Israel does not exist

Do you know, and I seriously mean this...

I wish you were an Israel supporter!

Your half baked arguments and your attempt at being 'clever' really do more harm than good to the Palestinian cause!

Your views and opinions are so screwed up, so biased, founded upon nothing more than hate and your own interpretation of facts, you really make no contribution to this board or the desire for a Palestinian state. ...

Humanity, thank you for this. I want to emphasize some things. I believe this is the essence of why there is no peace. How can the Jewish people make peace with those who believe they have no fundamental human right to life, because they are Jews?

Its not the fact of the terrorism but the underlying foundation of it which is so vile and toxic its impossible to conceive of a peace. Its not the fact of lack of recognition of Israel by Arab countries, its the underlying foundation that Israel can not exist, because they are Jews. Its not the "settlements", its the foundation that they can't live here in my country, because they are Jews.

Where is the space to make peace with people like Tinmore? (And let's be honest here, Tinmore is not even close to the worst of them, vile as his ideas are.)
I never said that.

What exactly DIDN'T you say that Shusha has written?
Its not the fact of lack of recognition of Israel by Arab countries, its the underlying foundation that Israel can not exist, because they are Jews. Its not the "settlements", its the foundation that they can't live here in my country, because they are Jews.

You may not have said it exactly, but have you not said several times that Israel does not exist?

Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews? It is the sovereign State of the Jewish People?

Is it not true, that in spite of Judea and Samaria, being the foundation of the Jewish People, its most ancient land, that the Arabs/Muslims insist in saying that Israel, the Jews, have stolen not only that land, but all of Israel?
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

I am sorry, but that is a simpleton's answer.

Al Husseini did not start riots against the Jews because they were "occupiers" in 1920. He started it because the Jews were working in achieving sovereignty over their own traditional ancient homeland.

Al Husseini clan, like all the other Arab clans are the occupiers of the Jewish Homeland.

Muslims do not say that ALL territory conquered by Muslims will always belong to Islam for nothing. They continue to consider any and all land they have ever conquered as part of the Muslim Nation. That includes all parts of Europe they were expelled from centuries ago.

I do not know which teachings you keep holding on to, but they are ignorant teachings, and you seem to insist on remaining ignorant.

There are so many Arabs and Muslims who embrace Israel for what it rightfully is. The rightful home of the Indigenous Jewish People, who managed to reconquer some of their land from the Arab and Turkish Muslims and turned it into a country one can be proud of.

In the meantime, some Muslims continue to live in the dark ages, insist in demanding the destruction of Israel, for the one and only reason because it is governed by Jews.

You will not see the Arabs turn against the Hashemites who are governing what should have been part of the Jewish Homeland, Jordan. It is in Muslim hands and that is all that matters to them.

Stop making excuses for your ignorance.

Israel does not occupy anyone's land.

The Arabs are occupying Jewish land in Jordan, Areas A and B or Judea and Samaria, and in Gaza.

That is a Historical fact you will need to get used to.
Al Husseini did not start riots against the Jews because they were "occupiers" in 1920.
The British/Zionist occupation started in 1917.

Tin man, the Jewish people are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel, call it Palestine all one likes.

Indigenous people NEVER occupy their own land. It is a contradiction in terms.

The British, on the other hand, are foreigners who WON the land from the Ottomans because the Ottomans were foolish enough to partner with Germany in WWI and lost all of the land they had acquired for 500 years.

The British, and the French as Victorious Allies, had every right to do with the spoils they gained, whichever way they wanted to.
The Turks still ended up with a very large piece of land, just check the map of Turkey.

The Arabs, who are ALL conquering invaders to ALL lands outside of Arabia, ended up with 99% of the land which had been under the Turks.

Not one indigenous people was granted their own land, no matter who they were, including the Kurds who were a very large number of people.

The Jewish People had every right to make business with the British and grant that their land be given back to them, without any of the population being evacuated for that purpose.

It was the Arabs who wanted to rid the land of the Jews from 1920 to 1948, succeeding many times as I have written before.
It is all historical fact.

The Arabs chose war against the Jews, to keep the Jews from regaining sovereignty over their traditional ancient homeland.
The Arabs lost the war of 1948 which they started.
The Arabs lost the war of 1956 which they started.
The Arabs lost the war of 1967 which they started.
The Arabs lost the war of 1973 which they started.

The Arabs continue to lose in every possible way, only with the hope of destroying a country the Jews have every right to have, including living in Judea and Samaria which the Hashemites and other Arabs occupied from 1948 to 1967.

Yes, we can tell that this is not the history you know.
What you know is the narratives (stories) of how the Jews do not have the right to the land and are "Occupiers".

Neither you, nor any other poster has been able to prove that Jews can actually be called occupiers in their own traditional ancient homeland.

