Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

And it happens in every war. America killed the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs - seven of them children. And how many innocent Russian civilians have been killed by Ukraine?

The leftists calling it “murder” are doing so to further demonize the Israelis. And the reason they have singled out the Israelis for such demonization is because they are Jews.
Why would we hate Jews?
We hate their parasite government.
They wouldn't be shit, without the US government (taxpayer) help, decades of propping up a failed (parasitic) state.

Judging from the protest in jerusalem, they don't like them either.
Fuck the Muslims too, if they want to protest, they should be doing that over there, not here.

Teabaggers love religion, just like Muslims, they want to interject religion into government, just like the scummy, Muslim jihadist.
Incompetence sure

And sloppiness

But that is a feature of every military in every war

How far does that excuse stretch though?

There is a reason we have well trained professional militaries as opposed to sloppy, undisciplined militias, and there is a reason why many countries have specific rules of engagement policies, including Israel.

In part, they are to prevent atrocities from occurring right? So if they are being routinely ignored or laxly enforced, which seems to be happening, then that opens Israel up to some valid criticism.

I think libs want a ceasefire
I think it is past the point where a military solution is the answer. There needs to be a political one before the humanitarian disaster is beyond mitigation. Israel, imo, has moved from defense to retribution and this is evident by it’s obstruction of humanitarian aid, high civilian casualties (in comparison to other other urban conflicts) and laisse fare attitude to the rules of engagement. Israel has offered no real plan for the millions of civilians it has pushed into Rafah ahead of it’s offensive into Rafah.

But Israel is determined to see this war that was started by Hamas through to the end
Understandable…but what exactly is the end?

If it is the complete extermination of Hamas and it’s military capabilities…there doesn’t seem to be a coherent framework beyond destruction, and without that all they are doing is creating power vacuums that give space for Hamas, other militant groups or warlords to reinfest.

Case in point: Al Shifa hospital. The IDF took Al Shifa in January decisively (at a huge civilian cost) and found considerable evidence of Hamas avtivity and tunnels, and cleaned it out.

Then at the end of March, they went had again, and while they got a large number of combatants, the civilian toll was somewhere around 200.

What happened between January and the end of March that allowed tbe hospital to become re-occupied? Incompetence? Lack of any real long term strategy?
Yeah they are Lying fucks.

Had this been an attack on us we would have killed everthing including the ants, but this is EVIL LIES for the destruction of Jews.

No nation on earth would take 10000 rocket attacks a year and NOT STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND LIKE TENT STAKES FOR DOING IT.

AFTER 9/11 the War took millions ot lives
The daily civilian death toll in Gaza exceeds that of the war in Afghanistan (numbers are from January). 250 a day. Even given that Hamas militants aren’t separated out, that is still a very high number. Roughly 2/3 have been women and children.

Using publicly available data, Oxfam calculated that the number of average deaths per day for Gaza is higher than any recent major armed conflict including Syria (96.5 deaths per day), Sudan (51.6), Iraq (50.8), Ukraine (43.9) Afghanistan (23.8) and Yemen (15.8).

Israel’s situation is also complicated by the fact that for some fifty or more years it has held a substantial portion of territory under occupation. That makes a direct comparison to some of the other conflicts less accurate except for maybe Ukraine.

As far as tolerating rocket fire in to their civilian areas, no country would be expected to tolerate that and Israel should be no different.
The students marching around shouting for the extinction of Israel and death to Jews are the 21st century version of Hitler’s Youth Group.
Can you believe the comments by this rabid antisemite Nazi?

Pope Francis: Let‘s all say ‘Enough!’ Stop the war in the Middle East​

"Every day, in my heart, I carry the pain and suffering of the populations in Palestine and Israel due to the ongoing hostilities,” said Pope Francis on Sunday in yet another heartfelt appeal for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“I carry the pain and suffering of Palestinians and Israelis in my heart.”

And expressing grief for “the thousands of dead, the wounded, the displaced, the immense destruction that wreaks pain and suffering on the small and defenceless who see their future compromised." Pope Francis called on all men and women of goodwill to raise their cry for peace.

Speaking during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square he asked: "Do we really think we are building a better world in this way?”

“Enough, please. Let us all say: Enough, please!" he repeated: "Stop the war.”

Pope Francis: Let‘s all say ‘Enough!’ Stop the war in the Middle East - Vatican News
Incompetence sure

And sloppiness

But that is a feature of every military in every war

I think libs want a ceasefire

But Israel is determined to see this war - that was started by Hamas - through to the end
It’s not a war. It’s genocide.

Hamas didn’t start this.

