Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

There whole purpose is Propaganda. Like these clowns on these boards saying Genocide everyday. Our youth in too many cases are dumb enough to listen to these con artists.

Hamas wants the world to kill Israel for them.

Same tactic the left uses Cult. Cult. Cult Cult.

Same as their America sucks platform everyday. They go out burn our flag and Scream America Sucks
You are exactly right Eagle. It's a CON job game that is steadily being played by those working evil for the evil one, and therefore working it for themselves also... The situation in America is also actually built up off of similar strife that is born of the past, in which very stupidly here it is still being pounced upon in 2023.

The past is still being claimed and exploited by agitators and racist who hate certain White's in America, but it's only because it's a CON job in 2023..... They are just exploiters using the issues for their self serving benefits just like it has been uncovered with the BLM leadership, and what they did with the poor follower's money or donations given to them......

The propaganda is all being used and based upon the supposed White ancestor's stupidity over 200+ year's ago. Give meeeee a break ... It's 2023....

The good Americans of all races and good cultures found in those races must wake up to the games being played, and they must work to end the games by calling it out, and they must learn to recognize it when it raises it's evil head.

Regardless of how well people are doing these day's of all races, and regardless of them coming from the so called struggles of the past, their is a certain type of character or group of agitators amongst them, who are constantly stirring up strife and violence aimed at the the new generations of Americans's, but mainly it's for their I'll gotten gains in 2023.......In some cases these fragile minded leftist White's who are dumber than a box of rock's for carrying the agitators bitter water for them, and without pause, are then are surprised to learn (Bill Maher for example), that they will become also targets at some point in time, and it's all because of their skin color as well..(white leftist Democrat being carjacked etc in the news, uhhh is even more examples of the lunacy of the left believing their own bull shite)...

The activist shite stirring racist agitators are laughing hilariously, because the fragile leftist White's are standing in the picket lines for these racist activist agitators, even when the wolf wants to slay them also, otherwise if and when the herd finally thins down enough therefore making them targets as well.

It's the most crazy thing I've ever seen with these ignorant white liberals who support the trumped up eternal struggle and oppression "causes" that are grabbed or seized upon by these leftists" in hopes to feel special in life...

No matter how long it goes on, lol their skin color will remain the main target of these con artist forever.

Now with this said, I am not talking about any race or culture that is good Americans's regardless of their color, but only talking about the agitating con artist that seize upon their chosen platforms to cause chaos among the tribes living in peace together.
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
Damn right I dont like who they elected.
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
how does a CHRIST-LIKE saint like you evaluate BDS? Keep the background thereof in mind. WAY BACK in the 1940s----virtually all muslim controlled "places" enacted a COMPREHENSIVE BOYCOTT on all businesses and industries that DID ANY business with Israel-----the desired result was attained----critical shortages
of food and medicines and all sorts of other survival stuff----That was inception of BDS--- Starvation SIEGE has been very much used "weapon" in the history of
"peaceful" Islam. Something like 2 million Biafran babies dried up in the sun
as a result of the NIGERIAN MUSLIM version of BDS. How do you define
collective punishment?
Israel cannot impose a blockade on its own. Egypt controls the southern border of the Gaza Strip. It also maintains the blockade to prevent Hamas from obtaining weapons from Iran and materials it can use to manufacture rocketsto fire at Israeli cities. Egypt demolished dozens of homes along its border with Gaza to create a buffer zone to stop smugglers and extremists from crossing in either direction and built a wall to prevent their use of tunnels under the border.1

The Islamic Research Council of Al-Azhar University in Egypt, the voice of Sunni Islam, has publicly supported Egypt’s attempts to destroy the smuggling tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. “It is one of Egypt’s legitimate rights to place a barrier that prevents the harm from the tunnels under Rafah, which are used to smuggle drugs and other (contraband) that threaten Egypt’s stability,” the Council said. “Those who oppose building this wall are violating the commands of Islamic Law.”2

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas voiced his support of the blockade to U.S. President Barack Obamawhen they met at the White House on June 9, 2010. Abbas stated that lifting the blockade would give Hamas access to more weaponry.3

