Israel blocks terrorist Omar, Tlaib from entering country

What sort of logic are you employing? You think the Palestinians just gave away their homes or sold it to the Zionists?
This is like shooting fish in a barrel.
It sure is.
If you set up a shack on a vacant lot and then someone, a legally recognized land owner, removes your shack who is to blame? The entitled land owner? Or the squatter moron with zero title to that parcel?

The UN GAVE the Palestinians land on which to build a nation. It's not like the stateless wandering Palestinian people
lost anything of irreplaceable value. They only gained, in reality. Did you know goats will graze anywhere there is vegetation?
Dumb ass. No one denied that there Jews there, not the Jews from Manhattan, Russia and Poland. Palestinians are indigenous to the land as well. Fuck I didnt know the American school system was this bad.

Dumbass. The Jews fought for that land and won. Its theirs. Get over it. LMAO
Who said it is over dumbass? :)

The Arabs did. They have tried what, three or four times, to kill the Jews or drive them off and failed every time.

Dumbass. LOL
Wrong sweet heart. The holy land was under Islamic rule for centuries, if we hated the Jews we couldve cleansed them out...we didnt because we respect the people of the book (Christian's and jews) we defeated the crusaders and protected the Jews and everyone lived and practiced their religion.
Same happened in southern Europe, when Muslim ruling ended Jews fled to muslim countries escaping the cleansing done by the crusaders once again.

You never had a real history class, I can tell.
And you have never read the Quoran.
You've not read the Koran, the Bible, or the Torah.
What sort of logic are you employing? You think the Palestinians just gave away their homes or sold it to the Zionists?
This is like shooting fish in a barrel.
It sure is.
If you set up a shack on a vacant lot and then someone, a legally recognized land owner, removes your shack who is to blame? The entitled land owner? Or the squatter moron with zero title to that parcel?

The UN GAVE the Palestinians land on which to build a nation. It's not like the stateless wandering Palestinian people
lost anything of irreplaceable value. They only gained, in reality. Did you know goats will graze anywhere there is vegetation?
You don't know the difference between the Palestinians and the Bedouin. This is just one more bit of proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.

AOC expresses total disbelief that Israel would not let her Pro-Terrorist Anti-Semitic 'Squad' buddies into the country after insulting Israel by requesting to come over and visit 'Palestine', refusing to meet with anyone in the Israeli government, and asking to meet with terrorist supporters instead....

Take a good long look at that face....THIS is the REAL current Speaker of the House and the FUTURE of the Socialist Democratic party...

If You Want A Reason Why Israel Barred Anti-Israel Democrats From Entering, Just Look What They Wrote On Their Itinerary

AOC expresses total disbelief that Israel would not let her Pro-Terrorist Anti-Semitic 'Squad' buddies into the country after insulting Israel by requesting to come over and visit 'Palestine', refusing to meet with anyone in the Israeli government, and asking to meet with terrorist supporters instead....

Take a good long look at that face....THIS is the REAL current Speaker of the House and the FUTURE of the Socialist Democratic party...

If You Want A Reason Why Israel Barred Anti-Israel Democrats From Entering, Just Look What They Wrote On Their Itinerary

She looks like a human bullhorn in that pic.
The land of the Indians was stolen in the same way as the Palestian's land is being stolen from them by Zionists. Switch your brain on and use it.
You only know what you were probably taught in your tenth grade current events class. Or are you a Political Science genius?
Israel gained their land in three distinct ways: Through purchase, by early Zionist settlers from absentee Turkish landlords, through the UN partition in 1948 or by military action in the Six Day War of aggression by a coalition force of Arab armies.

You know nothing but propaganda. Fuck off, illegitimate grandchild of Yasser Arafat.
Because I'm not a dumb racist redneck like you :p

You don't know me, cease pretending you do.

Israel stuffed your two mouthpieces...good on Israel. Now sit and whine like the little bitch you are
Not me...but you are the Israeli cowards have been killing civilians and stealing lands for decades. And since you are the criminal racist bastatd you are, you have to side with the occupying surprise there.
Keep sending that money to Israel, you are their bitch.
Muslims have been killing innocents and civilians since the 600's. Any Muslim NOT in Saudi Arabia is out of their country. Go practice your apartied in the desert and leave moral folk alone.

