Israel continues to demolish the homes built without permits

Just a reminder guys - let's not derail into illegal settlements or LON etc. Topic is the Israel's permit and demolition process'.
There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

If the US government were complicit in routinely denying permits to and destroying homes of blacks, or hispanics or native americans, while legalizing similar illegal structures for whites in the same area, you can bet they would be questioned and the media would be all over it.

Similar types of discrimination in South Africa was certainly questioned.
There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

That is why I put it in "quotes" Dogma, but nuance has never been your strong point. Your use of "good people" to define bigots who think terms like "antifada" and "Islamonazi" are just peachy is amusing but not surprising.
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There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

Slanderous? Like Islamonazi? Mooslimes? You certainly have no problem with slanderous terms.
When it comes to "right of return" the only "right of return" I recognize is for those who were actually expelled or driven out - not their descendents.

So, that would be what? -- Two, perhaps as many as three people who started calling themselves "Palestinian" a few years back?

Since the very youngest would now be in their late sixties, those who were adults and potential land owners would be pushing 90, and the fact that most left voluntarily or as a result of their own hostile actions, that surely couldn't mean very many people.

Why all the fuss over something that so obviously would apply to precious few -- if any could be found at all?
There were 711,000 in1950, approximately 30 to 50,000 were still alive in 2012.
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Who says they are building illegally

Well, that's easy to answer....

Everyone except you zionuts!

So no adult intelligent answer as shown by your use of your made up term again.

So how are they building illegally when the land was Jewish before being stolen in 1949 ?

Hahahaha you are, seriously, the dumbest zionut on this forum... I don't even know why people even bother responding to your ridiculous posts...

Made up term is your "islamonazi"... I'm not sure there are too many Islamists interested in German nationalism! But there are plenty of nuts who are zionists!

Zionut -

Any person, Jewish or otherwise, whose support for the state of Israel reaches levels of extreme irrationality and potential insanity. Believes any action of any kind undertaken by Israel is politically and morally correct, regardless of objective evidence to the contrary, and believes any criticism of Israel, however mild or justified, to be motivated by anti-semitism (or self-loathing when made by anyone Jewish).

Sums you up perfectly Phoney!

Oh, here's the dictonary reference Urban Dictionary: Zionut

Your, blind ignorance is hilarious and, really, quite sad Phoney...

The international community considers the establishment of Israeli settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories illegal under international law. Israel maintains that they are consistent with international law because it does not agree that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the territories occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War. The United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Court of Justice and the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have all affirmed that the Fourth Geneva Convention does apply.

Numerous UN resolutions have stated that the building and existence of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights are a violation of international law, including UN Security Council resolutions in 1979 and 1980. UN Security Council Resolution 446 refers to the Fourth Geneva Convention as the applicable international legal instrument, and calls upon Israel to desist from transferring its own population into the territories or changing their demographic makeup. The reconvened Conference of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions has declared the settlements illegal as has the primary judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ONLY country in the WORLD that believes the settlements AREN'T illegal... Go on Phoney, have a guess.... ISRAEL....

That's why they are illegal settlements!

And like many other cases International law disagrees which is why the UN, ICC/ICJ and other international bodies don't take action against Israel

The Oslo accords allows the building of settlements and the recommendation of right of return allows the building of settlements. Lastly the LoN mandate of Palestine permits the building of settlements anywhere in Palestine.

Trumps your hearsay and islamonazi propaganda

Oh come come now Phoney....

Are you seriously this stupid?

There is no hearsay, just fact, yes, we all know you don't like facts that show Israel in a bad light (zionut), but you simply have to accept that Israel IS breaking international law...

The UNSC has, what, 6, 7 or more resolutions against Israel for the illegal occupation?

That dummy, is not hearsay!

So why haven't the ICC/ICJ dragged Israel'e leaders to the Hague and prosecuted them.

That dummy is a sign that the UN knows it would lose any case they brought, and they would never get a second chance without showing their Jew hatred. The false claims by fatah last year ended up being shelved because they could not make them stick without implicating themselves for war crimes.

