Israel Helping Syrian Children In Jordan

No. Given Syria's track record of hostility toward Israel and sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, Israel would be nuts taking in Syrian refugees not knowing if they were true refugees or militants. The very reason that Syria is so hostile to Israel makes the Israeli compassion for a wounded Syrian girl that much more heart warming.

I need you to post a link to your claim "sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth" from syria, in your own time

You know full well that there are plenty of Syrian jihadists who are very hostile towards Israel.

Show me.

Because I guarantee you that the anti Israeli jihadists are worse.
I have never remembered Assad swearing to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

I too would like a link.

Perhaps not directly in so many words. But Syria has allied with Iran who is sworn to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth and also supported Hezbollah when it was engaged in hostilities and was sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. All this is checkered with numerous occasions of hostilities, all promoted by Syria, between the two countries. Syria was actively involved as participating nation in the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973, all intended to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Syria has never sought peace with Israel and quickly broke one sort of peace treaty that was brokered.

Somethingn to being judged by one's company and one's behavor and all that. . . .

This is a hard dance.

Assad protects Christians and Jews.

Letting loose AQ means we are all toast. Come on. Why are you backing Obama?
I wonder if israel will take in refugees?
Good idea. Then they can claim to be Palestinians. Isn't that how the rest of the Arabs ended up being Palestinians?

Mileikowsky was the family name of netanyahu, from Warsaw, Poland
Isn't that how the rest of the jews ended up being ̶P̶a̶l̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ israelis?
Point? Yasser Arafat the founder of the Palestinian Bowel Movement was born and raised in Egypt.
I have never remembered Assad swearing to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

I too would like a link.

Perhaps not directly in so many words. But Syria has allied with Iran who is sworn to wipe Israel from the face of the Earth and also supported Hezbollah when it was engaged in hostilities and was sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. All this is checkered with numerous occasions of hostilities, all promoted by Syria, between the two countries. Syria was actively involved as participating nation in the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973, all intended to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Syria has never sought peace with Israel and quickly broke one sort of peace treaty that was brokered.

Somethingn to being judged by one's company and one's behavor and all that. . . .

This is a hard dance.

Assad protects Christians and Jews.

Letting loose AQ means we are all toast. Come on. Why are you backing Obama?

Backing Obama? Not in the least. I have been consistent that I don't KNOW who the biggest villains are in the current conflict in Iraq. If we are going to hang the guilty, it needs to be for a crime that they actually committed. I am not at all convinced yet that the culprit is Assad or his regime. Nor am I confident that it is not.

I don't see Assad as a fool, however, so my gut tells me he had nothing to gain by using chemical weapons and thereby bring down international wrath upon himself. The rebels had everything to gain by using them and blaming it on him.

But I also won't ignore the track record for Syria either when it comes to their actions and rhetoric toward Israel and Israelis. It has not been a happy coexistence.

Assad does protect the Christians in Syria, though, according to PBS, his motives may not be entirely pure. Assad himself belongs to a small minority group in Syria and the Sunni majority make up the majority or maybe all of the rebel factions. The Christians in Syria have supported Assad for a very long time. If militant Islamists should overthrow Assad, at least some Christians of course are concerned about their fate under a militant Islamic theocracy. But is PBS being 100% objective here? They usually do support the President. So I don't know.

From PBS
Syria is a minority rule system, with Shia Alawite Muslims -- who comprise only a small percentage of the population -- wielding the most power, and with the Druze, Ismailis and Christians also playing important roles.

As the rest of the world turns on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is an Alawite, Syria's Christian population is steadfastly pulling for the dictator - and has for years.

What's in it for them?
Christians get "very good business contracts, positions in government and the Syrian military," says Andrew Tabler of The Washington Institute. "They get preferential treatment and protection of their places of worship."

Because of this, Syria's Christians have access to scholarships and opportunities to study abroad. It's not surprising then that this minority plays an outsized role in Syria's diplomatic life. Syria's ambassador to France is Lamia Chakkor, a Christian whose father was a senior figure in Syria's police and whose family ties helped her get the job. (You may remember her as the victim of a hoax resignation on France24 back in July.)

What's in it for Assad?
For one thing, Syria's Christians are "some of the most strident supporters of Assad," according to Tabler. "They're bridges to other countries and the international community. Assad thinks that helps the broader public perception of his regime."

How does Assad keep them loyal?
Besides ambassadorships?

The regime stokes fear of Muslim violence among the Christian minority. Tabler says "It's part of priming the pump. In Syria they do this by spreading fears (among Christians) that Islamists want to kill them ... It's an old divide and rule tactic."

What Happens If Assad Goes?
"Of course Christians in Syria have some concerns about the future," says Radwan Ziadeh of The Carr Center for Human Rights. He is strongly opposed to the Assad regime. "After 47 years of Assad rule they don't know what will happen."