Will you please give an answer longer than one line on it.
The Arabs lost the war of 1948 which they started.
The Palestinians lost that war?


Do not be a dunce.

Did they destroy Israel as they wanted? Did they kill all the Jews?

Israel was still standing, so YES, the Arabs lost the war regardless of them having so many more people to attack Israel then there were Jews in Israel.

The "Palestinians" had they gone alone, would have lost that war much earlier, which they started actually as soon as the UN
set up the Partition the Arab League refused to accept in November 1947.

"The Palestinians" you ask?
What, all of those Arabs who came into Mandate Palestine illegally from 1920 to 1948?

"The Palestinians" who only ended up with that name because Arafat chose to use it in 1964 while he was in Moscow planning with Russia on how to destroy Israel?
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

It's not Jewish government that is the problem. It's Jews being there. It's the presence of Jews that is the problem.

Jews being sovereign over their own country is a problem. Especially on conquered Muslim land.

Jews and a Jewish government seem indeed to be the double problem.
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
I think that Humanity exists in a fanstasy world where arabs do not have a problem with jews in the region. Strangely enough on this very thread we hear the opposite. Jews are clearly called occupiers and have no rights and never will.
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
I think that Humanity exists in a fanstasy world where arabs do not have a problem with jews in the region. Strangely enough on this very thread we hear the opposite. Jews are clearly called occupiers and have no rights and never will.

Correct, Israel DOES occupy territory that is not theirs!

However, Israel, as a country, does exist and has as much right to exist as the US or any other country in the world. The Jews have every right to live peacefully in Israel!
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
I think that Humanity exists in a fanstasy world where arabs do not have a problem with jews in the region. Strangely enough on this very thread we hear the opposite. Jews are clearly called occupiers and have no rights and never will.

Correct, Israel DOES occupy territory that is not theirs!

However, Israel, as a country, does exist and has as much right to exist as the US or any other country in the world. The Jews have every right to live peacefully in Israel!
The Jews have every right to live peacefully in Israel!
OK, but that is not an exclusive right. Nobody has the right to violate the rights of others. Nobody has the right to expel citizens and steal their land. Nobody has the right to impose a government, at the force of arms, on a people in the opposition of the vast majority of the people. Nobody has the right to brutally rule over a people who have no say in the government that rules them.

Religion is irrelevant.
Isn't it true that all nearly all Arab and Muslim countries do not recognize Israel's legal right to exist because it is governed by Jews?
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
I think that Humanity exists in a fanstasy world where arabs do not have a problem with jews in the region. Strangely enough on this very thread we hear the opposite. Jews are clearly called occupiers and have no rights and never will.

Correct, Israel DOES occupy territory that is not theirs!

However, Israel, as a country, does exist and has as much right to exist as the US or any other country in the world. The Jews have every right to live peacefully in Israel!

Exactly what territory, belonging to other people before it became Israel, does it occupy?
Name the areas specifically. And name the people it belonged to.
No, because they consider it an occupation.

Strangely enough you are BOTH wrong!

The Arabs and Muslims I have spoken to, in their own Arab/Muslim countries, don't actually have an issue with Israel existing. That is fact! Whether it is governed by Jews or Muslims. The fact that Israel exists, from my personal experience, is not the issue here!

Not ONE Arab/Muslim I have met has considered Israel as an "occupation" either!

If you believe wither of those two 'ideas' then you really have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims!

You have this extremely low level understanding of the situation and, sorry to say, neither of you are right!

I do not understand where you got the idea that if Israel is governed by Jews or Arabs/Muslims it is ok with the Muslim world.

Could you tell me what Muslims you have been speaking to?
Are they part of any of the Muslim governments? Have any one of them said that it is ok, after the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and all the wars started from Gaza or Lebanon, that any one of these involved in trying to destroy Israel are going to be ok if Israel continues to exist?

Where did you get the idea that I have no experience of Israel/Jews or Arab/Muslims?

What is the experience you are coming from, exactly?

Have you met anyone in Gaza or Ramallah?
They are not telling you that Israel is occupying "their" land?

So, what are all of those videos, and news fromAl Jazeera, BBC, NYT, etc, calling Judea and Samaria and "East Jerusalem" as occupied Palestinian territories?
I think that Humanity exists in a fanstasy world where arabs do not have a problem with jews in the region. Strangely enough on this very thread we hear the opposite. Jews are clearly called occupiers and have no rights and never will.

Correct, Israel DOES occupy territory that is not theirs!

However, Israel, as a country, does exist and has as much right to exist as the US or any other country in the world. The Jews have every right to live peacefully in Israel!

Exactly what territory, belonging to other people before it became Israel, does it occupy?
Name the areas specifically. And name the people it belonged to.

Golan Heights


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