Now how about you detail just what International laws Israel is in breach of regarding illegal occupation. That is actual international laws and not pretend one that came about much later or UN resolutions that are just recommendations.

I'm sure it's just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people

You should look stuff up before making yourself look like an idiot AGAIN!

It's a Hebrew word used by the Israeli government!


Thats OK Flag boy I don't find your posts sufficiently entertaining or even just relevant enough to bother wasting my time on the minutia.

Actually I was just noticing that your apparently incapable of addressing the subject and would prefer to switch and bait. Not very bright as that kinda thing may be standard in grade school debates, but not among adults.

The simple fact is that much of the areas in Israel inhabited by Arab Muslims are actually controlled by Arab Muslims in so far as building is concerned. They issue their own permits. Israel has nothing to do with it other than playing the typical scape goat for Arab incompetence.

Gaza is completely independent, among other things proving that statehood has nothing to do with the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mindset. Gaza could be a state anytime it wants to if the Arab Muslims ever decided to quit focussing on the hatred and start focussing on improving their own standard of living.

Again Gaza is in complete control of its own building permits. Again a false claim that Arabs can't get permits.

Even in the heart of Israel, Jerusalem, about 10% of building permits are granted to Arabs who make up about 20% of Israel's population. So whats the problem ? Seems obvious that the Arabs don't hold a candle to the Judaic people when it comes to economic strength; so why shouldn't their incompetency in financial matters be reflected in their lower likelihood of being able to afford a building permit ?

Blame blame blame is all you people do. Ever thought of taking responsibility for your own condition and making something of yourself in life ?

Quit whining about building permits and focus on improving yourself and maybe someday you can afford a house like the rest of us civilized people.


The issue of permits is not in Gaza, but in areas controlled by Israel.

Palestinian building permits 'political', admits Israel

In practice, almost all Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only a handful of permits...

...In 2014, the Civil Administration granted just one Palestinian building permit, according to Israeli planning NGO Bimkom.

In the same period, Israel carried 493 demolitions, displacing 969 people, UN figures show.

Unable to get "legal" permission, Palestinians are faced with either leaving or building illegally.

Israel regularly sends bulldozers to demolish hundreds of homes and other structures every year in a move sharply condemned by rights groups and the international community.

Compare that to illegal Jewish settlements. Some (very few) are demolished. Many illegally built on government land have been provided with government-subsidized infrastructure (even while illegal) or retroactively legalized.

Israeli government challenges the law to embrace illegal settler outposts
Strategically located on a hill like most outposts, Migron’s residents have lived in illegal structures since 2002. The Israeli Ministry of Housing and Construction generously funded them with more than US$1 million, according to the so-called Sasson report.
Israel intends to authorize West Bank outpost bloc containing hundreds of illegal buildings - Diplomacy and Defense
Israel intends to authorize a bloc of five West Bank outposts east of Shilo that covers six square kilometers and includes hundreds of illegal structures.

The state submitted the announcement to the High Court of Justice in response a petition filed last year by the human rights group Yesh Din and the owners of the lands in question. The petition calls for immediate evacuation of the Adei Ad outpost because it was built without any building permits on private lands, and because outpost residents have been involved in violent acts threatening local security.

So what would you do if a plot of land was earmarked as a new hospital and school for the community and some violent gang bangers moved in and built a new clubhouse, garage and housing for their gang members. Would you do as Israel is and demolish the buildings, or do what you want Israel to do and allow them to deprive the community of much needed medical facilities and schools.
There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

If the US government were complicit in routinely denying permits to and destroying homes of blacks, or hispanics or native americans, while legalizing similar illegal structures for whites in the same area, you can bet they would be questioned and the media would be all over it.

Similar types of discrimination in South Africa was certainly questioned.

The Arab Muslims of Israel aren't very prosperous, they have no one to blame but themselves. If they compromise 20% of the population and can only afford 10% of the permits then it stands to reason they have roughly half the GDP of the average Judaic Israeli.

Which is very much in line with the data

Actually the data shows the Arabs in the west bank earning about 12x what the Israeli's earn. So it only stands to reason they'd by buying less building permits.


If you ever want to succeed, wake up and take responsibility for your own failures.
When it comes to "right of return" the only "right of return" I recognize is for those who were actually expelled or driven out - not their descendents.

