Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Then why was it, in 2008, when Hamas and the PA were talking of a unity government, with Hamas doing away with their militia and becoming more of a political entity, Israel promptly launched a major incursion into Gaza to fuck things up?
Well, its a little complicated, but largely it was a result of abducting Israeli soldiers and building tunnels with the intention of abducting more.
Terror tunnels.
I believe originally they were used only to abduct soldiers. It wouldn't be improper to say "take prisoners of war". It was later that they developed into tunnels used to attack nearby residential areas and harm civilians.

And it would be fair to argue that a pre-emptive strike did, in point of fact, break the ceasefire and may not be legally or politically tenable. I might even agree with that position, except that Hamas held Gilad Shalit in captivity. That, to me, is proof that this was an effective war strategy, and is solid justification to pre-empt that strategy. I interpret the additional building of the tunnels as the breach of the ceasefire.
The blockade punishes all 2.2 million people in Gaza. That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. And that is on Israel. 100% on Israel.

You fuckers think you can do whatever you please with impunity? Well, fuck that! I have already written my elected representatives and told them I will not support anyone kissing Israel's ass!

Fuck Israel and fuck you! Your inhumanity is starting to show. You think it is okay for 2.2 million people to suffer, because you didn't like who they voted for. Like it was any of your goddamn budiness!
You are a riot., now go take you some ritalin in order to control your fake outburst. 😂

Remember, all the Palastinian's had to do was to fly the white flag of peace in order to gain safe passage to the safe zones, and away from the battle. Many are, and many are making it to the safer zones away from the battle. I am confident in the Israeli people to be civilized and organized in the task at hand, so be patient as the plans of level headed people prevail in this situation.

Hamas operates the same as the Mexican cartels do in Mexico, so defeating them is paramount for Israel just as it should be for Mexico having the cartels to defeat there as well.

Sad that the Palastinian's had to have such a group to represent them, and possibly against the majorities will, but it's to late to change all that now. The damage has been done.
lol. I oppose all war. However unlike idiots like you I understand why Hamas did what they did. You don’t because you are dupe of the establishment.

What’s been happening these last few weeks should cause you to forego your support of Israel. Mass murdering innocent women and children can’t be justified.
Hamas puppet speaking
Damn right I dont like who they elected.
It's like when Egypt screwed up possibly following America's bull shite influence at the time, otherwise when Obama supported the election of Morsi and the Muslim brotherhood in what Obama and other's were calling Egypts fair and Democratic elections. Well, we saw how quick that stupid mistake lasted in Egypt.

Egypt's military had to stage a coup, and physically oust Morsi from power, along with his Muslim brotherhood clan.
Hamas is pissed that they can’t get more weapons now that they are surrounded
That's what they got hostages for, but what is perplexing to me, is how do they think that the hostages can get them anything except maybe a ticket out of that place during negotiations ????

I know the idiot's can't be thinking that after what they done to Israel's citizen's, that somehow they are just going to be allowed to remain in power in GAZA ? Can't be....
I believe originally they were used only to abduct soldiers. It wouldn't be improper to say "take prisoners of war". It was later that they developed into tunnels used to attack nearby residential areas and harm civilians.

And it would be fair to argue that a pre-emptive strike did, in point of fact, break the ceasefire and may not be legally or politically tenable. I might even agree with that position, except that Hamas held Gilad Shalit in captivity. That, to me, is proof that this was an effective war strategy, and is solid justification to pre-empt that strategy. I interpret the additional building of the tunnels as the breach of the ceasefire.
They also tortured opposition or Fatah. Even hospitals were not safe from opposition to Hamas dictatorship


UK doctor who worked at Shifa confirms Gaza hospital used for ‘non-medical purposes.’
‘There was a part I wasn’t to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,’ says physician, describing an atmosphere of ‘collective paranoia’ and ‘genuine fear’ of Hamas.
By Gianluca Pacchiani, 19 Nov 2023.

A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.

In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24, the doctor, who declined to give his name for fear of endangering his colleagues in Gaza, said he had worked at Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank for three months, three years ago.

“When I was first asked to work there [at Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,” he was quoted as saying.

“Was it explained to you why that was?” asked journalist Irris Makler in the recorded conversation.

“No, but implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes,” replied the doctor.

“And did you see anything non-medical or did you obey the instruction and stay away?” the interviewer continued.

The doctor said: “I stayed away, but I saw a few dodgy-looking non-medical characters going in and out all the time. It was a ward leading to a basement. As I said, I didn’t go there; so I behaved myself.”

