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Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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well i could find that post of syrenn's but couldn'y be arsed

how do you feel when arabs dance at jewish tragedies?

what is so lacking here is any attempt by you or any zio to put yourself in anyone's shoes except jews shoes

which is dead against all jewish teachings

jews were the first to say, "love thy neighbour as thyself"

and the last to actually practise what they have preached...you included

1) That Arabs celebrate death and destruction is not my prob ... it's theirs.
2) I often try to put myself in other's shoes and do not consider one's religious affiliation when doing so.
3) I don't answer for others.
4) How do you know Syreen is Jewish? You are gradually becoming your boy Bikoz. That is very sad.
i never said syrenn was jewish...only a zionut

what she actually said was that she felt like jumping up and down when israel killed al jabari and although she didn't like sports, she could now understand for the first time how sports fans felt

And here's your complaint:
she said she was jumping up and down like a sexually aroused cheer leader

then.....latin words for light and truth....that was actually what made e feel sick.....the contrast between those two

i have a soft spot for bikoz because I happen to know he has been in gaza under fire and so i make allowances for him
exactly as i do for Lipush for the same reason

i always try to like people and not condemn them for holding views i strongly disagree with

the only 2 posters here i really cant stand are syrenn and artful codger who is usually on the same side of the argument as i am

it aint about views; its about humans

You bitched because in your opinion she does not adhere to what you refer to as "all jewish teachings." She probably wouldn't know "jewish teachings" unless she was Jewish.
Your whining about this woman (I hope she's a she) is irrational and your Latin complaint is downright silly (kinda like TinHorn).
BTW, the soft spot you have for Bikoz should be in your heart, not your head.
Just sayin'. :D
1) That Arabs celebrate death and destruction is not my prob ... it's theirs.
2) I often try to put myself in other's shoes and do not consider one's religious affiliation when doing so.
3) I don't answer for others.
4) How do you know Syreen is Jewish? You are gradually becoming your boy Bikoz. That is very sad.
i never said syrenn was jewish...only a zionut

what she actually said was that she felt like jumping up and down when israel killed al jabari and although she didn't like sports, she could now understand for the first time how sports fans felt

And here's your complaint:
she said she was jumping up and down like a sexually aroused cheer leader

then.....latin words for light and truth....that was actually what made e feel sick.....the contrast between those two

i have a soft spot for bikoz because I happen to know he has been in gaza under fire and so i make allowances for him
exactly as i do for Lipush for the same reason

i always try to like people and not condemn them for holding views i strongly disagree with

the only 2 posters here i really cant stand are syrenn and artful codger who is usually on the same side of the argument as i am

it aint about views; its about humans

You bitched because in your opinion she does not adhere to what you refer to as "all jewish teachings." She probably wouldn't know "jewish teachings" unless she was Jewish.
Your whining about this woman (I hope she's a she) is irrational and your Latin complaint is downright silly (kinda like TinHorn).
BTW, the soft spot you have for Bikoz should be in your heart, not your head.
Just sayin'. :D
ok sayit

that sounds reasonable

except that it is indeed in the heart i feel for bikoz

my head wants to jump up and down and shake the shit out of him for what he says about us jews

however he doesnt seem to include me in his hatred

just heard on bbc that IDF has hit a "HAMAS MILITANT" in the densely populated jabaliyah refugee camp and 30 casualties, not deaths, casualties and many children

i hope your resonse to that is the same as mine unless it was zawahiri or the devil himself
Mamzer dear----I have already packed the beans, lentils and spices for our trip and am debating between RICE OR BREAD OR BOTH

