Israel bitter as world hails positive Iran talks

And when oil rund out in the ME, Israel is sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas ;)
...not to mention Israel is already in the forefront of alternative energy technology, ocean water desalination, and recycling. From barren deserts to the land of milk and honey in 60 years. Truly astounding.
And when oil rund out in the ME, Israel is sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas ;)
...not to mention Israel is already in the forefront of alternative energy technology, ocean water desalination, and recycling. From barren deserts to the land of milk and honey in 60 years. Truly astounding. :
And when oil rund out in the ME, Israel is sitting atop a goldmine of natural gas ;)
...not to mention Israel is already in the forefront of alternative energy technology, ocean water desalination, and recycling. From barren deserts to the land of milk and honey in 60 years. Truly astounding. :clap:
Under our beloved Pres. Obama's leadership the U.S. government is starting to become aware that Israel is more of a liability than an asset.

And is starting to distance it's self from the rogue zionist state. . :cool:

Link that the U.S is distancing itself from Israel ?

You'll be hard pressed to find much.

Everyone thinks Israeli influence is behind America's blind support for that evil government but this isn't the case.
In fact, I believe America's arms industry, a very powerful lobby, is behind the Israeli lobby.
If Iran comes to the table and allows close inspections, the reasons given for possible war melt away so there needs to be a reason.
Israel is trying to create reason but on behalf of the U.S. arms suppliers, not actually for Israel as such.
Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

1. We like Jews better than we like Muslims.

2. We are a secularized Christian country.

3. Judaism is the source from which Christianity sprang; it's the religious Mothership.

4. Islam is a Johnny-come-lately knock-off/spin-off/rip-off hybrid of Judaism and Christianity, plus Arab paganism, which is looked down upon by The West.

5. Islam has a long history of hostility-to and conflict-with both Judaism and Christianity.

6. In modern times, in practice, Islam at-large is less tolerant than Christianity or Judaism.

7. In modern times, in practice, Islam is far more misogynistic than the other two religions.

8. Jews have been living embedded in Christian countries for 2000 years.

9. Muslims (in any significant numbers) are a new element in Western immigration.

10. Muslims are considered alien and backwards in culture, religion and philosophy.

11. Islam has a formalized bloodletting component lacking (in practice) in the others.

12. Islam has an extant, operative collection of canon law that does not mix well in The West.

13. Muhammed locked-out changes 1400 years ago; no Reformation of Islam is likely; leaving it in a perpetual Medieval or Neanderthal state.

14. The Europeans (Nazi Germany and collaborators) slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews within living memory.

15. The West (largely composed of and governed by Euro-descendants) manifests a Collective Guilt post-WWII in dealing with the Jews.

16. Leading-edge representatives of The West (the British Empire) promised the Jews a homeland of their own in Palestine.

17. That promise was echoed in both League of Nations and United Nations proposals.

18. The West, and both the LoN and the UN, reneged on that promise.

19 After that breach of faith/trust, and after the Holocaust, the Jews (finally!) stopped trusting the promises of 'outsiders' and took matters into their own hands.

20. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1948 by surviving their Declaration of Independence and Statehood, and the subsequent Arab-initiated 1948-1949 War against the infant State of Israel, against all odds.

21. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1967 and 1973 by kicking Arab ass repeatedly and against long odds, after the Arabs had massed troops and war-assets on their borders in preparation of invasion.

22. People who fight for themselves and win against overwhelming odds capture the admiration and imagination and support and affection of The West.

23. After 3000 years of holding themselves together as a belief-system and 'people', the Jews had already earned the admiration of many in The West even before 1948.

24. After 1900 years of being pushed-around since the Sack of Jerusalem (70 AD) and being scattered to the four winds, to make such a comeback as the Jews have done, and largely on their own in 1948 and 1967, and to win-back their old spiritual and ancestral homeland after being driven nearly to extinction by the Holocaust, the Jews managed to excite the Martial and Historical Admiration of much of The West.

25. The US arms industry began pumping huge quantities of arms into Israel AFTER the 1967 War in order to (a) offset Soviet re-supply to the Arabs after that war and (b) replenish expended Israeli munitions and (c) to cement a practical alliance between Israel and the United States.

26. The US arms industry has had a fairly good-sized stake in the US-Israel relationship ever since the 1967-1973 timeframe, but it was not a factor in the relationship prior to 1967, during which earlier times other (see above) reasons manifested by which the two countries had begun to grow much closer.

