Israel is Forever My People are Eternal.

YES!!! GOD IS IN POLITICS===Israel is Forever My People are Eternal.

◄ Isaiah 45:17 ►
But Israel will be saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation; you will never be put to shame or disgraced, to ages everlasting. Luke 1:32-25 “Jacob’s house will reign on earth forever…and there will be no end… from that time on forever.”

While I applaud the sentiment (for purely biased reasons heh) nothing lasts forever. Not the universe, not galaxies, stars, planets, empires, or people. Everything that is, eventually isn't.

Eventually the universe will run out of raw material for making stars and the last star will burn up it's energy, dim, and die. The universe will be effectively dead since everything will be frozen at or very near Absolute Zero.

Much sooner though the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will 'collide' and the stars passing close will screw up any planets' orbits and assuming the increased radiation doesn't sterilize both, things will be very different.

Around about the same time our star Sol will enter its red giant phase and expand to envelop Mercury, Venus, and probably the Earth. Though the Earth wont be vaporized it'll technically be in the outermost region of the expanded star and fry. It'll be a cinder at best. But life will be long extinct.

Sooner still, Earth itself, or rather its' inhabitants might well wipe themselves out as our technology outpaces our wisdom and we invent weapons capable of wiping out life at the genetic level. It we unravel our genes and DNA we're all done. Nukes are bad, but beyond their blast effects, perfectly survivable underground. But if we start fiddling with genes and genetic engineering, not long after, it'll occur to someone if we can manipulate DNA to optimize things, suppress genetic diseases, we can also create weapons which target just those people with certain genetic characteristics.

Every civilization and empire that's come before is gone now. Just as Rome, Persia, and others have fallen so will the US. Some more pessimistic than myself say we're in the midst of our our fall now. I think we're seeing the beginning but could still postpone it a bit further down the road. But it'd require confronting reality and making the hard decisions and I don't see that happening.
YES!!! GOD IS IN POLITICS===Israel is Forever My People are Eternal.

◄ Isaiah 45:17 ►
But Israel will be saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation; you will never be put to shame or disgraced, to ages everlasting. Luke 1:32-25 “Jacob’s house will reign on earth forever…and there will be no end… from that time on forever.”

While I applaud the sentiment (for purely biased reasons heh) nothing lasts forever. Not the universe, not galaxies, stars, planets, empires, or people. Everything that is, eventually isn't.

Eventually the universe will run out of raw material for making stars and the last star will burn up it's energy, dim, and die. The universe will be effectively dead since everything will be frozen at or very near Absolute Zero.

Much sooner though the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will 'collide' and the stars passing close will screw up any planets' orbits and assuming the increased radiation doesn't sterilize both, things will be very different.

Around about the same time our star Sol will enter its red giant phase and expand to envelop Mercury, Venus, and probably the Earth. Though the Earth wont be vaporized it'll technically be in the outermost region of the expanded star and fry. It'll be a cinder at best. But life will be long extinct.

Sooner still, Earth itself, or rather its' inhabitants might well wipe themselves out as our technology outpaces our wisdom and we invent weapons capable of wiping out life at the genetic level. It we unravel our genes and DNA we're all done. Nukes are bad, but beyond their blast effects, perfectly survivable underground. But if we start fiddling with genes and genetic engineering, not long after, it'll occur to someone if we can manipulate DNA to optimize things, suppress genetic diseases, we can also create weapons which target just those people with certain genetic characteristics.

Every civilization and empire that's come before is gone now. Just as Rome, Persia, and others have fallen so will the US. Some more pessimistic than myself say we're in the midst of our our fall now. I think we're seeing the beginning but could still postpone it a bit further down the road. But it'd require confronting reality and making the hard decisions and I don't see that happening.

YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27
I wonder what the faces of people who've lied to others their entire lives about religion look like when they're dying? Horror and fear realizing there's no one left to convince but themselves? Infinite sadness not having an ounce of faith themselves and spending their entire lives trying to force faith into their own minds by forcing it into others?

