Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks

[Sunni Man;8046797]
30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect.................
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have followed in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:[/QUOTE]

Good lord but you're an idiot.

It really is remarkable how even convert wannabes adopt the Joooooo hatreds that define islamist ideology.

Unfortunately, suuuuuuu-we man knows little of history.

There are many striking parallels between Hitlerian Germany and Islamism. First, we need to understand the social and political dynamics which caused Hitler’s rise to power. Following Germany’s humiliation at the end of WW I, caused in part by Allied insistence that a percentage of the land area of the German empire be annexed to various countries, and it’s humiliating concessions to the Allies, Germany was on the verge of collapse. It’s not difficult to envision an outspoken individual garnering recognition. It was certainly easier to blame the "Jews" for Germany's problems than it is the overall failed political maneuvering of a lame duck Republic that is chastised by having lost a war of imperialism, isn't it? We’re basically examining an eccentric use of power and greed under the veil of Democracy. A hapless nation had suffered 10 years of runaway inflation and political isolation. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to hear, ie: the glory of the Fatherland, Arian supremacy, etc., etc.

There are several striking parallels between Germany during the 1930’s and the Middle East currently which you may want to take notice of.
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the followers of the rapist pig have been living on their own wet dreams for
1400 years. by now---based on what wet dreamers told me more than 40 years
ago------both Israel and India should have been swallowed up by "THE CALIPHATE"

I even remember when the wet dreamers were telling me that ALL THE AFRICAN
AMERICANS were on the side of the rapist pig and would overcome the USA----
next week

One of the selling points of the filth of mecca is "WE WILL RULE SOON--

(sadly lots of inadequates fall for that crap which is why the crap
is so popular in prisons)

That posts tells us a lot about who the aggressor is around here.
As with the Arabic freedom fighters, trying to remove the invading Jews, we see who wants to cause trouble on these boards by being as nasty as possible to other races and religious groups.
The jewish german bankers stabbed Germany in the back during WWI causing a financial collapse which lead to the countries defeat.

The average german citizens never forgot the traitorous actions of the german jews and where happy to be rid of them. . :cool:
US allies are Britain, Canada and Australia..sometimes France...they all put their soldiers next to ours and in harms way during military engagements. Israel is a tick on America's ass. The military aid alone that we will be giving them each year equals about $1000 per israeli jew.

How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?

None. Which is weird since we primarily went to war in iraq to protect israel.

Hey, guess who came up with the bullshit "evidence" of WMD's in iraq? Yep, israeli intelligence.

It's so comforting knowing we have an "ally" that will lie to us to get us to fight their wars for them.
watching the jihados try to convince themselves that Israelis and jews, in general,
are all upset over Obama taking to the Iranian pigs ----waxes more and more comical
each day Whilst they are fantasizing-----more and more shiites and sunnis will hit
the dust ------murdered by their own bretheren whilst the world yawns
US allies are Britain, Canada and Australia..sometimes France...they all put their soldiers next to ours and in harms way during military engagements. Israel is a tick on America's ass. The military aid alone that we will be giving them each year equals about $1000 per israeli jew.

How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?

None. Which is weird since we primarily went to war in iraq to protect israel.

Hey, guess who came up with the bullshit "evidence" of WMD's in iraq? Yep, israeli intelligence.

It's so comforting knowing we have an "ally" that will lie to us to get us to fight their wars for them.

Israel can't put their soldiers in those countries because of the uproar that would come from Muslim countries, and it wasn't just Israeli intelligence that said Saddam had WMD it was the English, Russian and ours too that said it.
US allies are Britain, Canada and Australia..sometimes France...they all put their soldiers next to ours and in harms way during military engagements. Israel is a tick on America's ass. The military aid alone that we will be giving them each year equals about $1000 per israeli jew.

How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?

None. Which is weird since we primarily went to war in iraq to protect israel.

Hey, guess who came up with the bullshit "evidence" of WMD's in iraq? Yep, israeli intelligence.

It's so comforting knowing we have an "ally" that will lie to us to get us to fight their wars for them.

Israel can't put their soldiers in those countries because of the uproar that would come from Muslim countries, and it wasn't just Israeli intelligence that said Saddam had WMD it was the English, Russian and ours too that said it.

How convenient...
US allies are Britain, Canada and Australia..sometimes France...they all put their soldiers next to ours and in harms way during military engagements. Israel is a tick on America's ass. The military aid alone that we will be giving them each year equals about $1000 per israeli jew.

How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?

None. Which is weird since we primarily went to war in iraq to protect israel.

Hey, guess who came up with the bullshit "evidence" of WMD's in iraq? Yep, israeli intelligence.