27. The media (including movies) was a strong influence in encouraging and cementing the relationship between the United States and Israel.

28. The United States voluntarily carries much of the practical burden of Western Guilt ove the Holocaust and long-ago decided to support the (then) underdog in the region (Israel) against the wide-array of larger and more powerful Arab countries and Arab coalitions - countries whom the Europeans ass-kiss in order to have access to petroleum products.

29. The United States came to shoulder much of this burden of Western Guilt because the Euros were busy rebuilding for the first 20-30 years after WWII - coinciding with the first 20-30 years of the existence of Israel, largely - and we grew into the role willingly.

30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect; a ghostly byproduct of 2000 years of being forced to maintain closed communities and being obliged to seek success in finance and other key areas due to Dark Ages and Medieval European prohibitions against Christians engaging in such areas of trade and commerce; but this influence, although disproportionate, is not controlling, nor dominant at-large.

...and on and on and on and on.

There are a great many reasons why the United States and Israel are friends.

Including - I am sure - a great many that I have not conjured-up here.

But we are friends and allies, and there is more symmetry and kindred spirit between The West and Judaism than there is between The West and Islam, and, if that has not changed in the past 1300 years since Islam broke out of its cradle, it's not likely to change anytime soon.

The United States and Canada and Australia are - in large part and for all intents and purposes - extensions of Europe, including its culture and religion and philosophy and laws and morals and traditions, etc.; even though all of these are largely 'secularized'.

Even if the United States was 100% atheist, it would still be a nation whose founding and controlling population demographic springs from older European Christian traditions.

Two thousand years of culture and tradition and emotion and inclination and leanings cannot be set aside through something as new-fangled as our own (highly desirable) Separation of Church and State.

A society's laws and interactions with the rest of the world springs from its culture and its traditions and its heritage as much (if not more) as its circumstances du jour.

We (our culture and traditions and international behaviors) are a product of our heritage, and our heritage does not include trust nor friendship with Islam or Muslims, although we (as a culture) struggle heroically to be a little more impartial than our ancestors were.

We are better at this impartiality than our ancestors but our cultural and historical bias leeches through our laws and foreign policy to this very day, and their echo will still be manifest centuries from now.

This long-standing Western Bias against Islam has as much (if not more) to do with our roots as it does present-day circumstances.

Even if Israel did not exist, we would still not be overly-friendly with Muslim countries.

Their belief-system and laws and traditions and cultures are alien-to and incompatible with The West.

The Jews are not burdened by that same handicap.

Rightly or wrongly, for better or worse, like it or not, that is the way of things.

Or so it is perceived, by this amateur reader and interpreter of history, and pro-Israel non-stakeholding observer.


< turns off rambling half-assed amateur dissertation switch and climbs down >
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Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

Or it may just have started as a proxy arms race because the old Soviet block was supplying the Arab side and Israel was on the verge of being wiped out for good.
America started to supply Israel and that turned the course of the war.
You've been supporting them ever since because it's worth billions to the U.S. arms industry to do so.
Of course, the American taxpayers have to fork out all the cash as Israel doesn't pay for anything at all, just takes from debt laden America.
Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

Or it may just have started as a proxy arms race because the old Soviet block was supplying the Arab side and Israel was on the verge of being wiped out for good.
America started to supply Israel and that turned the course of the war.
You've been supporting them ever since because it's worth billions to the U.S. arms industry to do so.
Of course, the American taxpayers have to fork out all the cash as Israel doesn't pay for anything at all, just takes from debt laden America.
As I indicated, it's far more complex than just the ol' Military-Industrial Complex rationale...

That's part of it, as I indicated in my own (25) and (26), but by no means all of it, nor even the dominating aspect of it...

We were the first to recognize Israel in 1948 and our people manifested a natural bias towards Israel long before the 1967 War...

I believe that our support for Israel goes far deeper than the arms industry...

It's more culture and history and symmetry (and lack thereof) than it is the arms industry...

Much to the misfortune of Islam-at-large...

In my opinion...
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30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect.................
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have followed in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:
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30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect.................
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:

If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...

In the words of the (now gone) old Cajun chef, Justin Wilson...

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Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

1. We like Jews better than we like Muslims.

2. We are a secularized Christian country.

3. Judaism is the source from which Christianity sprang; it's the religious Mothership.

4. Islam is a Johnny-come-lately knock-off/spin-off/rip-off hybrid of Judaism and Christianity, plus Arab paganism, which is looked down upon by The West.

