Israel burns and beheads people in tents in Rafah

What do you think genocide means?
I don’t have to “think” what it means. It has a definition.

Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people[a] in whole or in part.

With regard to Israel defending itself against the ceaseless attacks of Hamas, there is zero “genocide.”

No intent to destroy any people. Not in whole or in part. The very claim of morons like you depends on disregarding that meaning.
I don’t have to “think” what it means. It has a definition.

With regard to Israel defending itself against the ceaseless attacks of Hamas, there is zero “genocide.”

No intent to destroy any people. Not in whole or in part. The very claim of morons like you depends on disregarding that meaning.
Dumb as always. You’ll soon deny you supported genocide, but I’m here to continually remind you.
How does a country that's literally surrounded on all sides by people who have sworn to wipe them off the face of the earth "back down" when they are attacked? The survival of Israel depends on them NEVER backing down!
lol. Mass murdering defenseless women and children is hardly defending itself. Either get informed or STFU!
What did you expect Israel's response would be, Marc? Are you really THAT stupid?

Hamas attacked them. Limit your response to attacking Hamas asshole. Not mass murdering defenseless civilians.

This woman will inform you of the truth, but you don’t like the truth.
Dumb as always. You’ll soon deny you supported genocide, but I’m here to continually remind you.
You have never been anything hit dumb and a liar.

You can’t “remind” me a your own lie, you scumbag. You can only reiterate your lie. And nobody gives a fuck what a liar such as you says, anyway.
You have never been anything hit dumb and a liar.

You can’t “remind” me a your own lie, you scumbag. You can only reiterate your lie. And nobody gives a fuck what a liar such as you says, anyway.
I dare a moron like you to watch this.
Eat shit and die, you hideous lying libtard troll bitch.

Nah. You’re the cock sucker. Damn, you’re a forgetful troll ass bitch.
You will soon deny you supported mass murder of defenseless women and children. You fucking dumb pussy.
As usual for Cenk, nothing but inaccuracies and outright lies framed in emotional language and demonization.
Yeah we shouldn’t get emotional over 100,000 slaughtered innocent civilians and more wounded, with a famine in progress.
I don’t have to “think” what it means. It has a definition.

With regard to Israel defending itself against the ceaseless attacks of Hamas, there is zero “genocide.”

No intent to destroy any people. Not in whole or in part. The very claim of morons like you depends on disregarding that meaning.
Israel has MORE than demonstrated a deliberate and specific aim (dolus specialis) to physically destroy the Palestinians based on its real or perceived nationality, ethnicity, race. That's why I've been calling it racist all along.

What are you, an idiot?
Yeah we shouldn’t get emotional over 100,000 slaughtered innocent civilians and more wounded, with a famine in progress.
No, we ABSOLUTELY should get emotional over the millions killed in wars and famine and other preventable horrors every year. (All of them, not just this one specific one).

It is when emotional language is used to vilify an entire group of people, falsely ascribing evil to that group, exaggerating reality and stirring up "righteous" anger, that it becomes problematic. It is not only unhelpful in solving the problem, but it creates the precursors to ACTUAL genocide.

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