Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Why are you such an evil puppet for evil regime's ??
Lol. I’m for peace at all costs and yet I’m condemn by dumb warmongers like you.

Its a Brave New World. Do I need to explain this reference to you?
oh look.

Its Hamas Rambo waging War on Grandma.

Now whining when her kids come hunting you.

Cry me a River to the Sea biotches
View attachment 864133oh look.

Its Hamas Rambo waging War on Grandma.

Now whining when her kids come hunting you.

Cry me a River to the Sea biotches
Did you see the latest second round of the hostage release, where Hamas was being all smiles and friendly with the hostages as they were taking them to their Red Cross vehicle's that were awaiting them ? Talk about photo ops for propaganda purposes. They probably told the hostages - you smile and be friendly with us as we release you in front of the camera's or we'll kill everyone of you right there in front of those camera's.

After what they've done, they can't be trusted. The release of hostages is buying time for them, but not sure why they aren't negotiating for their own exits from the war zone in the process. They should know that they are trapped, and no one is coming to their rescue in that hell hole they've created for themselves, so they should be bargaining for their safe passage to the terrorist supporting state of their choice outside of the kill zone, otherwise upon release of the remaining hostages. Yeah that's what they should do.
Did you see the latest second round of the hostage release, where Hamas was being all smiles and friendly with the hostages as they were taking them to their Red Cross vehicle's that were awaiting them ? Talk about photo ops for propaganda purposes. They probably told the hostages - you smile and be friendly with us as we release you in front of the camera's or we'll kill everyone of you right there in front of those camera's.

After what they've done, they can't be trusted. The release of hostages is buying time for them, but not sure why they aren't negotiating for their own exits from the war zone in the process. They should know that they are trapped, and no one is coming to their rescue in that hell hole they've created for themselves, so they should be bargaining for their safe passage to the terrorist supporting state of their choice outside of the kill zone, otherwise upon release of the remaining hostages. Yeah that's what they should do.
There whole purpose is Propaganda. Like these clowns on these boards saying Genocide everyday. Our youth in too many cases are dumb enough to listen to these con artists.

Hamas wants the world to kill Israel for them.

Same tactic the left uses Cult. Cult. Cult Cult.

Same as their America sucks platform everyday. They go out burn our flag and Scream America Sucks
Wait, what?! Targeting Israeli residents in Israel (your silly 1967 borders) is permitted in your view?! Whatever happened to the principle of distinction?
Are you on crack? I said settlers! Settlers do not live in Israel proper. They are illegal nationals living in the OPT and are legal targets.
On the contrary, the (legal and moral) blockade had an effect. If anything, it didn't have ENOUGH of an effect, else all the tens of thousands of rockets which have attacked Israel's civilian non-combatant population ceaselessly for 20 years and the unspeakable October 7 attack could not have happened.

The reason the blockade did not have enough of an effect is because Israel chose to abandon it's border with Egypt, which permitted the importation of weapons into Gaza. Had Israel maintained its sovereignty over its borders and territorial waters, none of this could have happened. (Thus, not occupied. Even though, as a reminder, you can't occupy your own territory).

It is also proof that when Israel ends the occupation, ceding to its "1967 borders", it does not lead to peace. Rather, it leads to "resistance" in territory you acknowledge to be Israel. That is neither self-defense nor a resistance to occupation, that is an attack on another State.

The responsibility for ALL of this, lies with Gaza, its government, and ultimately, its citizens. When faced with the actuality of having an independent, self-governing, self-determining state, they chose belligerence. They chose to walk across their borders and slaughter innocents. For you to continue to insist that the people of Gaza had no choice but to commit atrocities against the civilian population of another state is to blatantly admit that Gaza is incapable of self-governance and peaceful relations with other states.

Given that you believe that the people of Gaza are incapable of self-governance, what do you think the international community should do with them?
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
  • n 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to dismantle dozens of settlements, but the Palestinians still would not agree to end the conflict.
  • In 2005, Israel evacuated all Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and four in Northern Samaria, but terror attacks continued.

Are you on crack? I said settlers! Settlers do not live in Israel proper. They are illegal nationals living in the OPT and are legal targets.
"legal targets"? I am mystified. There was a time in my life during which time
I was supposed to "take care" of people who were in "OCCUPIED WEST BERLIN"
I was COMPLETELY unaware of YOUR FACT that the --"boys" and their families and
other people who were the people I was supposed to care for if needed (ie---they
would be transported to the USA for care, if needed) ----could
"LEGALLY" be shot in the head by persons who, unlike me, had a history of being
German citizens----sometime ago. According to YOUR LEGAL code---were I do
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
You know when you go into your bathroom to wash your hands and look ahead to see this wild man staring back at you?

He needs help.
The Palestinians have every right to fight for self-determination, sovereignty, and independence. Fewer of them will die if the fight is done in the boardroom of a hotel with dueling markers to create borders and a peace treaty.
Then why was it, in 2008, when Hamas and the PA were talking of a unity government, with Hamas doing away with their militia and becoming more of a political entity, Israel promptly launched a major incursion into Gaza to fuck things up?
"legal targets"? I am mystified. There was a time in my life during which time
I was supposed to "take care" of people who were in "OCCUPIED WEST BERLIN"
I was COMPLETELY unaware of YOUR FACT that the --"boys" and their families and
other people who were the people I was supposed to care for if needed (ie---they
would be transported to the USA for care, if needed) ----could
"LEGALLY" be shot in the head by persons who, unlike me, had a history of being
German citizens----sometime ago. According to YOUR LEGAL code---were I do
It is against IHL to change the demographics of a territory under occupation.

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