Muslims can't get along with anyone...even other Muslims
Sure they do. Who has been invading countries ( Afghanistan, lybia, Vietnam, world war 2, Korea, phillipines, Hawaii, iraq.....)? Who has thousands of military bases around the world? Who has been doing bombs In different parts of the world? Who has dropped nuclear bombs on civilians? Mislims ?

That's what happens when you're the world's police.

I'd be fine letting you animals kill each other...just leave Israel and the Kurds alone
If you want to keep your land stop trying to murder and attack Israeli people.
The American Indians gave up fighting for their land and look what happened to them. And what the hell do you mean by "attack"?
The Indians never had a concept that it was their land exclusively nor that they owned it
Read and study before emoting.

Interestingly------the Bedouins of Arabia did not either------they were
entirely tribal like American Indians-------they took "ownership" of the
sand upon which they placed their asses and the well they DUG UP.
There was a large city like thing in Arabia----- but it was not ISLAMIC
until the big mo SO DELCARED IT----he actually STOLE IT FROM
OTHER TRIBES ----that one is Mecca ---a trading
center of the east west ---west east trading routes. ----and there was
MEDINA the erstwhile YATHRIB ----a jewish settlement in arabia
Have you asked yourself why only if in the world see Israel as a non criminal state? That's because they fucking are , remember apartheid That's what Israel is....
Speaking of the west bank, that's a Palestinian land controlled by Israeli occupiers that ingested it with illegal settlements.
Talib for example she is more indigenous to the holy land than most Israelis. But because Israel has been cleansing that land her parents and million other Palestinians we re pushed out...bad news for Israel and unlike American natives...that piece of land is in every muslims mind, it was recovered once and it will once again.
And I'm not for the destruction of anything, Palestinians need to get their freedom and lands back, settlers and invaders need to go back to where they came from.
No one cares what smelly muslims think. You people dont take baths.
Hahahaha we built baths in Europe and we in invented soap you dumb ass. Is documented that Europeans were filthy till the moors came in...and introduced baths, running water systems, perfumes, soaps and so much history you ignorant.

A practicing Muslim washes for prayer every day sometimes 5 times ;). Your underwear is brown as a brownie.
What have you done recently other that female castration, suicide bombs and sheep.

Goats...there is even drone video
1 in 5 women in the US get sexually harassed or raped, your leader is a pussy grabber and you worried about goats in the desert ? Hahaha

Yeah, because of liberalism. We are dealing with this.
Much of the land the Palestinians were kicked out of was owned by Turkish absentee land lords so unlike in North America the concept of ownership of land was well established going back to antiquity.
But Palestinians felt that wherever animals were kept that land was theirs. That was their concept of ownership.
The Ottoman Empire and then the British had a different concept of ownership.
LOL @ Republicans supporting this ban, while pretending to champion freedom.

Nobody is saying they should be in jail, yet.....

Due process.

Actually, Democrats will more likely succeed, in jailing people for thought crimes.
They do run social media, Hollywood, the media, the schools, and well.
They will probably make attacking "Special groups" a priority for jail, just like in the UK, Germany, and maybe a few other countries in Western Europe.
Much of the land the Palestinians were kicked out of was owned by Turkish absentee land lords so unlike in North America the concept of ownership of land was well established going back to antiquity.
But Palestinians felt that wherever animals were kept that land was theirs. That was their concept of ownership.
The Ottoman Empire and then the British had different concepts of ownership.
Not the olive trees? Where did you get this stuff?
Talib and Omar only want to go to Israel to give them the middle finger. They can do that from the comforts of their Hill Offices. Jewish Democrats can continue to write checks to the party.
Let me explain something to these oh so pro constitutional white wingers.

Members of the house are elected to oversee the president and what the country is supposed to be doing. By denying these women the right to visit a country that receives billions and billions of dollars in US money, they are actually going against the US Constitution and preventing elected US officials from doing their constitutionally mandated jobs.

Leave it to Republicans to trash the US Constitution once again because they believe they’re attacking some minority women.

What a bunch of slimes these Republicans are. Aren’t they? I mean it really aren’t they?

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