the best reading for you is ISAIAH which kinda describes what will be "in the days after" -----it is the one inscribed on the UN building wall too.
It is a kind of universal enlightement for the world----but the world still gets to
exist in its many nations -----just kinda enlightened ----they all give up bad stuff. I think this giving up bad stuff is a VERY REPETITIVE THEME in jewish literature and theology A really interesting factoid is that the book of JONAH is read on Yom Kippur ----year after year after year after year-----they never seem to change that same program -----year after year after year.
In any case JONAH comes way before "THE PROPHETS" it is an old book The theme of Jonah is---to my mind interestingly sophisticated. Jonah is a jew-----G-d tell him to go to NINEVEH----a city somewhere east of Israel----where people are bad to TEACH THEM NOT TO BE BAD. Jonah (which btw means DOVE) says "what the f%c* do I care about them"----then----Jonah learns in a very nice poetic----really pretty thing-----that G-d cares for ALL THE PEOPLE----of the world -----and its stuff-----even some cucumber that was growing nearby somehow ----believe it or not-----no one ever even bothers to mention that WHALE SWALLOWING THING---or only in passing.'

to answer your question----everything gets better "NATION (goy) SHALL NOT LIFT UP SWORD AGAINST NATION (goy) AND THEY SHALL NO LONGER STUDY THE WAYS OF WAR" and they all live happily ever after.

lo yisah GOY el GOY cherev----v' lo yimaldu od milchamah

guess which word is 'sword'

The order of the temple persists ----which is somehow very important according to Isaiah. Kings play only a ceremonial role------I guess since there are no more wars------WHO NEEDS THEM ? I think that is how they
determined the role of PRESIDENT in Israel-----its the PM who does everything-----the "president"----waves
well i think rice would be better bikoz it will keep like the other things you cited
wheras bread goes stale; wheat grains would be ok if we could find a grinder

i love the books of isaiah; one of my faves and jonah too.

the experts in "textual analysis" say that isaiah is 2 books
one pre babylon, where gods are many
the 2nd half in babylon where for the very first time the jewish god
is the one and only god of all humanity

this led me to wonder if the jews had been influenced by their exile in a land ruled by zoros by the greater degree of monotheism that zoros might have had

I tried to research this but so far without success

would like to know what you and hunter, toomuchtime or anyone else reading this thinks

and thanks a lot, dearest for your time and wisdom

if all israeli govts had taken that view of yours about retaliatory actions which lead to more violence then we would not be in this situation in gaza now

i would vote for you ar any govt which actually put such a view into practice

it aint just nut-yahoo's fault tho; I'm sure he knows what he is doing is futile

he and other political leaders have to deal with hysterical calls for revenge from media which only are doing it to sell papers and/or adverts

You make the same mistake Bikoz does (and for a while you almost seemed intelligent).
This is not a one-sided conflict but you, of course, blame only Israel. Have you noticed the calm on Israel's Eastern border? Might that not be as a result of Fatah policies? :D

I have said many times that both hamas and israel are playing the same or similar dirty political game and using their own civilians as pawns

israel is a repeat offender at killing those on the hamas side that it has actually done successful "business" with such as Yassin and now Al Jabari

whoever replaces him is likely to be worse, and now gaza has a new govt in egypt

israel cant do now what it could before with a puppet in cairo
and you now have al qa'ida in sinai too

however the brotherhood is just as riven with competing factions who will play the same games and power struggles,

so i aint optimistic that they are any more friends of the ordinary gazans than the previous regime

The many ignorant assumptions in your post render it worthless.
You don't know anything about Jabari's successor, Mubarak was not Israel's "puppet," and your cannon fodder statement is just plain stupid. You have morphed into Bikoz ... a raging MORON. What the hell happened to you? :D
i never said syrenn was jewish...only a zionut

what she actually said was that she felt like jumping up and down when israel killed al jabari and although she didn't like sports, she could now understand for the first time how sports fans felt

