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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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"God hates". Now that's a new one. :lol:

He hates sin....and that's just what they're doing by not protecting their women and children and using them as propaganda when they're killed.

we will return you to the slaughter after a brief word from our sponsor...

don't be so short-sighted. if it weren't for exploiting the dead, we wouldn't have those lovely holocaust museums throughout the width and depth of the United States.

hell, girl. we even built one in wasington D.C. to memorialise dead europeans before we built a memorial to honour our own soldiers who died on european soil.

propagandise that, babe.

yes sirree. there is a helluva lot to be said for exploiting the dead for propaganda purposes.

god may hate sin, but he loves that steady flow of ducats more.

we now return you to your regularly schedules programming. please enjoy the frivolity and the celebratory ambience of the rest of the mayhem,.

the top of the afternoon to you siree!!

i just loved that post!

you really did your hooligan trip and bopped that sanctimonious black and tan with god's own shelaghlee..you know..those irish clubs...cant spell gaelic!!

there was more of gods own truth in your post than that bog artist pretendin to be the holy virgin's own spin doctor!

or should i say the new paisleyite "loyalist" spiritual thug!!!

take a pint of poitrine, guiness or whatever your poison!

your sponsor.............the divine hooligan in us all

sorry i know no gaelic at all....i wish i did
nor do i klnow the first thing about irish american lingo or culture
never ever been to the emerald isle of ireland itself, either

nearest was chicago in 1968 that famous anti vietnam war demo at the democratic convention

I got put in Mayor Richard J Daley's jail for one night...
open container of wine in the jeep i was riding in

the cops that beat up a few of the people around
including winston churchill's grandson, a journalist and a nasty racist like his grandpa.............

happened to be irish or so my 2 black cell mates told me later
but they were fine to me, despite being british!

so i is very ignorant of where you come from, sadly.
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the top of the afternoon to you siree!! i just loved that post! you really did your hooligan trip and bopped that sanctimonious black and tan with god's own shelaghlee..you know..those irish clubs...cant spell gaelic!! there was more of gods own truth in your post than that bog artist pretendin to be the holy virgin's own spin doctor! take a pint of poitrine, guiness or whatever your poison! your sponsor.............the divine hooligan in us all
Hilarious drivel!
from sherri

(I will see).......the images of the dead children!

No doubt you will, sherri there is a mystical concept regarding a kind of HINDU-LIKE notion of a revolution of time and SOULS a GILGUL----the word means 'wheel' For a person like you who claims centuries of attachment to the ideology that spawned the INQUISITION-----the image of dead children might very well be imprinted on your regenerating soul---like a curse see durer for depictions
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from sherri

(I will see).......the images of the dead children!

No doubt you will, sherri there is a mystical concept regarding a kind of HINDU-LIKE notion of a revolution of time and SOULS a GILGUL----the word means 'wheel' For a person like you claims centuries of attachment to the ideology that spawned the INQUISITION-----the image of dead children might very well be imprinted on your regenerating soul---like a curse

There are Hindus in Palestine?
1/4 page ad: NO TO WAR OF ELECTIONS - We refuse a war and bloodletting; We refuse the wave of hatred and incitement against the residents of Gaza; We refuse the abandonment of the south for a political spin; Join us in protest demonstrations and activities across the country. SIGNED: AIC, Yesh Gvul, Coalition of Women for Peace, New Profile

news nosh from israel

On the ground:
**A Maariv reporter interviews locals in the south of Israel. In Yavne, Shlomo Kanfo told him the success of "Pillar of Cloud" depends on "what strikes we give them there. Yesterday our plane gave them a show in Gaza. But this is a war of attrition. They are playing with us. If I were Ehud Barak, I say to him, 'Good for you, but throw the floor on their head.'" In Kiryat Malakhi, he goes to the Chabad neighborhood where the building was hit, killing three people. Radical right-wing MK Michael Ben-Ari and activist Baruch Marzel are there among the crowd calling for "turning Gaza into a parking lot." The photographers there "are angry they aren't allowed to photograph the evacuation of the wounded, the only dividend Israel can take from the sad house for the battle for international public opinion." In Netivot, Maariv's Chen Kottas-Bar and Arik Sultan spent time with the local 'parliament,' a group of men from both Labor and Likud who say that in Netivot the problem of making a living worries everyone more than the security situation, which is maybe '10%' of what worries them. "The real Qassam (rocket) are the economic problems," said Avi Haviv, 34.
yes----there are hindus in Israel there are also zoroastrians and Bahais but your question has nothing to do with my post-----Mysticism in Judaism is mysticism in Judaism-----it predates the existence of "hindus in israel" I used the word "HINDU-LIKE" ----not hinduism. There were once hindus in arabia The more arabist/islamicist a place becomes-----the less culturally diverse it becomes----and the less civilized. Egypt is spinning down the cosmic cesspool of barbarism. Saudi arabia is just about the MOST RACIST APARTHEID DUNG HEAP IN THE WORLD
God hates people who hide behind babies, who fire rockets near them to use them as their press option when fire is returned. If the Palestinians don't stop setting up their babies for the hit, God will deal with them in his own way, and you and I will have no say in the matter. If you want to make a difference, convince the pieces of snake snot who are using babies as their shields to clean up their act and stop the international hubris. That's the only way you can save the from God's anger. If you don't do it, God will be mad at you and not me.