5. Islam has a long history of hostility-to and conflict-with both Judaism and Christianity.

6. In modern times, in practice, Islam at-large is less tolerant than Christianity or Judaism.

7. In modern times, in practice, Islam is far more misogynistic than the other two religions.

8. Jews have been living embedded in Christian countries for 2000 years.

9. Muslims (in any significant numbers) are a new element in Western immigration.

10. Muslims are considered alien and backwards in culture, religion and philosophy.

11. Islam has a formalized bloodletting component lacking (in practice) in the others.

12. Islam has an extant, operative collection of canon law that does not mix well in The West.

13. Muhammed locked-out changes 1400 years ago; no Reformation of Islam is likely; leaving it in a perpetual Medieval or Neanderthal state.

14. The Europeans (Nazi Germany and collaborators) slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews within living memory.

15. The West (largely composed of and governed by Euro-descendants) manifests a Collective Guilt post-WWII in dealing with the Jews.

16. Leading-edge representatives of The West (the British Empire) promised the Jews a homeland of their own in Palestine.

17. That promise was echoed in both League of Nations and United Nations proposals.

18. The West, and both the LoN and the UN, reneged on that promise.

19 After that breach of faith/trust, and after the Holocaust, the Jews (finally!) stopped trusting the promises of 'outsiders' and took matters into their own hands.

20. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1948 by surviving their Declaration of Independence and Statehood, and the subsequent Arab-initiated 1948-1949 War against the infant State of Israel, against all odds.

21. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1967 and 1973 by kicking Arab ass repeatedly and against long odds, after the Arabs had massed troops and war-assets on their borders in preparation of invasion.

22. People who fight for themselves and win against overwhelming odds capture the admiration and imagination and support and affection of The West.

23. After 3000 years of holding themselves together as a belief-system and 'people', the Jews had already earned the admiration of many in The West even before 1948.

24. After 1900 years of being pushed-around since the Sack of Jerusalem (70 AD) and being scattered to the four winds, to make such a comeback as the Jews have done, and largely on their own in 1948 and 1967, and to win-back their old spiritual and ancestral homeland after being driven nearly to extinction by the Holocaust, the Jews managed to excite the Martial and Historical Admiration of much of The West.

25. The US arms industry began pumping huge quantities of arms into Israel AFTER the 1967 War in order to (a) offset Soviet re-supply to the Arabs after that war and (b) replenish expended Israeli munitions and (c) to cement a practical alliance between Israel and the United States.

26. The US arms industry has had a fairly good-sized stake in the US-Israel relationship ever since the 1967-1973 timeframe, but it was not a factor in the relationship prior to 1967, during which earlier times other (see above) reasons manifested by which the two countries had begun to grow much closer.

27. The media (including movies) was a strong influence in encouraging and cementing the relationship between the United States and Israel.

28. The United States voluntarily carries much of the practical burden of Western Guilt ove the Holocaust and long-ago decided to support the (then) underdog in the region (Israel) against the wide-array of larger and more powerful Arab countries and Arab coalitions - countries whom the Europeans ass-kiss in order to have access to petroleum products.

29. The United States came to shoulder much of this burden of Western Guilt because the Euros were busy rebuilding for the first 20-30 years after WWII - coinciding with the first 20-30 years of the existence of Israel, largely - and we grew into the role willingly.

30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect; a ghostly byproduct of 2000 years of being forced to maintain closed communities and being obliged to seek success in finance and other key areas due to Dark Ages and Medieval European prohibitions against Christians engaging in such areas of trade and commerce; but this influence, although disproportionate, is not controlling, nor dominant at-large.

...and on and on and on and on.

There are a great many reasons why the United States and Israel are friends.

Including - I am sure - a great many that I have not conjured-up here.

But we are friends and allies, and there is more symmetry and kindred spirit between The West and Judaism than there is between The West and Islam, and, if that has not changed in the past 1300 years since Islam broke out of its cradle, it's not likely to change anytime soon.

The United States and Canada and Australia are - in large part and for all intents and purposes - extensions of Europe, including its culture and religion and philosophy and laws and morals and traditions, etc.; even though all of these are largely 'secularized'.

Even if the United States was 100% atheist, it would still be a nation whose founding and controlling population demographic springs from older European Christian traditions.

