Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Nothing but a manipulative troll you are, otherwise a very dangerous agitator because you just like other leftist take anything that's spoken, and then you try to spin it in order to fit your narratives. You do so even if and when the target tells you point blank what the meaning of the post and/or the intent of the content is or was.

When you don't except the interpretation or context of a post when explained, it's because it foils your attempt to set the poster up for your so called audience of ignorant leftist who might believe your idiocy in which sadly makes them even bigger idiots when they do. 😂
That sounds like a speech you've been rehearsing?
You've got to be shitting me? You act like the 16 year illegal and immoral blockade had no effect in Gaza. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Gazans have a legal right to resist occupation. And it is an occupation!

I told you many times, if you truly want peace, you will end the occupation in the WB, Gaza, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Comply with UN resolution 242 and you will have peace.
I don't give a shite how you try and make out that the GAZAN's are some kind of civilized people that are truly under some kind of brutal occupation by Israel, because when they decided to attack in a barbaric heinous way "the innocent civilians that included murdering women and children in such a horrific way", they turned in their civilized card at that very moment.

I challenged you to post any Israeli videos created by Palastinian's, otherwise that show Israeli's slaughtering innocent women and children in a barbaric heinous way. You can't do it, and it's because you are full of shite troll boy.
I don't give a shite how you try and make out that the GAZAN's are some kind of civilized people that are truly under some kind of brutal occupation by Israel, because when they decided to attack in a barbaric heinous way "the innocent civilians that included murdering women and children in such a horrific way", they turned in their civilized card at that very moment.

I challenged you to post any Israeli videos created by Palastinian's, otherwise that show Israeli's slaughtering innocent women and children in a barbaric heinous way. You can't do it, and it's because you are full of shite troll boy.
There are 12,000 dead in Gaza. That IS targeting civilians.
There are 12,000 dead in Gaza. That IS targeting civilians.
Nope. That is war, Palestinians getting what they asked for. In fact they expected this to happen because they knew there are a lot of morons like you that would defend them regardless.
Administrative detention is evil. That is locking people up without charges. That is political prisoners.
Eh stick it where the sun don’t shine. No one cares after what Palestinians did on Oct. 7 and that polls show over 86% of Palestinians supported and celebrated it.
Good to see the Freedom Fighters damaging the Israeli economy so severely .
Looks like the Terrorists from Jerusalem are in trouble and will bleat even more for US help .
And how are things going in Gaza? Other than in tunnels under hospitals that Palestinian freedom fighters are hiding in…
You've got to be shitting me? You act like the 16 year illegal and immoral blockade had no effect in Gaza. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Gazans have a legal right to resist occupation. And it is an occupation!

I told you many times, if you truly want peace, you will end the occupation in the WB, Gaza, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Comply with UN resolution 242 and you will have peace.
On the contrary, the (legal and moral) blockade had an effect. If anything, it didn't have ENOUGH of an effect, else all the tens of thousands of rockets which have attacked Israel's civilian non-combatant population ceaselessly for 20 years and the unspeakable October 7 attack could not have happened.

The reason the blockade did not have enough of an effect is because Israel chose to abandon it's border with Egypt, which permitted the importation of weapons into Gaza. Had Israel maintained its sovereignty over its borders and territorial waters, none of this could have happened. (Thus, not occupied. Even though, as a reminder, you can't occupy your own territory).

It is also proof that when Israel ends the occupation, ceding to its "1967 borders", it does not lead to peace. Rather, it leads to "resistance" in territory you acknowledge to be Israel. That is neither self-defense nor a resistance to occupation, that is an attack on another State.

The responsibility for ALL of this, lies with Gaza, its government, and ultimately, its citizens. When faced with the actuality of having an independent, self-governing, self-determining state, they chose belligerence. They chose to walk across their borders and slaughter innocents. For you to continue to insist that the people of Gaza had no choice but to commit atrocities against the civilian population of another state is to blatantly admit that Gaza is incapable of self-governance and peaceful relations with other states.

Given that you believe that the people of Gaza are incapable of self-governance, what do you think the international community should do with them?
I can't blame Israel for not wanting to be associated with anyone who has such disregard for human beings, so your attempt at an equal comparison fell flat.

Israel has no regard for human beings unless they are Jews. Where have you been the past 80 years?

Netanyahu has absolved Hitler for the Holocaust and puts all the blame on the Mufti. He's a vile, despicable liar .
On November 5th there were fewer than 15 members of the ( IDF ) ( Mossad ) ( Government of Israel ) in Gaza so they were not occupied there

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured. 250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured. Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers.

The campaign lasted seven weeks and resulted in more than 2,000 deaths, the majority of which were Gazan. Major protests also erupted in 2018 along the Israel Gaza border which saw more than 28,000 Palestinians injured.


The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has been tracking deaths in the conflict since 2008 and its data shows that 5,600 Palestinians died up to 2020 while 115,000 were injured. 250 Israelis died during the same period while 5,600 were injured. Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers.

The campaign lasted seven weeks and resulted in more than 2,000 deaths, the majority of which were Gazan. Major protests also erupted in 2018 along the Israel Gaza border which saw more than 28,000 Palestinians injured.

So in a Tit for Tat back & forth Hamas ( Gazans ) die at a much higher rate ?
Israel has no regard for human beings unless they are Jews. Where have you been the past 80 years?

Netanyahu has absolved Hitler for the Holocaust and puts all the blame on the Mufti. He's a vile, despicable liar .
How about trying to prove your bull shite instead of using talking points with no substance behind them. Video's of Israel murdering people in a "Hamas heinous cold blooded way", would be very helpful for you at this point, but posting video's without proper context will not suffice.
Israel has no regard for human beings unless they are Jews. Where have you been the past 80 years?

Netanyahu has absolved Hitler for the Holocaust and puts all the blame on the Mufti. He's a vile, despicable liar .
“Israel has no regard for human beings unless they are Jews”?!

That isn’t what the 2 million Arab Muslims kiving in Israel as Israeli citizens, with full and equal rights think. You are just talking out of Uranus again.
How about trying to prove your bull shite instead of using talking points with no substance behind them. Video's of Israel murdering people in a "Hamas heinous cold blooded way", would be very helpful for you at this point, but posting video's without proper context will not suffice.
They are paid bullshit repeaters, just like the illiterate, ignorant pro Pali protesters that march neo Nazi style in the streets. Arab Muslims of Israel even have political parties and representation in the Knesset.
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