"God hates". Now that's a new one. :lol:

He hates sin....and that's just what they're doing by not protecting their women and children and using them as propaganda when they're killed.
God hates? Anyways, if He doesn't like sin, and He created everything, then He shouldn't have created sin.
mamzer----the first rule of combat is SURVIVE in US military law a person can be court martialed for ENDANGERING HIS OWN LIFE -----the second is----SAVE YOUR MATES. The third is --PROTECT YOUR COUNTRY ------protecting the enemy is a distant fourth-----it exists but it is a distant fourth

------RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL---even if the shooter is wearing an infant on his head
"God hates". Now that's a new one. :lol:

He hates sin....and that's just what they're doing by not protecting their women and children and using them as propaganda when they're killed.
God hates? Anyways, if He doesn't like sin, and He created everything, then He shouldn't have created sin.
anything really nice is illegal, immoral or it makes you fat

humans create sin by making some things good

that automatically makes its opposites bad

the only universal morality is believed to be not to have sex with your mother

almost everything else and certainly murder
is justified in one way or another in most cultures in all countries today

especially killing "enemies" in "self-defence"

children then become either "martyrs" , collateral damage.
or tools of often faked hyped up propaganda
on both sides in gaza right now
mamzer----the first rule of combat is SURVIVE in US military law a person can be court martialed for ENDANGERING HIS OWN LIFE -----the second is----SAVE YOUR MATES. The third is --PROTECT YOUR COUNTRY ------protecting the enemy is a distant fourth-----it exists but it is a distant fourth

------RETURN FIRE IS ALWAYS LEGAL---even if the shooter is wearing an infant on his head
yes indeed

but each such war situation is unique in its piquant agonies of choice and dilemmas

the laws you mention are just the lowest common denominator, are they not

states should always strive to do the best they possibly can

not squirm around like israel does,

3 examples of very many i could choose:

1) using cluster bombs...e,g, 4 million in lebanon in 2006 killed 30 children so far; still not safe
2) depleted uranium...causes cancer and deformed children
3) white phosphorus.........severe burns...dropped on a UN school and a hospital in cast lead

all these 3 are perfectly legal in international law, but so what
does this justify their use by israel in these diabolical ways?

why is israel always scraping the moral barrel to evade its responsibilities

rather than deciding just not to use stuff like this?

can it really not defend itself without them?

and then call itself "the most moral army in the world"


having said that, israel is right now showing the kind of restraint in Gaza
that it did NOT show in cast lead 4 years ago

300 israeli strikes on gaza so far to date; only 20 or so pals dead

i wonder what the casualty list would have been if this ratio and policy had been applied in cast lead

i would hazard a guess that about 300 pals would have been killed, not 1300

why does israel always have to be forced by the world to behave better?

as a jew i am deeply ashamed of these truths

are you not, sweetie....not even a little bit???

whisper it in my ear; if not in public here
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mamzer dear------the cluster bombs in south Lebanon----were an absolute necessity The problem was MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS-----the only way to control them was to do a kind of mine field in front of them I can find no objection to their use MORALLY---but understand it constituted a real PROPAGANDA COUP for the arabs. I do not know why Israel used white phosphorus in cast lead-----and therefore cannot comment. Depleted uranium does not cause cancer or birth defects------it is a libel that lots of people believe and that is all there is to it -----just as some people were willing to believe that gazan children are going "DEAF" from Israeli flyovers------wrong again----the gazan arabs have a high incidence of HEREDITARY HEARING LOSS -----its in the medical literature for decades In fact one of my egyptian colleagues----married to his cousin----had a child stone deaf on the hereditary basis As to the "ANEMIA" proving "MALNUTRITION" more nonsense ------lots of arabs have a physiologic anemia relative to -----uhm----the rest of the world africans too hubby too. WASPS tend to have a higher hematocrit----especially males ----especially smoking males----but it all works out in the end------northern europeans have a HIGHER INCIDENCE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS-------arabs and jews got lots of diabetes----so do indians assuming that get enough food to gather up a bit of -----adipose
yes----there are hindus in Israel there are also zoroastrians and Bahais but your question has nothing to do with my post-----Mysticism in Judaism is mysticism in Judaism-----it predates the existence of "hindus in israel" I used the word "HINDU-LIKE" ----not hinduism. There were once hindus in arabia The more arabist/islamicist a place becomes-----the less culturally diverse it becomes----and the less civilized. Egypt is spinning down the cosmic cesspool of barbarism. Saudi arabia is just about the MOST RACIST APARTHEID DUNG HEAP IN THE WORLD