And here's your complaint:
she said she was jumping up and down like a sexually aroused cheer leader

then.....latin words for light and truth....that was actually what made e feel sick.....the contrast between those two

i have a soft spot for bikoz because I happen to know he has been in gaza under fire and so i make allowances for him
exactly as i do for Lipush for the same reason

i always try to like people and not condemn them for holding views i strongly disagree with

the only 2 posters here i really cant stand are syrenn and artful codger who is usually on the same side of the argument as i am

it aint about views; its about humans

You bitched because in your opinion she does not adhere to what you refer to as "all jewish teachings." She probably wouldn't know "jewish teachings" unless she was Jewish.
Your whining about this woman (I hope she's a she) is irrational and your Latin complaint is downright silly (kinda like TinHorn).
BTW, the soft spot you have for Bikoz should be in your heart, not your head.
Just sayin'. :D
ok sayit

that sounds reasonable
except that it is indeed in the heart i feel for bikoz
my head wants to jump up and down and shake the shit out of him for what he says about us jews.

That would be "we Jews," Princess, and your Jewishness seems to be just a convenient grab at credibility (which increasingly eludes you).
kvetch says:
"i wish they had said that to me when i was a born again christian teenager
i had to leave christianity and travel all the way to india"
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BBC latest

BBC News - Gaza crisis: Fresh fire exchanged as violence continues

Government spokesman Mark Regev told the BBC the operation would end when Israeli citizens were safe, and that all options - including a ground incursion - remained "on the table".

However, Interior Minister Eli Yishai was quoted by Israel's Haaretz newspaper as saying that the goal of the operation was "to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years".

that makes me want to vomit too, sayit.....you too???

shas are as bad as hamas
BBC latest

BBC News - Gaza crisis: Fresh fire exchanged as violence continues

Government spokesman Mark Regev told the BBC the operation would end when Israeli citizens were safe, and that all options - including a ground incursion - remained "on the table".

However, Interior Minister Eli Yishai was quoted by Israel's Haaretz newspaper as saying that the goal of the operation was "to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years".

that makes me want to vomit too, sayit.....you too???

shas are as bad as hamas

You're cherry-pickin', Princess, but you go right ahead and hurl. Int Minister has no voice in this. He's a pol makin' hay and you're an idiot pullin' his pud. :D
You bitched because in your opinion she does not adhere to what you refer to as "all jewish teachings." She probably wouldn't know "jewish teachings" unless she was Jewish.
Your whining about this woman (I hope she's a she) is irrational and your Latin complaint is downright silly (kinda like TinHorn).
BTW, the soft spot you have for Bikoz should be in your heart, not your head.
Just sayin'. :D
ok sayit

that sounds reasonable
except that it is indeed in the heart i feel for bikoz
my head wants to jump up and down and shake the shit out of him for what he says about us jews.

That would be "we Jews," Princess, and your Jewishness seems to be just a convenient grab at credibility (which increasingly eludes you).
kvetch says:
"i wish they had said that to me when i was a born again christian teenager
i had to leave christianity and travel all the way to india"
i dont think so sayit

it is us not we because its the object not subject of the verb

however, seriously

i bet the fact that one soul who is jewish
and does not join the moronic zio-chorus of all out abuse
and treats him with respect

is far more likely to influence bikoz away from total jew hatred
than all the tirades thrown at him by jewish and non jewish zionists put together
BBC latest

BBC News - Gaza crisis: Fresh fire exchanged as violence continues

Government spokesman Mark Regev told the BBC the operation would end when Israeli citizens were safe, and that all options - including a ground incursion - remained "on the table".

However, Interior Minister Eli Yishai was quoted by Israel's Haaretz newspaper as saying that the goal of the operation was "to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years".

that makes me want to vomit too, sayit.....you too???