Still, Ziadeh thinks that their place in Syria's middle class leaves them well-positioned for a post-Assad era.

"They have businesses. They see the change in society as maybe opening up more economic opportunities for them ."
Why Did Assad, Saddam and Mubarak Protect Christians? | PBS NewsHour
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Bravo Israel! I give Israel credit for doing what is right. Help the suffering innocent Syrian children refugees but stay out of Syria as long as their Sunni terrorists on both sides continue to massacre each other in their own country.

Israelis Help Syrian Refugees | United with Israel
I wonder if any Arabs would do the same for Israeli children.

I wonder if israel will take in refugees?

I wonder of the enlightened Arab league states will?
As for the remnant of the Jews left in Syria:

After Israel's victory in the 1967 Six-Day War, restrictions were further tightened under the Arab nationalist regime ruled by Hafez al-Assad, father of the current president, Bashar.

The Jewish communities of Damascus, Aleppo, and Qamishli were under house arrest for eight months. Jewish freedom of movement was restricted. Jews were not allowed to work for the government or banks, could not acquire drivers' licences, and were banned from purchasing property.

Any Jew allowed to leave the country had to leave behind a bond of $300-$1,000 and family members were used as hostages. Jewish bank accounts were frozen, an airport road was driven through the Jewish cemetery in Damascus, and Jewish schools were closed and handed over to Muslims.

The Jewish Quarter of Damascus was under constant surveillance by the secret police, who were present at synagogue services, weddings, bar mitzvahs, and other Jewish gatherings. They closely monitored contact between Syrian Jews and foreigners and kept a file on every member of the Jewish community. Phones were tapped and mail was opened. . . .

. . . . It was not until 1994 that Jews were granted exit visas to leave Syria - on the condition that they did not emigrate to Israel.

The Alawaite Assad dynasty has been one of the most active supporters of the Palestinian armed struggle and allowed Hamas and Islamic Jihad to maintain offices in Syria. It has also heavily backed Lebanon's Hezebollah in its battles with Israel.
This policy of "each supporting the other against common enemies" has entered a new chapter in recent months with Hezobllah fighters flooding into Syria to support Assad's embattled forces turn back the rebel advances.

But Aleph contended: " President Assad does not have a problem with Jews." His problem, Aleph said, lay solely with Israelis. Indeed, Assad approved the renovation of 11 synagogues in Syria in 2011.
A victory for the rebels, now infilitrated by bands of al-Qaida fanatics and Islamic extremists, fills the Jews with foreboding, although they still feel relatively secure.

"Community members acknowledge the situation is complicated but do not think it's an immediate threat to their lives," said Aleph. Most of them live in the centre of Damascus and "don't feel the war".
"Assad rules there absolutely," he added. "It is pretty safe and they are not getting ready to leave."
Rosh Hashanah 2013 in Syria: Jews of Damascus Pray for Peaceful 5774 - IBTimes UK
israel has a border with syria, can the refugees seek safe haven there??

No. Given Syria's track record of hostility toward Israel and sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, Israel would be nuts taking in Syrian refugees not knowing if they were true refugees or militants. The very reason that Syria is so hostile to Israel makes the Israeli compassion for a wounded Syrian girl that much more heart warming.

I need you to post a link to your claim "sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth" from syria, in your own time

אזרח סורי לאוהד חמו מערוץ 2 : ''אם הייתי יודע שאתה ישראלי הייתי שוחט אותך''

אוהד חמו נמצא על גבול סוריה-טורקיה, ושם הוא ראיין פליט סורי. אוהד הזדהה באזרחותו ואז הפליט אמר לו את הדברים הנ"ל, ומאז החליט אוהד לא להזדהות יותר

Israeli Television Channel 2, about a week ago: Syrian refugee to the Israeli reporter- "If I knew earlier you were Israeli, I would have killed you on the spot"

Ohad Hemo, a leftist Israeli reporter, was on the Syrian-Turkish boarder, interviewing a Syrian refugee. He told him who he was, and after said words he decided to no longer admit his name or origin.

Source: channel 2 TV, Israel

or maybe, that?

Senior Syrian Official Warns: If U.S. Strikes Damascus, We?ll Set Tel Aviv ?On Fire? |
I need you to post a link to your claim "sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth" from syria, in your own time

You know full well that there are plenty of Syrian jihadists who are very hostile towards Israel.

Show me.

Because I guarantee you that the anti Israeli jihadists are worse.

That's basically who I'm talking about. I mean, if Islamic jihadists around the middle east share one thing, it's hatred for Israel/Jews
I wonder if israel will take in refugees?
Good idea. Then they can claim to be Palestinians. Isn't that how the rest of the Arabs ended up being Palestinians?

