | Maan News Agency


"The world's positive response to the latest nuclear talks with Iran drew bitter skepticism from Israel, which warned its Western allies Thursday they risked being duped into easing sanctions prematurely. Energy Minister Silvan Shalom, a former foreign minister, went further, accusing the European Union and the United States of being more concerned with relaxing restrictions on Iranian oil exports to boost their own economies than with addressing an issue that Israel regards as a threat to its very existence.Washington, which has had no diplomatic relations with Tehran since the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution, said Iranian negotiators had shown a greater level of "seriousness and substance" in this week's talks than ever before.But Israel, which has mounted a massive lobbying campaign in the United States to keep up the economic and military pressure on its number one foe, insisted that Iran's intentions could be proved only by concrete steps to wind down its nuclear program, not by "sweet talk" from its new president."

"Iran will be judged by its actions and not by its presentations," a senior Israeli official said. "Until significant steps are carried out on the ground which prove that Iran is breaking up its military nuclear program, the international community must continue to impose sanctions upon it," he added. "The pressure of sanctions brought Iran to this point and must continue until Iran is stripped of its nuclear military program. "After the talks in Geneva on Tuesday and Wednesday, Iranian officials touted a "breakthrough" in the decade-old negotiations on allaying international concerns over its nuclear ambitions.They said they were hopeful of a "new phase in our relations" with the world, after they outlined a three-step plan, including spot checks on its nuclear facilities, to try to reach a comprehensive agreement "within a year."Although there was no official response from the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's army radio quoted a source close to him as taking a hard line.*"The Americans are the angels while the Iranians have given nothing," the source said."For the moment, the Iranians have given nothing and there is no reason for any enthusiasm," the source said. Writing in Israel's Maariv newspaper, Iran specialist Emily Landau said she saw no policy changes of substance from President Hassan Rouhani, the moderate cleric who took office in August and on whom the West has pinned its hopes of a breakthrough."

The ‘elephant in the room’ is Israels 200 nuclear warheads .

Israels warmongering against Iran is more than ironic, in light of Israel’s own nuclear-weapons program, often called the world’s “worst-kept secret” because of the taboo surrounding any public discussion of its existence.

"The*Washington*Post’s Walter Pincus is one of the few journalists openly questioning this obvious hypocrisy. He*writes, “When the Israeli prime minister asked (at the UN), ‘Why would a country that claims to only want peaceful nuclear energy, why would such a country build hidden underground enrichment facilities?’ I thought Dimona.”Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona, a city in the Negev desert, reportedly has six underground floors dedicated to activities such as plutonium extraction, production of tritium and lithium-6, for use in nuclear weapons.Whereas Iran signed the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), giving the international community the right to demand inspections and controls, Israel has not — and is therefore not subject to external oversight.According to Avner Cohen, author of “Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb,” David Ben-Gurion began planning how to arm Israel with a nuclear shield even before the creation of the Jewish state, soon after the United States dropped its own atomic payload on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first president of Israel took action to initiate a nuclear-development project by the end of the new state’s first decade, with its successful “birth” on the eve of its 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.The U.S. government got wind of the project and objected strenuously. But when the Israelis brought it to fruition regardless and refused to give up their new arsenal, a covert agreement was struck between Prime Minister Golda Meir and President Richard Nixon – rather like the old U.S. policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” for gays in the military. The Israelis agreed to keep their newfound strength under wraps, and the Americans pledged to pretend it didn’t exist.Cohen uses the Hebrew term*amimut*(opacity) to describe the taboo that developed within Israel around any sort of public acknowledgement of its nuclear arsenal – which estimates peg at up to 200 warheads. To this day, there is total censorship within Israel of any mention that the weapons exist, and the United States actively plays along."

It?s time to put an end to Israel?s ?don?t ask, don?t tell? nuclear policy

Damn, you are stupid. Did it ever occur to you to wonder why Saudi Arabia is in the same camp as Israel on this, or is hatred of Israel the only thing that fills your single brain cell?

Ahhh, the rapturists chime in...

Is rapturist your word for people that actually pay attention to the real world?

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