Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

No you wouldn’t. If you were Palestinian, you’d fully support Hamas as they are the only ones fighting your maniacal mass murdering enemy. Who likely has murdered your entire family.
Knowing what I know I’d put the blame on arab and persian fanatics

But the Pas obviously arent getting the whole story
Knowing what I know I’d put the blame on arab and persian fanatics

But the Pas obviously arent getting the whole story
But everything you know is wrong.

Your mind is not your own.
But everything you know is wrong.

Your mind is not your own.
The facts are that the Pals rejected peace and a two-state solution in 1948

Since then they continue to try to dislodge the Israeli’s by force

And the more they try the worse it gets for them
The facts are that the Pals rejected peace and a two-state solution in 1948

Since then they continue to try to dislodge the Israeli’s by force

And the more they try the worse it gets for them
Nothing about the Israelis stealing their land and murdering them for decades???
Except I didn’t say that, now did I? I exposed the double standards at play here when Jews are involved.

You exposed your own double standard Lisa. Anytime anyone shows any ounce of compassion for what is happening to people in Gaza, you go on a diatribe about the horrors Hamas inflicted on Israeli civilians, as if that both justifies what is happening to them and heaps scorn upon those who dare show any concern for what is happening.

Here is a suggestion Lisa: it IS possible to condemn what Hamas did to tbe Israeli’s and what the Israeli’s are doing to tbe Gazans.

I don’t think the mother who is trying to dig her dead children out of the bombed out rubble is any less deserving than the grandmother who has discovered her daughter and grandchildren were burned alive in their home by Hamas.

The most important thing is that HAMAS does not conduct another October 7th massacre, as they have said they will do….until every last Jew is gone.

Hamas lacks the ability to do that. That is factual. The ONLY reason Hamas was able to do what it did was the sheer hubris and incompetence of the ruling (far right) coalition that was more focused on it’s partisan ambitions than national security and years of Bibi’s behind the scenes support of Hamas in order split the Palestinians and prevent the possibility of a Palestinian state from ever happening.

Turning the argument from one of legitimate self defense to one of eradication, not just of Hamas (which is an unrealistic objective) but of all of Gaza seems to be about more than self defense.

So how much destruction, how many innocent civilians and children will it take to slake your desire for retribution, and what this government and it’s cheerleaders seem to demand?

Why won’t Egypt take down their fence and let the GAZANS in? Oh right….nobody wants them, and for good reason.

Actually….Egypt doesn’t want Israel dumping several million more refugees on them so Israel can close the door and take their land. For good reason.

And finally, the ball continues to be in the court of the Muslim Terrorists. Return the hostages, and surrender. Do it tonight.
Cease fire AND release of all hostages. That seems reasonable and addresses the cause of innocents on both sides. Anything less is an admission that you are ok with bloodshed as long as it is not “your” people.
Nothing justifies the deaths of those aid workers

But when your comrades on the left call it murder they are wrong

It was an accident caused by the fog of war
I am not so sure Mac. Israel has shown an appalling degree of recklessness when it comes to civilians in this conflict, so much so that it borders on criminal. Even their own investigation thus far showed an appealing breakdown in rules of engagement.
Nope. It’s about showing the double standards of the Jew-hating liberals. More outrage for the ACCIDENTAL killing of a few aid workers than for the remaining hostages out of the original 200 being INTENTIONALLY abused to death by the Muslims you favor.

Over 200 aid workers have been killed by Israel in just 6 months. That is more than tbe yearly total in any other comparable conflict. I GET that it doesn’t matter to you so you have to deflect.

If you weren’t blinded by your antisemitism, you would see how Israel has taken steps to limit civilian deaths - at their own risk - when if it were about retribution, they could have bombed the whole place out of existence in a day.

And don’t delete my posts.
Funny. A racist accusing me of antisemitism because I object to how Israel is conducting an offensive in Gaza.
Nothing about the Israelis stealing their land and murdering them for decades???
The Israeli’s dont see it that way

But with all the injustices around the world what makes these arab losers so special to you?
I am not so sure Mac. Israel has shown an appalling degree of recklessness when it comes to civilians in this conflict, so much so that it borders on criminal. Even their own investigation thus far showed an appealing breakdown in rules of engagement.
The Israelis are normally pretty sharp but even they make mistakes

And war is a very stressful situation
The Israeli’s dont see it that way

But with all the injustices around the world what makes these arab losers so special to you?
Lol. You mean you don’t see the truth. Your hatred of Arabs is well known.

I want peace at all costs. Just stop supporting killing babies. It’s not hard.
The Israelis are normally pretty sharp but even they make mistakes

And war is a very stressful situation
It’s remarkable that after five months, it’s only happened once. Remember how our own military accidentally killed the family of 10, including seven children, in the Afghanistan withdrawal?
Yeah those tens of thousands of Palestinians mass murdered and maimed along with total destruction of Gaza, and now starvation and disease is just expected and not nearly as bad as a few hundred Israelis murdered on 10/7.

