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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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Mamzer dear------shame on you----this line>>>

"i am not going to respond again if your reply to this is just more kneejerk and abuse so please dont bother unless you have something sensible to say"

is rude and COUNTER PRODUCTIVE No one has elected you JUDGE
OF SENSIBLE OPINION Discussion limited by such JUDGEMENTAL
reproach-----is STIFLED
you are right, of course

and i took your name in vain in the process

bit am i not allowed to resent being told i am an uncritical ass licker of nazi type posts
(even tho my criticisms have obviously got right under her skin)
by someone i more than respect

but i will be a good mamzer and apologise which i do here and now, publically

good mummy bear xx

you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

And you reflexively lick the butt of every Nazi type poster here. Please remove the log from your own eye before whining about the splinter in another's. :D

reflexive you are again

and i am very rarely so

i just saw you had tnanked me for posting the wikipedia entry on hamas dead leader which said he was involved in a school bombing, which i had highlighted

is that what you mean by your totally mindless ultra defensive kneejerk resonse almost in rosie-speak
that I "reflexively lick the butt of every Nazi type poster here"

it aint true and you know it

It is true or I wouldn't have said it and could you link the post in which I thanked you? As verbose and scattered as you are I was probably reacting to something else you said. :D

Butthurt Zionist


SAYIT should be mortified of Israel's actions, if he had sense, he would know what damage this does to Israel's future and relations. He knows it. But he won't say it.
Mamzer dear------shame on you----this line>>>

"i am not going to respond again if your reply to this is just more kneejerk and abuse so please dont bother unless you have something sensible to say"

is rude and COUNTER PRODUCTIVE No one has elected you JUDGE
OF SENSIBLE OPINION Discussion limited by such JUDGEMENTAL
reproach-----is STIFLED
you are right, of course

and i took your name in vain in the process

bit am i not allowed to resent being told i am an uncritical ass licker of nazi type posts
(even tho my criticisms have obviously got right under her skin)
by someone i more than respect

but i will be a good mamzer and apologise which i do here and now, publically

good mummy bear xx

I suspect you are speaking of my criticism of your hypocrisy - referring to another poster as "sadly line[d] up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies" when you yourself line up with the Nazi types - yet I never said you were uncritical of them.
I just said you reflexively lick their butts. Taste like chicken? :D
"because" are you 'mortified' everytime a JIHADIST SLUT WITH A BOMB ON HER STINKING ASS ----kills ? are you "mortified" when those filthy sluts like WAFA IDRIS AL KANZEERA are held up as heroines for little girls in Gaza? do you consider the mothers who ALLOW their little girls to be so indoctrinated to be the filth that they are?
Irosie still can't grasp her chosen concept. She will never admit to any of Israel's crimes.

Israel lead this offensive irosie.

Hamas didn't assassinate the Israel defense minster. Israel committed this act of terror on a defenseless population yet again. And they are bragging about it. What a cowardly nation.

The Middle East won't put up with that crap anymore.
And you reflexively lick the butt of every Nazi type poster here. Please remove the log from your own eye before whining about the splinter in another's. :D

reflexive you are again

and i am very rarely so

i just saw you had tnanked me for posting the wikipedia entry on hamas dead leader which said he was involved in a school bombing, which i had highlighted

is that what you mean by your totally mindless ultra defensive kneejerk resonse almost in rosie-speak
that I "reflexively lick the butt of every Nazi type poster here"

it aint true and you know it

It is true or I wouldn't have said it and could you link the post in which I thanked you? As verbose and scattered as you are I was probably reacting to something else you said. :D

i was talking to angelica T, not to you

she it was, not you, who thanked me for trawling up a neutral site ...wiki
that accused Al Jabari of involvement in a school bus bombing,and highlighting it in bold
then accused me of supporting every ass licking nazi or some such slander

i would expect you to say stuff like that; and strangely i dont resent it either

but not angelicaT; from her i do resent it because she is under my skin and you aint, yet!!

is that clear, now
Irosie still can't grasp her chosen concept. She will never admit to any of Israel's crimes.

Israel lead this offensive irosie.

Hamas didn't assassinate the Israel defense minster. Israel committed this act of terror on a defenseless population yet again. And they are bragging about it. What a cowardly nation.

The Middle East won't put up with that crap anymore.
what is more, bikoz habibi

your leader al jabari had been collaborating with the IDF against islamic jihad
and helping israel kill them because he wanted a truce

IDF killed him and escalated the fight just bikoz nut-yahoo thinks war not truces will win the election and for no reason to do with gaza

just the same murdering shit they did in cast lead

olmert lost the cast lead election anyway

lets hope against hope nut-yahoo loses this one as well
mamzer dear------the cluster bombs in south Lebanon----were an absolute necessity
Cluster bombs in urban areas, is a war crime.

