Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Hmmm, interesting, so only a small group has participated in this cease fire agreement, and what was real interesting was when the lady said that America was told about the hostages being alive ?

How does America know what Israel may not know about these hostages and their status, otherwise if Israel doesn't know their status ????

Whose telling us this information in the deal or prior to the deal ?

So you are saying that GAZAN's are part of Hamas, otherwise it's true that they support the removal of Israel from the river to the sea ?

The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the river to the sea.
The Likud Charter calls for a Jewish state from the river to the sea.

Is that a bad thing?

Arab imperialists should be content
with the rest of the MENA region,
until other nations follow Israel.

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Is that a bad thing?

Arab imperialists should be content
with the rest of the MENA region,
until other nations follow Israel.

All struggling forever it seems as a people or people's living within that green. Why when looking at the history of it all ?? Are they just prone to warring factions or tribalism living in opposition to each other within ?
All struggling forever it seems as a people or people's living within that green. Why when looking at the history of it all ?? Are they just prone to warring factions or tribalism living in opposition to each other within ?

There's a litteral battle of light and darkness,

that resonates in the most gut-felt manner
in this region, unlike any other, the cradle,
and the horrifying beauty of human
poetry through history.

No evil as here,..
no good like here, -
devastating potential.
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Was it anything like the media saying that a prisoner exchange included women and underaged children that were being held by Israel to be exchanged for the hostages being held by Hamas ? I want to know who these so called women and "underaged" children are, otherwise who the media said that Israel is allegedly holding as prisoner's in Israel to soon be exchanged for hostages held by Hamas ? I think it's a damned lie, otherwise as is possibly (found in the inference or message intent for which it was being put by the fake news media), that Israel is holding underaged children in prisons in Israel without noting the cause, unless maybe they are 15 year old boy's/so called warrior's that Hamas brainwashed early in life, IOW's those youth that Hamas probably brainwashed in order to get them started with their violent acts against Israel early in life. Is this the case maybe ?

We just found a convoy of UN relief trucks, traveling (surreptitiously) from Iran --> Syria --> Lebanon and destroyed it in its entirety.

No one left. The IDF found rockets, missiles, and other weapons on that UN convoy.

225 Gazan civilians were murdered in cold blood by the IDF this year prior to October 7th.

Israel is worse than Hamas.
Hamas needs to move ...

And they will be moved.

Regardless of your bigoted whining. :)
Will Israel return all the occupied lands to Palestine when this is over?
After all, they are fighting Hamas, not Palestine.
All they have is a virtual state.

Even in the UN, it's a virtual state. The supposed "Palestinian" Ambassadors are ambassadors of a virtual state.

Now a virtual state is not real. :)

It's only virtual...

And if Hamas wants to hide among citizens that were told to go South, that's war.

Israel will not rape and pillage them, but if they hang with terrorists, many will be shot for terrorists when we go for the terrorist.

But there's a major problem. The women being released, while they haven't murdered anyone, have engaged in attempted murder and terrorism against Israeli civilians and soldiers.

The list of the 150 released prisoners just completely debunked the lie that Israel just arresting innocent Palestinian women and children who "just threw stones"

Almost all the women committed stabbing or shooting attacks,
Almost all the "children" were 17-18 years old men with…
— Adin - עדין (@AdinHaykin1) November 22, 2023
One of the women set to be freed in exchange for kidnapped civilian mothers and babies tried to kill an Israeli officer a few months ago.
— Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll (@skjask) November 22, 2023
Remember this?

The Palestinians who will be released in the impending deal are convicted terrorists who are in prison because they tried to murder Israelis.

The Israelis who will be freed are innocent civilians being held hostage by terrorists.

There is no equivalence. None.
— Avi Mayer אבי מאיר (@AviMayer) November 21, 2023

And we will take the Hamas leadership all out. Their 'civilians'... that they have trained to fight and kill the Jew?

They better run to the south and not hang around their leadership.

Or they will not be long for this world either.

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