Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Yeah so why don't you reveal which puppet you truly are Mr. Binary person ?

Sounds to me like you give the impression that you are all those puppets listed, because you are an agitator who loves to be all things to all People's, but only loyal to the one whose name is the architect of confusion - "SATAN".
It’s hard for dumb statist warmongers to understand, but really it’s simple. PEACE!!! It’s a concept you likely aren’t familiar with.

Peace at all costs!!!

War is for dummies like you.
Yeah so why don't you reveal which puppet you truly are Mr. Binary person ?

Sounds to me like you give the impression that you are all those puppets listed, because you are an agitator who loves to be all things to all People's, but only loyal to the one whose name is the architect of confusion - "SATAN".
Why do you support dumb Joe?
Given your posts if the shoe fits.

Moral authority? Only a dumb statist Biden lover like you thinks the USG has any moral authority.
It’s hard for dumb statist warmongers to understand, but really it’s simple. PEACE!!! It’s a concept you likely aren’t familiar with.

Peace at all costs!!!

War is for dummies like you.
😂... You act as if war is just some spontaneous thing that people engage in for no good reason. Ignoring what Hamas done, and thinking that no response was warranted, makes you a cold hearted leftist.

Sorry Joe OBiden has disappointed you, but maybe you'll vote for Trump this time, you know the guy that didn't have any wars or didn't start any wars ? Yeah that guy... Duh !!!

It's truly sad how ignorant you leftist are, but when it walks up and slaps you in the face, then that's when you start crying the blues.
😂... You act as if war is just some spontaneous thing that people engage in for no good reason. Ignoring what Hamas done, and thinking that no response was warranted, makes you a cold hearted leftist.

Sorry Joe OBiden has disappointed you, but maybe you'll vote for Trump this time, you know the guy that didn't have any wars or didn't start any wars ? Yeah that guy... Duh !!!

It's truly sad how ignorant you leftist are, but when it walks up and slaps you in the face, then that's when you start crying the blues.
You act like fool because you don’t know war is a racket.
You act like fool because you don’t know war is a racket.
No one starts a war unless someone takes the physical actions to get the ball rolling, and if you think HAMAS didn't get that ball rolling, and that it's all just a military industrial complex thing, otherwise in which involves the warmongering nations who were just manipulating it to make it happen, then I got some ocean front property that you have just got to purchase if you are that damned gullible.
how does a CHRIST-LIKE saint like you evaluate BDS? Keep the background thereof in mind. WAY BACK in the 1940s----virtually all muslim controlled "places" enacted a COMPREHENSIVE BOYCOTT on all businesses and industries that DID ANY business with Israel-----the desired result was attained----critical shortages
of food and medicines and all sorts of other survival stuff----That was inception of BDS--- Starvation SIEGE has been very much used "weapon" in the history of
"peaceful" Islam. Something like 2 million Biafran babies dried up in the sun
as a result of the NIGERIAN MUSLIM version of BDS. How do you define
collective punishment?
I love BDS! I completely support that movement.
The innocents we are specifically discussing were in Israel "proper" (a term I loathe using because it has no defined meaning).

But wait, what?! Just to be clear, you believe that babies, children, other innocent non-combatants are LEGAL TARGETS if they live on the wrong side of some imaginary line?! Does that work both ways? I mean, if there are innocent non-combatants illegally living in Israel "proper", Israel is permitted to just kill them?!

Dude, that is demented.
What is demented, is you trying to manufacture MY argument for me by saying things I never said. That is demented.

Your criminal settlers in the OPT and the IDF are legal targets. Israeli citizens living in Israel, are not.

I will tell you something else that I find very disingenuous with you. You claim you want peace for both sides and you favor a two-state solution. However, at every turn, you refuse to accept responsibility for Israeli atrocities and war crimes, like the blockade.

Not only do you not take responsibility for it, you make excuses for it. Apparently, it is okay for you that 2.2 million people must suffer for Israel's punitive decision to make Gazan's pay for voting in Hamas.
I hear Norman Finkelstein say "they are denied po-ta-to chips", as though lack of access to potato chips is a war crime of moral equivalency to strapping a shrapnel vest to a teenage child, or burning children, or raping women until their bones break, or hiding explosives in ambulances, or any number of horrific atrocities committed by Palestinians and their "resistance". All of which ARE war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The blockade is designed to prevent weapons being brought into Gaza, and to prevent weapons being exported into Israel. The responsibility for bringing weapons into Gaza and using them to harm Israeli civilians is on those who participate in those activities, and the government of Gaza which funds and supports them. Any incidental harm which arises from those activities is also the responsibility of those who participate and the government.

