Israel dismisses 2 officers over deadly drone strikes on aid workers in Gaza

Hamas specifically sought out civilians, especially women and children. They are the ones the citizens of Palestine chose to lead them.
Not much of a choice when HAMAS violently took control and has no compunction with killing critics and political “enemies”. Last election…2006. There is an entire generation that has lived under Hamas.
Hamas specifically sought out civilians, especially women and children. They are the ones the citizens of Palestine chose to lead them.
Great column here. It will help you get informed. It’s appalling you support genocide.

The Death of Amr
Over 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza. Amr Abdallah was one of them.

Amr Abdallah

On the morning Amr Abdallah was killed, he woke before dawn to say his Ramadan prayers with his father, mother, two younger brothers and aunt, in an open field in southern Gaza.
“It is You we worship and You we ask for help,” they prayed. “Guide us to the straight path — the path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked Your anger or of those who are astray.”
It was dark. They made their way back to their tents. Their old life was gone — their village, Al-Qarara, their house — built with the money Amr’s father saved during the 30 years he worked in the Persian Gulf — their orchards, their school, the local mosque and the town’s cultural museum with artifacts dating from 4,000 B.C.
Blasted into rubble.
The Death of Amr
You know what Biden did after our military mistakenly killed a family of 10, including seven children, in Afghanistan? He went to the beach in Delaware.

But when Jews makes a similar mistake, but with half as many victims, and he is “outraged.”

In 2013, a US air drone in Yemen mistakenly ID’s a caravan of a wedding party as the enemy, and killed 15 people. Where was the outrage?

Double standards when Jews are involved.
You know what Biden did after our military mistakenly killed a family of 10, including seven children, in Afghanistan? He went to the beach in Delaware.

But when Jews makes a similar mistake, but with half as many victims, and he is “outraged.”

In 2013, a US air drone in Yemen mistakenly ID’s a caravan of a wedding party as the enemy, and killed 15 people. Where was the outrage?

Double standards when Jews are involved.
A foreign country controls the US government…
Really, how?

I mean, I guess they could nuke them, but they'd irradiate the rest of the region, so that's not an option.
The Israelis have air superiority. If they wanted to they could carpet bomb Gaza and The West Bank and really commit genocide, but you know that already.
A foreign country controls the US government…

And what does your disgusting antisemitic meme have to do with my post, in which I point out double standards where Jews are concerned, you nasty POS?

And are you going to tell me again how you “love Jews”?
The Israelis have air superiority. If they wanted to they could carpet bomb Gaza and The West Bank and really commit genocide, but you know that already.
It would have been done by Oct 10th. These lies about genocide by Israel is being done to smear Jews and drive irrational hatred so extreme that a Harvard president says calling for the murders of Jews can be OK, depending on context.

I had no idea how much antisemitism was bubbling under the surface.
Not much of a choice when HAMAS violently took control and has no compunction with killing critics and political “enemies”. Last election…2006. There is an entire generation that has lived under Hamas.
How are the acts of Hamas, duly elected by the people of Palestine in 2006, the fault of Israel?

Since they wear no uniforms and are unidentifiable from the citizens of Palestine, how do you suggest Israel pick out the members of the terrorist organization?

"When you choose your behavior, you choose the consequences."

Seriously, this whole "prison" vibe needs a reality check.

The argument that the (potential) State of Gaza is INCAPABLE of producing a viable economic reality which can sustain the basic of needs of its citizens (with trade agreements, rebuilding, capital investment, aide) is a horrendous undermining and belittling of the people of Gaza.

The argument that Israel MUST provide the basic necessities of life to the people of Gaza (because they simply can't do it on their own) is an argument for Israeli sovereignty and an argument against an independent Palestine.
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If it is the complete extermination of Hamas and it’s military capabilities…there doesn’t seem to be a coherent framework beyond destruction, and without that all they are doing is creating power vacuums that give space for Hamas, other militant groups or warlords to reinfest.
This is a fascinating line of questioning... (possibly deserving its own thread). Who is responsible for "the day after"?

I'm trying to think of another instance where a sovereign State was attacked by another government and the attacked State was the one required to both have a plan and to implement a plan for re-structuring and re-placing the belligerent government, while also avoiding the charge of "occupation".