Mileikowsky was the family name of netanyahu, from Warsaw, Poland
Isn't that how the rest of the jews ended up being ̶P̶a̶l̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ israelis?
I can just see Yousef Mohammed calling these Arabs "Palestinians" years ago. They would feel highly insulted because it would be like calling them Jews since the Palestinians of years ago were referred to Jews and the Arabs were referred to as just Arabs or Syrians. As one previous poster, retired from the State Department, said.....
Sure there was a Palestine. It was invented in the 1960s in a conference room at 1 Lubyanka, Dzershinsky Place, Red Square, Moscow, CCCP. It came complete with a "Palestinian people" too. In fact, its legacy leader was trained east of Moscow at the legendary Balashikha special-ops school.
Bravo Israel! I give Israel credit for doing what is right. Help the suffering innocent Syrian children refugees but stay out of Syria as long as their Sunni terrorists on both sides continue to massacre each other in their own country.

Israelis Help Syrian Refugees | United with Israel
I wonder if any Arabs would do the same for Israeli children.

I wonder if israel will take in refugees?
Why, Yousef Mohammed, didn't many Iranian Jewish refugees settle in Israel?
As a matter pf fact. at one time Israel took in some boat people from Vietnam. Did Iran ever take in any boat people? One would think that a huge country as Iran compared to tiny Israel would have opened their doors to many of the boat people. Perhaps you are the one to tell us why so many Iranians of all religions left the country after the Revolution and basically became refugees. It couldn't have been so easy for those who had to climb over mountains with young children to get out of the way of those crazy Ayatollahs and Imams.
Unfortunately Syria has no peace agreement with Israel. Had this terrible attrocity to the children taken place in Egypt or Jordan, then certainly Israel would have taken in innocent refugee children.

israel has a border with syria, can the refugees seek safe haven there??

No. Given Syria's track record of hostility toward Israel and sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, Israel would be nuts taking in Syrian refugees not knowing if they were true refugees or militants. The very reason that Syria is so hostile to Israel makes the Israeli compassion for a wounded Syrian girl that much more heart warming.
Unfortunately Syria has no peace agreement with Israel. Had this terrible attrocity to the children taken place in Egypt or Jordan, then certainly Israel would have taken in innocent refugee children.

israel has a border with syria, can the refugees seek safe haven there??

No. Given Syria's track record of hostility toward Israel and sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, Israel would be nuts taking in Syrian refugees not knowing if they were true refugees or militants. The very reason that Syria is so hostile to Israel makes the Israeli compassion for a wounded Syrian girl that much more heart warming.

True. In fact, Syria signed the Khartoum Resolution in 1967:

The Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967 was issued at the conclusion of 1967 Arab League summit convened in the wake of the Six-Day War, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The summit lasted from August 29 to September 1 and was attended by eight Arab heads of state.[1] The resolution called for: a continued state of belligerency with Israel, ending the Arab oil boycott declared during the Six-Day War, an end to the North Yemen Civil War, and economic assistance for Egypt and Jordan. It is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three No's": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it."[2]

Khartoum Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So true. When all the dust settles over Syria's civil war, hopefully the reigning rulers will realize the advantages of peace with Israel. But then, history says otherwise.

Unfortunately Syria has no peace agreement with Israel. Had this terrible attrocity to the children taken place in Egypt or Jordan, then certainly Israel would have taken in innocent refugee children.

No. Given Syria's track record of hostility toward Israel and sworn commitment to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, Israel would be nuts taking in Syrian refugees not knowing if they were true refugees or militants. The very reason that Syria is so hostile to Israel makes the Israeli compassion for a wounded Syrian girl that much more heart warming.

True. In fact, Syria signed the Khartoum Resolution in 1967:

The Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967 was issued at the conclusion of 1967 Arab League summit convened in the wake of the Six-Day War, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The summit lasted from August 29 to September 1 and was attended by eight Arab heads of state.[1] The resolution called for: a continued state of belligerency with Israel, ending the Arab oil boycott declared during the Six-Day War, an end to the North Yemen Civil War, and economic assistance for Egypt and Jordan. It is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three No's": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it."[2]

Khartoum Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The turmoil in Syria sure confirms the truth & wisdom in the words of Golda Meir.

“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” (Statement to the National Press Club in Washington.
I wonder if israel will take in refugees?

The Syrian refugees crisis has blown the Palestinian refugees crisis out of the water, with shear numbers.

yes, Israel should let Syrian refugees settle in refugee camps in the Golan.
Why haven't the surrounding Arab states let in Palestinian refugees ? Instead they allow them to live like dogs in shithole camps .

[ame=]The Humiliation of Palestinian Refugees - part 1 Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
Hilarious. No help has been given all that has happened is one "official" have been sent on a PR bughunt to discuss other NGO's involvement in Syria. The rep was probably Mossad.

Now that the photo op and media angle have been exploited, nothing will happen.
Druse Israelis are in Jordan helping their fellow Syrians?

big deal. Let us know when Israeli Jews lift a finger to help refugees in Jordan.

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