Israel Don't Retaliate!

1. We are all very happy that Iran's attack did almost no damage to Israel or its people.

2. BUT Iran did win on one point: Bet you dollars to donuts that Israel will never attack an Iranian CONSULATE again in any country!
They shouldn't attack a consulate. They should detonate a cruise missile at 20,000' above Tehran. They should also announce that if Iran fucks around again, the next missile will carry a warhead measured in megatons.

The death cult of Hamas wants Iran involved.

And they've killed all of the hostages?


It comes.
They shouldn't attack a consulate. They should detonate a cruise missile at 20,000' above Tehran. They should also announce that if Iran fucks around again, the next missile will carry a warhead measured in megatons.
1. President Biden has "asked" Israel not to retaliate.

2. It just occurred to me that maybe (just maybe) the Israelis understand the psyche of Middle Eastern people better than do Americans, such as President Biden.

3. That is to say, maybe people in other countries do not necessarily think the way Americans do.

4. To be frank, maybe some people in the world understand only force. That is what they respect and fear.
The general consensus of loons everywhere. Israel should not respond to threats or attacks. Pretty much telling the Jews they should just shut up and die. Hitler would be so proud.

Of course the total support for the conflict in the Ukraine shows their hypocrisy.
Personally, I think we're being played.
If Iran were serious they wouldn't have given warnings and would have attacked from multiple sites in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon as well as from Iran.

Israel attacked Iran's embassy. Justified or not it required a public response from Iran to satisfy its populace. A response that very publicly harmed no one and after which the Iranian government declared the matter closed.

Iran didn't brag about the attack nor threaten more. They said it was over.

In both GAZA and Ukraine people are worried the conflicts will expand.
If Russia is not stopped, there is no reason to believe it will stop at Ukraine.
If Israel reacts strongly the fear is expanding that conflict into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and beyond.

Those fears are real.

I believe Israel will strike back, minimally, at the sites from which some of the drones were launched. After all, Israel has its own populace seeking revenge.

If you'd take off your MAGA glasses you'd see your own hypocrisy.
The Drone Attack was a hostile act of war against the children of Israel this weekend by the Mullahs of Iran, the senior member of Axis of Evil

I don't think ignoring this act of aggression is going to stop any future attack at all, and indeed will actually ENCOURAGE more attacks.

IMHO, the best attack would be a bomb detonated inside the Iran government's headquarters, take out the whole nest of top cockroaches. Was Von Stauffenberg wrong when he set off a bomb in Hitler's nest in East Prussia in July 1944?
You mean like killing an Austrian royal?
Iran doesn’t get to say “it’s done” after what they did. Way too late for that.

Israel is a great power with a stockpile of nuclear warheads. They could wipe Iran off the face of the planet tomorrow.

Iran’s shitty military could barely get a single cruise middle through Israel’s defenses.

When you’re a 120lb weakling you don’t go picking fights with someone huge and then say “it’s over” after throwing a sucker punch
Picking fights?

Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria.

Maybe upgrading your information sources would help your understanding.
This is proof we need to prevent Iran from possessing nuclear weapons at all costs.

Crazy religious nut jobs
Was there anything that happened about this time in 2018 that gave Iran free rein and encouragement to build bigger bombs?
In the first place, Iran has been waging a proxy war against Israel for years, and Israel took out one of the Iranian generals who was responsible for it. Israel maintained good relations with the government of Iran when the Shah was in charge and tied to have good relations with the Islamic government after the revolution, but the ayatollahs began targeting Israel early in their reign. If they want to keep feeding Hezbollah, et al rockets to fire at Israel, they ought eat a few of them, themselves.
The Mother Goose version of 1977 to 1985
Thus the question becomes is it better to kill the enemies in defence, be hated & live or not retaliate, be loved & be dead?
And with the Holocaust in mind, Israel knows the answer: better to kill the enemy in defense…AND LIVE.
The psychos who rule the terrorist state of Israel attacked the Iranian consulate located in the capital city of Damascus.
Then when Iran retaliates, Israel sees itself as an innocent victim of Iranian aggression.

Reminds me of the old saying:
"As the Jew stabs you in the back; he cries out in pain".
The psychos who rule the terrorist state of Israel attacked the Iranian consulate located in the capital city of Damascus.
Then when Iran retaliates, Israel sees itself as an innocent victim of Iranian aggression.

Reminds me of the old saying:
"As the Jew stabs you in the back; he cries out in pain".
The Jew?! You antisemites keep insisting that hating the Jewish state of Israel has nothing do with antisemitism. So why bring an anti-Jew quote into it?
And with the Holocaust in mind, Israel knows the answer: better to kill the enemy in defense…AND LIVE.
That’s their choice, just don’t drag us into their war when it ceases to be defense.

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