Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

Is your argument that Israeli genocide is okay because it's being done with sophisticated weapons that only occasionally kill Aid Workers? "Oh, my god, we killed some white people by mistake!!!"

The Jews fired the missiles, how do you NOT blame them?

"Whoops, we were trying to kill more Arab civilians and hit these white people by mistake."

Also, given the undue influence AIPAC has on our policies, complaining that Islamic Americans are having their voices heard is a bit disingenuous.

The real question is, why do CHRISTIAN Americans need to sacrifice blood and treasure for Jewish religious fantasies? (I mean other than the Funditards who think that we need Jews in Palestine for Jesus to come back.)
I stopped reading when you pushed the antisemitic slur of “genocide.” Didn’t need to read any more of your crap about what “the Jews” did.
I stopped reading when you pushed the antisemitic slur of “genocide.” Didn’t need to read any more of your crap about what “the Jews” did.

Wow, so now the word "Genocide" is anti-Semtitic.

Serbians were charged with Genocide for doing the same thing in Bosnia the Zionists are doing in Gaza.
Question: after the Zionists have waded ankle-deep in the blood of innocent Palestinian Children for six months, why do you think they deserve credit because they are trying to save face after killing some white people?

Biden needs to lay down the law. An immediate withdrawal from Gaza, or the US cuts off all aid and trade, and stops opposing anti-Israel measures in the UN.

Won't happen, of course. The Jews own our politicians.
Israel has killed an unprecedented number of humanitarian workers in such a short conflict.
How many baby heads did the Israelis saw off? How many toddlers did they set on fire? How many women did they rape to death? Shoot guns up their vaginas? Slice off their breasts?

When your antisemitic bias is so great that you claim the Jews are the savages, it would almost been funny - if people like you weren’t so dangerous.

Never again!

So this isn’t about self defense then, it’s about retribution on the entire Gaza population?
Israel has killed an unprecedented number of humanitarian workers in such a short conflict.
The Muslim savages have sawed off the heads of an unprecedented number of Jewish babies in a matter of hours.

So this isn’t about self defense then, it’s about retribution on the entire Gaza population?
Nope. It’s about showing the double standards of the Jew-hating liberals. More outrage for the ACCIDENTAL killing of a few aid workers than for the remaining hostages out of the original 200 being INTENTIONALLY abused to death by the Muslims you favor.

If you weren’t blinded by your antisemitism, you would see how Israel has taken steps to limit civilian deaths - at their own risk - when if it were about retribution, they could have bombed the whole place out of existence in a day.

And don’t delete my posts.
Sure I do. I am making more than I ever had before, I live in a nicer house and I have a nice nest egg for when I retire.
Your words do not fit the attitude you project

In short, I dont believe you
Your words do not fit the attitude you project

In short, I dont believe you
He sounds like a low-class, uneducated antisemite. He might actually be black, and part of Farrakhan’s army.
Yawn, could care less what you believe, Cleetus.

oh, 303K jobs added last month.
You wave that in my face as if its bad news for me

Its isnt

It could be fake news, but if true I’m glad to hear it
Nope. It’s about showing the double standards of the Jew-hating liberals. More outrage for the ACCIDENTAL killing of a few aid workers than for the remaining hostages out of the original 200 being INTENTIONALLY abused to death by the Muslims you favor.

If you weren’t blinded by your antisemitism, you would see how Israel has taken steps to limit civilian deaths - at their own risk - when if it were about retribution, they could have bombed the whole place out of existence in a day.

And don’t delete my posts.
No. You are flailing around in your rabid defense of everything Israel does and that really doesn’t help anyone. It is no longer looking like justifiable self defense and Israel’s recklessness in civilian casualties is losing the moral high road.
The Muslim savages have sawed off the heads of an unprecedented number of Jewish babies in a matter of hours.
So of course that justifies killing aid workers desperately trying to get aid to a starving civilian population in Lisa’s mind.
So of course that justifies killing aid workers desperately trying to get aid to a starving civilian population in Lisa’s mind.
Except I didn’t say that, now did I? I exposed the double standards at play here when Jews are involved.

The most important thing is that HAMAS does not conduct another October 7th massacre, as they have said they will do….until every last Jew is gone.

Why won’t Egypt take down their fence and let the GAZANS in? Oh right….nobody wants them, and for good reason.

And finally, the ball continues to be in the court of the Muslim Terrorists. Return the hostages, and surrender. Do it tonight.
So of course that justifies killing aid workers desperately trying to get aid to a starving civilian population in Lisa’s mind.
Nothing justifies the deaths of those aid workers

But when your comrades on the left call it murder they are wrong

It was an accident caused by the fog of war
Nothing justifies the deaths of those aid workers

But when your comrades on the left call it murder they are wrong

It was an accident caused by the fog of war
And it happens in every war. America killed the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs - seven of them children. And how many innocent Russian civilians have been killed by Ukraine?

The leftists calling it “murder” are doing so to further demonize the Israelis. And the reason they have singled out the Israelis for such demonization is because they are Jews.
And it happens in every war. America killed the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs - seven of them children. And how many innocent Russian civilians have been killed by Ukraine?

The leftists calling it “murder” are doing so to further demonize the Israelis. And the reason they have singled out the Israelis for such demonization is because they are Jews.
Except Israel isn't being called out. It is being treated less harshly than Serbia was for things they did after Yugoslavia broke up.

If we want to use the Former Yugoslavia as a model, then the UN should take over the administration of Gaza, and both Hamas and Bibi should be held accountable for war crimes.
If I were a Pal I’d conclude that its time for Hamas to go
No you wouldn’t. If you were Palestinian, you’d fully support Hamas as they are the only ones fighting your maniacal mass murdering enemy. Who likely has murdered your entire family.

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