shas are as bad as hamas

You're cherry-pickin', Princess, but you go right ahead and hurl. Int Minister has no voice in this. He's a pol makin' hay and you're an idiot pullin' his pud. :D
well yes

but a bit more important than the ghastly syrenn

and if any interior minister in any CIVILISED democracy said such a thing
s/he would be sacked instantly

a country where you can make hay sayin stuff like that,even in semi war
is a country in serious and deep ethical trouble
and indeed israel is getting further and further away from jewish morals

shas is a religious party of the Mizrachi, is it not?
that makes it worse, imho

at least syrenn never said she was religious tho she may be a witch
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I can't find the thread we were talking about bikoz and syrenn earlier

i really must write down where i post what
this happens often to me....scatter-brain i am

anyhow here is my reply to you
i have to go out to a craft fair
so no time to re find it

here is what i said to you

we are talking about human beings here, not just the words they spout on the surface
I take quite some time trying to assess the person behind their words
and NOT to get hooked up just on what they say

some people here are just clay pigeon shooters
getting their rocks off just firing hateful one liners to get their thrills
they are here on both sides

but the worst and sickest of all i have read here is SYRENN

i would expect there to be SOME connection
between your Karl Popper injunctions against intolerance
and the way you treat posters displaying truly sick intolerance like syrenn

Bikoz is a special case here like Lipush.
Both are on the firing line here
And deserve special consideration.

If anyone had taunted Lipush the way Syrenn taunted Bikoz
You and I and anyone human would regard them as beyond any civilised norms

I have taken the trouble to discover via private messages with Bikoz
That he has recently been in Gaza and came under fire from IDF attacks
That was before the IDF had such precision weapons that they use now
So I expect anyone who has had such traumas to be wounded
and prone to hysterical outbursts of hate speak

You wouldn't be aware of that, of course, but I am
Yet you blindly and reflexively accuse me of "lining up" with him.

You are wrong here, and in the wrong, too.
Your assessments of Syrenn, Bikoz and me, too are all wrong
in this particular instance, not in any general sense.

Karl Popper will be spinning in his grave

Kindly re-pop yourself, dearest

I have given you my considered and completely unrefutably correct response on the thread concerned, Kvetchy :eusa_angel:. And I think you misunderstand the paradox described by Popper, which I absolutely do not, IMHO, of course.

you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

this is not compatible with the lofty ethix of popper
who was one of my set philosophy texts at uni.

he aint my favourite but i respect him enough
to wish to dis-associate him from someone thanking intolerant posts
and then quoting him afterwards!

its also a waste of time trying to argue with bikoz at the moment
he is an arab whose blood is hot and hurt
if you knew the first thing about arab inclinations
you would quit it and i hope you do

its impossible for any but a saintly gazan not to hate all things jewish
and no-one with any empathy would condemn them for doing so

despie that i twice told him his dead leader was a war criminal
who deserved his fate; even tho he was actually collaborating with the IDF recently

then you accuse me of lining up with him
and now you say you are irrefutably correct
even after i told you why i had a soft spot for him

this shows me or anyone reading our exchange
that you are not open to just and friendly criticism
and that where zionism is concerned you are very blind

what zionists (NOT ME, sweetie) would call a useful idiot
they wont respect it either

same applies to rosie wasting so much energy
firing the same old salvos at sherri who has just got worse as a result

Its a pity you don't recognise tongue firmly in cheek responses when they smack you right over the head, Kvetchy, but on the other hand, you have your head so firmly up your own jacksie, its not that surprising that you don't.
Now, how did I know you'd treat us to a 'Popper @ uni' line? You seem to think you are the only one here who went to Uni, or that you are the only poster who went to uni and understood anything. You are completely predictable in your constant self-adoration and self marketing, it is becoming tedioius. I'm quite tired of your attempts at lecturing me and at your endless assumptions about myself and others. I'm also less than impressed with your perverted posts about your guru and f*****g links and much of your other nonsense. You see, Kvetch, the truth is, you are somewhat likeable and witty and humerous, but only when you are in a good mood and are making an effort to - in your opinion - humour the evil zionists among us who will surely come round to your way of thinking if you could only just butter us up enough. The game can be fun, but like I said, only when you are in a good enough humour and only when people like me pretend you are doing a good job. Game over.
BBC latest

BBC News - Gaza crisis: Fresh fire exchanged as violence continues

Government spokesman Mark Regev told the BBC the operation would end when Israeli citizens were safe, and that all options - including a ground incursion - remained "on the table".