Two thousand years of culture and tradition and emotion and inclination and leanings cannot be set aside through something as new-fangled as our own (highly desirable) Separation of Church and State.

A society's laws and interactions with the rest of the world springs from its culture and its traditions and its heritage as much (if not more) as its circumstances du jour.

We (our culture and traditions and international behaviors) are a product of our heritage, and our heritage does not include trust nor friendship with Islam or Muslims, although we (as a culture) struggle heroically to be a little more impartial than our ancestors were.

We are better at this impartiality than our ancestors but our cultural and historical bias leeches through our laws and foreign policy to this very day, and their echo will still be manifest centuries from now.

This long-standing Western Bias against Islam has as much (if not more) to do with our roots as it does present-day circumstances.

Even if Israel did not exist, we would still not be overly-friendly with Muslim countries.

Their belief-system and laws and traditions and cultures are alien-to and incompatible with The West.

The Jews are not burdened by that same handicap.

Rightly or wrongly, for better or worse, like it or not, that is the way of things.

Or so it is perceived, by this amateur reader and interpreter of history, and pro-Israel non-stakeholding observer.


< turns off rambling half-assed amateur dissertation switch and climbs down >
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Excellent post, that was one of the best I've seen in a long time. Basically laid out in full detail why the US and Israel are joined together at the hips.
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Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

1. We like Jews better than we like Muslims.

2. We are a secularized Christian country.

3. Judaism is the source from which Christianity sprang; it's the religious Mothership.

4. Islam is a Johnny-come-lately knock-off/spin-off/rip-off hybrid of Judaism and Christianity, plus Arab paganism, which is looked down upon by The West.

5. Islam has a long history of hostility-to and conflict-with both Judaism and Christianity.

6. In modern times, in practice, Islam at-large is less tolerant than Christianity or Judaism.

7. In modern times, in practice, Islam is far more misogynistic than the other two religions.

8. Jews have been living embedded in Christian countries for 2000 years.

9. Muslims (in any significant numbers) are a new element in Western immigration.

10. Muslims are considered alien and backwards in culture, religion and philosophy.

11. Islam has a formalized bloodletting component lacking (in practice) in the others.

12. Islam has an extant, operative collection of canon law that does not mix well in The West.

13. Muhammed locked-out changes 1400 years ago; no Reformation of Islam is likely; leaving it in a perpetual Medieval or Neanderthal state.

14. The Europeans (Nazi Germany and collaborators) slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews within living memory.

15. The West (largely composed of and governed by Euro-descendants) manifests a Collective Guilt post-WWII in dealing with the Jews.

16. Leading-edge representatives of The West (the British Empire) promised the Jews a homeland of their own in Palestine.

17. That promise was echoed in both League of Nations and United Nations proposals.

18. The West, and both the LoN and the UN, reneged on that promise.

19 After that breach of faith/trust, and after the Holocaust, the Jews (finally!) stopped trusting the promises of 'outsiders' and took matters into their own hands.

20. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1948 by surviving their Declaration of Independence and Statehood, and the subsequent Arab-initiated 1948-1949 War against the infant State of Israel, against all odds.

21. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1967 and 1973 by kicking Arab ass repeatedly and against long odds, after the Arabs had massed troops and war-assets on their borders in preparation of invasion.

22. People who fight for themselves and win against overwhelming odds capture the admiration and imagination and support and affection of The West.

23. After 3000 years of holding themselves together as a belief-system and 'people', the Jews had already earned the admiration of many in The West even before 1948.

24. After 1900 years of being pushed-around since the Sack of Jerusalem (70 AD) and being scattered to the four winds, to make such a comeback as the Jews have done, and largely on their own in 1948 and 1967, and to win-back their old spiritual and ancestral homeland after being driven nearly to extinction by the Holocaust, the Jews managed to excite the Martial and Historical Admiration of much of The West.

25. The US arms industry began pumping huge quantities of arms into Israel AFTER the 1967 War in order to (a) offset Soviet re-supply to the Arabs after that war and (b) replenish expended Israeli munitions and (c) to cement a practical alliance between Israel and the United States.

26. The US arms industry has had a fairly good-sized stake in the US-Israel relationship ever since the 1967-1973 timeframe, but it was not a factor in the relationship prior to 1967, during which earlier times other (see above) reasons manifested by which the two countries had begun to grow much closer.