saudi is the only state in the gulf where all houses or worship other than mosques are banned, as far as I know.
maybe your hubby's yemen is another and there may be more

but in the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain where the MAJORITY of the people living there are from India and its neighbours;
badly paid indentured labour under their near slave KAFEEL system.

Hindus are allowed to build their temples in all the above countries and to openly worship their favourite idol gods and goddesses inside them, tho not parade them in the streets as they would do in India or right here in London. I researched this; I aint making it up!

As for mystics; I would say from direct personal experience that the more mystical you get; the more all the branches of all faith's mysticisms feel the same in the end.

The spiritual practices of different faith meditations may look different on the outside.

But the further you go down the path, the more similar they get.

its like a bicycle wheel...on the outside and down the spokes, the outward locations and spokes are different

The closer to the non verbal core you get; the less this matters.

Kids bykes may have all sizes and shapes of training wheels

When you are an adept; you discard them all...the theology they are dressed up in, the practices even.....and just enjoy the ride!!!

Its different strokes for different folks...i love mystical dancing and active stuff; no good at yoga, meditation or martial arts type stuff; others will be the opposite

But the states you arrive in through these different approaches to an ecstatic or quieter mind are all eventually much the same, as far as I know!
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mamzer dear------the cluster bombs in south Lebanon----were an absolute necessity
Cluster bombs in urban areas, is a war crime.

And there lies the crux of the problem, Israel finds war crimes to be a necessity, committing war crimes is a daily action taken. And Gentiles are allowed to remain only with inferior rights, they are there to serve the needs of The Chosen People. Sherri
mamzer dear------the cluster bombs in south Lebanon----were an absolute necessity
Cluster bombs in urban areas, is a war crime.

And there lies the crux of the problem, Israel finds war crimes to be a necessity, committing war crimes is a daily action taken. And Gentiles are allowed to remain only with inferior rights, they are there to serve the needs of The Chosen People. Sherri

yes HERE LIES THE CRUX OF THE PROBLEM----which is the intense orgiastic pleasure which islamo nazi sows
EXPERIENCED when Nus-kharah-allah KIDNAPPED two Israeli boys and tortured them to death in the OBSCENE MANNER that sherri so enjoys Sherri so ENJOYED the fact that the men whose asses she LICKS----cut the genitalia from the bodies of jewish boys and stuffed them down their STILL LIVING THROATS for the record----she proceeds to state that jewish boys were thus treated by her heroes because they have "SUPERIOR RIGHTS " -----as to the several other boys her heros simple MURDERED-----well ----what the hell----they were jews----ya know THE "CHRIST KILLERS" In any case ----that which sherri now mourns is the loss of power of the POISON NAIL BOMB mobile missile launchers that render the brains of jewish children LIQUEFIED -------

I have seen that which sherri so loves------the child----appearing well---but somehow dead with the brain dripping out of the crack in the skull----like tomato juice. SHERRI LOVES IT ----"IT IS A STINKING JEW--CHRIST KILLING KID"

Nus-kharah-allah boasted. to her delight -----that he could now KNOCK THE BRAINS OUT JEWISH KIDS FROM HAIFA ---all the way to BEERSHEBA-----poor sherri---then her DREAM WAS DESTROYED by the IDF when they used cluster bombs to disable those MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS that would bring her to the paradise of dancing on the dead bodies of thouands of "christ killing" 'jew bastards'
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mamzer dear------the cluster bombs in south Lebanon----were an absolute necessity
Cluster bombs in urban areas, is a war crime.

what a joke you are CROTCH BOY-----the area south of the LITANI RIVER is not an urban area-----it is a WASTELAND----no industry and no agriculture-----the only reason people were LIVING there was because your fellow islamo nazi pig IRANIANS were giving them MONEY ----to be the "POPULATION" on the the northern border of Israel for the protection of your fellow HEZBOLLAH PIGS ---who used the place as a FIRING SITE for their poison baby brain smashing nail bombs-----the weapon of choce of islamo nazi pigs
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