However, Interior Minister Eli Yishai was quoted by Israel's Haaretz newspaper as saying that the goal of the operation was "to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for 40 years".

that makes me want to vomit too, sayit.....you too???

shas are as bad as hamas

You're cherry-pickin', Princess, but you go right ahead and hurl. Int Minister has no voice in this. He's a pol makin' hay and you're an idiot pullin' his pud. :D
well yes

but a bit more important than the ghastly syrenn

and if any interior minister in any CIVILISED democracy said such a thing
s/he would be sacked instantly

a country where you can make hay sayin stuff like that,even in semi war
is a country in serious and deep ethical trouble
and indeed israel is getting further and further away from jewish morals

shas is a religious party of the Mizrachi, is it not?
that makes it worse, imho
at least syrenn never said she was religious tho she may be a witch

Meanwhile the venom drips from "good Christian" Sherri's every post yet you lick her butt as you do for most Nazi-types, and as a self-professed Brit you should be used to pols makin' hay in a parliamentary form of gov't. You just trash Israel 'cause that's what "peeps" like you do. I, for one, am not as impressed with your "humanity" as you seem to be. :D
I have given you my considered and completely unrefutably correct response on the thread concerned, Kvetchy :eusa_angel:. And I think you misunderstand the paradox described by Popper, which I absolutely do not, IMHO, of course.

you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

this is not compatible with the lofty ethix of popper
who was one of my set philosophy texts at uni.

he aint my favourite but i respect him enough
to wish to dis-associate him from someone thanking intolerant posts
and then quoting him afterwards!

its also a waste of time trying to argue with bikoz at the moment
he is an arab whose blood is hot and hurt
if you knew the first thing about arab inclinations
you would quit it and i hope you do

its impossible for any but a saintly gazan not to hate all things jewish
and no-one with any empathy would condemn them for doing so

despie that i twice told him his dead leader was a war criminal
who deserved his fate; even tho he was actually collaborating with the IDF recently

then you accuse me of lining up with him
and now you say you are irrefutably correct
even after i told you why i had a soft spot for him

this shows me or anyone reading our exchange
that you are not open to just and friendly criticism
and that where zionism is concerned you are very blind

what zionists (NOT ME, sweetie) would call a useful idiot
they wont respect it either

same applies to rosie wasting so much energy
firing the same old salvos at sherri who has just got worse as a result

Its a pity you don't recognise tongue firmly in cheek responses when they smack you right over the head, Kvetchy, but on the other hand, you have your head so firmly up your own jacksie, its not that surprising that you don't.
Now, how did I know you'd treat us to a 'Popper @ uni' line? You seem to think you are the only one here who went to Uni, or that you are the only poster who went to uni and understood anything. You are completely predictable in your constant self-adoration and self marketing, it is becoming tedioius. I'm quite tired of your attempts at lecturing me and at your endless assumptions about myself and others. I'm also less than impressed with your perverted posts about your guru and f*****g links and much of your other nonsense. You see, Kvetch, the truth is, you are somewhat likeable and witty and humerous, but only when you are in a good mood and are making an effort to - in your opinion - humour the evil zionists among us who will surely come round to your way of thinking if you could only just butter us up enough. The game can be fun, but like I said, only when you are in a good enough humour and only when people like me pretend you are doing a good job. Game over.
I am truly sorry dear

i have sadly miss judged you

I will not exceed your thresholds of critical self appraisal again if I can avoid it.

I should have left it at one gentle rebuke and left it at that when I could see you were not going to receive what I said.