I hope when I die I'll be so old my mind went bye-bye long ago and it wont phase me quite so much. But unlike others I've accepted reality. I'm mortal and one die I'm gonna cease to exist. In the meantime, I take vitamins and live healthily. But don't try to delude myself or others just in case there is a God and it has a problem with that sort of thing.
I wonder what the faces of people who've lied to others their entire lives about religion look like when they're dying? Horror and fear realizing there's no one left to convince but themselves? Infinite sadness not having an ounce of faith themselves and spending their entire lives trying to force faith into their own minds by forcing it into others?

I hope when I die I'll be so old my mind went bye-bye long ago and it wont phase me quite so much. But unlike others I've accepted reality. I'm mortal and one die I'm gonna cease to exist. In the meantime, I take vitamins and live healthily. But don't try to delude myself or others just in case there is a God and it has a problem with that sort of thing.

THE TRUE BELIEVER GOES HOME AT DEATH MOST WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACE AND JOY IN THEIR HEASRT KNOWING THAT THEY ARE ABOUT TO MEET THEIR LORD=JESUS AND INTER ETERNITY,while most sin loving unbelievers die crying,screaming,cursing knowing they have wasted yheir life and are about to face their final judgment and eternal hell.
YES!!! GOD IS IN POLITICS===Israel is Forever My People are Eternal.

◄ Isaiah 45:17 ►
But Israel will be saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation; you will never be put to shame or disgraced, to ages everlasting. Luke 1:32-25 “Jacob’s house will reign on earth forever…and there will be no end… from that time on forever.”

While I applaud the sentiment (for purely biased reasons heh) nothing lasts forever. Not the universe, not galaxies, stars, planets, empires, or people. Everything that is, eventually isn't.

Eventually the universe will run out of raw material for making stars and the last star will burn up it's energy, dim, and die. The universe will be effectively dead since everything will be frozen at or very near Absolute Zero.

Much sooner though the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will 'collide' and the stars passing close will screw up any planets' orbits and assuming the increased radiation doesn't sterilize both, things will be very different.

Around about the same time our star Sol will enter its red giant phase and expand to envelop Mercury, Venus, and probably the Earth. Though the Earth wont be vaporized it'll technically be in the outermost region of the expanded star and fry. It'll be a cinder at best. But life will be long extinct.

Sooner still, Earth itself, or rather its' inhabitants might well wipe themselves out as our technology outpaces our wisdom and we invent weapons capable of wiping out life at the genetic level. It we unravel our genes and DNA we're all done. Nukes are bad, but beyond their blast effects, perfectly survivable underground. But if we start fiddling with genes and genetic engineering, not long after, it'll occur to someone if we can manipulate DNA to optimize things, suppress genetic diseases, we can also create weapons which target just those people with certain genetic characteristics.

Every civilization and empire that's come before is gone now. Just as Rome, Persia, and others have fallen so will the US. Some more pessimistic than myself say we're in the midst of our our fall now. I think we're seeing the beginning but could still postpone it a bit further down the road. But it'd require confronting reality and making the hard decisions and I don't see that happening.

YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27

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While I applaud the sentiment (for purely biased reasons heh) nothing lasts forever. Not the universe, not galaxies, stars, planets, empires, or people. Everything that is, eventually isn't.

Eventually the universe will run out of raw material for making stars and the last star will burn up it's energy, dim, and die. The universe will be effectively dead since everything will be frozen at or very near Absolute Zero.

Much sooner though the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will 'collide' and the stars passing close will screw up any planets' orbits and assuming the increased radiation doesn't sterilize both, things will be very different.

Around about the same time our star Sol will enter its red giant phase and expand to envelop Mercury, Venus, and probably the Earth. Though the Earth wont be vaporized it'll technically be in the outermost region of the expanded star and fry. It'll be a cinder at best. But life will be long extinct.

Sooner still, Earth itself, or rather its' inhabitants might well wipe themselves out as our technology outpaces our wisdom and we invent weapons capable of wiping out life at the genetic level. It we unravel our genes and DNA we're all done. Nukes are bad, but beyond their blast effects, perfectly survivable underground. But if we start fiddling with genes and genetic engineering, not long after, it'll occur to someone if we can manipulate DNA to optimize things, suppress genetic diseases, we can also create weapons which target just those people with certain genetic characteristics.

Every civilization and empire that's come before is gone now. Just as Rome, Persia, and others have fallen so will the US. Some more pessimistic than myself say we're in the midst of our our fall now. I think we're seeing the beginning but could still postpone it a bit further down the road. But it'd require confronting reality and making the hard decisions and I don't see that happening.

YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27


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True - hell is finite, it is NOT eternal.

... And you are correct, good sir -- no mention of the giant, fire pit, in the old testament, WHATSOEVER.

Gehenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hell is outside of Jerusalem and it’s a place of suffering.

In the Hebrew Bible, the site was initially where apostate Israelites and followers of various Ba'als and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6). Thereafter it was deemed to be cursed (Jer. 7:31, 19:2-6).[1]
In Jewish, Christian and Islamic scripture, Gehenna is a destination of the wicked.[2] This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, though the King James version of the Bible translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell.

Now the Gates of Hell are in Caesarea Philippi (look it up) where Jesus took his apostles in Matt 16:13, also know as the Gates of Hades (who is the Greek God of the underworld)

So right now I would imagine Gaza is hell although they do not deserve to be suffering.

PS: as a Christian I agree with the previous Rabbi, Jesus is a special Son of God, We are Jesus, as Jesus was a man of God, full of the Spirit of God. As a Christian I am a follower of Jesus , a man of peace, love, and forgiveness. As the Rabbi above said Jesus didn't bring peace, not he didn't , HE TOLD US HOW TO, and that is why it is said he 'died' for us, as he knew it would mean his death if he kept on preaching. SO the Zionist in Israel are not of God, they bring death and bloodshed and steal land. (this is not saying no Jews are not men of God, of course some are) but it is only the Jews who think they are chosen ones, that leaves them above Christians and Muslims, and as we know , we are all humans and they are no more chosen that the people before them.

Please reread the OT, full of grief and battles and bloodshed, adultery, lying, stealing, etc. and weeping prophets. Remember God sent KIng Cyrus in, his anointed, he was Persian.
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While I applaud the sentiment (for purely biased reasons heh) nothing lasts forever. Not the universe, not galaxies, stars, planets, empires, or people. Everything that is, eventually isn't.

Eventually the universe will run out of raw material for making stars and the last star will burn up it's energy, dim, and die. The universe will be effectively dead since everything will be frozen at or very near Absolute Zero.

Much sooner though the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies will 'collide' and the stars passing close will screw up any planets' orbits and assuming the increased radiation doesn't sterilize both, things will be very different.

Around about the same time our star Sol will enter its red giant phase and expand to envelop Mercury, Venus, and probably the Earth. Though the Earth wont be vaporized it'll technically be in the outermost region of the expanded star and fry. It'll be a cinder at best. But life will be long extinct.

Sooner still, Earth itself, or rather its' inhabitants might well wipe themselves out as our technology outpaces our wisdom and we invent weapons capable of wiping out life at the genetic level. It we unravel our genes and DNA we're all done. Nukes are bad, but beyond their blast effects, perfectly survivable underground. But if we start fiddling with genes and genetic engineering, not long after, it'll occur to someone if we can manipulate DNA to optimize things, suppress genetic diseases, we can also create weapons which target just those people with certain genetic characteristics.

Every civilization and empire that's come before is gone now. Just as Rome, Persia, and others have fallen so will the US. Some more pessimistic than myself say we're in the midst of our our fall now. I think we're seeing the beginning but could still postpone it a bit further down the road. But it'd require confronting reality and making the hard decisions and I don't see that happening.

YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27


Ten years ago, Yehudah Tebbitt was an Evangelical Christian Minister. He began seeking the original roots of his faith and soon was questioning many key doctrines of Christianity. His search ultimately led him all the way back to the Jewish faith.

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YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27


Ten years ago, Yehudah Tebbitt was an Evangelical Christian Minister. He began seeking the original roots of his faith and soon was questioning many key doctrines of Christianity. His search ultimately led him all the way back to the Jewish faith.

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Now Torah Couple Leaves Assemblies of God Church

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Little man came up with the idea(fact) that all the universe is "wearing out" =devolving BUT GOD'S WORD gave us that information over 3000 years ago=just another proof that GOD'S WORD"" IS "" GOD'S WORD!!====YES!!! GOD= Of old You founded the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. 26"Even they will perish, but You endure; And all of them will wear out like a garment; Like clothing You will change them and they will be changed. 27"But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.… Psalm 102:26-27

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