Everything you know is wrong.
Can you believe the comments by this rabid antisemite Nazi?

Pope Francis: Let‘s all say ‘Enough!’ Stop the war in the Middle East​

"Every day, in my heart, I carry the pain and suffering of the populations in Palestine and Israel due to the ongoing hostilities,” said Pope Francis on Sunday in yet another heartfelt appeal for a ceasefire in Gaza.

And expressing grief for “the thousands of dead, the wounded, the displaced, the immense destruction that wreaks pain and suffering on the small and defenceless who see their future compromised." Pope Francis called on all men and women of goodwill to raise their cry for peace.

Speaking during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square he asked: "Do we really think we are building a better world in this way?”

“Enough, please. Let us all say: Enough, please!" he repeated: "Stop the war.”

Pope Francis: Let‘s all say ‘Enough!’ Stop the war in the Middle East - Vatican News
I stopped reading when you leveled your antisemitic smear at me: calling a Jew a Nazi. Go to Hell.
How far does that excuse stretch though?

There is a reason we have well trained professional militaries as opposed to sloppy, undisciplined militias, and there is a reason why many countries have specific rules of engagement policies, including Israel.

In part, they are to prevent atrocities from occurring right? So if they are being routinely ignored or laxly enforced, which seems to be happening, then that opens Israel up to some valid criticism.

I think it is past the point where a military solution is the answer. There needs to be a political one before the humanitarian disaster is beyond mitigation. Israel, imo, has moved from defense to retribution and this is evident by it’s obstruction of humanitarian aid, high civilian casualties (in comparison to other other urban conflicts) and laisse fare attitude to the rules of engagement. Israel has offered no real plan for the millions of civilians it has pushed into Rafah ahead of it’s offensive into Rafah.

Understandable…but what exactly is the end?

If it is the complete extermination of Hamas and it’s military capabilities…there doesn’t seem to be a coherent framework beyond destruction, and without that all they are doing is creating power vacuums that give space for Hamas, other militant groups or warlords to reinfest.

Case in point: Al Shifa hospital. The IDF took Al Shifa in January decisively (at a huge civilian cost) and found considerable evidence of Hamas avtivity and tunnels, and cleaned it out.

Then at the end of March, they went had again, and while they got a large number of combatants, the civilian toll was somewhere around 200.

What happened between January and the end of March that allowed tbe hospital to become re-occupied? Incompetence? Lack of any real long term strategy?
Yours is a very reasonable and well thought out post

But my answer will be much shorter based on one point you made

I think it is past the point where a military solution is the answer. There needs to be a political one before the humanitarian disaster is beyond mitigation.

I think we are already past any hope of a political solution

The palestine arabs will never agree to peace with Israel and neither will Israel accept a militant Palestinian state on its borders

Only Devine Intervention can settle the conflict, and no one knows when that will happen
Hamas did start it

But events did not play out as they expected and now they are being systemically wiped out by the IDF
Proving once again, you don’t know the history.

Pray tell what do you think they expected?

So you admit it’s a genocide, but claim it’s war. You’re very confused.
Proving once again, you don’t know the history.

Pray tell what do you think they expected?

So you admit it’s a genocide, but claim it’s war. You’re very confused.
Hamas is a terrorist organization not a genetic group

Killing terrorists that perpetuate war is not genocide
Hamas is a terrorist organization not a genetic group

Killing terrorists that perpetuate war is not genocide
Genetic group? You mean they aren’t Palestinians or Arabs? What are they?

Israel isn’t killing terrorists. They are killing innocent women and children. Why can’t you admit this? Do you not know tens of thousands are dead?

Please tell me what you think Hamas expected from their 10/7 attack?
Yours is a very reasonable and well thought out post

But my answer will be much shorter based on one point you made

I think we are already past any hope of a political solution

The palestine arabs will never agree to peace with Israel and neither will Israel accept a militant Palestinian state on its borders

Only Devine Intervention can settle the conflict, and no one knows when that will happen
I don’t agree. For one, I always and will always believe in diplomatic solutions, and part of that is we have been so close many times. I was critical of Trump/Kushner’s proposed peace plan, primarily because the Palestinians themselves, who would be subject to it, were completely left out of the process. BUT, that said, it had some well thought out carrot/stick ideas reauiring some compromise on both sides and sometimes completely novel out-of-the box thinking is what is needed.

It may be difficult, and will take a generation or two, but I do not believe it is impossible. There can be no progress however as long as Hamas has governance and Netanyahu and his coalition remain in power.

This is an interesting opinion piece on it: Opinion | The Most Revealing Moment From My Trip to Israel

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