Israel cannot impose a blockade on its own. Egypt controls the southern border of the Gaza Strip. It also maintains the blockade to prevent Hamas from obtaining weapons from Iran and materials it can use to manufacture rocketsto fire at Israeli cities. Egypt demolished dozens of homes along its border with Gaza to create a buffer zone to stop smugglers and extremists from crossing in either direction and built a wall to prevent their use of tunnels under the border.1

The Islamic Research Council of Al-Azhar University in Egypt, the voice of Sunni Islam, has publicly supported Egypt’s attempts to destroy the smuggling tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. “It is one of Egypt’s legitimate rights to place a barrier that prevents the harm from the tunnels under Rafah, which are used to smuggle drugs and other (contraband) that threaten Egypt’s stability,” the Council said. “Those who oppose building this wall are violating the commands of Islamic Law.”2

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas voiced his support of the blockade to U.S. President Barack Obamawhen they met at the White House on June 9, 2010. Abbas stated that lifting the blockade would give Hamas access to more weaponry.3

you are presenting VERY AGGRAVATING DETAILS------have you NO COMPASSION?
Are you on crack? I said settlers! Settlers do not live in Israel proper. They are illegal nationals living in the OPT and are legal targets.
The innocents we are specifically discussing were in Israel "proper" (a term I loathe using because it has no defined meaning).

But wait, what?! Just to be clear, you believe that babies, children, other innocent non-combatants are LEGAL TARGETS if they live on the wrong side of some imaginary line?! Does that work both ways? I mean, if there are innocent non-combatants illegally living in Israel "proper", Israel is permitted to just kill them?!

Dude, that is demented.
Yet, you didn't bat an eye when 1400 innocent Jews were massacred in the most barbaric ways imaginable.

There is a consistent pattern with you antisemitic Hamas supporters. What you actually support and what you claim to support are miles apart.
lol. I oppose all war. However unlike idiots like you I understand why Hamas did what they did. You don’t because you are dupe of the establishment.

What’s been happening these last few weeks should cause you to forego your support of Israel. Mass murdering innocent women and children can’t be justified.
lol. I oppose all war. However unlike idiots like you I understand why Hamas did what they did. You don’t because you are dupe of the establishment.

What’s been happening these last few weeks should cause you to forego your support of Israel. Mass murdering innocent women and children can’t be justified.
Yes, you did not oppose the slaughtering of Jews, only the resultant attack on the group responsible for it.

As far as the establishment is concerned, I am certainly not the one listening to the Globalist establishment that has been doing nothing but Demonize Israel ever since the oil crisis of the early seventies. That would be you, little sheeple.

Now, go outside, have some fun with your little ANTIFA and BLM peeps, so you can all chant "from the river to the sea", now, K? I just hope you have enough hair dye, tats and piercings to fit in!!
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
I hear Norman Finkelstein say "they are denied po-ta-to chips", as though lack of access to potato chips is a war crime of moral equivalency to strapping a shrapnel vest to a teenage child, or burning children, or raping women until their bones break, or hiding explosives in ambulances, or any number of horrific atrocities committed by Palestinians and their "resistance". All of which ARE war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The blockade is designed to prevent weapons being brought into Gaza, and to prevent weapons being exported into Israel. The responsibility for bringing weapons into Gaza and using them to harm Israeli civilians is on those who participate in those activities, and the government of Gaza which funds and supports them. Any incidental harm which arises from those activities is also the responsibility of those who participate and the government.

Other than some very short periods during times of intense warfare, such as the first few days after the October 7 slaughter, Israel has continued to provide Gaza with needed goods. Israel does this even when she is not required to under international law. Israel is even doing this NOW, knowing that Hamas is using the relief aid to resupply themselves, at the cost of their citizens.

I do not want anyone to suffer. The way to prevent further suffering is for Gaza to surrender, put down her weapons, give up all notion of violence against Israel, and start building a Mediterranean paradise with all the aid money.

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