“They would say there could be many other reasons that you would be told not to go to a particular area of a hospital. It’s not unusual,” the journalist argued.

“Well, I was welcome everywhere else, and as I say, the doctors and nurses there were very welcoming and very kind, and the hushed tones under which this was said were consistent with all the other hushed tones with which Hamas was discussed. You know, people were genuinely fearful,” the doctor replied.

“I cannot emphasize too much the air of collective paranoia that existed there,” he continued.

The physician also reported to the journalist that if hospital staff were 10% frightened of possible Israeli airstrikes, they were 90% frightened of being persecuted by Hamas.

Separately, a journalist from Italy who spoke to The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity recounted that in 2009, right after Israel’s Operation Cast Lead against Hamas, he visited Gaza’s hospitals looking to interview wounded members of Fatah — the rival Palestinian faction that Hamas violently ousted from the coastal enclave in 2007.

“Eventually, I realized that they were all at home — Fatah members were too afraid to stay in the hospital, even if they were wounded,” the journalist said.

“Shifa is a very large compound. I got lost inside it, and at some point I ended up on an underground floor, and I found myself in front of two armed Hamas men in military attire, who told me to get out.”

“I got the impression they were guarding a security door that gave access to their underground infrastructure. Several Palestinian sources I spoke with later on confirmed that Hamas’s command and control center was located under Shifa Hospital and that [Hamas leader] Ismail Haniyeh had been hiding there throughout the duration of Operation Cast Lead.”

A satellite image issued by the IDF shows what the military says are Hamas command centers located underneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza, October 27, 2023 (IDF)
Shortly after the October 7 onslaught in which 1,200 Israelis were brutally slaughtered by Hamas terrorists and around 240 were kidnapped into Gaza, the IDF revealed that Hamas has been using Gaza’s hospitals for military operations, a claim confirmed by the US administration.

Shifa Hospital is believed to be one of the nerve centers of Hamas’s underground terror infrastructure. The IDF has been operating around and in the medical center for more than a week, uncovering what it has said is evidence of Hamas’s use of the site for terrorist activities.

The hospital was almost completely evacuated on Saturday, with most patients, staff and displaced people who were sheltering in the building departing, leaving behind only a basic crew to care for those too sick to move, and Israeli forces in control of the facility.

Denying an AFP report, the military said it did not order an evacuation, and that medical personnel were being allowed to remain in the hospital to support patients who cannot be moved.

The IDF also said soldiers transferred over 6,000 liters of water and over 2,300 kilograms of food to the medical facility.

“This activity was done in parallel with the IDF activities to locate and thwart terrorism in the hospital,” the IDF said. Israeli forces uncovered an entrance to a Hamas tunnel and a cache of weapons, in addition to other findings over the past few days.

“We see the presence of Hamas in all hospitals, it is a clear presence. They make cynical use of the hospitals, like here in the heart of Shifa,” Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman, head of the IDF Southern Command, said on Friday.
Hamas puppet speaking

When will you ever learn?
Hamas puppet speaking
lol. On this board I’ve been called a Putin puppet, Ayatollah puppet, Assad puppet, Xi puppet, Gaddafi puppet, Confederate traitor, Imperial Japan puppet.

Binary thinkers aren’t thinkers at all.
lol. On this board I’ve been called a Putin puppet, Ayatollah puppet, Assad puppet, Xi puppet, Gaddafi puppet, Confederate traitor, Imperial Japan puppet.

Binary thinkers aren’t thinkers at all.

Posing for attention at mommy's basement is easy.

...did you have any original thought to share?
lol. On this board I’ve been called a Putin puppet, Ayatollah puppet, Assad puppet, Xi puppet, Gaddafi puppet, Confederate traitor, Imperial Japan puppet.

Binary thinkers aren’t thinkers at all.
Yeah so why don't you reveal which puppet you truly are Mr. Binary person ?

Sounds to me like you give the impression that you are all those puppets listed, because you are an agitator who loves to be all things to all People's, but only loyal to the one whose name is the architect of confusion - "SATAN".
lol. On this board I’ve been called a Putin puppet, Ayatollah puppet, Assad puppet, Xi puppet, Gaddafi puppet, Confederate traitor, Imperial Japan puppet.

Binary thinkers aren’t thinkers at all.
So? So I’m for peace and I’ve been right about these horrendous wars, unlike the idiots here who cheerlead every war. Even those ginned up by the demented old fool Joe.

Understand now?

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