Other than some very short periods during times of intense warfare, such as the first few days after the October 7 slaughter, Israel has continued to provide Gaza with needed goods. Israel does this even when she is not required to under international law. Israel is even doing this NOW, knowing that Hamas is using the relief aid to resupply themselves, at the cost of their citizens.

I do not want anyone to suffer. The way to prevent further suffering is for Gaza to surrender, put down her weapons, give up all notion of violence against Israel, and start building a Mediterranean paradise with all the aid money.
God, you are such a fucking liar! You allow 70 trucks into the area, when they actually need over 300 trucks a day to support a population of that size.

Furthermore, when you say the blockade is to not allow weapons into Gaza, which is not the real reason for the blockade BTW, it is the same as saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves.

One last thing, if you are just looking for weapons, why did your murder in cold blood an American citizen on board the Mavi Marmara in international waters? In Somalia, they call that piracy.

BTW, the Mavi Marmara was carrying humanitarian aid, which Israel DID NOT LET THROUGH! But go ahead, keep making bullshit excuses regarding the blockade!
Well, its a little complicated, but largely it was a result of abducting Israeli soldiers and building tunnels with the intention of abducting more.
Sorry, that's bullshit! The real reason is Israel does not want peace. You have a fascist, fucked up government with a terrorist PM.

If you really want peace, vote out that garbage Likud Party! Their roots are with Irgun. And Irgun WAS a terrorist group.
You are a riot., now go take you some ritalin in order to control your fake outburst. 😂

Remember, all the Palastinian's had to do was to fly the white flag of peace in order to gain safe passage to the safe zones, and away from the battle. Many are, and many are making it to the safer zones away from the battle. I am confident in the Israeli people to be civilized and organized in the task at hand, so be patient as the plans of level headed people prevail in this situation.

Hamas operates the same as the Mexican cartels do in Mexico, so defeating them is paramount for Israel just as it should be for Mexico having the cartels to defeat there as well.

Sad that the Palastinian's had to have such a group to represent them, and possibly against the majorities will, but it's to late to change all that now. The damage has been done.
The Israli's shoot people carrying white flags.
No one starts a war unless someone takes the physical actions to get the ball rolling, and if you think HAMAS didn't get that ball rolling, and that it's all just a military industrial complex thing, otherwise in which involves the warmongering nations who were just manipulating it to make it happen, then I got some ocean front property that you have just got to purchase if you are that damned gullible.
War is a racket. Stop supporting a racket. Are you stupid?
Your criminal settlers in the OPT and the IDF are legal targets. Israeli citizens living in Israel, are not.
Civilian residents are never legally permitted targets. No matter what euphemisms you use to describe them.
I will tell you something else that I find very disingenuous with you. You claim you want peace for both sides and you favor a two-state solution. However, at every turn, you refuse to accept responsibility for Israeli atrocities and war crimes, like the blockade.
Show me an Israeli war crime, and I will condemn it. The blockade is a reasonable and legal response to belligerence committed by Gaza and its government. Israel has every right to legally and appropriately respond to attacks committed against its military and its civilians.

Also, pot, kettle. Why don't you accept Gaza's responsibility for the blockade? It was their actions of harm towards Israel that brought about the blockade.
Not only do you not take responsibility for it, you make excuses for it. Apparently, it is okay for you that 2.2 million people must suffer for Israel's punitive decision to make Gazan's pay for voting in Hamas.
2.2 million people would be living a much better life if they chose non-violence.
Civilian residents are never legally permitted targets. No matter what euphemisms you use to describe them.

Show me an Israeli war crime, and I will condemn it. The blockade is a reasonable and legal response to belligerence committed by Gaza and its government. Israel has every right to legally and appropriately respond to attacks committed against its military and its civilians.

Also, pot, kettle. Why don't you accept Gaza's responsibility for the blockade? It was their actions of harm towards Israel that brought about the blockade.

2.2 million people would be living a much better life if they chose non-violence.
They would vote Hamas back in if given another chance so Gaza must be done differently from now on out
Furthermore, when you say the blockade is to not allow weapons into Gaza, which is not the real reason for the blockade BTW, it is the same as saying Gazans do not have the right to defend themselves.
My argument is perfectly consistent. Gaza has the right to defend itself, and even the right to "resist". (It does not have the right to commit war crimes while doing so.) Gaza also has the obligation to receive the consequences of their "resistance". (Also without war crimes.)

The problem with your argument is that you want it both ways. You want Gaza to be able to apply belligerence to Israel, without consequence. It doesn't work that way, sweetie.

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