Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

My argument is perfectly consistent. Gaza has the right to defend itself, and even the right to "resist". (It does not have the right to commit war crimes while doing so.) Gaza also has the obligation to receive the consequences of their "resistance". (Also without war crimes.)

The problem with your argument is that you want it both ways. You want Gaza to be able to apply belligerence to Israel, without consequence. It doesn't work that way, sweetie.
There are usually winners and losers in War
You can't stand it, because it is that you have to lie eventually you hypocrite...
Except for the fact I don't lie.

Civilian residents are never legally permitted targets. No matter what euphemisms you use to describe them.

Show me an Israeli war crime, and I will condemn it. The blockade is a reasonable and legal response to belligerence committed by Gaza and its government. Israel has every right to legally and appropriately respond to attacks committed against its military and its civilians.

Also, pot, kettle. Why don't you accept Gaza's responsibility for the blockade? It was their actions of harm towards Israel that brought about the blockade.

2.2 million people would be living a much better life if they chose non-violence.
You mean if Israel didn't choose violence. You call punishing 2.2 million people who have committed no crime, reasonable? Wrong! That is collective punishment and that is a war crime. And that is completely, 100%, Israel's fault!
My argument is perfectly consistent. Gaza has the right to defend itself, and even the right to "resist". (It does not have the right to commit war crimes while doing so.) Gaza also has the obligation to receive the consequences of their "resistance". (Also without war crimes.)

The problem with your argument is that you want it both ways. You want Gaza to be able to apply belligerence to Israel, without consequence. It doesn't work that way, sweetie.
You think Israel can murder whomever it pleases with impunity. As long as Israel occupies Palestinian land, you will get resistance. There will be no peace until Israel ends its occupation. That is the only way forward.
You think Israel can murder whomever it pleases with impunity.
I do not.
As long as Israel occupies Palestinian land, you will get resistance. There will be no peace until Israel ends its occupation. That is the only way forward.
There is no way for Israel to "end the occupation". The "Free Palestine" movement claims that the entire territory, from river to sea, is occupied. Which means there will be "resistance" (read: brutal violence committed against innocent Israelis including infants and children) until Israel is destroyed. Israel is not going to let that happen.
I do not.

There is no way for Israel to "end the occupation". The "Free Palestine" movement claims that the entire territory, from river to sea, is occupied. Which means there will be "resistance" (read: brutal violence committed against innocent Israelis including infants and children) until Israel is destroyed. Israel is not going to let that happen.
Here we go again, telling that big, bullshit lie about the river to the see. The Palestinians have a right to freedom. You have no right keeping it from them. Hamas has already said it is willing to accept a two-state solution based on the '67 borders. All Israel has to do to make that happen, is end the occupation and pull those fucked up, criminal settlers out of the OPT.

And now, as far as this"river to the sea" BS, and it is bullshit, that is an impossibility. So stop fucking reacting like that is a possibility. Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. Even if some Pals wanted to wipe you out, they have no capability to do so. It's like a 4 year old girl walking up to you and saying they're gonna kick your ass! Would you really take that as a serious threat?

Israel exists and it is not going anywhere.
Here we go again, telling that big, bullshit lie about the river to the see. The Palestinians have a right to freedom. You have no right keeping it from them. Hamas has already said it is willing to accept a two-state solution based on the '67 borders. All Israel has to do to make that happen, is end the occupation and pull those fucked up, criminal settlers out of the OPT.

And now, as far as this"river to the sea" BS, and it is bullshit, that is an impossibility. So stop fucking reacting like that is a possibility. Israel is the biggest military power in the ME. Even if some Pals wanted to wipe you out, they have no capability to do so. It's like a 4 year old girl walking up to you and saying they're gonna kick your ass! Would you really take that as a serious threat?

Israel exists and it is not going anywhere.
There is absolutely no way Israel is going to accept the 1949 Armistice Line as an international border between Israel and Palestine. Will. Not. Happen. Those lines are simply not secure enough. Especially now. Another boundary will have to be negotiated.
There is absolutely no way Israel is going to accept the 1949 Armistice Line as an international border between Israel and Palestine. Will. Not. Happen. Those lines are simply not secure enough. Especially now. Another boundary will have to be negotiated.
Israel has no choice. Allowing Israel to keep land it seized in a war, is like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland and that will never happen.

You either do that voluntarily, or you will be forced to. Israel is a pariah state on the world. The Holocaust does not give you the right to treat other people like garbage!
Israel has no choice. Allowing Israel to keep land it seized in a war, is like saying it was okay for Germany to annex Poland and that will never happen.

You either do that voluntarily, or you will be forced to. Israel is a pariah state on the world. The Holocaust does not give you the right to treat other people like garbage!
Yeah, except I've already explained to you that is not how the law works. You can't seize your own territory. And neither Jordan nor Egypt has a legal claim to the territory.
Civilian residents are never legally permitted targets. No matter what euphemisms you use to describe them.

Show me an Israeli war crime, and I will condemn it. The blockade is a reasonable and legal response to belligerence committed by Gaza and its government. Israel has every right to legally and appropriately respond to attacks committed against its military and its civilians.

Also, pot, kettle. Why don't you accept Gaza's responsibility for the blockade? It was their actions of harm towards Israel that brought about the blockade.

2.2 million people would be living a much better life if they chose non-violence.
Hmmm, they might consider making this man the new leader of the Palastinian people in GAZA...

Give him a listen, and let me know what you think.. Thanks

Israel should place him in power in GAZA, and should protect him in that situation. Once he wins the GAZAN'S heart's and mind's, then they will come forth to reveal the HAMAS fighters names and information. Trade and prosperity could begin to exist freely between GAZA and Israel just like it should have been the entire time. Not one weapon of mass destruction will ever go into GAZA again. Just police with enough arm's to uphold the law, and to control a protest if one breaks out. GAZA should be demilitarized forever.
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You mean if Israel didn't choose violence. You call punishing 2.2 million people who have committed no crime, reasonable? Wrong! That is collective punishment and that is a war crime. And that is completely, 100%, Israel's fault!
You better watch this boy, and then show us your consistent support or excuse making for HAMAS that even the son of a HAMAS leader is condemning.

Do you think you have better insight than this person ? No you don't..

Except for the fact I don't lie.

That group goes to Wars and say rights are being violated.

No shit Sherlock. People get killed in War. Id say that violates your right to life.
Instead of writing about unconfirmed muck , why not substitute
Here is some likely garbage from that UK rag The Sun .

What do you really expect Palestinians to do when they are starving , thirsty , and ill?

What a rubbish OP from someone who is such an over-the -top racist that it is thoroughly distasteful .
What do I expect? I'll tell you what! I’m truly sorry for insulting animals, but when are we going to Condemn the Hamas Animals that Savagely, and Brutally Raided, and Attacked Israel? Who like Savages Kidnapped 240 Innocent Israeli Citizens that included Little children and women, and kept them in Dark, terrifying, claustrophobic Tunnels and only occasionally eating out of cans. Who Be-Headed Babies, and who shot and killed Parents while holding their children in their arms. These are the People, the SCUM that are protesting in our American Streets! These People do not, and SHOULD NOT even have the rights that normal people have and I totally agree that Israel should be Clearing the Rats out from Gaza, the minute that all the Hostages are out.
You better watch this boy, and then show us your consistent support or excuse making for HAMAS that even the son of a HAMAS leader is condemning.

Do you think you have better insight than this person ? No you don't..

I've already condemned Hamas for their attacks on innocent civilians. Where is your condemnation of Israel doing the same?

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