Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

Yeah they are Lying fucks.

Had this been an attack on us we would have killed everthing including the ants, but this is EVIL LIES for the destruction of Jews.

No nation on earth would take 10000 rocket attacks a year and NOT STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND LIKE TENT STAKES FOR DOING IT.

AFTER 9/11 the War took millions ot lives
The double standards are beyond reprehensible.
The double standards are beyond reprehensible.
They dont want to look at the PURGE OF CHRISTIANS in the middle east. Decades. A real GENOCIDE.

How about how for 400 years CONVERT OR DIE OTTOMANS. By their stadards all of North Africa is Stolen land from Christians.


How about Afghanistan? Should INDIA take that STOLEN LAND FROM HINDUS??

This is Pyschological Warfare from the DECEiVERS
They dont want to look at the PURGE OF CHRISTIANS in the middle east. Decades. A real GENOCIDE.

How about how for 400 years CONVERT OR DIE OTTOMANS. By their stadards all of North Africa is Stolen land from Christians.


How about Afghanistan? Should INDIA take that STOLEN LAND FROM HINDUS??

This is Pyschological Warfare from the DECEiVERS
And they seem to be winning among the impressionable youth - especially since they’ve infiltrated our universities - and the radical left who never grew up.
Here’s a riddle:

1) Muslim savages seek out every innocent Jewish man, woman, child, and baby to torture to death in the most barbaric ways possible - from sawing off heads, to burning them alive, to raping them to death, to shooting a gun into vaginas - and manage to murder 1400 of them. By intention. With butcherism.

2) Jewish soldiers mistakes a truck carrying five aid workers for a HAMAS truck and kills them. Israel immediately acknowledges its tragic error and fires two officers responsible.

Question: Whom do liberals and Biden side with, and upon whom do they put the blame for the war?
I blame humans
Yeah they are Lying fucks.

Had this been an attack on us we would have killed everthing including the ants, but this is EVIL LIES for the destruction of Jews.

No nation on earth would take 10000 rocket attacks a year and NOT STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND LIKE TENT STAKES FOR DOING IT.

AFTER 9/11 the War took millions ot lives
Your hatred and racism prevents you from accepting the truth.
Too late, girl. You have already smeared Israel with the genocide lie, which Is what antisemites do. You also addressed me with an antisemitic slur some months back, a smear a different poster condemned you for. And don’t now put on your mod hat and delete this post.

And I’ve never lied about blacks. Pointing out double standards is not racism.
Where have I accused Israel of genocide? I have said that the elements for possible genocide exist: rightful public anger at what Hamas did, a public desire for retribution, fears of more attacks, a public narrative that teaches negative things about Palestines making it easier to see them as less than human.
I know what your response will be here…but Hamas. Let’s head that off: what Hamas did is indefensible, and yes, the Palestinians need a major ideological shift away from a culture of violence. None of that gives Israel a free pass, which is what you appear to claim for Israel (or you yell antisemitism). If you keep using the anti-semitism card, you end up effecting the very real cases of antisemitism that occur, like the boy that cried wolf (racism is the same).

You throw accusations of antisemitism left and right like a screeching harpy when ever someone pokes you by disagreeing with Israel’s policies. It is a good tactic to avoid discussion isn’t it? When you do that, you open yourself up to assumptions. If you think a statement or position is antisemitic, then explain why. I’m happy to do that and DO when it comes to racism. That’s discussion.

These are the assumptions I make based on your posting: You feel Israel is a sacred cow, beyond criticism, unlike any other country. A search of your postings fails to find a single actual criticism of anything.

You have stated support the mass expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and dispersement to other Arab countries (a form of cultural genocide).

I don’t know what you feel about West Bank Palestinians. Do support the settler violence that is leaving villages and farmland abandoned out of fear? Does the Israeli government not have a DUTY to reign in violence and apply the laws equall….? Or are you going to you jump in with what-abouts - what about the Israeli’s forced to flee their homes in the border towns? Two wrongs do not make a right do they? I don’t have any issue with Israel sending strikes into Lebanon given Hezbollah’s attacks into Israel civilian areas, they have a right and a duty to protect their citizens and borders. But it isn’t free pass and it doesn’t absolve them from criticism of their actions in Gaza.

It is easy to pass off killing aid workers as a “collateral damage” or a “tragic mistake” if it weren’t for a pattern of reckless targeting, some of which is being based on AI rather than human determinations. It doesn’t absolve Israel from it’s willingness to accept a high civilian death toll (like 200) in order to take out one low level Hamas target. Humanitarian aid workers in conflict zones work closely with all parties involved in the conflict. In this conflict they have coordinated carefully with both Israel and Hamas to ensure safe routes and timing. They are typically in clearly marked vehicles.

Yet this conflict has seen more humanitarian aid workers (and journalists) killed in just six months than any other comparable conflict in a year (including urban).

Is it it deliberate targeting or is it an an attitude based on the belief that Palestinian civilian lives are less than human and aid workers are just in the way, leading to poor oversight and recklessness in targeting and choice of munitions? Stuff is emerging from this indicating that this is not isolated but part of a systemic problem.

When the international community, including Israel’s staunchest, long term, democratic supporters and allies are questioning their support for the way Gaza is being handled, it isn’t anti-semitism, it is a serious questioning of Israel’s policies and conduct in this conflict.

We, as country cannot keep supporting that.

(oops…is this too long a read for you?)
Do the research and you can find many instances of friendly fire in every war by practically every military using modern weapons
That is true. However, there is a point at which it can become a pattern and then becomes questionable. You can’t broadly excuse it as “collateral damage” without losing credibility.

Edited to add: far more aid workers have been killed in this conflict in 6 months than any other comparable urban conflict in a year. That is not good.
That is true. However, there is a point at which it can become a pattern and then becomes questionable. You can’t broadly excuse it as “collateral damage” without losing credibility.
Since the Israeli’s are not stupid they understand that the deaths of the aid workers helps Hamas

So logically it was an unfortunate mistake

Since the Israeli’s are not stupid they understand that the deaths of the aid workers helps Hamas

So logically it was an unfortunate mistake
I believe that is a logical fallacy.

It is not a matter of “stupidity” but of incompetence and sloppiness that has characterized this conflict almost from the start and responsibility for that lies with Israel’s ruling political coalition.

I believe that is a logical fallacy.

It is not a matter of “stupidity” but of incompetence and sloppiness that has characterized this conflict almost from the start and responsibility for that lies with Israel’s ruling political coalition.
Incompetence sure

And sloppiness

But that is a feature of every military in every war

I think libs want a ceasefire

But Israel is determined to see this war - that was started by Hamas - through to the end

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