Let's play better games............

sorry again
anjel---kvetchie is mamzer------that's how they are-------most mamzers grow out of mamzerhood------some......well there you have it
I have given you my considered and completely unrefutably correct response on the thread concerned, Kvetchy :eusa_angel:. And I think you misunderstand the paradox described by Popper, which I absolutely do not, IMHO, of course.

you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

this is not compatible with the lofty ethix of popper
who was one of my set philosophy texts at uni.

he aint my favourite but i respect him enough
to wish to dis-associate him from someone thanking intolerant posts
and then quoting him afterwards!

its also a waste of time trying to argue with bikoz at the moment
he is an arab whose blood is hot and hurt
if you knew the first thing about arab inclinations
you would quit it and i hope you do

its impossible for any but a saintly gazan not to hate all things jewish
and no-one with any empathy would condemn them for doing so

despie that i twice told him his dead leader was a war criminal
who deserved his fate; even tho he was actually collaborating with the IDF recently

then you accuse me of lining up with him
and now you say you are irrefutably correct
even after i told you why i had a soft spot for him

this shows me or anyone reading our exchange
that you are not open to just and friendly criticism
and that where zionism is concerned you are very blind

what zionists (NOT ME, sweetie) would call a useful idiot
they wont respect it either

same applies to rosie wasting so much energy
firing the same old salvos at sherri who has just got worse as a result

Its a pity you don't recognise tongue firmly in cheek responses when they smack you right over the head, Kvetchy, but on the other hand, you have your head so firmly up your own jacksie, its not that surprising that you don't.
Now, how did I know you'd treat us to a 'Popper @ uni' line? You seem to think you are the only one here who went to Uni, or that you are the only poster who went to uni and understood anything. You are completely predictable in your constant self-adoration and self marketing, it is becoming tedioius. I'm quite tired of your attempts at lecturing me and at your endless assumptions about myself and others. I'm also less than impressed with your perverted posts about your guru and f*****g links and much of your other nonsense. You see, Kvetch, the truth is, you are somewhat likeable and witty and humerous, but only when you are in a good mood and are making an effort to - in your opinion - humour the evil zionists among us who will surely come round to your way of thinking if you could only just butter us up enough. The game can be fun, but like I said, only when you are in a good enough humour and only when people like me pretend you are doing a good job. Game over.

Indeed, the pompous Kvetcher has been sliding since he bonded with our village idiot, BecauseIKnowSquat.
Whatever ails Bikoz seems to have infected Kvetcher. :D
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You're cherry-pickin', Princess, but you go right ahead and hurl. Int Minister has no voice in this. He's a pol makin' hay and you're an idiot pullin' his pud. :D
well yes

but a bit more important than the ghastly syrenn

and if any interior minister in any CIVILISED democracy said such a thing
s/he would be sacked instantly

a country where you can make hay sayin stuff like that,even in semi war
is a country in serious and deep ethical trouble
and indeed israel is getting further and further away from jewish morals

shas is a religious party of the Mizrachi, is it not?
that makes it worse, imho
at least syrenn never said she was religious tho she may be a witch

Meanwhile the venom drips from "good Christian" Sherri's every post yet you lick her butt as you do for most Nazi-types, and as a self-professed Brit you should be used to pols makin' hay in a parliamentary form of gov't. You just trash Israel 'cause that's what "peeps" like you do. I, for one, am not as impressed with your "humanity" as you seem to be. :D

I'm sorry but I aint responsible for Sherri and really I feel like we could both do with a break.

I have always regarded you as a better zio and i haven't changed my opinion

lets move on to another thread or elsewhere, shall we

and call it quits................shalom
reflexive you are again

and i am very rarely so

i just saw you had tnanked me for posting the wikipedia entry on hamas dead leader which said he was involved in a school bombing, which i had highlighted

is that what you mean by your totally mindless ultra defensive kneejerk resonse almost in rosie-speak
that I "reflexively lick the butt of every Nazi type poster here"

it aint true and you know it

It is true or I wouldn't have said it and could you link the post in which I thanked you? As verbose and scattered as you are I was probably reacting to something else you said. :D

i was talking to angelica T, not to you

she it was, not you, who thanked me for trawling up a neutral site ...wiki
that accused Al Jabari of involvement in a school bus bombing,and highlighting it in bold
then accused me of supporting every ass licking nazi or some such slander

i would expect you to say stuff like that; and strangely i dont resent it either

but not angelicaT; from her i do resent it because she is under my skin and you aint, yet!!

