Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

And what about what Israel does? Over 400 Palestinians in administrative detention. Over half of them women and children? I don't see you saying anything about them?
Bring their cases before the board here, and let's review them. No, you just got your talking points, and you have no substance to those non-points being made.
Nope, it only proved without a doubt on the date of October the 7th, that Israel has been dealing with these kinds of killers for your stated timeline of 56 year's, and it finally reached critical mass on the 7th of October for Israel to not allow it anymore. Israel won't be giving them another 56 year's to harass and to kill them I guarantee you that. Get on the right side of history boy, because right now you are looking like a collaborator of the terror network by defending them.
You're a Nazi and Israel is Germany in the 30's. The Palestinians are the new Jews. You are on the wrong side of history with your allegiance to Heir Hitler. Only in this case, it's Benjamin Netanfuckyou.
And your point is what ?? Who said Israel is fighting for it's existence only ? Israel is fighting terrorism at it's worst, and if they let it go like so many times in the past, then yes it could be that Israel is fighting for it's freedom to exist in the state of Israel just as it stands, otherwise without it being constantly harassed and attacked by an enemy force from within GAZA.

That mighty IDF train has done left the station, and next stop was Israel's border's in order to secure them and protect them, and then on into the dragons teeth of GAZA.

GAZA has got to be occupied now, at least in an authoritarian way by Israeli forces until further notice. No way can it allow forces to exist in the territory of GAZA that are intent on brainwashing and indoctrinating it's citizen's against Israel, otherwise to get them to always hate Israel, and to allow hostile Islamic forces to attack Israel from within the interior of GAZA, and worse do it in secrecy.

I would be so infuriated after getting those few hostages back today, just to know that they were being moved around GAZA under heavy bombardment and heavy fighting without any GAZAN'S trying to do the right thing in order to help Israel get it's citizen's back. This would tell me that the GAZAN'S are being complicit in the kidnapping of Israeli citizen's, and that they are aiding and abedding Hamas in order to help Hamas keep their where abouts secret from the Israeli's.

That's the way I would see it in the exchange. Israel needs to destroy GAZA, and rebuild it from scratch for a better future to be created out of the ashes, otherwise where once stood an evil hostile place harboring nothing but death and destruction for it's own citizen's and it's neighbors.

Israel wants a port.

You're a Nazi and Israel is Germany in the 30's. The Palestinians are the new Jews. You are on the wrong side of history with your allegiance to Heir Hitler. Only in this case, it's Benjamin Netanfuckyou.
Nothing but stupidity out of you, so you just pat your agitating self on your own shoulder troll boy, because that's all you are here is an agitating troll.
Israel wants a port.

Well GAZA may have given them one. The good guy's win. 👍
Or when they resist Israel's attacks?
Now, this is disingenuous. You have condemned the attack committed against Israeli civilians on October 7 as an unspeakable act of evil.

You then turn around and claim that the responsibility for the attack rests with Israel because you seem to believe that the people of Gaza can make no other possible choices except to commit unspeakable acts of evil. (A position I find it very difficult to disagree with after October 7).

But..."resist Israel's attacks"? I'd like to know how you justify that in your own head. What "attacks" were Hamas "resisting" on October 7 when they crossed out of their "1967 borders" and slaughtered or abducted 1400 innocent lives? What was the military objective of that "resistance"? What did they hope to accomplish with such an act of "resistance"?
And what about what Israel does? Over 400 Palestinians in administrative detention. Over half of them women and children? I don't see you saying anything about them?
I don't know where you get your information. According to B'tselem, your numbers way, way off. For example, there are no minors under the age of 16 held in administrative attention, and only 23 between the ages of 16 and 18 (September 2023).

Even so, the concept of administrative detention is a worthy topic of discussion. But only if we can discuss it genuinely instead of just another one of your "Israel is evil" talking points.
Now, this is disingenuous. You have condemned the attack committed against Israeli civilians on October 7 as an unspeakable act of evil.

You then turn around and claim that the responsibility for the attack rests with Israel because you seem to believe that the people of Gaza can make no other possible choices except to commit unspeakable acts of evil. (A position I find it very difficult to disagree with after October 7).

But..."resist Israel's attacks"? I'd like to know how you justify that in your own head. What "attacks" were Hamas "resisting" on October 7 when they crossed out of their "1967 borders" and slaughtered or abducted 1400 innocent lives? What was the military objective of that "resistance"? What did they hope to accomplish with such an act of "resistance"?
I think this cat is young and very stupid or he's just here to agitate.. Maybe he's truly an enemy of anything civilized, uhhh because of something in his own life has gone terribly wrong. Who knows really, but good catch found in your assessment of his logic or illogical behaviors.
Now, this is disingenuous. You have condemned the attack committed against Israeli civilians on October 7 as an unspeakable act of evil.

You then turn around and claim that the responsibility for the attack rests with Israel because you seem to believe that the people of Gaza can make no other possible choices except to commit unspeakable acts of evil. (A position I find it very difficult to disagree with after October 7).

But..."resist Israel's attacks"? I'd like to know how you justify that in your own head. What "attacks" were Hamas "resisting" on October 7 when they crossed out of their "1967 borders" and slaughtered or abducted 1400 innocent lives? What was the military objective of that "resistance"? What did they hope to accomplish with such an act of "resistance"?

Israel is no better than Hamas. Neither Hamas nor Netanyahu wants a two state solution.
I can't blame Israel for not wanting to be associated with anyone who has such disregard for human beings, so your attempt at an equal comparison fell flat.
Shove that shit up your ass! I am sick of this " river to the sea" garbage! And it is garbage! Listen, fuckman, everyone has the right to defend themselves. That includes Gazans, Hamas and Israel.

However, in the case of Israel, they are the biggest military power in the ME. There isn't a single country in the ME that has the ability to drive Israelis into the sea. So why don't you shitcan that bullshit statement, because it is a moot point.
Raping women, sticking babies in ovens, and kidnapping kids and elderly is not self defense or resistance, you imbecile.
Raping women, sticking babies in ovens, and kidnapping kids and elderly is not self defense or resistance, you imbecile.
Amazing you have to point that out to him... He is one lost puppy for sure.
Nothing but stupidity out of you, so you just pat your agitating self on your own shoulder troll boy, because that's all you are here is an agitating troll.
Trolls don't answer questions, I do. As soon as you start calling people rats, you are saying the same things Germans called the Jews.
Now, this is disingenuous. You have condemned the attack committed against Israeli civilians on October 7 as an unspeakable act of evil.

You then turn around and claim that the responsibility for the attack rests with Israel because you seem to believe that the people of Gaza can make no other possible choices except to commit unspeakable acts of evil. (A position I find it very difficult to disagree with after October 7).

But..."resist Israel's attacks"? I'd like to know how you justify that in your own head. What "attacks" were Hamas "resisting" on October 7 when they crossed out of their "1967 borders" and slaughtered or abducted 1400 innocent lives? What was the military objective of that "resistance"? What did they hope to accomplish with such an act of "resistance"?
You've got to be shitting me? You act like the 16 year illegal and immoral blockade had no effect in Gaza. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Gazans have a legal right to resist occupation. And it is an occupation!

I told you many times, if you truly want peace, you will end the occupation in the WB, Gaza, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Comply with UN resolution 242 and you will have peace.

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