So, that would be what? -- Two, perhaps as many as three people who started calling themselves "Palestinian" a few years back?

Since the very youngest would now be in their late sixties, those who were adults and potential land owners would be pushing 90, and the fact that most left voluntarily or as a result of their own hostile actions, that surely couldn't mean very many people.

Why all the fuss over something that so obviously would apply to precious few -- if any could be found at all?
There were 711,000 in1950, approximately 30 to 50,000 were still alive in 2012.

And out of those how many were combatants vs legitimate refugees ?

And how many purchased a building permit ?
When it comes to "right of return" the only "right of return" I recognize is for those who were actually expelled or driven out - not their descendents.

So, that would be what? -- Two, perhaps as many as three people who started calling themselves "Palestinian" a few years back?

Since the very youngest would now be in their late sixties, those who were adults and potential land owners would be pushing 90, and the fact that most left voluntarily or as a result of their own hostile actions, that surely couldn't mean very many people.

Why all the fuss over something that so obviously would apply to precious few -- if any could be found at all?
There were 711,000 in1950, approximately 30 to 50,000 were still alive in 2012.

And that included those who had not moved or been evicted by the Jews, and those who normally resided in gaza and the west bank. You really need to look at the proper figures and stop taking those presented by islamonazi propagandists as reality.

The UN report showed that as few as 50,000 were actually displaced persons, and they allegedly bred at a higher rate than any other M.E. group until they reached 6 million.
I'm sure it's just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people

You should look stuff up before making yourself look like an idiot AGAIN!

It's a Hebrew word used by the Israeli government!

Which word are you talking about? I can translate.


A slanderous remark apparently...

There really are some crazies out there in cyberland!

Fortunately, those educated among us can carry out a little translation in Hebrew!
So why haven't the ICC/ICJ dragged Israel'e leaders to the Hague and prosecuted them.

I think we all know why Israel is not in the Hague Phoney... הַסְבָּרָה‎ and because that sympathy card is played too often, however, it's only a matter of time...

That dummy is a sign that the UN knows it would lose any case they brought, and they would never get a second chance without showing their Jew hatred. The false claims by fatah last year ended up being shelved because they could not make them stick without implicating themselves for war crimes.

That dummy, is a sign that da poor likkle Jewish nation needs protecting by the zionuts in America!

Now how about you detail just what International laws Israel is in breach of regarding illegal occupation. That is actual international laws and not pretend one that came about much later or UN resolutions that are just recommendations.

GCIV is one of your favorites Phoney... Customary International Law...

I won't bother posting later laws and resolutions Phoney because you think they don't count some how...

Let me ask you...

In the UK, the drink driving law came out, mid 60's I think.... This has been amended over the years...

Is you defence for drink driving that there wasn't one pre-1965 so newer laws don't apply? :cuckoo:
Hey Flag Boy, might want to work on those comprehension skills. The subject is building permits

The fact is that from a earnings point of view the Arabs simply haven't earned all that many building permits.

Around here, building permits cost money and some people just aren't bright enough to earn enough to obtain one

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I'm sure it's just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people

You should look stuff up before making yourself look like an idiot AGAIN!

It's a Hebrew word used by the Israeli government!

Which word are you talking about? I can translate.


A slanderous remark apparently...

There really are some crazies out there in cyberland!

Fortunately, those educated among us can carry out a little translation in Hebrew!

Hasbara means "public relations". When I was in Bar-Ilan from 1982-1983, I would get together with 4 or 5 friends once a week for an informal Hasbara class. At that time the biggest stain on Israel's image was the Sabra and Shatilla massacre. We wanted to get the word out that Jews should not be blamed when Gentiles kill Gentiles. It was only later, when I entered this Board, that I learned that Hasbara was, somehow, a dirty word.
That is why I put it in "quotes" Dogma, but nuance has never been your strong point. Your use of "good people" to define bigots who think terms like "antifada" and "Islamonazi" are just peachy is amusing but not surprising.

It's always cute when you try to pass off your antisemitic double talk as "nuance". It isn't nuance, but just your usual crap.

