Israel burns and beheads people in tents in Rafah

Hours after the Israeli Knesset approved the preliminary reading designating UNRWA as a “terrorist organization,” #Israel slaughter more than 30 displaced Palestinians sheltering at a #UNRWA center in Rafah.

The number is expected to rise dramatically with dozens of injured already reported.

Look at all the atrocities and war crimes the global white mainstream media has been telling us that HAMAS committed, like beheading babies/children, women, etc. we can actually see in real-time footage being committed by the Israelis...

Let's see if anyone even bats an eye at this.

Just curious. What is your goal in making your post far more difficult to read?
Hours after the Israeli Knesset approved the preliminary reading designating UNRWA as a “terrorist organization,” #Israel slaughter more than 30 displaced Palestinians sheltering at a #UNRWA center in Rafah.

The number is expected to rise dramatically with dozens of injured already reported.

Look at all the atrocities and war crimes the global white mainstream media has been telling us that HAMAS committed, like beheading babies/children, women, etc. we can actually see in real-time footage being committed by the Israelis...

Let's see if anyone even bats an eye at this.

Pallywood bullshit.
Pallywood bullshit.

No, we ABSOLUTELY should get emotional over the millions killed in wars and famine and other preventable horrors every year. (All of them, not just this one specific one).

It is when emotional language is used to vilify an entire group of people, falsely ascribing evil to that group, exaggerating reality and stirring up "righteous" anger, that it becomes problematic. It is not only unhelpful in solving the problem, but it creates the precursors to ACTUAL genocide.
Yeah yeah…you think those of us opposing Israel’s genocide is only because it’s Israel doing the mass murder. Fuck that. I oppose all war and have for nearly two decades.

Yeah it’s an exaggeration when Israel mass murders innocents, but when it’s done to them the exaggerations are off the charts. I bet you still believe those stories about beheaded babies and rapes on 10/7. That got you really emotional, but thousands of dead Pali babies hardly moves you.

What I find ridiculous and ignorant are those of you who claim this isn’t genocide, yet it’s obvious to anyone with a brain.
lol. Mass murdering defenseless women and children is hardly defending itself. Either get informed or STFU!
Informed? You're clueless. Hamas murders women and children...takes women and children hostage...hides behind their own women and children and then whines about how Israel isn't playing fair. Fuck them. They deserve what they're about to get. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger bunch of cowards.
You will soon deny you supported mass murder of defenseless women and children. You fucking dumb pussy.
Of course I deny your lies, you fucking retard scumbag asslicker.

You are the one who supports genocide.

Just admit it.

Assuming you can figure out the simple and accurate definition.
Israel has MORE than demonstrated a deliberate and specific aim (dolus specialis) to physically destroy the Palestinians

Absolute fiction ^ from a scumbag racist moron. Yeah, Malcolm ExLax, you.
based on its real or perceived nationality, ethnicity, race.

Compounding your pie leaves it still just a lie.
That's why I've been calling it racist all along.

No. You say stupid shit like that because you’re a bigot and a liar and a troll. Oh. You’re also a retaed.
What are you, an idiot?
No. That’s you, retard.

Helpful hint:

Your bullshit claims have nothing to do with reality.
No, we ABSOLUTELY should get emotional over the millions killed in wars and famine and other preventable horrors every year. (All of them, not just this one specific one).

It is when emotional language is used to vilify an entire group of people, falsely ascribing evil to that group, exaggerating reality and stirring up "righteous" anger, that it becomes problematic. It is not only unhelpful in solving the problem, but it creates the precursors to ACTUAL genocide.

Well said! I strongly agree! Often the power of this rhetoric is understated or ignored. It has systematically been used against the Palestinians for decades as well.

This conflict is notable for its war of competing narratives, propaganda and systemic dehumanization of each side that has been going on for years. or maybe I haven’t been so aware of it before.
Well said! I strongly agree! Often the power of this rhetoric is understated or ignored. It has systematically been used against the Palestinians for decades as well.

This conflict is notable for its war of competing narratives, propaganda and systemic dehumanization of each side that has been going on for years. or maybe I haven’t been so aware of it before.
Except that right now, one side is doing the killing. That side has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, killing a people who have no military and are essentially defenseless. It’s a genocide, but can you see it?
Informed? You're clueless. Hamas murders women and children...takes women and children hostage...hides behind their own women and children and then whines about how Israel isn't playing fair. Fuck them. They deserve what they're about to get. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger bunch of cowards.

They are also handy to promote ignorance and hate.
Well said! I strongly agree! Often the power of this rhetoric is understated or ignored. It has systematically been used against the Palestinians for decades as well.

This conflict is notable for its war of competing narratives, propaganda and systemic dehumanization of each side that has been going on for years. or maybe I haven’t been so aware of it before.
It's notable for the mindless defenses of Hamas and the vermin who elected them.
It is. Israel does not do that stuff. You are an idiot. Also you did not seem upset when the Palestinians really did that shit.

As I said, these sick freaks get off on that stuff. It's why they're so frantic to stop the proper responses to that savagery; they want to see a lot more and they're afraid they won't if the Israelis do what needs doing.
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