And there lies the crux of the problem, Israel finds war crimes to be a necessity, committing war crimes is a daily action taken. And Gentiles are allowed to remain only with inferior rights, they are there to serve the needs of The Chosen People. Sherri

Sherri, if your 'cause' is oh-so-just - why do you us palpable falsehods to prop it up?
al jabari was a known murderer by TERRORIST ATTACK he was properly executed just as the lumps of meccaist shit who murdered during the munich olympics for allah Israel does have a policy of getting rid of ass lickers of al nabi who are DIRECTLY responsible for terrorist attack. Those meccaist ass lickers who slit the throats of infants for the glory of allah should be executed in the same way I do not see it as illegal or terrorist The US captured the islamic hero Sadaam in a similar way and killed -----during the effort----his 14 year old grandson no guilt there either-----if a jew sneaks into a house and slits the throat of a muslim infant in Israel or the USA ------I would agree that he should be executed too. If a jew -----for the FUN of it BOMBS a bus in any shariah shit hole------he should be executed too.

The al jajabari lump of kharah ----was ALSO INVOLVED in a random kidnapping for the sole reason that the victim was a jew------also terrorism. If a jew so engages------upon muslims-----it is also TERRORISM

I also endorse the killing of the ISLAMIC MESSIAH Osama bin laden no matter how much sherri admired him
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Capturing Shalit wasn't a terror attack, sorry Rosie, it's a response to Israeli attacks during 2006 that killed hundreds of Palestinians.
"God hates". Now that's a new one. :lol:
No it isn't. You should read the bible sometime.

Zechariah 8:

14 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Just as I had determined to bring disaster on you and showed no pity when your ancestors angered me,” says the Lord Almighty, 15 “so now I have determined to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid. 16 These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts; 17 do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord.
This is NOT any Lord Almighty talking, and never was.

The only "authority" it conveys is your utter moron-'hood

!) In believing this venomous ultra-shit has anything to do with any god
2)In being so incapable of any kind of thinking for yourself

the world is only 6,000 yeard old and was created in 6 days??
carries the same "authority"......only less harmful
Oh, I thought God took his own time and that man is just now discovering how long he took--several billion years, isn't that what scientists are discovering with new measurement techniques? The next generation may know even more than we know right now. But even so, it's counterproductive to trip other people up, and Zechariah got his message across that speaking as truly as you can is good, and that planning evil against others is not a good idea. Don't you think that's a reasonable outlook?

as one of the more rational zios here, can ask you something, please

you can reply by private message if you prefer

the tizzyfit between angel and me started because i oblected to her thankong a certain Syrenn for a sick and vicious taunt aganist bikoz, who is gazan and therefore vulnerable

Syrenn first made me feel like vomitting because she said she was jumping up and down like a sexually aroused cheer leader at all the IDF bombs killing gazans

you have been here far longer than me; is syrenn really so psychotic?

or just vivious?
"God hates". Now that's a new one. :lol:
No it isn't. You should read the bible sometime.

Zechariah 8:

14 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Just as I4: 8 had determined to bring disaster on you and showed no pity when your ancestors angered me,” says the Lord Almighty, 15 “so now I have determined to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid. 16 These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts; 17 do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord.
The God of The New Testament says something else. "God is love." 1 John 4: 8 If we could but all understand that, imagine what our world could be!

The recognized authorities on the new testament who created the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" (the first reich ---first emperor CONSTANTINE) founded the laws that legalized genocide ---found in the JUSTINIAN CODE and later sponsored the INQUISITION -----which later morphed into the THIRD REICH----using essentially the same laws to legalize the genocides of the world war II era. We do not have to imagine ----sherri-----we already know what Reich one, Reich two and Reich three ----brought to the world-----massive genocides

the islamic version of Reich----is "caliphate" ------and includes the same LEGALIZATION OF GENOCIDE LAWS Khartoum is very shariah adherent albeit not quite a caliphate----its government is very similar
for the record----in translation----I do not believe that the hebrew "soneh" is properly translated in many instances------it is not exactly "HATE" ----it is more like "reject" <<<< IMHO
No it isn't. You should read the bible sometime.

Zechariah 8:

14 This is what the Lord Almighty says: &#8220;Just as I had determined to bring disaster on you and showed no pity when your ancestors angered me,&#8221; says the Lord Almighty, 15 &#8220;so now I have determined to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid. 16 These are the things you are to do: Speak the truth to each other, and render true and sound judgment in your courts; 17 do not plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,&#8221; declares the Lord.
This is NOT any Lord Almighty talking, and never was.