Your attempted turnspeak is just as obvious. You try to characterize those who DON'T share your ethnic hatred as the bigots. It's just more typical projection from your revolting ilk.

I'm curious, though, about how you came about your hatred of Jews? Was this instilled in you from an early age? Is it merely the product of your hillbilly environment growing up, or did it develop after your exposure to hate sites on the internet?

The reason I ask, is that I grew up way out in the sticks, myself, but NOBODY I knew growing up was antisemitic. Perhaps it was just being sooner after the Holocaust than you, but people knew Nazis were evil then and didn't consider mass murder of Jews to be heroic like you do.

I wasn't exposed to Jewish people as a kid, probably much like you in that regard, but when I went to a University (questionable for you) and got out to see the world a little bit, I became friends with MANY Jewish people. To a person, they were all warmhearted, liberal (much unlike you in that regard) and very forward thinking. Maybe it's just that you have never gone outside those back woods of west Virginnie, but maybe if you met a few Jewish people, you would stop thinking those who want they genocide as the good guys.

They aren't, and neither are you for supporting them.
There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

If the US government were complicit in routinely denying permits to and destroying homes of blacks, or hispanics or native americans, while legalizing similar illegal structures for whites in the same area, you can bet they would be questioned and the media would be all over it.

Similar types of discrimination in South Africa was certainly questioned.

The Arab Muslims of Israel aren't very prosperous, they have no one to blame but themselves. If they compromise 20% of the population and can only afford 10% of the permits then it stands to reason they have roughly half the GDP of the average Judaic Israeli.

Which is very much in line with the data

Actually the data shows the Arabs in the west bank earning about 12x what the Israeli's earn. So it only stands to reason they'd by buying less building permits.


If you ever want to succeed, wake up and take responsibility for your own failures.

Affording permits isn't the issue.

I'm sure it's just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people

You should look stuff up before making yourself look like an idiot AGAIN!

It's a Hebrew word used by the Israeli government!


Thats OK Flag boy I don't find your posts sufficiently entertaining or even just relevant enough to bother wasting my time on the minutia.

Actually I was just noticing that your apparently incapable of addressing the subject and would prefer to switch and bait. Not very bright as that kinda thing may be standard in grade school debates, but not among adults.

The simple fact is that much of the areas in Israel inhabited by Arab Muslims are actually controlled by Arab Muslims in so far as building is concerned. They issue their own permits. Israel has nothing to do with it other than playing the typical scape goat for Arab incompetence.

Gaza is completely independent, among other things proving that statehood has nothing to do with the racism and bigotry involved in the Arab mindset. Gaza could be a state anytime it wants to if the Arab Muslims ever decided to quit focussing on the hatred and start focussing on improving their own standard of living.

Again Gaza is in complete control of its own building permits. Again a false claim that Arabs can't get permits.

Even in the heart of Israel, Jerusalem, about 10% of building permits are granted to Arabs who make up about 20% of Israel's population. So whats the problem ? Seems obvious that the Arabs don't hold a candle to the Judaic people when it comes to economic strength; so why shouldn't their incompetency in financial matters be reflected in their lower likelihood of being able to afford a building permit ?

Blame blame blame is all you people do. Ever thought of taking responsibility for your own condition and making something of yourself in life ?

Quit whining about building permits and focus on improving yourself and maybe someday you can afford a house like the rest of us civilized people.


The issue of permits is not in Gaza, but in areas controlled by Israel.

Palestinian building permits 'political', admits Israel

In practice, almost all Palestinian applications for a building permit are rejected, with the Civil Administration granting only a handful of permits...

...In 2014, the Civil Administration granted just one Palestinian building permit, according to Israeli planning NGO Bimkom.

In the same period, Israel carried 493 demolitions, displacing 969 people, UN figures show.

Unable to get "legal" permission, Palestinians are faced with either leaving or building illegally.

Israel regularly sends bulldozers to demolish hundreds of homes and other structures every year in a move sharply condemned by rights groups and the international community.

Compare that to illegal Jewish settlements. Some (very few) are demolished. Many illegally built on government land have been provided with government-subsidized infrastructure (even while illegal) or retroactively legalized.

