Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Hamas used Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital as a base of terror operations. That’s the obvious conclusion following Sunday’s discovery of a large terror tunnel under the hospital along with videos of Hamas bringing Israeli hostages inside.
The Israel Defense Forces this weekend discovered a tunnel beneath al-Shifa Hospital that extends 10 meters down and 55 meters across — leading to what might be a booby-trapped door. Special units that specialize in handling explosives have been summoned to break through to the next section.
Now comes an important question for Congress: Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about al-Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes?

Dear EU. Hamas used the water pipes in their missile extenders, and launcher systems.

The IDF troops have uncovered and destroyed some 400 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip since the start of the ground offensive last month.

Troops of the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit have taken a significant part in demolishing the Hamas terrorist tunnels.


Hamas' Terrorist Leadership now, 9 down, 12 to go.


Hamas' Leader Ismail Haniyeh's grand son 'Jamal' was also in a UN convoy filled with weapons coming from Iran --> Syria --> Lebanon. Two Hamas secondary leaders were killed in that bombing by an unknown plane.

A F-35i is not easily deteced so they were caught like the dirty terrorists they are and are being supported by the UN.

Nice to see the left so quiet. :thup:

Now the UN is a done deal when this is all over. Dissolution comes to the UN.

Meh, same here unless something is seriously worthwhile or I wanna be silly. :D

Palestinian journalist Marwat al-Azzeh was fired by NBC News after being arrested last week in Israel for inciting and glorifying terror

Palestinian journalist Marwat al-Azzeh was fired by NBC News after being arrested last week in Israel for inciting and glorifying terror.

“Iran over the years has provided a lot of assistance to Hamas in terms of rocket capability,” Eisenstadt said. “The signature weapon of Iran proxies are rockets and increasingly missiles. You see that everywhere — with Iraq, Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah.

They've already been caught using the Red Crescent (Supposed to be like the Red Cross) for troop movement.

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Israel didn't shoot at Gazan fishermen until the gas fields were found in Gaza's coastal waters.
Ha ha ha. “Gaza‘s coastal waters“. Is there ever a time you speak the truth, Fatima.

Israel has already signed contracts to be a major supplier of liquid natural gas to Europe in 2022. In other words, they won’t need the Russians soon. Funny how things change, in a few years Israel will be a major player in the energy market, comparable to the Gulf States. And where will the Palestinians be? Once again, never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and far worse off.
IDF finds tunnel under Gaza hospital: "Hamas plot uncovered!".
Could it be a sewer?
For example, Moscow's sewer system is 9,300 km long, enough for 3 tunnels to Tel Aviv. That's where the conspiracy is! But the Russians do not believe that jewish conspirators are infiltrating their institutions from the sewers.
It isn’t a sewer it’s part of the vast terrorist rat tunnel system built for Hamas by Iran. And their all under hospitals, kindergartens, schools, and mosques.

The only sewer is the contents of your brain.
Palestinian protesters have targeted the home of a Jewish organization President in Brentwood, California during Thanksgiving.

Masked activists threw smoke grenades at the Jewish man’s house, poured fake blood, and placed fake baby body bags on his driveway and lawn.

The activists are from the ‘Peoples City Council activism group and tweeted that they were giving the Jewish organization president a ‘holiday wake-up call.’
Additionally, in a video from the scene, after police officers arrived, fake blood can be seen poured all over the driveway alongside baby body bags.

Terrorism and the supporters of terrorism. These body bags and blood are not fake with the terrorists and someday, even their supporters will exchange the fake blood for real blood.
First time l’ve seen Douglas Murray incandescent. In response to Norman Finkelstein.

So you are saying that GAZAN's are part of Hamas, otherwise it's true that they support the removal of Israel from the river to the sea ?
Shove that shit up your ass! I am sick of this " river to the sea" garbage! And it is garbage! Listen, fuckman, everyone has the right to defend themselves. That includes Gazans, Hamas and Israel.

However, in the case of Israel, they are the biggest military power in the ME. There isn't a single country in the ME that has the ability to drive Israelis into the sea. So why don't you shitcan that bullshit statement, because it is a moot point.
Shove that shit up your ass! I am sick of this " river to the sea" garbage! And it is garbage! Listen, fuckman, everyone has the right to defend themselves. That includes Gazans, Hamas and Israel.

However, in the case of Israel, they are the biggest military power in the ME. There isn't a single country in the ME that has the ability to drive Israelis into the sea. So why don't you shitcan that bullshit statement, because it is a moot point.
Your boys started a War.

The post that you said I was “ confused “ I wasn’t; I was accurate
For that particular time frame, yes. But I wasn't talking about the first part of 2008, I was talking about the last part, which is not a lie and which you have not proven was a lie.
Then they shouldnt have killed Israeli civilians
No, they should not have. We are in agreement there.

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