is that clear, now

Dear G-d. I will say this only once. KINDLY REFRAIN FROM GETTING POSTS AND THEREFORE THE SUBJECT MATTER FROM TWO VERY DIFFERENT THREADS MIXED UP. And kindly understand that you accused me of LINING UP alongside a poster you referred to as the most evil on this board - Syrenn - WHICH IS COMPLETELY ABSURD, and so I told you to politely get stuffed and highlighted the fact - not for the first time - that you support a terrorist supporter. I do hope things are clear for you now.
the islamo nazi pigs are getting more and more repetitious and more and more idiotic. Codger----the very first line of defense of the nazi war criminals who ESCAPED JUSTICE AT NUREMBURG was-----"no---it was not us---it was the JEWS WHO KILL CHRISTIANS"----and that later became "GENTILES" when they turned their talents to their muslim paymasters in Syria and Egypt. The stuff was written----starting in the late 1940 and for decades ------but its real roots go back as far as the mid 1930s . One can always tell a nazi pig by his LINGO

as one of the more rational zios here, can ask you something, please

you can reply by private message if you prefer

the tizzyfit between angel and me started because i oblected to her thankong a certain Syrenn for a sick and vicious taunt aganist bikoz, who is gazan and therefore vulnerable

Syrenn first made me feel like vomitting because she said she was jumping up and down like a sexually aroused cheer leader at all the IDF bombs killing gazans

you have been here far longer than me; is syrenn really so psychotic?

or just vivious?

I see you are now moving the goalposts and lying, just like your buddy Bcoz. From the posts I saw and possibly responded to, and regarding the one s you allegedly make her the most evil poster on this board, Syrenn expressed her happiness at the drone that led the missile that surgically assassinated the terrorist nazi Hamas military leader - NOT GAZANS. Shame on you.
anjel---kvetchie is mamzer------that's how they are-------most mamzers grow out of mamzerhood------some......well there you have it

Thank you, Rosie, I get it, but I aint taking lectures from a mamzer, or a non-mamzer for that matter, when they support a poster who adores hamas terrorists, the muslime brotherhood and who has repeatedly wished for the destruction of Israel.

you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

this is not compatible with the lofty ethix of popper
who was one of my set philosophy texts at uni.

he aint my favourite but i respect him enough
to wish to dis-associate him from someone thanking intolerant posts
and then quoting him afterwards!

its also a waste of time trying to argue with bikoz at the moment
he is an arab whose blood is hot and hurt
if you knew the first thing about arab inclinations
you would quit it and i hope you do

its impossible for any but a saintly gazan not to hate all things jewish
and no-one with any empathy would condemn them for doing so

despie that i twice told him his dead leader was a war criminal
who deserved his fate; even tho he was actually collaborating with the IDF recently

then you accuse me of lining up with him
and now you say you are irrefutably correct
even after i told you why i had a soft spot for him

this shows me or anyone reading our exchange
that you are not open to just and friendly criticism
and that where zionism is concerned you are very blind

what zionists (NOT ME, sweetie) would call a useful idiot
they wont respect it either

same applies to rosie wasting so much energy
firing the same old salvos at sherri who has just got worse as a result

Its a pity you don't recognise tongue firmly in cheek responses when they smack you right over the head, Kvetchy, but on the other hand, you have your head so firmly up your own jacksie, its not that surprising that you don't.
Now, how did I know you'd treat us to a 'Popper @ uni' line? You seem to think you are the only one here who went to Uni, or that you are the only poster who went to uni and understood anything. You are completely predictable in your constant self-adoration and self marketing, it is becoming tedioius. I'm quite tired of your attempts at lecturing me and at your endless assumptions about myself and others. I'm also less than impressed with your perverted posts about your guru and f*****g links and much of your other nonsense. You see, Kvetch, the truth is, you are somewhat likeable and witty and humerous, but only when you are in a good mood and are making an effort to - in your opinion - humour the evil zionists among us who will surely come round to your way of thinking if you could only just butter us up enough. The game can be fun, but like I said, only when you are in a good enough humour and only when people like me pretend you are doing a good job. Game over.
I am truly sorry dear

i have sadly miss judged you

I will not exceed your thresholds of critical self appraisal again if I can avoid it.