Israeli government challenges the law to embrace illegal settler outposts
Strategically located on a hill like most outposts, Migron’s residents have lived in illegal structures since 2002. The Israeli Ministry of Housing and Construction generously funded them with more than US$1 million, according to the so-called Sasson report.
Israel intends to authorize West Bank outpost bloc containing hundreds of illegal buildings - Diplomacy and Defense
Israel intends to authorize a bloc of five West Bank outposts east of Shilo that covers six square kilometers and includes hundreds of illegal structures.

The state submitted the announcement to the High Court of Justice in response a petition filed last year by the human rights group Yesh Din and the owners of the lands in question. The petition calls for immediate evacuation of the Adei Ad outpost because it was built without any building permits on private lands, and because outpost residents have been involved in violent acts threatening local security.

So what would you do if a plot of land was earmarked as a new hospital and school for the community and some violent gang bangers moved in and built a new clubhouse, garage and housing for their gang members. Would you do as Israel is and demolish the buildings, or do what you want Israel to do and allow them to deprive the community of much needed medical facilities and schools.

There is no indication that is the case. Let's stick to reality or, provide a source indicating that is the reason for refusal to give permits.
There's rooms full of "hasbara" fools writing for Wiki too.

It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

If the US government were complicit in routinely denying permits to and destroying homes of blacks, or hispanics or native americans, while legalizing similar illegal structures for whites in the same area, you can bet they would be questioned and the media would be all over it.

Similar types of discrimination in South Africa was certainly questioned.

The Arab Muslims of Israel aren't very prosperous, they have no one to blame but themselves. If they compromise 20% of the population and can only afford 10% of the permits then it stands to reason they have roughly half the GDP of the average Judaic Israeli.

Which is very much in line with the data

Actually the data shows the Arabs in the west bank earning about 12x what the Israeli's earn. So it only stands to reason they'd by buying less building permits.


If you ever want to succeed, wake up and take responsibility for your own failures.

Affording permits isn't the issue.

Nonsense, Israel is an expensive place to live. Given the economic data its highly unlikely the average Arab Muslim living in Israel can afford permits at the same rate as the average Judaic person.

Its just another instance of the Arabs wanting a free ride out of the Israeli's. Not taking responsibility for their own actions and not stepping up and making something of themselves.

Wallowing in hatred and bigotry is no way to build a home.
It's interesting, how you use a term that is almost completely unknown outside of extremist antisemitic hate sites.

I can't say I'm surprised, and I imagine few other good people are, either.

I never looked it up, don't really care. I'm sure its just another slanderous remark against the Judaic people for managing to survive all the bigotry and hatred.

The funny thing is, what other nations would even remotely be questioned over this issue. Concerning who else can you find a random group of people arguing that a sovereign nation doesn't have the right to maintain a system of building codes. And yes that require a permit to build.

Its beyond stupid.

If the US government were complicit in routinely denying permits to and destroying homes of blacks, or hispanics or native americans, while legalizing similar illegal structures for whites in the same area, you can bet they would be questioned and the media would be all over it.

Similar types of discrimination in South Africa was certainly questioned.

The Arab Muslims of Israel aren't very prosperous, they have no one to blame but themselves. If they compromise 20% of the population and can only afford 10% of the permits then it stands to reason they have roughly half the GDP of the average Judaic Israeli.

Which is very much in line with the data

Actually the data shows the Arabs in the west bank earning about 12x what the Israeli's earn. So it only stands to reason they'd by buying less building permits.


If you ever want to succeed, wake up and take responsibility for your own failures.

Affording permits isn't the issue.

Nonsense, Israel is an expensive place to live. Given the economic data its highly unlikely the average Arab Muslim living in Israel can afford permits at the same rate as the average Judaic person.

Its just another instance of the Arabs wanting a free ride out of the Israeli's. Not taking responsibility for their own actions and not stepping up and making something of themselves.

Wallowing in hatred and bigotry is no way to build a home.

If "affordability" is the reason Arab Israeli's and Palestinians aren't ISSUED permits (well...ONE Palestinian permit a year) then please provide a reputable source supporting that claim.

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