27. The media (including movies) was a strong influence in encouraging and cementing the relationship between the United States and Israel.

28. The United States voluntarily carries much of the practical burden of Western Guilt ove the Holocaust and long-ago decided to support the (then) underdog in the region (Israel) against the wide-array of larger and more powerful Arab countries and Arab coalitions - countries whom the Europeans ass-kiss in order to have access to petroleum products.

29. The United States came to shoulder much of this burden of Western Guilt because the Euros were busy rebuilding for the first 20-30 years after WWII - coinciding with the first 20-30 years of the existence of Israel, largely - and we grew into the role willingly.

30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect; a ghostly byproduct of 2000 years of being forced to maintain closed communities and being obliged to seek success in finance and other key areas due to Dark Ages and Medieval European prohibitions against Christians engaging in such areas of trade and commerce; but this influence, although disproportionate, is not controlling, nor dominant at-large.

...and on and on and on and on.

There are a great many reasons why the United States and Israel are friends.

Including - I am sure - a great many that I have not conjured-up here.

But we are friends and allies, and there is more symmetry and kindred spirit between The West and Judaism than there is between The West and Islam, and, if that has not changed in the past 1300 years since Islam broke out of its cradle, it's not likely to change anytime soon.

The United States and Canada and Australia are - in large part and for all intents and purposes - extensions of Europe, including its culture and religion and philosophy and laws and morals and traditions, etc.; even though all of these are largely 'secularized'.

Even if the United States was 100% atheist, it would still be a nation whose founding and controlling population demographic springs from older European Christian traditions.

Two thousand years of culture and tradition and emotion and inclination and leanings cannot be set aside through something as new-fangled as our own (highly desirable) Separation of Church and State.

A society's laws and interactions with the rest of the world springs from its culture and its traditions and its heritage as much (if not more) as its circumstances du jour.

We (our culture and traditions and international behaviors) are a product of our heritage, and our heritage does not include trust nor friendship with Islam or Muslims, although we (as a culture) struggle heroically to be a little more impartial than our ancestors were.

We are better at this impartiality than our ancestors but our cultural and historical bias leeches through our laws and foreign policy to this very day, and their echo will still be manifest centuries from now.

This long-standing Western Bias against Islam has as much (if not more) to do with our roots as it does present-day circumstances.

Even if Israel did not exist, we would still not be overly-friendly with Muslim countries.

Their belief-system and laws and traditions and cultures are alien-to and incompatible with The West.

The Jews are not burdened by that same handicap.

Rightly or wrongly, for better or worse, like it or not, that is the way of things.

Or so it is perceived, by this amateur reader and interpreter of history, and pro-Israel non-stakeholding observer.


< turns off rambling half-assed amateur dissertation switch and climbs down >
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Excellent post,mans one of the best I've seen in a ling time. Basically laid out in full detail why the US and Israel are joined together at the hips.

I agree that post was spot on.
30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect.................
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:

If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...
It will take several decades for the muslims to fully integrate and be woven into the American fabric.

The high muslim birth rate will change the demographics and lead to Islam becoming a powerful political force in U.S. politics.

Whereas, the jews have a very low birth rate and are prone to intermarriage with gentiles thereby negating their jewish identity. . :cool:
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:

If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...
It will take several decades for the muslims to fully integrate and be woven into the American fabric.

The high muslim birth rate will change the demographics and lead to Islam becoming a powerful political force in U.S. politics.

Whereas, the jews have a very low birth rate and are prone to intermarriage with gentiles thereby negating their jewish identity. . :cool:
No it won't, if anything...

1- Since Islam and Shariah law cannot coexist with Western civilization, Muslims live in very insular societies and do not mix well with their host nations, unlike other minorities and especially the Jews who essentially woven into e fabric of Western societies.

2- Due to harsh policies and mistrust of Muslims. Muslims are no longer being allowed to emigrate in the same numbers to the US and Europe, as in the past. Visas aren't being issued as much. Communities are being watched and spied upon by security forces. There is no real desire to emigrate to a country where your people are looked upon as potential terrorists 24 / 7, and rightly so.

3- This won't change anytime soon as a new wave of Islamism, civil and sectarian wars sweep across the Muslim world.
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This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:

If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...
It will take several decades for the muslims to fully integrate and be woven into the American fabric.

The high muslim birth rate will change the demographics and lead to Islam becoming a powerful political force in U.S. politics.

