Israel bombs southern Lebanon .

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in 1922. They killed over 600 British peacekeepers before statehood including Count Folke Bernadotte who saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust.
Your history is wrong again. Jews armed themselves when genocidal Muslim animals led by the Nazi cleric massacred the Jews. Looking at Muslim history, its always THEY that drew first blood and murdered others. Jews on the other hand have been a peaceful people minding their own business for the last 3000 years. It’s your Muslims that have invaded, looted, raped, and killed others.

Jewish Allie’s of Mohammad? ha ha ha. The ancient Jews of Saudi Arabia were the first to be massacred by the prophet of Islam, when they refused to accept him as their prophet. He then looted and used their wealth to finance his other invasions and massacres. Look up the Jews of Medina. Medina was a Jewish city in pre Islam Saudi Arabia.
Roudy---the official reasons for the slaughter of jews
in Spain and Portugal both in the 15th century AD and
before was that JEWS WERE IN CAHOOTS with muslims
when muslims invaded the Iberian penninsula. Even
the fact that most of the jews in the Iberian penninsula
came along with the Romans before the Muslims got
there----but EVEN then---the jews already there HELPED
the muslims murder jews----uhm---well yanno---ALSO
only about 20 jews were killed during the 15th century
Inquistion etc etc and then, of course the JEW
CREATED EARTH QUAKES---talmudic magic
it appears that the war against terrorists and evil is escalating as Israel retaliates after Hezbollah fires missiles at Israeli positions .

It's no surprise Israel is attacking its neighbors. They have priors...

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