Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.

Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land

Bethlehem is Palestinian land? When did that happen?

that piece of land is in every muslims mind

Because muslims are losers.
Talib belongs to that land more than most Israeli invaders.
The orange cant get enough of Israel's hairy balls, they own his ass along with Putin.

Talib belongs to that land

She should Syria.
She is trying to do the job that she was elected by American citizens to do as mandated by the US Constitution. She is a duly elected representative of the United States.

Why don’t you go back to whatever sh!t hole you crawled out of? Mmmm?
Let me explain something to these oh so pro constitutional white wingers.

Members of the house are elected to oversee the president and what the country is supposed to be doing. By denying these women the right to visit a country that receives billions and billions of dollars in US money, they are actually going against the US Constitution and preventing elected US officials from doing their constitutionally mandated jobs.

Leave it to Republicans to trash the US Constitution once again because they believe they’re attacking some minority women.

What a bunch of slimes these Republicans are. Aren’t they? I mean it really aren’t they?

they are actually going against the US Constitution and preventing elected US officials from doing their constitutionally mandated jobs.

Their mandated job says Israel has to let them visit? Please post the section of the
Constitution that backs up your silly claim.
Talib belongs to that land more than most Israeli invaders.
The orange cant get enough of Israel's hairy balls, they own his ass along with Putin.

Talib belongs to that land

She should Syria.
She is trying to do the job that she was elected by American citizens to do as mandated by the US Constitution. She is a duly elected representative of the United States.

Why don’t you go back to whatever sh!t hole you crawled out of? Mmmm?

She's free to vote against future money for Israel.
And instantly the blame goes to Trump in that he colluded with Israel
If the dumb America and Israel hating bitches didn’t run their yaps then they may have been welcomed.
Much of the land the Palestinians were kicked out of was owned by Turkish absentee land lords so unlike in North America the concept of ownership of land was well established going back to antiquity.
But Palestinians felt that wherever animals were kept that land was theirs. That was their concept of ownership.
The Ottoman Empire and then the British had a different concept of ownership.

Land ownership GOES WAY BACK in the Levant----as you have stated----however
there were peoples----actually called ISMAELITES (ishmaelis) in ancient literature------biblical, Talmud etc who exhibited the following characteristics---
they were nomadic, engaged in slave trade, illiterate, did not build
permanent homes-----and could be counted on to engage in CRIMINAL
ACTS Today we call their descendants "Palestinians"----but that is a new moniker----only since the early 1960s. Prior to 1948 the ONLY "PALESTNIANS" in the world were jews living in the land that the romans called Palestina----
back then NO MUSLIM was called a "Palestinian" ---nor was any arab so designated
If you want to keep your land stop trying to murder and attack Israeli people.
The American Indians gave up fighting for their land and look what happened to them. And what the hell do you mean by "attack"?
The Indians never had a concept that it was their land exclusively nor that they owned it
Read and study before emoting.
The land of the Indians was stolen in the same way as the Palestian's land is being stolen from them by Zionists. Switch your brain on and use it.
I will follow what the Indians said and how they lived rather than abiding by your erroneous emotional chastisement
Land ownership GOES WAY BACK in the Levant----as you have stated----however
there were peoples----actually called ISMAELITES (ishmaelis) in ancient literature------biblical, Talmud etc who exhibited the following characteristics---
they were nomadic, engaged in slave trade, illiterate, did not build
permanent homes-----and could be counted on to engage in CRIMINAL
ACTS Today we call their descendants "Palestinians"----but that is a new moniker----only since the early 1960s. Prior to 1948 the ONLY "PALESTNIANS" in the world were jews living in the land that the romans called Palestina----
back then NO MUSLIM was called a "Palestinian" ---nor was any arab so designated
That sounds like the joke people used to tell about Okies in the Dust Bowl twenties.
Okies would outright steal from people but Arkies would just lean up against something and claim it as their own.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

AOC expresses total disbelief that Israel would not let her Pro-Terrorist Anti-Semitic 'Squad' buddies into the country after insulting Israel by requesting to come over and visit 'Palestine', refusing to meet with anyone in the Israeli government, and asking to meet with terrorist supporters instead....

Take a good long look at that face....THIS is the REAL current Speaker of the House and the FUTURE of the Socialist Democratic party...

If You Want A Reason Why Israel Barred Anti-Israel Democrats From Entering, Just Look What They Wrote On Their Itinerary
she looks like she's waiting for bill.
Perhaps the same place you acquired your historical knowledge on concepts of Palestinian land ownership.
I doubt it, Sluggo. "Palestinian land ownership" was an oxymoron until the UN stepped in in 1948 and gave Palestine their own land....which they promptly ignored in favor of murdering Jews.

While Zionist pioneers were busy buying tracts of land from Ottomen landlords the Palestinians had no need or interest in such legal arrangements.
They simply claimed land because they were living there and their goats were tied up there
and maybe a bush or tree had been planted there.

It wasn't even a medieval concept of ownership. It was less than that.
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Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
Looking over these posts from these right wingers, each one more stupid and idiotic than the next.

These women are elected to the US Congress. Their job is to oversee what happens to the American money. We’re giving billions and billions of dollars to Israel we have a right to know what it’s being used for. They’re trying to do their job as outlined in the US Constitution. But Republicans can’t see past the skin color because of their racism. That’s all they know is how to be racist.

Tell that to Israel, they seem to have taken offense to what these two women have said about their country. They have a right to say it and others have a right to react to it.

Maybe they will one day grow up and act like politicians instead of stirring shit up.
seems funny that many on "the left" can get irate that these two got told GO AWAY and it's a foul.

when cities and countries say or allude to the same about trump - that same FOUL mentality is suddenly gone and a stupid action is suddenly so great.
DemocRATS forgot about Obama disallowing an Israeli Parliament member from entering the U.S. in 2012.
Hypocrite trash talkers.
So give us some details. If you can.

In 2012 the Obama Administration denied a visa to Michael Ben-Ari, a member of the Israeli Kach Party in the Israeli Parliament.
The only reason I posted this is because Google has made this hard to find (what else is new...).

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