The only "authority" it conveys is your utter moron-'hood

!) In believing this venomous ultra-shit has anything to do with any god
2)In being so incapable of any kind of thinking for yourself

the world is only 6,000 yeard old and was created in 6 days??
carries the same "authority"......only less harmful
Oh, I thought God took his own time and that man is just now discovering how long he took--several billion years, isn't that what scientists are discovering with new measurement techniques? The next generation may know even more than we know right now. But even so, it's counterproductive to trip other people up, and Zechariah got his message across that speaking as truly as you can is good, and that planning evil against others is not a good idea. Don't you think that's a reasonable outlook?
yes sir I do indeed

glad you aint a total bible bashing freak I took you for, sorry

i actually revere Zechariah, the last of the old testament prophets
speaking not so long before jesus arrived

and all the other prophets in the OT as well,
especially Isaiah, the first true monotheist in the bible.

but their ultra tribal language is of its time
and cant be applied without context to the current war in gaza

i wish all the jewish prophets of old would return
and do to the current israeli wicked leaders
exactly what they did to the wicked kings of old israel

and tell them that if they dont mend their ways,
disaster is surely going to follow for jews as a whole,
including me, as well as israel

and for the record, and to be balanced
i'm sure that if Mohammed returned to earth
he would immediately burn the koran
dissolve the religion set up long after his death
commission cartoons of himself
and join the "war on terror" against the jihadis

and jesus would castigate the so called christians
especially the "Christian right" in the USA and elsewhere
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The "this is what the lord says....." is a style in old time hebrew poetry------it is not a quotation from above--------it is the teaching of a "prophet" as poetry it does work in hebrew-------in english------it comes out a bit weird. Lots of what is attributed to jesus in the new testament is done in similar style------which seems to confuse lots of people
Capturing Shalit wasn't a terror attack, sorry Rosie, it's a response to Israeli attacks during 2006 that killed hundreds of Palestinians.

Kidnapping random citizens of a country is not a "RESPONSE" to anything it is the filth of islamic terrorism Lots of jews died in shariah shit holes------are you suggesting that a few go there and sneak into the houses and slit the throats of children IN RESPONSE?

An interesting idea for you 'because habibi' after world war II-----none of the surviving jews were grabbing german or polish or hungarian children and SLITTING THEIR THROATS in "response"

An even more interesting factoid-----the nazi propagandaists who fled to MUSLIM
countries------actually claimed they did-------ie the stuff that sherri reads and parrots
Capturing Shalit wasn't a terror attack, sorry Rosie, it's a response to Israeli attacks during 2006 that killed hundreds of Palestinians.

Kidnapping random citizens of a country is not a "RESPONSE" to anything it is the filth of islamic terrorism Lots of jews died in shariah shit holes------are you suggesting that a few go there and sneak into the houses and slit the throats of children IN RESPONSE?

An interesting idea for you 'because habibi' after world war II-----none of the surviving jews were grabbing german or polish or hungarian children and SLITTING THEIR THROATS in "response"

An even more interesting factoid-----the nazi propagandaists who fled to MUSLIM
countries------actually claimed they did-------ie the stuff that sherri reads and parrots

They were at war. Hamas attacked a one hundred and ten percent military occupation target.
Capturing Shalit wasn't a terror attack, sorry Rosie, it's a response to Israeli attacks during 2006 that killed hundreds of Palestinians.

Kidnapping random citizens of a country is not a "RESPONSE" to anything it is the filth of islamic terrorism Lots of jews died in shariah shit holes------are you suggesting that a few go there and sneak into the houses and slit the throats of children IN RESPONSE?

An interesting idea for you 'because habibi' after world war II-----none of the surviving jews were grabbing german or polish or hungarian children and SLITTING THEIR THROATS in "response"

An even more interesting factoid-----the nazi propagandaists who fled to MUSLIM
countries------actually claimed they did-------ie the stuff that sherri reads and parrots

They were at war. Hamas attacked a one hundred and ten percent military occupation target.

Watch what you wish for 'because' the world of SUNNI MUSLIMS has declared that
all jews are LEGAL TARGETS--------which is precisely why MORSI has promised his people that LUMP OF KHARAH 'shaykh' murdering pig---Abdel Rahman TO BE RELEASED FROM HIS NEW YORK JAIL CELL your world has legalized MURDER Your disgusting sluts have even authorized their "men" to rape jewish women WORLD WIDE well-----you GET that which you give-----your DOCTORS shoot up their patient populations for allah
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