Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

Hamas did start it

But events did not play out as they expected and now they are being systemically wiped out by the IDF
Hamas started it, but the groundwork was laid by the Netanyahu government over years of poor policy. And Hamas succeeded: it has destroyed progress towards a more unified Middle East peace and normalization of relations between Israel and Arab world. That is what it wanted because it would squeezed them out of the process and made them irrelevant and without allies in the Arab world. Their cause isn’t about the Palestinian people.
That’s how I know it’s not a genocide. Well that, and I’m not driven to smear Israel with lies.
Here’s a riddle:

1) Muslim savages seek out every innocent Jewish man, woman, child, and baby to torture to death in the most barbaric ways possible - from sawing off heads, to burning them alive, to raping them to death, to shooting a gun into vaginas - and manage to murder 1400 of them. By intention. With butcherism.

2) Jewish soldiers mistakes a truck carrying five aid workers for a HAMAS truck and kills them. Israel immediately acknowledges its tragic error and fires two officers responsible.

Question: Whom do liberals and Biden side with, and upon whom do they put the blame for the war?
You are totally lost, those Israeli killers are out of control, that was no accident they just don't care and will shoot anything in Gaza that moves, that includes Israeli hostages.
I don’t agree. For one, I always and will always believe in diplomatic solutions, and part of that is we have been so close many times. I was critical of Trump/Kushner’s proposed peace plan, primarily because the Palestinians themselves, who would be subject to it, were completely left out of the process. BUT, that said, it had some well thought out carrot/stick ideas reauiring some compromise on both sides and sometimes completely novel out-of-the box thinking is what is needed.

It may be difficult, and will take a generation or two, but I do not believe it is impossible. There can be no progress however as long as Hamas has governance and Netanyahu and his coalition remain in power.

This is an interesting opinion piece on it: Opinion | The Most Revealing Moment From My Trip to Israel
Yours is a very popular point of view

But mark my words, a peaceful settlement will NEVER happen
They are terrorists

Was killing Nazi SS soldiers in WWII genocide?

Of course not
All Palestinians are terrorists? Wow. That’s crazy.

Are they subhuman too?

You still haven’t told me what Hamas expected from their attack. I’d love to know your thoughts.
How far does that excuse stretch though?

There is a reason we have well trained professional militaries as opposed to sloppy, undisciplined militias, and there is a reason why many countries have specific rules of engagement policies, including Israel.

In part, they are to prevent atrocities from occurring right? So if they are being routinely ignored or laxly enforced, which seems to be happening, then that opens Israel up to some valid criticism.

I think it is past the point where a military solution is the answer. There needs to be a political one before the humanitarian disaster is beyond mitigation. Israel, imo, has moved from defense to retribution and this is evident by it’s obstruction of humanitarian aid, high civilian casualties (in comparison to other other urban conflicts) and laisse fare attitude to the rules of engagement. Israel has offered no real plan for the millions of civilians it has pushed into Rafah ahead of it’s offensive into Rafah.

Understandable…but what exactly is the end?

If it is the complete extermination of Hamas and it’s military capabilities…there doesn’t seem to be a coherent framework beyond destruction, and without that all they are doing is creating power vacuums that give space for Hamas, other militant groups or warlords to reinfest.

Case in point: Al Shifa hospital. The IDF took Al Shifa in January decisively (at a huge civilian cost) and found considerable evidence of Hamas avtivity and tunnels, and cleaned it out.

Then at the end of March, they went had again, and while they got a large number of combatants, the civilian toll was somewhere around 200.

What happened between January and the end of March that allowed tbe hospital to become re-occupied? Incompetence? Lack of any real long term strategy?
And? In the fog of War shit happens.

Even in training exercises we sometimes hit our own.

Happens all the time and it isnt on purpose
All Palestinians are terrorists? Wow. That’s crazy.

Are they subhuman too?

You still haven’t told me what Hamas expected from their attack. I’d love to know your thoughts.
All Iranians are terrorists? Wow. That's crazy.

What did Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda expect from their attack? Exactly what they accomplished.
Yours is a very popular point of view

But mark my words, a peaceful settlement will NEVER happen
Also, Israel has offered peaceful deals before, and the Arabs always turned them down because they were conditioned upon acceptance of Israel’s right to exist.

Why should Israel NOW make nice-nice with the people who supported the subhuman, savage, barbaric, DELIBERATE TORTURE of innocent Jews? Too late.

Biden should be pressuring Egypt to take in their fellow Arabs. But nobody wants these people, and small wonder.
And? In the fog of War shit happens.

Even in training exercises we sometimes hit our own.

Happens all the time and it isnt on purpose
Coyote didn’t have a problem with that “excuse” before, when others have made tragic mistakes and accidentally killed civilians. I’ve never heard her complaining about “stretching the excuse” until now - when it involves Jews.
All Iranians are terrorists? Wow. That's crazy.

What did Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda expect from their attack? Exactly what they accomplished.
Who said all Iranians are terrorists other than you?

Are all Palis subhumans?
I am not so sure Mac. Israel has shown an appalling degree of recklessness when it comes to civilians in this conflict, so much so that it borders on criminal. Even their own investigation thus far showed an appealing breakdown in rules of engagement.
Hamas specifically sought out civilians, especially women and children. They are the ones the citizens of Palestine chose to lead them.
Coyote didn’t have a problem with that “excuse” before, when others have made tragic mistakes and accidentally killed civilians. I’ve never heard her complaining about “stretching the excuse” until now - when it involves Jews.
Accidentally killed 100,000 Pali civilians. Thousands more wounded and thousands missing. When is it not accidental? When is it enough?

World opinion is turning and your beloved Israel is being exposed for the genocidal maniacs they are.
Hamas specifically sought out civilians, especially women and children. They are the ones the citizens of Palestine chose to lead them.
Lol. You really think what Hamas did is worse than what Israel has done? Wow! Delusional!
All Palestinians are terrorists? Wow. That’s crazy.

Are they subhuman too?

You still haven’t told me what Hamas expected from their attack. I’d love to know your thoughts.
This is a waste of time

Israel isnt killing all the palestanians
Also, Israel has offered peaceful deals before, and the Arabs always turned them down because they were conditioned upon acceptance of Israel’s right to exist.

Why should Israel NOW make nice-nice with the people who supported the subhuman, savage, barbaric, DELIBERATE TORTURE of innocent Jews? Too late.

Biden should be pressuring Egypt to take in their fellow Arabs. But nobody wants these people, and small wonder.
And/or arab right to return
Accidentally killed 100,000 Pali civilians. Thousands more wounded and thousands missing. When is it not accidental? When is it enough?

World opinion is turning and your beloved Israel is being exposed for the genocidal maniacs they are.
Less than 1% of the population, thanks to Israel’s restraint. Amazing really when you consider how the Palestinians were in support of having Jewish babies get their heads cut off and the other barbarism perpetrated on them.

And the majority of Americans are still on Israel’s side, and not falling for the genocide smear.

The ONLY genocidal maniacs are HAMAS, and 75% of the Palestinians.

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