It's so comforting knowing we have an "ally" that will lie to us to get us to fight their wars for them.

Israel can't put their soldiers in those countries because of the uproar that would come from Muslim countries, and it wasn't just Israeli intelligence that said Saddam had WMD it was the English, Russian and ours too that said it.

for the record-----the filthy jihado lie that Bush ---(told by israel) claimed that the islamic
murdering pig Sadaam had NUCLEAR WEAPONS is simply a filthy jihado lie Bush
never said that and "WMD" is not the same as "ATOM BOMB"------The filthy murder
for isa/allah pig SADDAAM did have WMD's and the pig used them to murder
tens of thousands of shiites and kurds.
for the record-----the filthy jihado lie that Bush ---(told by israel) claimed that the islamic
murdering pig Sadaam had NUCLEAR WEAPONS is simply a filthy jihado lie Bush
never said that and "WMD" is not the same as "ATOM BOMB"------The filthy murder
for isa/allah pig SADDAAM did have WMD's and the pig used them to murder
tens of thousands of shiites and kurds.
......................................................^^^ irosie started early today . :booze: . :lol: :lol:
Either way, Muslims aren't smart enough to integrate themselves in U.S politics.

Muslims have already ingrained themselves into politics in europe.

And are just starting the process in the U.S. ...... :thup:

Which is why the French have instituted a ban on Muslim dress for women.

Which is why the Germans are heading down the same road.

Which is why British Prime Minister David Cameron has publicly declared that Multiculturalism has failed.

( wherein 'Multiculturalism' = codespeak for Muslim integration )

Which is why op-end cartoons such as the following have gone viral in recent years in the UK...


And, one must keep in mind that it was un-restricted Muslim immigration that led to those troubles in Europe, given that they needed imported labor for decades after WWII...

We have no such labor shortage here, and, all of that European importation of Muslims was before 9-11, etc...

After 9-11, and with us mindful of the example of Europe being nearly overrun before they regained their senses and began to clamp down on Islam within their borders...

After 9-11, Islam doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, of gaining political power in the United States...

Thank God...
Things change...........50 years ago who would have believed that America would elect a black man for president.

Or that open homo's would serve in the military and gay marriage would be legal in several states.

Yes, 50 years from now muslims will be a powerful voting block in U.S. politics.

And apartheid Israel will just be a footnote in the history books. . :cool:
"...How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?..."

Because we specifically ASKED them NOT to participate.

And israel was quick to comply. Better American soldiers die protecting israel then israelis.

And Israel was quick to comply, because they want to stay on our good side.

They would have been perfectly content to fight alongside us in any of those engagements.

It was all we could do, to restrain them from retaliating against Iraq, in Gulf War I, when Saddam starting lobbing Scud missiles at Israel.

They were ready to jump-in and kick some Arab ass again, but they saw the benefit of keeping the Coalition together.

All revisionist history to the contrary notwithstanding.
"...How many israeli soldiers died during the gulf war, afganistan or in iraq?..."

Because we specifically ASKED them NOT to participate.

And israel was quick to comply. Better American soldiers die protecting israel then israelis.

One of the MOST PROMINENT talking points of the nazi pigs who lived
in the USA----of the 1930s was "WHY GO TO WAR TO PROTECT THE JOOOOOS....

some of their filth never changes

The notion that the USA entered world war II----"TO PROTECT THE JOOOOS"
still gets burped out in barrooms ------thruout the land----especially on southern states
by slobs playing with ropes and with fantasies of lynchings and raping little
"nigra" girls
Things change...........50 years ago who would have believed that America would elect a black man for president.

Or that open homo's would serve in the military and gay marriage would be legal in several states.

Yes, 50 years from now muslims will be a powerful voting block in U.S. politics.

And apartheid Israel will just be a footnote in the history books. . :cool:

Don't hold your breath.

There is no record of an American Blacks ramming jet airliners into American buildings and killing 3,000 of our countrymen.
The notion that the USA entered world war II----"TO PROTECT THE JOOOOS"
still gets burped out in barrooms ------thruout the land----especially on southern states
by slobs playing with ropes and with fantasies of lynchings and raping little
"nigra" girls
...............................^^ irosie must be on her 2nd bottle .:booze: . :lol: :lol:
The notion that the USA entered world war II----"TO PROTECT THE JOOOOS"
still gets burped out in barrooms ------thruout the land----especially on southern states
by slobs playing with ropes and with fantasies of lynchings and raping little
"nigra" girls
...............................^^ irosie must be on her 2nd bottle .:booze: . :lol: :lol:

sunni is about to leave to become 'educated'-----at the weekly FECES FLING JUMAAT

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