Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

AOC expresses total disbelief that Israel would not let her Pro-Terrorist Anti-Semitic 'Squad' buddies into the country after insulting Israel by requesting to come over and visit 'Palestine', refusing to meet with anyone in the Israeli government, and asking to meet with terrorist supporters instead....

Take a good long look at that face....THIS is the REAL current Speaker of the House and the FUTURE of the Socialist Democratic party...

If You Want A Reason Why Israel Barred Anti-Israel Democrats From Entering, Just Look What They Wrote On Their Itinerary
If that's the future of the demonrat party, they're done for.
You don't know me, cease pretending you do.

Israel stuffed your two mouthpieces...good on Israel. Now sit and whine like the little bitch you are
Not me...but you are the Israeli cowards have been killing civilians and stealing lands for decades. And since you are the criminal racist bastatd you are, you have to side with the occupying surprise there.
Keep sending that money to Israel, you are their bitch.
Muslims have been killing innocents and civilians since the 600's. Any Muslim NOT in Saudi Arabia is out of their country. Go practice your apartied in the desert and leave moral folk alone.

Muslims can't get along with anyone...even other Muslims
Sure they do. Who has been invading countries ( Afghanistan, lybia, Vietnam, world war 2, Korea, phillipines, Hawaii, iraq.....)? Who has thousands of military bases around the world? Who has been doing bombs In different parts of the world? Who has dropped nuclear bombs on civilians? Mislims ?

That's what happens when you're the world's police.

I'd be fine letting you animals kill each other...just leave Israel and the Kurds alone
1. Worle police? The US killed fsr more than anyone else.
2. Kurds are mostly muslims.
3. If Israel allowed the refugees ba k they would be far more muslims.

Look at Palestinians and most Israelis and tell me who looks from the middle east lol, dumb ass.
Trump is upset over American citizens exercising their right to protest? Tell me I have this wrong.
Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump

Israel is now defending American democracy better than the USA can

Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for Israel boycotts.

The country's deputy foreign minister announced the decision Thursday, despite prior assurances that the congresswomen would be allowed in.

I am a tad shocked that people who openly hate Israel so much, would even consider visiting.

Well good for Israel. What idiots.
Right Here, Sharia Breath

'These religions are not, in effect, separable from a firm and constant orientation, from an imperial de jure State, even, and especially, in the absence of a de facto State; they have promoted an ideal of sedentarization and addressed themselves more to the migrant components than the nomadic ones. Even early Islam favored the theme of the hegira, or migration, over nomadism; rather, it was through certain schisms (such as the Khajari movement) that it won over the Arab or Berber nomads.

However, it does not exhaust the question to establish a simple opposition between two points of view, religion-nomadism. For monotheistic religion, at the deepest level of its tendency to project a universal or spiritual State over the entire ecumenon, is not without ambivalence or fringe areas; it goes beyond even the ideal limits of the State, even the imperial State, entering a more indistinct zone, an outside of States where it has the possibility of undergoing a singular mutation or adaption. We are referring to religion as an element in a war machine and the idea of holy war as the motor of that machine. The (prophet [italics]), as opposed to the state personality of the king and the religious personality of the priest, directs the movement by which a religion becomes a war machine or passes over to the side of such a machine. It has often been said that Islam, and the prophet Mohammed, performed such a conversion of religion and constituted a veritable esprit de corps; in the formula of Georges Bataille, "early Islam, a society reduced to the military enterprise." This is what the West invokes in order to justify its antipathy toward Islam. Yet the Crusades were a properly Christian adventure of this type. The prophets may very well condemn nomad life; the war machine may very well favor the movement of migration and the ideal of establishment; religion in general may very well compensate for its specific deterritorialization with the spiritual and even physical reterritorialization, which in the case of the holy war assumes the well-directed character of a conquest of the holy lands as the center of the world. Despite all that, when religion sets itself up as a war machine, it mobilizes and liberates a formidable charge of nomadism or absolute deterritorialization; it doubles the migrant with an accompanying nomad, or with the potential nomad the migrant is in the process of becoming; and finally, it turns its dream of an absolute State back against the State-form. And this turning-against is no less part of the "essence" of religion than that dream. The history of the Crusades marked by the most astonishing series of directional changes: the firm orientation toward the Holy Land as a center to reach often seems nothing more than a pretext.'
(A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, 1227: Treatise on Nomadology -- The War Machine)
Good for Israel. After many years of studying Pisslam, the Quran and its fanatical extermination of Jews, Pisslam is ideologically identical to Naziism. That's why my screaming-their-heads-off Obama-ultimate-drone female relatives go violently insane when I tell the truth of what ultimate neo-Nazis these whores really are. I've cussed these bitches out, blown up at them, told them I'm sorry I visited Hawaii twice with that lying, lying, LYING family of the WORST dregs of the female gender I've ever seen.
Talib belongs to that land more than most Israeli invaders.
The orange cant get enough of Israel's hairy balls, they own his ass along with Putin.

BS, yeah you're a muzzie
And proud. :5_1_12024:

Why not?

Because Islam treats women and gays like 2nd rate persons and kill apostates.
So dos Trump.
Good for them, Those two like Issa up there are hell bent to destroy Israel.
What is truly comical is that they both thought Israel was going to let them in and wonder around in the west bank.
Furthermore the democrats that are speaking out condemning Israel are total self centered trash, it is the Israeli government's decision and should be respected.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
No one cares what smelly muslims think. You people dont take baths.
Hahahaha we built baths in Europe and we in invented soap you dumb ass. Is documented that Europeans were filthy till the moors came in...and introduced baths, running water systems, perfumes, soaps and so much history you ignorant.

A practicing Muslim washes for prayer every day sometimes 5 times ;). Your underwear is brown as a brownie.
Yeah, thats the problem. You stinky fucks think you are bathing when you rub water from a bowl on yourselves.
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
No one cares what smelly muslims think. You people dont take baths.
Hahahaha we built baths in Europe and we in invented soap you dumb ass. Is documented that Europeans were filthy till the moors came in...and introduced baths, running water systems, perfumes, soaps and so much history you ignorant.

A practicing Muslim washes for prayer every day sometimes 5 times ;). Your underwear is brown as a brownie.
What have you done recently other that female castration, suicide bombs and sheep.

Goats...there is even drone video
1 in 5 women in the US get sexually harassed or raped, your leader is a pussy grabber and you worried about goats in the desert ? Hahaha
Fake stats are never an effective way to win a debate.

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