I should have left it at one gentle rebuke and left it at that when I could see you were not going to receive what I said.

Let's play better games............

sorry again

there's truth in what you say about me

what i want to say is that i am still emerging from a savage depression
and both body and mind aint really working in the harmony they should have

if you have ever experienced depression,
you will know it leaves one full of toxins
and when it lifts, these mental and heart toxins come out in strange ways
related to the symptoms you have described

but i will take what you say to heart...the bits that ring true

what rosie said is true too

and if sayit is still with us,

I liked his expression, "Pols makin hay"

that is indeed what this gaza war is all about.....on both and all sides

sadly gaza and virtually all the arab world has never left the middle ages

and that does indeed cause big trouble for israel and us all

far better for the zios to have chosen a decent neighbourhood

i would vote for a zionist presence or entity in the UK any time

how about...........scotland???

plenty of room in the USA too
Jews have thrived in USA far more than in Israel

and in either nation, our economic woes would be blown away very soon
by such a huge influx of creative and not destructive jewish talent

so so sad they had to choose the old place
where most jews could not get out of quickly enough, down the centuries
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you have done nothing of the sort

irrefutably incorrect you were and are

you sadly line up behind even the most vicious and certainly intolerant of the zio-bullies

like a schholgirl at a pop concert or a hockey match

this is not compatible with the lofty ethix of popper
who was one of my set philosophy texts at uni.

he aint my favourite but i respect him enough
to wish to dis-associate him from someone thanking intolerant posts
and then quoting him afterwards!

its also a waste of time trying to argue with bikoz at the moment
he is an arab whose blood is hot and hurt
if you knew the first thing about arab inclinations
you would quit it and i hope you do

its impossible for any but a saintly gazan not to hate all things jewish
and no-one with any empathy would condemn them for doing so

despie that i twice told him his dead leader was a war criminal
who deserved his fate; even tho he was actually collaborating with the IDF recently

then you accuse me of lining up with him
and now you say you are irrefutably correct
even after i told you why i had a soft spot for him

this shows me or anyone reading our exchange
that you are not open to just and friendly criticism
and that where zionism is concerned you are very blind

what zionists (NOT ME, sweetie) would call a useful idiot
they wont respect it either

same applies to rosie wasting so much energy
firing the same old salvos at sherri who has just got worse as a result

Its a pity you don't recognise tongue firmly in cheek responses when they smack you right over the head, Kvetchy, but on the other hand, you have your head so firmly up your own jacksie, its not that surprising that you don't.
Now, how did I know you'd treat us to a 'Popper @ uni' line? You seem to think you are the only one here who went to Uni, or that you are the only poster who went to uni and understood anything. You are completely predictable in your constant self-adoration and self marketing, it is becoming tedioius. I'm quite tired of your attempts at lecturing me and at your endless assumptions about myself and others. I'm also less than impressed with your perverted posts about your guru and f*****g links and much of your other nonsense. You see, Kvetch, the truth is, you are somewhat likeable and witty and humerous, but only when you are in a good mood and are making an effort to - in your opinion - humour the evil zionists among us who will surely come round to your way of thinking if you could only just butter us up enough. The game can be fun, but like I said, only when you are in a good enough humour and only when people like me pretend you are doing a good job. Game over.
I am truly sorry dear

i have sadly miss judged you

I will not exceed your thresholds of critical self appraisal again if I can avoid it.

I should have left it at one gentle rebuke and left it at that when I could see you were not going to receive what I said.

Let's play better games............

sorry again

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