Israel bombs southern Lebanon .

Yes. Ariel Sharon armed the philangists and blocked any escape for the women and children. He'd promised Reagan that if the men left he wouldn't attack the village. They slaughtered the women, children and elderly who stayed behind.
who is "they" ?
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War was brought to Israel. They didnt ask for it but it is here already. Right now Hamas holds 200 Hostages or so doing who knows what to them. Israel must respond and win this War.

Should Iran send in their other proxy army, then the War will expand . It is what it is. Israel will respond there too.

Israel will win this. Just hope Irans eyes gets dotted in the process. They are the head of the snake.
They are increasingly unstable, with riots breaking out; not a good time for them to start throwing shit around, but hey, they're stupid. Bringing this crap to head is going to happen sooner or later, should have been sooner, when they committed an act of war against the U.S. over 40 years ago.
Or maybe the Hebron massacre of 1930’s before that, when Arab Muslim animals did basically the same thing to the Jews as Oct 7.

The Jewish terror gangs were formed in 1922. They killed over 600 British peacekeepers before statehood including Count Folke Bernadotte who saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust.
They are increasingly unstable, with riots breaking out; not a good time for them to start throwing shit around, but hey, they're stupid. Bringing this crap to head is going to happen sooner or later, should have been sooner, when they committed an act of war against the U.S. over 40 years ago.
one trick pony ^^^^^
Ottoman population count from 1880 - covering the area of today's Israel, Jordan and southern Lebanon:

15,000 Jews - vast majority urban
45,000 Christians and Orthodox - vast majority urban
450,000 Muslims - vast majority urban, (according to the Millet system) in vast majority of people, known today as Palestinians.
80,000 Bedouins-Arabs - vast majority rural, and in vast majority in today's Jordan.
The Jewish terror gangs were formed in 1922. They killed over 600 British peacekeepers before statehood including Count Folke Bernadotte who saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust.
7th Century CE----muhummad born >>> comprehensive
genocide of jews of arabia ---then his murdering dog
in-law, UMAR invades jewish Jerusalem --commits further
genocide and generates his Pact of UMAR later aped by the
now famous Islamo nazi ADOLF ---the nuremburg laws that
legalized the islamo nazi murder of 6 million jews approximately 1/3 of the entire living remnant of jews that
had to that point survived both islamic and chirstian genocide
and chirstian genocide

lol which 'Christian genocide' was that? You mean when Christians defended themselves against Jewish allies of Mohammed and the numerous Jewish attempts to mass murder Christians from the 1st Century onward? Christians are a Jewish sect, in any case, so that would be a internal war.
lol which 'Christian genocide' was that? You mean when Christians defended themselves against Jewish allies of Mohammed and the numerous Jewish attempts to mass murder Christians from the 1st Century onward? Christians are a Jewish sect, in any case, so that would be a internal war.
oh----those massive murders of christians by jews---
right----you have some more information on the battles and
stats thereof? ----of course, Now I remember---
lol which 'Christian genocide' was that? You mean when Christians defended themselves against Jewish allies of Mohammed and the numerous Jewish attempts to mass murder Christians from the 1st Century onward? Christians are a Jewish sect, in any case, so that would be a internal war.
Jewish Allie’s of Mohammad? ha ha ha. The ancient Jews of Saudi Arabia were the first to be massacred by the prophet of Islam, when they refused to accept him as their prophet. He then looted and used their wealth to finance his other invasions and massacres. Look up the Jews of Medina. Medina was a Jewish city in pre Islam Saudi Arabia.

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