What does one conclude from such deluded thinking?
Stupid fucks shouldnt have started a war.

Over 200 aid workers have been killed by Israel in just 6 months. That is more than tbe yearly total in any other comparable conflict. I GET that it doesn’t matter to you so you have to deflect.

Funny. A racist accusing me of antisemitism because I object to how Israel is conducting an offensive in Gaza.
Too late, girl. You have already smeared Israel with the genocide lie, which Is what antisemites do. You also addressed me with an antisemitic slur some months back, a smear a different poster condemned you for. And don’t now put on your mod hat and delete this post.

And I’ve never lied about blacks. Pointing out double standards is not racism.
You exposed your own double standard Lisa. Anytime anyone shows any ounce of compassion for what is happening to people in Gaza, you go on a diatribe about the horrors Hamas inflicted on Israeli civilians, as if that both justifies what is happening to them and heaps scorn upon those who dare show any concern for what is happening.

Here is a suggestion Lisa: it IS possible to condemn what Hamas did to tbe Israeli’s and what the Israeli’s are doing to tbe Gazans.

I don’t think the mother who is trying to dig her dead children out of the bombed out rubble is any less deserving than the grandmother who has discovered her daughter and grandchildren were burned alive in their home by Hamas.

Hamas lacks the ability to do that. That is factual. The ONLY reason Hamas was able to do what it did was the sheer hubris and incompetence of the ruling (far right) coalition that was more focused on it’s partisan ambitions than national security and years of Bibi’s behind the scenes support of Hamas in order split the Palestinians and prevent the possibility of a Palestinian state from ever happening.

Turning the argument from one of legitimate self defense to one of eradication, not just of Hamas (which is an unrealistic objective) but of all of Gaza seems to be about more than self defense.

So how much destruction, how many innocent civilians and children will it take to slake your desire for retribution, and what this government and it’s cheerleaders seem to demand?

Actually….Egypt doesn’t want Israel dumping several million more refugees on them so Israel can close the door and take their land. For good reason.

Cease fire AND release of all hostages. That seems reasonable and addresses the cause of innocents on both sides. Anything less is an admission that you are ok with bloodshed as long as it is not “your” people.
Then how about the GAZANS killing or arresting HAMAS and handing over rhe Hostages???

Israel is sending MEN into tunnel systems to fught Hamas.

To appease people like you.

Militarily that IS IDIOCY. They should floid or Bunker bust them, but they are DYING to avoid civilian casualties.

But you dont see that. Its DAILY GENOCIDE.

Got news for you. If it were Genocide Gaza would have been flattened in 2 weeks
Stupid fucks shouldnt have started a war.

They knew Israel would respond to such a heinous, subhuman massacre - and then the antisemites would have an excuse to blame the Jews and drive more Jew-hat throughout the world.

Look at the price we‘ve paid for having Biden as president. The Muslim monsters would have never gone on their savage massacre.
Lol. You mean you don’t see the truth. Your hatred of Arabs is well known.

I want peace at all costs. Just stop supporting killing babies. It’s not hard.
Tell about how the MUZZIES treat other religions???

Hmmm. Decades worth of PURGES. But you dont see that. 20% Chrustians 5% Chrustians MUZZIE WORLD.

Then how about the GAZANS killing or arresting HAMAS and handing over rhe Hostages???

Israel is sending MEN into tunnel systems to fught Hamas.

To appease people like you.

Militarily that IS IDIOCY. They should floid or Bunker bust them, but they are DYING to avoid civilian casualties.

But you dont see that. Its DAILY GENOCIDE.

Got news for you. If it were Genocide Gaza would have been flattened in 2 weeks
Thanks. I’ve told her that repeatedly, but her extreme bias against Jews won’t allow her to admit it. The Jews are risking their own lives by taking efforts to limit Palestinian deaths - even though the majority of Palestinians supported the Ocrober 7th massacre of Jews. If the Jews wanted a genocide, it would have been done in a day.
They knew Israel would respond to such a heinous, subhuman massacre - and then the antisemites would have an excuse to blame the Jews and drive more Jew-hat throughout the world.

Look at the price we‘ve paid for having Biden as president. The Muslim monsters would have never gone on their savage massacre.
Yeah they are Lying fucks.

Had this been an attack on us we would have killed everthing including the ants, but this is EVIL LIES for the destruction of Jews.

No nation on earth would take 10000 rocket attacks a year and NOT STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND LIKE TENT STAKES FOR DOING IT.

AFTER 9/11 the War took millions ot lives

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