Yeah, there is going to be a power vacuum. But who is responsible for filling that power vacuum? Should the UN or the "international community" assert some sort of authority with an international peace-keeping and government-building force? Should there be an application of a new mandate and temporary oversight by a third party? Should the attacked State be forced or required to re-occupy (or * cough * continue to occupy) the territory? Should the territory be required self-determine?
This was paramount. This was optically the worst incident, since Oct 7th itself of course. Conducted against the same charity group who were there for Israel after Oct 7th and their time in need.

It will also serve as a serious reminder to the IDF leadership, "get it right and control your men and decisions or you will face real consequences".

We need Israel to bring light to the darkness, not to walk into the darkness itself.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The Israeli military said Friday that it has dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others for their roles in drone strikes in Gaza that killed seven aid workers on a food-delivery mission, saying they had mishandled critical information and violated the army’s rules of engagement.
It's normally the US military that shoots allies and friendly targets
This is a fascinating line of questioning... (possibly deserving its own thread). Who is responsible for "the day after"?

I'm trying to think of another instance where a sovereign State was attacked by another government and the attacked State was the one required to both have a plan and to implement a plan for re-structuring and re-placing the belligerent government, while also avoiding the charge of "occupation".

Yeah, there is going to be a power vacuum. But who is responsible for filling that power vacuum? Should the UN or the "international community" assert some sort of authority with an international peace-keeping and government-building force? Should there be an application of a new mandate and temporary oversight by a third party? Should the attacked State be forced or required to re-occupy (or * cough * continue to occupy) the territory? Should the territory be required self-determine?
The antisemitism driving these double standards where Jews are concerned is horrific.

And to add to your questions, when has a sovereign nation ever been attacked by another government - a government which has threatened to regroup and do it again - and had the ALLY of the nation attacked demand it ceases its operations to oust its attacker?

And while it’s a tragic error that the aid workers were killed, these accidents happen in the fog of war - and Biden‘s military did it when they killed the family of 10 in Afghanistan. Why does Biden issue a statement saying he is “outraged” by Israel’s error? Where is his statement expressing “outrage” for the hostages that the opposing government has abused and starved to death, and for the hostages who are still in survival mode despite the intentional abuse?

You know the antisemitism is strong when Islamic terrorists praise Biden for blaming the victim of their massacre.
This was paramount. This was optically the worst incident, since Oct 7th itself of course. Conducted against the same charity group who were there for Israel after Oct 7th and their time in need.

It will also serve as a serious reminder to the IDF leadership, "get it right and control your men and decisions or you will face real consequences".

We need Israel to bring light to the darkness, not to walk into the darkness itself.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The Israeli military said Friday that it has dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others for their roles in drone strikes in Gaza that killed seven aid workers on a food-delivery mission, saying they had mishandled critical information and violated the army’s rules of engagement.
Surprised they didn't get awards and sent into early retirement with full benefits.
Surprised they didn't get awards and sent into early retirement with full benefits.
What happened to the U.S. military behind the killing of the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs in Afghanistan? Why is there only outrage - and snark, like your comment - when Israel does it?

Answer: antisemitism.
What happened to the U.S. military behind the killing of the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs in Afghanistan? Why is there only outrage - and snark, like your comment - when Israel does it?

Answer: antisemitism.
Of course. Any criticism of Israel's "holocaust" of innocent Palestinian is "antisemitism." It's the only argument you lefties have left. Name-calling!
Nope. I know you antisemites are wishing for Israel to be wiped out to sea, but it will never happen.

And the reason Jews have a right to return is because of Jew-haters like you: we need a safe harbor in case you people start another Holocaust.

Or you could try not swindling and screwing over the goyim you have to live with. You could try that for a change.

But, naw, it's better got go around acting like a bunch of jerks with a sense of entitlement, and then whine when people get tired of it.
What happened to the U.S. military behind the killing of the family of 10 who were just filling water jugs in Afghanistan? Why is there only outrage - and snark, like your comment - when Israel does it?

Answer: antisemitism.

This is a lot more serious than that, and you know it. 203 aid workers have been slaughtered by the Zionists, on top of 33,175 Palestinians, including 15,000 children. Another 78 thousand have been wounded. Hundreds of thousands are on the brink of starvation.

But, no, no, the Zionists are the victims here! Because baby in an oven or something.

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