Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Hamas did not use 12,000 human shields.
Sure. I didn't mean to imply that they were all human shields. Just that when Hamas does used human shields, they bear the responsibility for those deaths.

Additionally, Hamas bears all the responsibility for this current conflict, as they instigated it.
Havent seen many soldiers in that War hiding behind women and Children. Have you?
You don't follow the course of this war, otherwise you would know about how nazis from Ukrainian military formations shelled russian troops from residential urban areas, placing guns and tanks near residential apartment buildings.
You don't follow the course of this war, otherwise you would know about how nazis from Ukrainian military formations shelled russian troops from residential urban areas, placing guns and tanks near residential apartment buildings.
Havent yet. Where are the stories like Hamas forcing civilians to stay in houses or else
You can't understand, in the war in Ukraine, Russians are fighting Russians.
Russians in Ukraine have been zombified for decades by Nazi propaganda, but they are still Russians.
If it comes to war with the West, you will see a different attitude to the enemy and different methods. And pray it never happens.
And also, the Israeli army is fighting against people armed with small arms, in Ukraine, ukrainians are supplied with weapons for the real army, including aviation. And under such conditions you think that the Russian and Israeli armies are fighting in equal conditions? Then you're a fool.
The IDF are fighting in the most dangerous of war zones "urban house to house and building to building warfare battles", so spare me your bull shite analysis.
Are you saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves? You fuckers murdered an American citizen in cold blood on board the Mavi Marmara in international waters. That is an act of piracy.
GAZAN's ? Are you stupid or just this damned evil ?
Are you saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves?
I'm saying you can't have it both ways. Sure. Gaza has a right to resist and "defend themselves". When they resist or "defend themselves", they will have to take responsibility for their actions.
What is the specific number of Gazans
"Free Palestine" sacrifices for gee-had
before blaming it on Israel?
He don't know, he's just an agitating poster that's going to side with evil regardless of the issues.
Havent yet. Where are the stories like Hamas forcing civilians to stay in houses or else
Worse. Now in Russia there are trials of war criminals, here is for example the result of one of the trials:

"The evidence collected by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict Sergei Rogozny, a driving instructor of the 1st platoon of the 1st company of the 2nd battalion of the separate special purpose unit "Azov" (nationalist regiment "Azov" banned in the Russian Federation).
He was found guilty of committing crimes under part 1 of article 356 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruel treatment of the civilian population, use of prohibited means and methods in an armed conflict), subparagraphs "g", "l" of part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder committed by an organized group, motivated by political and ideological hatred and enmity).
The investigation and the court found that in the period from April 1 to April 12, 2022 the personnel of OOSN "Azov" of the 12th brigade of operational purpose of the eastern territorial association of the NSU were located in combat positions, equipped in residential houses and civilian infrastructure buildings of the city of Mariupol.
In accordance with the order of the company commander A.S. Verbovsky, convict Rogozny took up a combat position in one of the apartments of apartment building No. 23, Latyshev Street. Rogozny received information about the presence of an unarmed civilian male not involved in the armed conflict near the building. He reported this information by radio to Verbovsky, who ordered the killing of the civilian.

Rogozny fully admitted his guilt and repented of his actions.
The court sentenced him to 25 years of imprisonment in a strict regime colony."

It's of the "soft crimes" variety. Some deserved life in prison just because Russia does not have the death penalty now.
He don't know, he's just an agitating poster that's going to side with evil regardless of the issues.

Giving too much doubt to evil.

It's here knowingly, You and I write history,
the filth of evil wants too, and holds by teeth, to that desire.
Historic justice is going on, the righteous will wash their feet, in the blood of the wicked.
Sure. I didn't mean to imply that they were all human shields. Just that when Hamas does used human shields, they bear the responsibility for those deaths.

Additionally, Hamas bears all the responsibility for this current conflict, as they instigated it.
You act like the 16 year blockade never happened.
You act like the 16 year blockade never happened.
Deflections noted.. That's what you all do in order to stay clear of what your buddies have done. Muddying the water won't help, so getting out of the pond is best for you.
I'm saying you can't have it both ways. Sure. Gaza has a right to resist and "defend themselves". When they resist or "defend themselves", they will have to take responsibility for their actions.
You are a fucking hypocrite. Because you do not act the same with Israeli atrocities.

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