Israel bombs southern Lebanon .

War was brought to Israel. They didnt ask for it but it is here already. Right now Hamas holds 200 Hostages or so doing who knows what to them. Israel must respond and win this War.

Should Iran send in their other proxy army, then the War will expand . It is what it is. Israel will respond there too.

Israel will win this. Just hope Irans eyes gets dotted in the process. They are the head of the snake.
Because they are Hezbollah Islamic terrorist savages that under orders from Iran are shooting missiles into the sovereign country of Israel, without any provocation whatsoever. But since when did Islamic savage animals need provoking?

Hezbollah was founded to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Hmmm... Dante could have saved you the effort of all that listening.

Not going to happen. But we all may see Israel become a pariah state:

re: "The Sabra and Shatila massacre took place between the 16th and the 18th of September 1982 in Lebanon. It was perpetrated by a Lebanese Christian militia, the Phalangists, which was under the political and military control of the State of Israel. The victims were mostly civilians from Sabra and Shatila."

Dante posted an idea of 'Sabra and Shatila' being relevant, but the haters here @ usmb -- it went over their heads. And now it cannot be found using the search feature here.

Ariel Sharon betrayed Reagan with the Sabra and Shatilla massacre..
That's why our Marine barracks were bombed.
Ariel Sharon betrayed Reagan with the Sabra and Shatilla massacre..
That's why our Marine barracks were bombed.
The Sabra and Shatilla massacre was carried out by christians
who rejected your favored islamic oppression. Didn't you ever speak
to a maronite? The "under the direction of da JOOOOS" is yet another
islamo nazi meme
Hezbollah was founded to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
Ha ha ha. The ignorance and stupidity is astounding. Israel never in its history had anything to do with Lebanon, ever. Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy army of savages, they were created and funded by Iran to not only destroy Israel, but to oppress, persecute and kill Lebanese Christians and to turn Lebanon into yet another Islamic terrorist shithole under the thumb of Iran.

Hezbollah is a Shiite Muslim political party and militant group based in Lebanon, where its extensive security apparatus, political organization, and social services network have fostered its reputation as “a state within a state.” Founded in the chaos of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War, the Iran-backed group is driven by its opposition to Israel and its resistance to Western influence in the Middle East.

With its history of carrying out global terrorist attacks, parts of Hezbollah—and in some cases the entire organization—have been designated as a terrorist group by the United States and many other countries. In recent years, long-standing alliances with Iran and Syria have transformed Hezbollah into an increasingly effective military force, one that experts say would pose a formidable challenge in the event of new fighting against its longtime enemy Israel. At the same time, however, Hezbollah officials and other leaders in Lebanon are facing public discontent as the nation verges on failure, and Hezbollah’s political power could be shrinking.
Ha ha ha. The ignorance and stupidity is astounding. Israel never in its history had anything to do with Lebanon, ever. Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy army of savages, they were created and funded by Iran to not only destroy Israel, but to oppress, persecute and kill Lebanese Christians and to turn Lebanon into yet another Islamic terrorist shithole under the thumb of Iran.

Hezbollah is a Shiite Muslim political party and militant group based in Lebanon, where its extensive security apparatus, political organization, and social services network have fostered its reputation as “a state within a state.” Founded in the chaos of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War, the Iran-backed group is driven by its opposition to Israel and its resistance to Western influence in the Middle East.

With its history of carrying out global terrorist attacks, parts of Hezbollah—and in some cases the entire organization—have been designated as a terrorist group by the United States and many other countries. In recent years, long-standing alliances with Iran and Syria have transformed Hezbollah into an increasingly effective military force, one that experts say would pose a formidable challenge in the event of new fighting against its longtime enemy Israel. At the same time, however, Hezbollah officials and other leaders in Lebanon are facing public discontent as the nation verges on failure, and Hezbollah’s political power could be shrinking.
all true---but the islamo nazi BS touted by Surada is very appealing to MOST sectors of
the US population----the level of intellect of the of the american population is
at the least TRAGICALLY "childish" (in a negative sense of the term---not the laudable
all true---but the islamo nazi BS touted by Surada is very appealing to MOST sectors of
the US population----the level of intellect of the of the american population is
at the least TRAGICALLY "childish" (in a negative sense of the term---not the laudable
Decades of hearing look at what the Jews did has brain washed many of our youth.

Took the Nazis 2 decades to pull that off and then off into ovens
The Sabra and Shatilla massacre was carried out by christians
who rejected your favored islamic oppression. Didn't you ever speak
to a maronite? The "under the direction of da JOOOOS" is yet another
islamo nazi meme

Yes. Ariel Sharon armed the philangists and blocked any escape for the women and children. He'd promised Reagan that if the men left he wouldn't attack the village. They slaughtered the women, children and elderly who stayed behind.
I was listening to a podcast out of Israel with locals discussing the turns so far in the war and they think the Hizballah will definitely enter the war but they are playing a game trying to provoke Israel to strike first so they can use it for PR. If the Hizballah join in, the death toll in Israel is going to be in the thousands. If it gets that bad, I hope Israel reduces southern Lebanon into a moonscape and Tehran into a glowing radioactive crater.

You're so bloodthirsty. Hasn't Israel screwed up enough to suit you?
Wondering why this poster isn’t even following its own religion…Koran Surah 17:104 or should I say Sura-dah 104:

104 Children of Israel​

Verse 17:104 'And We said thereafter unto the Children of Israel, “Dwell in the land. And when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass, We shall bring you as a mixed assembly.”'[9]

17:2 And We gave Moses the Scripture and made it a guide for the Children of Israel

[2.40] O children of Israel! call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and be faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I will fulfill (My) covenant with you; and of Me, Me alone, should you be afraid.

***Gee… I wonder why no mention of Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims as those who are the inheritors and should dwell in the “land”. Could it be Moe- hammad was a Zionist?
Yes. Ariel Sharon armed the philangists and blocked any escape for the women and children. He'd promised Reagan that if the men left he wouldn't attack the village. They slaughtered the women, children and elderly who stayed behind.
Didn't he resign, step down, or was otherwise asked to leave? ~S~
I was listening to a podcast out of Israel with locals discussing the turns so far in the war and they think the Hizballah will definitely enter the war but they are playing a game trying to provoke Israel to strike first so they can use it for PR. If the Hizballah join in, the death toll in Israel is going to be in the thousands. If it gets that bad, I hope Israel reduces southern Lebanon into a moonscape and Tehran into a glowing radioactive crater.

The Israelis have been attacking southern Lebanon since 1953. They used to steal topsoil and shoot farmers.
I was listening to a podcast out of Israel with locals discussing the turns so far in the war and they think the Hizballah will definitely enter the war but they are playing a game trying to provoke Israel to strike first so they can use it for PR. If the Hizballah join in, the death toll in Israel is going to be in the thousands. If it gets that bad, I hope Israel reduces southern Lebanon into a moonscape and Tehran into a glowing radioactive crater.

How many times over the years has Israel attacked Lebanon?

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