Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

Genetic group? You mean they aren’t Palestinians or Arabs? What are they?

Israel isn’t killing terrorists. They are killing innocent women and children. Why can’t you admit this? Do you not know tens of thousands are dead?

Please tell me what you think Hamas expected from their 10/7 attack?
This is exactly who Hamas, elected by the Palestinians to represent them, targeted in their horrendous, barbaric attack.
I don’t agree. For one, I always and will always believe in diplomatic solutions, and part of that is we have been so close many times. I was critical of Trump/Kushner’s proposed peace plan, primarily because the Palestinians themselves, who would be subject to it, were completely left out of the process. BUT, that said, it had some well thought out carrot/stick ideas reauiring some compromise on both sides and sometimes completely novel out-of-the box thinking is what is needed.

It may be difficult, and will take a generation or two, but I do not believe it is impossible. There can be no progress however as long as Hamas has governance and Netanyahu and his coalition remain in power.

This is an interesting opinion piece on it: Opinion | The Most Revealing Moment From My Trip to Israel
Interested parties have been searching for a peaceful end to the conflict for 125 years

I dont think there is one
That’s how I know it’s not a genocide. Well that, and I’m not driven to smear Israel with lies.
Again, Serbian leaders were charged with Genocide for the same kinds of things that Israel is doing in Gaza.
Who was fired?

Afghanistan: US admits Kabul drone strike killed civilians

17 September 2021

The US has admitted that a drone strike in Kabul days before its military pullout killed 10 innocent people.

A US Central Command investigation found that an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, died in the 29 August strike.

The youngest child, Sumaya, was just two years old.

The deadly strike happened days after a terror attack at Kabul airport, amid a frenzied evacuation effort following the Taliban's sudden return to power.

There seems to be a right to return for a Brooklyn jewish cab driver to somewhere he has never been to, you people are totally bloody bonkers, it will be the end of Israel.
Nope. I know you antisemites are wishing for Israel to be wiped out to sea, but it will never happen.

And the reason Jews have a right to return is because of Jew-haters like you: we need a safe harbor in case you people start another Holocaust.
Duped Americans support Israeli genocide but if Putin did like Bibi, these same Americans would be outraged and demanding action. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:


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