Whereas, the jews have a very low birth rate and are prone to intermarriage with gentiles thereby negating their jewish identity. . :cool:

the followers of the rapist pig have been living on their own wet dreams for
1400 years. by now---based on what wet dreamers told me more than 40 years
ago------both Israel and India should have been swallowed up by "THE CALIPHATE"

I even remember when the wet dreamers were telling me that ALL THE AFRICAN
AMERICANS were on the side of the rapist pig and would overcome the USA----
next week

One of the selling points of the filth of mecca is "WE WILL RULE SOON--

(sadly lots of inadequates fall for that crap which is why the crap
is so popular in prisons)
Warning: Long-ass rambling post follows...


Purely as a matter of personal opinion, I believe that America's support of Israel is due to a wide array of factors:

1. We like Jews better than we like Muslims.

2. We are a secularized Christian country.

3. Judaism is the source from which Christianity sprang; it's the religious Mothership.

4. Islam is a Johnny-come-lately knock-off/spin-off/rip-off hybrid of Judaism and Christianity, plus Arab paganism, which is looked down upon by The West.

5. Islam has a long history of hostility-to and conflict-with both Judaism and Christianity.

6. In modern times, in practice, Islam at-large is less tolerant than Christianity or Judaism.

7. In modern times, in practice, Islam is far more misogynistic than the other two religions.

8. Jews have been living embedded in Christian countries for 2000 years.

9. Muslims (in any significant numbers) are a new element in Western immigration.

10. Muslims are considered alien and backwards in culture, religion and philosophy.

11. Islam has a formalized bloodletting component lacking (in practice) in the others.

12. Islam has an extant, operative collection of canon law that does not mix well in The West.

13. Muhammed locked-out changes 1400 years ago; no Reformation of Islam is likely; leaving it in a perpetual Medieval or Neanderthal state.

14. The Europeans (Nazi Germany and collaborators) slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews within living memory.

15. The West (largely composed of and governed by Euro-descendants) manifests a Collective Guilt post-WWII in dealing with the Jews.

16. Leading-edge representatives of The West (the British Empire) promised the Jews a homeland of their own in Palestine.

17. That promise was echoed in both League of Nations and United Nations proposals.

18. The West, and both the LoN and the UN, reneged on that promise.

19 After that breach of faith/trust, and after the Holocaust, the Jews (finally!) stopped trusting the promises of 'outsiders' and took matters into their own hands.

20. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1948 by surviving their Declaration of Independence and Statehood, and the subsequent Arab-initiated 1948-1949 War against the infant State of Israel, against all odds.

21. The Jews shocked the hell out of everyone in 1967 and 1973 by kicking Arab ass repeatedly and against long odds, after the Arabs had massed troops and war-assets on their borders in preparation of invasion.

22. People who fight for themselves and win against overwhelming odds capture the admiration and imagination and support and affection of The West.

23. After 3000 years of holding themselves together as a belief-system and 'people', the Jews had already earned the admiration of many in The West even before 1948.

24. After 1900 years of being pushed-around since the Sack of Jerusalem (70 AD) and being scattered to the four winds, to make such a comeback as the Jews have done, and largely on their own in 1948 and 1967, and to win-back their old spiritual and ancestral homeland after being driven nearly to extinction by the Holocaust, the Jews managed to excite the Martial and Historical Admiration of much of The West.

25. The US arms industry began pumping huge quantities of arms into Israel AFTER the 1967 War in order to (a) offset Soviet re-supply to the Arabs after that war and (b) replenish expended Israeli munitions and (c) to cement a practical alliance between Israel and the United States.

26. The US arms industry has had a fairly good-sized stake in the US-Israel relationship ever since the 1967-1973 timeframe, but it was not a factor in the relationship prior to 1967, during which earlier times other (see above) reasons manifested by which the two countries had begun to grow much closer.

27. The media (including movies) was a strong influence in encouraging and cementing the relationship between the United States and Israel.

28. The United States voluntarily carries much of the practical burden of Western Guilt ove the Holocaust and long-ago decided to support the (then) underdog in the region (Israel) against the wide-array of larger and more powerful Arab countries and Arab coalitions - countries whom the Europeans ass-kiss in order to have access to petroleum products.

29. The United States came to shoulder much of this burden of Western Guilt because the Euros were busy rebuilding for the first 20-30 years after WWII - coinciding with the first 20-30 years of the existence of Israel, largely - and we grew into the role willingly.

30. The Jews in the US have an influence in society and culture and finance and media and education which is disproportionately higher than their numbers might otherwise reflect; a ghostly byproduct of 2000 years of being forced to maintain closed communities and being obliged to seek success in finance and other key areas due to Dark Ages and Medieval European prohibitions against Christians engaging in such areas of trade and commerce; but this influence, although disproportionate, is not controlling, nor dominant at-large.

...and on and on and on and on.

There are a great many reasons why the United States and Israel are friends.

Including - I am sure - a great many that I have not conjured-up here.

But we are friends and allies, and there is more symmetry and kindred spirit between The West and Judaism than there is between The West and Islam, and, if that has not changed in the past 1300 years since Islam broke out of its cradle, it's not likely to change anytime soon.

The United States and Canada and Australia are - in large part and for all intents and purposes - extensions of Europe, including its culture and religion and philosophy and laws and morals and traditions, etc.; even though all of these are largely 'secularized'.

Even if the United States was 100% atheist, it would still be a nation whose founding and controlling population demographic springs from older European Christian traditions.

Two thousand years of culture and tradition and emotion and inclination and leanings cannot be set aside through something as new-fangled as our own (highly desirable) Separation of Church and State.

A society's laws and interactions with the rest of the world springs from its culture and its traditions and its heritage as much (if not more) as its circumstances du jour.

We (our culture and traditions and international behaviors) are a product of our heritage, and our heritage does not include trust nor friendship with Islam or Muslims, although we (as a culture) struggle heroically to be a little more impartial than our ancestors were.

We are better at this impartiality than our ancestors but our cultural and historical bias leeches through our laws and foreign policy to this very day, and their echo will still be manifest centuries from now.

This long-standing Western Bias against Islam has as much (if not more) to do with our roots as it does present-day circumstances.

Even if Israel did not exist, we would still not be overly-friendly with Muslim countries.

Their belief-system and laws and traditions and cultures are alien-to and incompatible with The West.

The Jews are not burdened by that same handicap.

Rightly or wrongly, for better or worse, like it or not, that is the way of things.

Or so it is perceived, by this amateur reader and interpreter of history, and pro-Israel non-stakeholding observer.


< turns off rambling half-assed amateur dissertation switch and climbs down >
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Excellent post,mans one of the best I've seen in a ling time. Basically laid out in full detail why the US and Israel are joined together at the hips.

I agree that post was spot on.
I would have pos. repped him but ran out for him.
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If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...
It will take several decades for the muslims to fully integrate and be woven into the American fabric.

The high muslim birth rate will change the demographics and lead to Islam becoming a powerful political force in U.S. politics.

Whereas, the jews have a very low birth rate and are prone to intermarriage with gentiles thereby negating their jewish identity. . :cool:

the followers of the rapist pig have been living on their own wet dreams for
1400 years. by now---based on what wet dreamers told me more than 40 years
ago------both Israel and India should have been swallowed up by "THE CALIPHATE"

I even remember when the wet dreamers were telling me that ALL THE AFRICAN
AMERICANS were on the side of the rapist pig and would overcome the USA----
next week

One of the selling points of the filth of mecca is "WE WILL RULE SOON--

(sadly lots of inadequates fall for that crap which is why the crap
is so popular in prisons)
That is true. Muslims are rushing backwards to the 7th century Medieval mindset while the rest of the world is rushing forwards into the 22nd century. Islam is not compatible with modern humanity. Remember that...

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
This is the exact same pattern the 'Chosen People' have in every host country than allow them into their society.

And eventually the people get feed up and drive them out.

The last example was pre war Germany.

And it will someday happen in N. America and again in Europe. . :cool:

If the US ever does expel the Jews...

It will be long after the US expels the Muslims...

Neither is ever likely to happen, in the real world...

But if it does...

The Muslims will go first...
It will take several decades for the muslims to fully integrate and be woven into the American fabric.

The high muslim birth rate will change the demographics and lead to Islam becoming a powerful political force in U.S. politics.

Whereas, the jews have a very low birth rate and are prone to intermarriage with gentiles thereby negating their jewish identity. . :cool:

Keep dreaming Ahmed !

Either way, Muslims aren't smart enough to integrate themselves in U.S politics.

I'm guessing you also want Sharia Law in the U.S , right ?

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